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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 780x779, bourdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12488128 No.12488128 [Reply] [Original]

All I ever wanted was to just shake his hand even just once...

>> No.12488314

what happened to him OP?

>> No.12488334

Any famous people an hero this year? Can't think of any. Seems like from 2014-2018 it was in vogue, guess that's over.

>> No.12488336

Because he did drugs and can cook pasta? Set your standards for role models a bit higher, son.

>> No.12488341

You have no idea, you stupid pig.

>> No.12488345

Will we start worshipping Guy Fieri if he retires early too?

>> No.12488362

lol kill yourself faggot just like your hero

>> No.12488370 [DELETED] 

>some Jewish open-borders libtard took too much drugs
Motherfucker wasn't even a good chef. He smoked two packs a day and destroyed his palate. He was just rich and Jewish and famous. He hosted a travel show on a fourth-tier cable channel. The travel show wasn't even any good, he just muttered about his politics and opinions instead of being a good travel guide and advisor.

>> No.12488425

Why do trolls act as cruel as possible for attention? Some of you need to take a long hard look at yourselves.

>> No.12488525

it still hurts

>> No.12488576

>killing yourself while raising a young daughter
she's in the hands of the elite pedos now. I hope this guy is burning in hell for what he's done to her.

>> No.12488596
File: 96 KB, 750x500, jet-set-zimmern_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so long as Andrew Zimmern doesn't an hero I will be ok

>> No.12488599

You still may be able to shake his hand, as long as he hasn't been cremated.

>> No.12488602

Zimmern is a money grubbing retard who hates his fans and has no personality

>> No.12488615
File: 239 KB, 358x297, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lord. What was the point of my existence? Merely to be born, and then shortly afterward to be slaughtered and eaten? My cooked body to be shown to millions around the world? Why did you allow me to be born Lord?" ----- Dead Baby Pig

>> No.12488619

That's not a baby pig, that's a puppy.

>> No.12488620

>"oink" ---- dead baby pig
Fixed that for you.

>> No.12488626

goddamn that cuts to the bone, OP btfo

>> No.12488629

>"oink" ---- dead baby pig
>Fixed that for you.
How can it oink if it's dead?

>> No.12488642

Bourdain was just a spoiled rich kid faggot that got a job in a kitchen when he was young and thought it was curazy because it was his first exposure to how poor people live. Then, just like a rich faggot would, he went to cooking school to prove himself and became a yuppie chef. I bet no one in his first kitchen gave a shit about his return. Now, because of him there are tons of rich kid faggots going to culinary school and shitting up the industry. Fuck him.

>> No.12488668

not only that he talked shit about his coworkers in Kitchen Confidential

>> No.12488705

To hell with that anti-white mother fucker and to hell with you.

>> No.12488788

If you don’t feed them they will starve

>> No.12488793

This is 4chan mate, what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.12488803

>parts unknown
is a reference to deflowering children by the way

>> No.12489162

If they're linecooks they probably deserved it.

>> No.12489173

Degenerate pedo

>> No.12489190

>he talked shit about his coworkers
So? There isn't some special code of honor amongst low level kitchen scum. When I worked at a restaurant a lady had to call the police on one of the cooks because he stole a kids Nintendo DS off the table and wouldn't even give it back when caught.

>> No.12489227

This is true. I was a real scumbag when I worked the kitchen. Smoking weed out by the dumpster, snorting coke in the freezer, fucking the bosses little sister. The two retards would grab at my ass and thrust up against me though, so I figure it evens out. Can't blame 'em, my 15 year old self was pretty good looking.

>> No.12489252

This is proof is there ever was proof that home internet/anonymous posting was a mistake. You are so desensitized and comfortable talking shit with no consequences of your own, that you think nothing of spreading the worst rumor you can about about a person from your mother's basement. And for what? A fucking laugh? So you can feel like you're a part of something? Because I know you're not stupid enough to believe this shit. You're just stupid enough to shitpost for a dopamine rush, perpetually damaging your god damn brain. All the while tarnishing a dead guy's reputation for no real reason. Shameful. Cowardly. None of you would be saying this shit if your name was on it.

>> No.12489286

a dead and queer pedophile isn't going to litigate, although your concern is understandable given his ethnicity

>> No.12489295


>> No.12489340
File: 21 KB, 268x265, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lusted after young children? Any proof of this are are you just talking shit. I mean, we all wanna rape little boys, but I'm gonna have to see some evidence here.

>> No.12489420

you could smell his dick but I imagine it's probably mostly rotten by now

>> No.12489439

All I ever wanted to do is ask him what it felt like to be cucked by a minor.

>> No.12489441

As a Minnesotan all I have to say is that Zimmern is one weird looking fuck. A face born for radio.

>> No.12489451

where is he buried? in case i wanto to piss...i mean pay him my respects.

>> No.12489458
File: 29 KB, 753x960, 1556624713097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is proof is there ever was proof that home internet/anonymous posting was a mistake. You are so desensitized and comfortable talking shit with no consequences of your own, that you think nothing of spreading the worst rumor you can about about a person from your mother's basement. And for what? A fucking laugh? So you can feel like you're a part of something? Because I know you're not stupid enough to believe this shit. You're just stupid enough to shitpost for a dopamine rush, perpetually damaging your god damn brain. All the while tarnishing a dead guy's reputation for no real reason. Shameful. Cowardly. None of you would be saying this shit if your name was on it.

>> No.12489493

I actually did get the opportunity to shake his hand. But now I'm facing jail time because apparently digging up corpses is a crime.

>> No.12489494

>I was a real scumbag when I worked the kitchen

See this is some bullshit Bourdain thinking right here. I'm a scumbag no matter where I work or what I'm doing. Same with all the cool cooks I know that don't do it for meme reasons. I work in kitchens because I can get away with my sleazy lifestyle. I'd do the exact same shit no matter where I worked.

>> No.12489503

>None of you would be saying this shit if your name was on it.
That's the whole point of anonymity you fairy faggot

>> No.12489516

What the fuck kinda point are you trying to make? That you're a scumbag and thus seek out kitchen work? That you're a scumbag because you work kitchen? I was a scumbag when I worked a kitchen but then I went back to school, got a real job, and became an upstanding member of society.

>> No.12489547

>Oink - Ghost of dead baby pig haunting A.Z.

>> No.12489553

>It's already been a year

Why does time keep o n s l i p p i n g

>> No.12489568

Fucking kill yourself original poster for continually making these same fucking threads over and over again

>> No.12489571
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1503625090604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some angry gold digging cheating whore ruined his life.
Women are fucking horrible.

>> No.12489584

My point is that you're a poser.

>> No.12489615

I didn't ever expect to meet him but I wanted to follow his lead. Now I really don't.

>> No.12489625

Robin Williams truly will forever be missed.

>> No.12489636

>Bourdain dead
>white people still around
guess who's laughing now, faggot?

>> No.12489682

Didn't his wife rape a kid but feminists said the kid was asking for it and she never got charged?

>> No.12489725

Why is the alt-right so obsessed with pedophilia? Projection?

>> No.12489929

Maybe because pedophilia is the worst crime ever and leftists promote pedophilia.

>> No.12489935

After learning his whore girlfriend was a real whore, he killed himself because he was a pussy, and he had paid off some underage kid who had also fucked his gf. It was hilarious HAHAHAHA!!!

>> No.12489958

lol what a faggot

>> No.12489968

>leftists promote pedophilia
Trump has been accused of rape and pedophilia before. He was best buds with Epstein who recruited girls for his rape island at Mar A Lago. Trump rewarded Acosta the DA who got his buddy Epstein off the hook with a high level government position. Nader, Hastert and other powerful republicans are pedophiles as well.

Here’s another list

>> No.12489983 [DELETED] 

one less jewish pervert is how I see it

I did enjoy his shows before he became political tho

>> No.12489985

gay marriage isn't about equality it is to pave the way for child marriage. no wait that couldn't be true you'd need to fill the streets with arabs if you wanted that... to .... work.

open your eyes you dense sodomite

>> No.12490004

ever hear of a slippery slope?

>> No.12490015

Yes, it's a commonly used logical FALLACY

>> No.12490017

They should get Ron Pearlman for his biopic

>> No.12490022

>and he had paid off some underage kid who had also fucked his gf

>> No.12490023

Sounds like you're running low on soy, cocksucker

>> No.12490027

You know what, that's exactly what it is.Fuck these idiots.

>> No.12490041

"The Italian actress, who was one of the first to publicly accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, was accused of secretly paying off a young male actor who accused her of sexual misconduct in the months after her revelations about the disgraced movie mogul.

Argento said the assault never happened. However, she did say a payment was made to child actor Jimmy Bennett by her then-boyfriend, the late Anthony Bourdain, so Bennett would stop harassing them."


>> No.12490044

Sounds like the righttards ITT are desperately resorting to insults because they can't refute a single point.

>> No.12490054

Why do you support having sex with underage boys you filthy sodomite?

>> No.12490057

The left can't insult

>> No.12490067

>doubling down
See? You've got nothing.

>> No.12490072 [DELETED] 

Gay>trans>no homo to fuck these> child fucker(church) isn't a big deal, now bestiality and soon legal child fucking

they already let homos adopt children for the sole purpose of molestation, so why not?

>> No.12490078

As far as I'm concerned the most important thing this guy ever did is die, and I'm really glad he did.

>> No.12490089

Wow, you people really are projecting. Just because walking outside makes you want to fuck kids and animals doesn't mean that everyone else is like that.

>> No.12490091

this to be honest

>> No.12490094

With a shovel and the right attitude you still can.

>> No.12490100


>> No.12490306

who the fuck do you think is taking care of Bourdain's daughter? her mother? she's too busy fucking 17 year olds and being an insane Italian whore. 110% certainty that Ariane is being groomed and abused right now.

>> No.12490321

RIP in Peace Ron Perlman

>> No.12490385


>> No.12490576

pretentious boomer druggy faggot who thought he was hunter thompson crossed with hemingway who opined on camera about how the only hope for america was for white people to be bred out of existence
not to mention abandoning his child through suicide
no great loss
i spit on his grave

>> No.12490579


and then there's your life. I can feel how you live. sad people love to project.

>> No.12490584

as opposed to defending c-list celebrities on the internet who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire?

>> No.12490592

I'm fairly sure you don't know what projection is. I also suspect you're a fag pedophile.

call me crazy

>> No.12490595


You sound like a southern state fat white woman who no one cared about. But you're probably a midwestern fat white male who never had any talent. hail hortler

>> No.12490601


I'm talking about this guy synthesizing his personal misery into a rant against an ostensibly decent reformed drug addict, that's not specifically projection, but it's spending all of your personal misery into a message about someone else.

>> No.12490612


Now "fag pedophile" is textbook projection. Leave those kids alone, kelly. Kelly just sounds like a pie faced kid toucher.

>> No.12490629

>involved in #metoo
>looked the other way and covered up for Asia Argento while she was openly molesting child actors
yeah this shitlib's demons clearly caught up with him and he had to kill himself

>> No.12490637

lol you worship a guy that fucked kids and dogs too

>> No.12490642

kelly, anthony same difference

>> No.12490646


She was kid touched by Dario, but I think she just cheated on Anthony and he was probably drunk and killed himself. She might have communicated the sickness, but I think it was straight up he thought she was his last chance and blew it.

>> No.12490656


Dude, shut up. You're the crying baby in the room.

>> No.12490664
File: 38 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12490667

Look at this shit and remember that she was molesting that exact child actor for years and years, and also others

>> No.12490674

Based and truth pilled

>> No.12490684


jesus christ. Dario was a lunatic, I'm not surprised. The way she presented her Italian family in her 40s seemed normal, but after that Bourdain killed himself. I have no idea. He needed to stay with his Sardinian wife.

>> No.12490707

Even with Argento, if he had just told her and the kid to go gargle walrus balls, hell, had done ANYTHING except pay him off, he'd probably still be fine If I could be transparent for a moment, some of his works were good reads but he was a colossal common-sense dumbass.

>> No.12490728

but he abandoned his family

>> No.12490747

damn at least my man learned how to make some delicious irony

>> No.12490951


>> No.12490984

>mourning the death of a pedophile