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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 376 KB, 1052x891, exhaust-cooker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12500471 No.12500471 [Reply] [Original]

>He thinks hes ever had a good burger
You're like little babies.

>> No.12500477
File: 237 KB, 908x739, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12500500

Why can't amer****ts live without fast food.

>> No.12500503

This looks like some meme product pleix would make

>> No.12500513

fuck I'm angry

>> No.12500515

This was made in Iran.

>> No.12500520

Don't tell Ja/ck/

>> No.12500523
File: 85 KB, 750x488, 1559439926977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i drive a tesla, your technology's outdated sweetie.
have sex.

>> No.12500526

If they were cheap I might get one as a goof present for my brother. Not sure it would ever see use.

>> No.12500536

It amazes me Euros can afford to let 325 million people stay rent free. Maybe socialism does work.

>> No.12500548

I wanted to make a quip about how it's because we don't constantly start wars in the Middle East, but I guess we usually get sucked into them eventually. Speaking of Iran.

>> No.12501363


>> No.12501376

The original is better.

>> No.12501381

You're welcome for the help in stopping Germoney and rebuilding your continent

>> No.12501393

dunno why do euro niggers feel the need to censor themselves on a quebecian fiddle factory. ***faggot**

>> No.12501408

wouldn't you die from one of these?

>> No.12501411

sex and nudity are culturally tolerated in Europe more than violence and profanity, the opposite of Americans. Just look at the differences in the way they rate their films

>> No.12501416

We were raised with a sense of decency and politeness di****it

>> No.12501434

maybe thats why you guys like getting fucked over by immigration so much. Also sex in america is for ads not for selling movies.
>its more polite since i censored myself !
practical logic you got there

>> No.12501444

>"honey, let's stop at this rest stop"
>"NOT YET! You know I always have my burgers medium well!"

>> No.12501449

no you fucking retard the smoke never touches the burger, it just transfers heat through the metal to cook it

>> No.12501458

Good point. I guess you're smarter than I am.

>> No.12501465

>you guys
>automatically assuming I'm a Yuropoor
This is your brain on murica. Furthermore your concept of depictions of sex are completely different from those in Europe. Sex in American media is gratuitous and sensational, in European media it's usually more plain and matter-of-fact.

D.C. is 45% white and America has not had majority white births for a single year since 2009. Read some books you hypocritical /pol/ mutt

>> No.12501489

why advocate normalizing degeneracy? why cherrypick the capital of all places?
>why do americans hype up sex when euros down play it
because it sells better and promotes efficiency
why this is so hard for people to grasp is beyond me

>> No.12501507

>why advocate normalizing degeneracy
I didn't retard
>why cherrypick the capital of all places?
because that's what you're referring to in Europe when you refer to their immigration problem, it's typically their capitals or largest cities
>why do americans hype up sex when euros down play it
Never asked that
>why this is so hard for people to grasp is beyond me
You have a pathology with reading your own meaning into innocuous statements. Why are you so defensive? An unbiased comparison is not a criticism, calm your bitch tits, you're just shilling for America

>> No.12501525

I'm legit angry right now.

>> No.12501527

Take it easy

>> No.12501576
File: 134 KB, 700x700, 15-impossible-burger-1.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered how wrong you are if your target has had an impossible burger, OP?

>> No.12501602

you've got bigger problems if you think that the immigration problem is limited to cities and capitals and the reason i called it cherrypicking was because its a statistic on a capital and not the nation as a whole.

The comparison was a good one but its because europe has valued culture and art more so than the states and the days of americans censoring sex is pretty much gone with things like netflix.

by supporting europes stance on sexuality you are supporting degeneracy which I thought was already heavily implied by the rhetorical "why do americans hype up sex when euros down play it". Also you were the one to bring in sex into this

>> No.12501622

If I saw someone doing this I would immediately ram into the back of their car and drive off.

>> No.12501636

seethe harder yuropoor

>> No.12501645

You wouldn't even let them cum before you leave?
You monster.

>> No.12501667

>thread about a stupid tailpipe burger grill
>now having an intense discussion of immigration and political shit
goddamn i'll be so glad when this place is nuked. we can never go back to old 4chan. it's just going to be a bunch of trolls shilling politics to one another for the rest of 4chan's life.

>> No.12501669
File: 41 KB, 700x698, 1509356106288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, not all of us have the luxury of eating exhaust burgers

>> No.12501679

>Europe and America are different
/pol/ has rotted your brain. everything I've said has been factual and you've responded with emotional and defensive non-sequiturs. fuck off retard

>> No.12501703

The only thing more pathetic than someone spending time in photoshop to make this shitty autistic joke image is being the guy who reposts it.

>> No.12501713

strawman all you want but I was talking about censorship and you shitflinged your way into sex censorship which america barely even does these days to the point where its starting to become a problem. But sure better to sum it up to /pol/ than to think about it though really brings home the 'unbiased' mindset you got going on.

>> No.12501727


You: >>12501434 >>12501489 >>12501602 >>12501713
wew lad. do us all a favor and hyperventilate into a paper bag. Do you even know what a strawman is or do you just hear people say that on 4chan and think it's an argument?

Again, fuck off. You're an annoying little brat trying to derail the thread to be about politics. Go away.

>> No.12501758

It's because a couple of Americans are too proud to banter. They must earnestly believe in American exceptionalism if I bit of tongue-in-cheek criticism gets under their skin like this. Crazy stuff.

>> No.12501765


the sad part is it isn't even earnest criticism, it's an obvious silly joke

>> No.12501806

you derailed the comment on censorship with sexuality i'd be irritated if this wasn't so retarded. need to calm down and take your own advice practically going into full hysteria. have a point next time you start shit

>> No.12501830

>n-no u!!1
My first comment was factual and objective, you reacted with low IQ off-topic talking points we're all aware of. You aren't redpilling anybody, I've been on /pol/ since it was /n/. You're just a self-righteous faggot who can't leave politics out of a funny thread about food.

Remember, it's always your choice to get mad at dumb shit on the internet. If you think everybody around you is politicizing everything and attacking you personally, you need to look at the common denominator. I'm done with you child, you're boring me.

>> No.12501846

factual and objective and irrelevant congrats on the contribution

>> No.12501855

I answered a question, and you got mad because the answer contained the word "americans". crawl back into your hole to wallow in your misery as you deserve

>> No.12501891
File: 25 KB, 270x428, 1558643416289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and soypilled

>> No.12501921

>I answered a rhetorical question must be mad i guess
still point to be made but whatever enjoy the butthurt

>> No.12501963
File: 232 KB, 1052x1600, fppue2g6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a kickstarter? this could be big

>> No.12501970

I presume it's already on the market.