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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12514110 No.12514110 [Reply] [Original]

>people paying $1-2 extra for pre-chopped vegetables
Imagine being this incompetent

>> No.12514119

Imagine being so poor you don't make a wagie chop your vegetables.

>> No.12514129

I buy the boxed spring mix stuff but im getting real tired of finding black slimy stuff on some of them

>> No.12514132

Chopping veggies is my favorite part of cooking desu

>> No.12514144

I pity the children and adults of tomorrow who will lack the crucial, formative experience of cooking a meal from scratch with their parent(s)

>> No.12514160

If I didn't find joy in cooking and had enough money to waste, I wouldn't be buying vegetables at all, I'd be eating out or having my butler prepare dinner for me.

>> No.12514249

The only excuse for buying this is being disabled

>> No.12514253

i'M tOo buSy!!!!

>> No.12514256

but what if a bomb was gonna go off and u were standing in the kitchen busy chopping veges.
you would die

>> No.12514265

he has a point

>> No.12514269

I love that section, because there's always a bag of something about to go off for better than half price and it usually works out more cost efficient on a cost to weight ratio than the whole product. It's like going to a fun lucky dip.

>> No.12514287

Youre on your way to a bbq and need to bring shit. You make money. You grab a bunch of shit to make fajitas precut. You grab a 12 pack and go.

A fat turd on the internet judges you for having an sctive social and work life along with significant money to spend.

You drink a beer while your friends wife grills up the food in her booty shorts and her daughter steals your beer with your permission and a wink. She will show you a bit later and youll touch her ass before taking her moms divorced bff home.

Life is good.

>> No.12514305

>pre chopped onions

>> No.12514338

we trade time for money. welcome to the 21st century.

>> No.12514364

It’s funny to me that this runs parallel to buying meat

>buy less food for more cost
>isn’t skilled enough to cut meat from animal
>isn’t able to store entire animal
>doesn’t recognize decrease in expiration date vs increase in product
>has to spend more money to have “exactly” what they want versus having an excess of food

Basically what I’m saying is, if every average person had their own garden for the fruits/vegetables they wanted, and also had something like a chicken coup at least (for protein), than almost every individual on the planet could easily be satisfied.

>> No.12514562

Bought a container of diced onions recently. Stirred a quarter of them into chorizo. Ate a quarter of them raw on other foods. Threw the remaining half into a pan with butter and olive oil and now I have a container of caramelized onions

>> No.12514579

Chopping an onion takes all of 30 seconds. The only excuse for buying this is you're too scared to admit you never learned how.

>> No.12514641


>> No.12514650

They're usually the same price as regular veggies though?

>> No.12514710

My nigga.

>> No.12514733

this but unironically. You guys really spend your time chopping vegetables?? lol

>> No.12515912

Imagine being so poor that you can't afford to make an investment in a worthwhile knife.

>> No.12516168

>Bbqing and drinking beer with women instead of your buddies
So you're wife is the top?

>> No.12516230

>if every average person had their own garden for the fruits/vegetables they wanted, and also had something like a chicken coup at least (for protein), than almost every individual on the planet could easily be satisfied
the industrial revolution drastically increased the yields of farming, both in the way of yield per square meter and per work hour. a return to more primitive means is a romantic thought, but not a practical one.

>> No.12516412

it takes 30 seconds to cut the onion, on top of a few minutes to get your cutting board and knife out, on top of the chore and time of cleaning said knife and cutting board, on top of having to toss onion skins into your garbage can to stink up your kitchen for the next few days.

to people who learned to enjoy cooking, none of this sounds like work or hassle. not everyone has learned to enjoy cooking. perspective taking is taught in elementary school anon, you should consider going back.

>> No.12516420

hahaha i collect wartime swords not knives you pleb

>> No.12516430

>perspective taking is taught in elementary school anon
so is making fucking spaghetti (which includes chopping an onion of course) if you aren't a nigger eating water and cereal

>> No.12516677

Worry about yourselves, judgey fucks

>> No.12516700

I too wait at least 55 seconds between grabbing kitchen tools

>> No.12516726

The machine that shreds the lettuce, for example, is probably not very good at picking out any impurities, such as insects which may be present.
I think I'll stick with doing it myself.

>> No.12516745

Just ask a friend that likes to cook to teach you how. They won't judge you and will be happy you're showing interest.

>> No.12516770

I know. It's fucking ridiculous. Chopping vegetables isn't hard or very time consuming if you have good knife skills.
The only reason to buy those is if you are staying or living somewhere with no kitchen equipment, like a hotel room. I've bought some presliced stuff when I've been on vacation and wanted some fruit and veg in the hotel room for emergency snacks. But that's it. When I go shopping, the people I mainly see buying that crap are either young adults who don't know how to cook yet, or soccer moms and dads who have more money than kitchen skills.

>> No.12516773

>Things That Will Never Happen: The Saga Continues

>> No.12516776
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>> No.12516783

i bet you bite into raw onions

>> No.12516786

Subhuman filth

>> No.12516810
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>> No.12516813

Yeah child molestation is really "comfy" dude, enjoy your precut pedoveg.

>> No.12516817

And these precut abominations are always the ones involved in the bacterial contamination recalls. It's almost never whole vegetables. The contamination is happening when they're processing them, it isn't "muh scary spics in the fields shitting on muh lettuce." Anyway, the lazyass fucks buying this crap deserve food poisoning.

>> No.12516827

My younger cousin who always bitches about having no money buys shit like that, and orders pizza 3 times a week, and buys lunch at work everyday. And anytime I mention teaching him anything about cooking he says shit like "nah man I just don't care about any of that cooking like the rest of y'all do"
He's just scared to try and fail. I've actually convinced him to try and learn to make a pizza with me this weekend while we get drunk. I'm gonna make him do most of the work with my coaching so he can brag about it on his social media or whatever the kids are doing nowadays.

>> No.12516848

>not practical
It is for individuals. The amount of produce a typical suburban yard can produce is enormous. With staggered plantings, you would never need to buy any produce during the growing season and you'd get *gasp* exercise working the garden. The problem is you have to ween people off of the chemical companies propagandized image of the pristine, manicured yard displaying you made the grade, *high five*.

>> No.12516850

I love squash and cook with it all summer long. Summer squash and tomatoes fresh from the garden are incredible.

>> No.12516858

you dumb niggers need to understand that TIME>MONEY. If something save you less than 3 dollars per minute of time spent you're in the red. The time will never come back and you can find a dollar in your couch cushions. penny pinching is a time vampire

>> No.12516859

I would hate to know you

>> No.12516879

It's a good thing only suburban single family homes exist I guess.

>> No.12517092

I doubt it, there are very few people I don't get along with although there are a small number who when I meet them I feel something visceral that makes me despise them instantly. Alas, you would probably fit that category.

No, but there are a huge number of them. And community gardens are becoming a thing in cities where funding is coming from the city, churches, and businesses through the work of community activists. Check it out in whatever shithole you live in or start organizing it on your own. Iow, change shit for the better instead of bitching like a frustrated woman.

>> No.12517119

>The contamination is happening when they're processing them
This and the use of recycled water in MX for irrigation

>> No.12517136

>being this unaware
Your chopped vegetables from the super market are pre-washed in water that contain chlorine and preservatives to prevent it from oxidizing. Let's not even start on how many vitamins and minerals are lost in this process. But hey, you saved yourself roughly 10 minutes of the inconvenience of chopping vegetables.

>> No.12517140

This dude thinks his time is worth $180/hr, fucking kek.

>> No.12517170

Don't doubt it. I would hate to hear your rants on the harmful effects of modern living every time I saw you. You're one of "those" people.

>> No.12517327

>having friends in 2k19

>> No.12517333

My coworker does this. He told me he bought a bag of chopped lettuce and it was "only $3.60". And when I explained it was only $1.25 for a whole head of lettuce he said it was too much work to chop it up. I didn't bother to reply after that.

>> No.12517336

Not that anon, but my time is worth more.

>> No.12517344

If you were rich you'd have a personal chef. If you were middle class you'd have plenty of time to chop your vegetables yourself, but your busy wagie lifestyle means you need to save every second to justify what little pleasure you can derive from existence.

>> No.12517346

t. jobless NEET that's been fired from several retail/fast food positions

>> No.12517478

washing and drying lettuce is such a hassle i only buy pre-chopped now

>> No.12517520

>modern living
You mean anchoring yourself like a child to megacorporations to spoonfeed you all of your food? I already outlined options for at least drastically reducing that babby dependency. That is modern living. You're still living the post WWII paradigm sucking at the tit of mama megacorporation and pretending that's somehow modern.

>> No.12517538


>> No.12517633

No. No it's not

>> No.12517643

Glad that you're content with mediocrity and complete codependency. It suits you

>> No.12517688

Only thing worse than a hippy is a hypocritical hippy that takes advantage of the things he claims to hate.

>> No.12517700

I, unfortunately, imagine being this tired but trying to cook something anyways.

>> No.12517708

desu if they were really fresh and you dont have to pay a huge extra, they are fine for making shit like soups or stocks. But all too often they're full of half decomposing or at least dried out veggies.

>> No.12517721
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>booty shorts

>> No.12517740

They cost less prechopped at Krogers

>> No.12517751
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>paying more
Weird. The supermarket I go to they are cheaper because they cut the ugly looking/damaged vegetables nobody wants to buy, puts really short expiration dates, and sell them for cheaper than before.

>> No.12517792

You only need to make around $25/hr for that exchange to make sense.

>> No.12517823

It's Kroger. Just Kroger.

>> No.12517890
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>if you have good knife skills.
Or just a good knife, which admittedly for most of the population are high bars. However, I'd rather see someone spending extra money on prechopped fresh vegetables because that means they are cooking fresh than overpaying prepacked meals in the freezer section.

Stewed squash & zucchini with garlic, red onion, and a bit of sherry vinegar is a great summer side. I always slice them over-thick (like half an inch) on purpose so that they retain some texture and don't completely dissolve in the pot.

>> No.12518037

I can see you're a lonely single man who has never had a wife or children. Life is good when you have a solid family.

>> No.12519861

>Chopping veggies is my favorite part of cooking desu
Same here I started out as a knife collector and only got into cooking so I could demolish stuff with sharp blades.

>> No.12520055

i like how complete strangers fought over their beliefs and came to the conclusion that theyre mortal enemies in the span of one exchange and people are moving on as if nothing happened

it was entertaining thanks guys

>> No.12521455

I can see a use case for the noodle-ized vegetables. Or >>12514287

In any other case you should learn how to use a knife.

>> No.12521471
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>> No.12521527

I do my job and I get paid for it. I don't expect other people to do my job as well as I can, that's why they're paying me to do it.

For everything else outside my professional purview, I pay others who are better at the job than I am to do it for me and preserve my leisure time. I'm no good at making sushi, I have people make that for me. I hire a prostitute to have sex. I get plumbers to fix my toilet. I have maids clean my dwelling.

>> No.12521535

Do you live on a farm taking care of and ala7ghtering your own cows, chickens and pigs or are you sitting in your house with air conditioning and Internet access desperately trying to prove how superior you are to people on 4chan of all places?

>> No.12521578

>when the duffs photo bomb you

>> No.12521579

put this man on a watch list

>> No.12521930


>> No.12522169

>I hire a prostitute to have sex

Imagine being so bad at masturbation you need a female to do it for you

>> No.12523054

Sometimes I buy bags of mixed vegetables/mixed salads because when I buy the vegetables and chop them up separately they go bad way before I can finish them all, so the really small bags are nice. I should just freeze the excess or something though.

>> No.12523193
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I dont actually underatand what this reply is supposed to mean?

>> No.12523238


>> No.12523252

1 : intensely hot : boiling a seething inferno
2 : constantly moving or active : agitated

>> No.12523656

Discourse ender used by people that have no arguments to defend their claims.

>> No.12523684

Neck yourself pedo

>> No.12524231

Like, the one word response, I'm not sure how it's a rebuttal, since it doesn't really touch on anything I said.
Oh, nvm. Thank you anon.

>> No.12524254

>her daughter steals your beer with your permission and a wink. She will show you a bit later and youll touch her ass
ahh yes nothing like being a pedophile and a internet tough guy

>> No.12524401

I don't hire them for masturbation, I hire them for sex.

also it's impossible to hire someone for masturbation

>> No.12524499

I might do this if I actually had a job and less time for cooking. Right now I am NEET and cooking dinner is the highlight of my day, I like doing all the work like cutting vegetables and whatnot. Plus I can't afford the extra 1-2 dollars.

>> No.12524519

I wouldn't want to buy produce that I can't molest before I buy it because I'd be afraid there would be rot or mold that I can't see. I've already been screwed too many times with meat that looks good from the visible side but is all gristly on the back.

>> No.12525397

good for you for cooking despite neetdom

>> No.12526448

They don't. And it's Kroger.

>> No.12526616

i do this when i want burgers because i'll have at most 4 patties and the amount of waste that comes from buying 1 whole onion, 1 whole tomato, 1 whole head of lettuce for what is at most only for 4 meals is more than if i just used the pre-sliced shit and let the rest go off. i have more of a problem with letting food go to waste than with wasting money.

>> No.12526912

Why does most of the stuff on the second and third level look like it's tilted forward and somehow defying gravity?

Also kek at the absolute state of the cattle like amerifats

>> No.12527951

I love that there have been recent outbreaks of e. coli or salmonella from these things.

Serves them right. Chop your own shit like a normal person

>> No.12528374

prescient and truthpilled