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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12505594 No.12505594 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tea/. This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and yerba mate.

What are you drinking today?

>> No.12505597

Pictured: 2019 Dafang green tea

>> No.12505653

Poo-air. It gives me the energy to beat the shit out of my girlfriend when I get home after a long day at the abortion clinic killing future rapists and colonizers and she still hasn't gotten out of bed and made me supper. I swear if I had a dick I'd be gay so I wouldn't have to deal with dumb entitled lipstick lesbians.

>> No.12505694

bloodthirsty puer drinking lesbian librarians is easily my favorite culinary meme

>> No.12505699

just got a Discount code: CB12
12% off Yunnan Sourcing USA or regular YS
for the homies

>> No.12505704

Jasmine and licorice root tea.

>> No.12505736
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>> No.12505740

It ain't a meme. Lesbians tend to dominate the specialty tea industry and lesbians also happen to have the highest rates of domestic abuse of any US population according to the CDC. That means there's a whole mess of tea drinking, partner beating, violent lesbians out there.

>> No.12505829

Fuck you. You are unworthy of your mother’s love, faggot. There’s chemical sprays on that, asshole. Have you never heard of second-hand smoke? Fuck you; you are a bitch nigga

>> No.12505851

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.12505858

Her gf beats her and her only outlet is screaming into the void

>> No.12505990
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why did you ash in your tea amigo

>> No.12506032
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I have no instrument to measure water temperature, and I'm literally homeless broke. However I do have a fair amount of really nice lemongrass green tea that was imported from Nepal.

How can I steep it without scalding the leafs and making it bitter?

>> No.12506048

Since it's supposed to be 103F here today, I'm drinking iced tea (Imperial Blend) mixed with a bit of rose tea, for a nice cooling effect. Imperial Blend is a mix of Assam, Darjeeling, and Earl Grey..

>> No.12506053

leave the top off your kettle when a lot of steam is coming out it'll be around 80 c. kettles are also loudest around 70-80c. steep for 2 mins.
temp control kettles go for around £20 off amazon

>> No.12506101

A thermometer at the drugstore is literally like $2. Or there are food safety programs in the US that would probs mail you a free thermometer

>> No.12506511

Just buy a frickin food thermometer. They're cheap as hell and good for everything.

>> No.12506522

Do you feel more relaxed or energized when drinking tea?

>> No.12506542

I just think it's tasty. If I drink it too late at night it fucks with my sleep schedule though.

>> No.12506554

It won't be spot on, but a method that always worked for me was let the water boil and then take it off the heat and let sit for about 10 minutes

>> No.12506564

the caffeine is a lot more mellow than drinking coffee but it creeps up on you so that i find myself staying up way later than i'd normally do, but then when i drink tea its usually around 15 cups a day

>> No.12507862
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Made up some spiced milk tea before laundry.
Love your teaware.
I wish we had David's where I live.
If only I wasn't poor

>> No.12507876

I haven't made tea in a while because I keep drinking coffee. Luckily, tea only improves with ago so I can return to it whenever.

>> No.12507881

do you guys post on the real /tea/?

>> No.12507899

I got a Thai iced tea at the market on my way home from work. It's been too hot for hot tea this week.

>> No.12507918

kek. I came here to say this. Puerh > all other teas

>> No.12507924

PS-- I'm a savage and take my puerh with a light shot of cream + sweetener. Delicious. Far superior to nigger tea

>> No.12507955

I'm willing to bet most of the lesbian domestic abusers are those wigger dykes who work construct.

>> No.12508393

Do you mean reddit? I'm a little mad you are implying /tea/ isn't the real /tea/

>> No.12508848

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.12509049

I have been buying my green tea locally from teashops/tearooms.

But the more I think about it, the more autistic I get about not usually knowing how fresh a tea is. And the storage conditions are sometimes suspect (tea not really kept properly sealed).

How justified is this? Should I start ordering online from what-cha etc.

>> No.12509050

Tea general?
More like pee general

>> No.12509075

Seething tranny btw

>> No.12509092


>> No.12509228
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Size 50ml or 1.69oz. Double-walled, so don't hurt your hands, and the small size means that your serving can quickly be had at your preferred temp, either right away hot or cooled down quickly.

Really like using these for tea, with a smol 0,4l teapot. Green jap teas. Guests think its fancy.

>> No.12509841

Any good EU-based online tea shops?

>> No.12509861

Cold brewing tea in the fridge is tastier and healthier!

>> No.12509871

meileaf for chinese. vahdam teas for indian

>> No.12510106

I just placed my first order on what-cha, which seems to be UK-based.

They at least have very nice info on their sources and batches.

>> No.12510140
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Russian Caravan tea is the most high IQ morning tea

>> No.12510344

You're fine. tea stores very well, part of why it is almost always present in Asian natural disaster situations

>> No.12510347

I have this whole tea set, they're near perfect. Only problem is that the little rubber nubs on the bottom come off with time, so the cups slip and slide around

>> No.12511352

try to buy a little mesh tea filter and a decanter for your tea making, they're like 1 dollar and make all the difference

>> No.12512452

I have a tea filter, and after much use I honestly don't think it's necessary. I'm fine with little leaves like that, if I get too many then I'll dump then into my tea tray. Decanter (chahai) is in the picture behind the cup

>> No.12512464

For me, its earl grey black tea and a snus

>> No.12513213

Had a black tea with cardamom and cinnamon. Splash of milk to hide any potential bitter flavors and accentuate the other flavors

>> No.12513857

Why is everyone so anti-bitterness? It's an essential part of tea's flavor. I agree and would add milk to tame just some bitterness, but it seems like most people would rather just drown it all away

>> No.12514644

Bitterness can easily hide all the other tastes of the tea, if overpowering. This is not desirable at all.

This is a hard discussion to have online, honestly. We'd need to be sharing tea so we'd even know what each of us mean by "bitterness" in the tea.

>> No.12514680

Buy high mountain oolong, that shit gets better the hotter the water is

>> No.12514721

Im Asian. We just dunk the teabag in hot water from an electric kettle. This thread is too weeb even for us.

>> No.12514739


>> No.12514785

thanks babe

really want to get into tea but couldn't find lapsang souchong anywhere in person


>> No.12514797

>tfw no access to poppy tea.

How can I get my opiate fix through my tea lads?

>> No.12514807

Nice job getting your foot into the picture for the whole world to see, you slut.

>> No.12514962

For me the bitter notes in black tea wash away the other flavors that's why I prefer to have it with milk. Green tea on the other hand I find the bitterness to be complementary

>> No.12514965

top kek

>> No.12515011 [DELETED] 
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yerba mate!! just like metal gear solid!!!

>> No.12515961

I'm not against an occasional teabag, I simply prefer to put a little more time into it and thus get a better experience from it. I suggest you purchase some looseleaf tea and try them side by side to see the disparity.

>> No.12517246


>> No.12517458

Tonganagaon assam, second flush 2018 with a splash of whole milk

>> No.12518601

Recconmend me an electric kettle sub 20 dollars

>> No.12518814
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Got this as a gift from a student. It's perfect for rainy days.

>> No.12518827

It's a meme, coldbrew your tea in the freezer for best taste.

>> No.12518893

You've been drinking too much tea if that's your best photo.

>> No.12518921
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You should try this.
Easily my top gem in the collection atm.

>> No.12519221

Any teas for kidney cleansing?

>> No.12520078

any tea will do if you drink a lot of it, chinese tea brewing has you resteep the same leaves multiple times so one batch will be 9-12 cups

>> No.12520309

I read drinking Yerba Mate might cause throat cancer, what’s up with that?

>> No.12520843


>> No.12520883

Traditionally it's drank very hot, burning the throat repeatedly increases the chance of cancer just like any time cells are damaged. There's also an increased rate of throat cancer in parts of China and Asian where tea is culturally not allowed to cool much.

>> No.12520994

Doing a couple rounds of mate before doing some Ahmad Barooti Assam. Question: Right now I have the Boca Juniors matè, which Is by far the best I’ve ever had. Is this just the tip of the iceberg? What brand should I go for next?

>> No.12522245

In my opinion mate’s quality range isn’t huge, the difference between an expensive and cheap mate is much smaller than, say, expensive and cheap coffee

>> No.12522440


>> No.12523521

put heroin in it

>> No.12524493

Dont wanna make a new thread for it
Any electric kettles with low wattage? I'd like to be able to make tea in my car and my power inverter only has a continuous output of 150W. Lowest I've found in a kettle is 1100W which seems high but I'm not familiar with power consumption rules. I just dont wanna have to start a fire to make tea

>> No.12524505

it all makes sense now
>HERE'S *whap whap*
>TEA SWEATY *whap whap*
it's not to get your attention, it's muscle memory

>> No.12524588

Much easier to do is buy a good thermos and fill it with hot water in the morning; then you can use it to make tea. Zojirushi mugs are great, hot water will stay piping hot until the day after.

>> No.12524593

I've thought about that but it's not like a daily thing, you know? I've got this thing where I like to be prepared for anything and I know tea has certain healing/comforting properties. Just something I wanna keep in my car in case its needed, yknow?

>> No.12524655

I do the same.
Never know when you need emergency puerh strength

>> No.12524671

You get me, anon

>> No.12525603

I have a 1.5qt jug that I want to make some sweet tea in. How much sugar/ how many tea bags should I use for a good ratio? Any southern anons help me out?

>> No.12525720

Bumping this

>> No.12526422

They are very samey when you're going that low, aren't they? The cheap <100 ones only have simple auto-shutoff mechanisms at boiling, while the >100 ones have themostats that are able to maintain the water at 90°C, 80°C or some other preset temperature.

>> No.12528038

Buy a water heater that goes in a mug instead of a kettle? those are plentiful, if less sophisticated

>> No.12529881
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Cold bottled pu'er in Japan. I wonder why it's so uncommon compared to other iced teas? Delicious

>> No.12530808

nice feet :))))))))))

>> No.12531003

Lesbians like their puerh hot so they can scald the thighs of their lovers when the bloodlust takes them.

>> No.12532304


>> No.12533323

where do you guys get your teas?

>> No.12533544

Is there a sampler I can get to start working into more high-end teas?

>> No.12533746

Seeing this thread made me go make a cup of chamomile
Its raining outside, it aint to hot, got a little grass, nice sunday night

>> No.12533776

any fuckers here have ever tried ruby red #18?

>> No.12534736

Hello! Wow, I don't think I've ever spoken to such a mentally disabled person, are your parents proud that you can type on a keyboard well enough to form a sentence? Good for you, keep working on it, anon, someday you'll find success.

>> No.12534865

see >>12509871
vahdam do sampler sets with various types

>> No.12534944

den's tea has a great sampler of Japanese teas, it comes with a pretty good kyusu too. Very decent price and good quality teas. They all have very comprehensive brewing instructions so it's easy to learn

>> No.12534947

you are not funny
sorry :9

I wish I could find some decent tasting chamomile, I like its effects but just can't get past the haystack flavor

>> No.12534950

Yunnan Sourcing for Chinese teas
white2tea is good too
then the chinese market as last resort

>> No.12535159

Chamomile can be a little too floral on its own. I like to brew it with some fresh ginger and maybe sweeten it a little. It seems more balanced that way.

>> No.12535217

t. battered lesbian

>> No.12535251
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Light steamed or deep steamed this morning?

>> No.12535269
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Water was ready, went deep steamed.

>> No.12535272

The light looks a little more interesting. I'm about to finish up some deep steamed, myself.

>> No.12535278


Turned out meh. This is the very last of it so it's a few months old at this point.

>> No.12535285
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Second steep isn't bad actually.

>> No.12535287

you have the aura of an interesting person. One of my favorite /ck/ posters

>> No.12535291
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>> No.12535295


T-thanks anon.


The absolute brothiness of deep steamed green teas is one of my favorite things. It feels akin to slurping up the last of a bowl of chicken soup.

>> No.12535300
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>> No.12535328
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Stacking three smaller steeps of the light steamed. I'm curious to see how it held up to the time. I'm guessing better since the leaves are more intact.

>> No.12535334

I got some tea from the East India Company


Tastes very nice, low caffeine too which is good for me.

>> No.12535336
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There's more brown in there than there should be but it tastes pretty close to how it tastes fresh.

>> No.12535341

i'm so jealous of you shitting around in your apartment making tea while I wageslave putting out fires.

>> No.12535342
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>> No.12535348
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Wew, I used more than usual and hit the dust at the bottom. First steep almost needed more water.

>> No.12535350


Don't be. I'm about to start working in about an hour and I'll put around 80 hours in by Saturday. Sunday and Monday morning are my only brief respites.

>> No.12535351


Oh dang that looks thicc.

>> No.12535358

thanks, that makes me feel better. how do you have time to clean your apartment if you work 80 hour weeks? I clean on saturday and do errands, then on sunday I work on the house and then hopefully get half a day to chill

>> No.12535370


My girlfriend does a lot of the upkeep. She's on disability for Lyme disease so keeping the place nice helps her feel like she contributes, and it is a giant help, actually. There are a lot of things I simply don't have time for, or some days when shtf and I work for 18 hours straight, so having her by my side is a huge boon.

>> No.12535371

Lazy bones. Try doing that with kids and no partner.

>> No.12535379

try being a chattel slave, lightweights

>> No.12535384

how did you meet her working 80 hour weeks?

are you a single dad? what happened to the mom?

>> No.12535387
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no one?
somebody decided to recommend this one to me and said it's quite good

>> No.12535392
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It's so murky, but the second steep is nice and sweet. Should be good for two more, and my headache is almost gone.

>> No.12535398


We knew each other long before I started working that much. We both lived on a hippy commune together and a few years later she moved to the city with me a bit before I bought my bakery.

Speaking of, I'm off to the bakery to get things prepped for the week. Peace, y'all.

>> No.12535413
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She got hooked on the puerh and abandoned us for her tuff new friends.

>> No.12535804
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It's water with leaf extract, so technically it counts as tea, I guess

>> No.12536606

>What are you drinking today?
Hot day in the south.
Iced mint tea.
Might make some iced hibiscus later.

>> No.12537140
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thanks tea anons

>> No.12537185

Thanks anon.

>> No.12537449

blessed post

>> No.12539256


>> No.12539260
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I just ordered a pound of Lapsang Souchong. I've never had it before, and my favorite teas thus far are milk oolong, genmaicha, Korean roasted corn tea and just straight up black Lipton. Will I enjoy it? I've had Latakia tobacco before and enjoyed the taste, is it as pronounced in it's smokiness/meatiness or is it a different flavor profile?

>> No.12540139

I find that lapsang souchong is one of the most versatile teas, at low temperatures (170-180F) it is very fruity and floral while the smoky notes become very pronounced 195F and above. You'll like it, goes well with sweets

>> No.12540142

it's Tee retard

>> No.12540148

More likely he meant the /jp/ threads but they don't make those anymore

>> No.12540185

based chadsbian

>> No.12540208
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Why flavoured Gokyuro is so unpopular?

>> No.12540250

Were underwater tea parties actually a thing back in the day or was is just something me and my friends did when we'd go to a pool?

>> No.12540255

Dropped my gaiwan today fuck me.

>> No.12540281

I bought some peppermint tea since I had some nice stuff at a restaurant a while ago, but this is so overpowering and reminds me of toothpaste. How would I go around creating a more mild flavour?

>> No.12540387

gee idk maybe upping the water to tea ratio
crazy idea but it just might work

>> No.12540970

Let the container sit uncovered for a couple days.

>> No.12541072
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2003 humid stored sheng fo today

>> No.12542363

gyokuro was that high quality green tea wasn't it?
Wouldn't you want to enjoy the natural flavour?

>> No.12543652


cute keyboard
cute gaiwan
cute teacup
cute tray
good tea
Great setup!

>> No.12544629

Where do you guys get your japanese grass from?

>> No.12544672

Just bought in some thai tea. Pretty nice, I rate it highly. Definitely not displacing my all-time favourite tea (noon chai), but it's up there on the good boy tier list.