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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12485807 No.12485807 [Reply] [Original]

Do black, african american, people eat medium rare steak?
How do you like your steak?

>> No.12485816 [DELETED] 

That smelly minority can't afford steak.

>> No.12485820

but they order their steaks well done at restaurants 99% of the time ive been.

>> No.12485821

I’m black and I like my steak medium to medium rare depending on the cut.

Literally everyone else in my family only eats steak well done. I can’t get them to change and I probably never will. Anything not brown/almost burnt is “raw” to them lol

>> No.12485855

I've found that despite all of the HAHAHAH WHYPEPO DONT LIKE SPICY FOOD memes that black people are by far the least adventurous people when it comes to food and drink at least in my city. It's slowly changing as more of them get middle class affluence and learn good taste but pleb blacks order the same shit as old white boomers.

>> No.12485860

Ive worked grilling steaks before.
Niggers literslly always order well done.
Hispanics usually get medium well.
Whites are the only ones who get rare, including myself.
Im not being racist its just how it is.

>> No.12485874


>> No.12485875

u dont think rare is too gummy? i find medium rare is the perfect texture

>> No.12485880

These all appear overcooked.

>> No.12485886

I can tell you that it’s absolutely not a class thing. Our earnings are a little over 200k, and my family only orders the absolute basics anywhere we go. Sometimes they’re a little more adventurous if we go somewhere Asian, but by and large they’re basic tendies and well done burger type people.

It’s definitely a cultural thing. Idk how to change it.

>> No.12485896

I'm black and I eat steak a few times a month, not too much because red meat's not great for your heart. I always eat mine medium rare. My family won't touch anything beyond burnt beyond the point of being grey. My husband and I had steak for our anniversary and the FB from my family were pretty much only "why is that steak raw?"

We're not poor and uneducated either. I grew up with money, having mom come home from the butcher with gorgeous sirloin steaks only to throw them in the oven and bake them until they had the texture of shoe leather. Worst dinner of the week.

>> No.12485901

Post NBA stats

>> No.12485905

Business, not athletics.

>> No.12485906

Nothing wrong with well done steaks. It’s how our president likes them.

>> No.12485911

Is the middle medium rare? My dad insists that it's medium or medium well. He says medium rare has to have blood. It's kind of irritating because at restaurants he will order a medium well and exclaim "only the best chefs can make a good medium well"

>> No.12485920
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>> No.12485925

middle looks to be medium. medium rare will be slightly darker in the middle

>> No.12486008

White, but my family only eats well done. I didn't know what I was missing out on until I started ordering for myself. Farthest I'll go is medium, though.

>> No.12486118

There really wasnt a big asian population in that area so i have no idea.
I dont shame people for anything unless its well done. People have their preferences. A fresh steak blue rare right off a charcoal grill is just my shit. So, so good. I miss grilling steaks.

>> No.12486145


>> No.12486147

This fucking guy is such a loser. He is fairly smart, but his lust for the high life fucked him over. Now he'll rot away in prison for the rest of his life.

>> No.12486152

You're not black and you're not married to a dude. Stop larping on here, faggot.

>> No.12486156

Steak is not bad for your heart, but give us pics so we can advise how to avoid problems in the future. This will work best if you are naked, just like a Doctor's exam of course.

>> No.12486360

I do
I wonder if you just stare at whichever black person orders at your local steakhouse. Must be funny

>> No.12486379

Tell them to stop acting like niggers and to start acting like middle class Ben Carson niggers.

>> No.12486388

Aye yo, muhba fucka, eyez lykes muh steak free an sheeit nigguh.
I'b yew doan gibbs me mye free steak mubba flucka, I will cry out that yew racizz n sheeit, nigguh.

>> No.12486416

I don't mean families, I mean young professional blacks who are typically living on their own and have mostly white and asian coworkers. They acculturate around people who have superior food cultures.

>> No.12486432

I always order bloody. It takes longer to chew but is healthier.

>> No.12486449

Is that supposed to be a doneness scale? Any human in their right mind can see "rare, rare, and well done".

>> No.12486467

This is true. The lowest cook time they go is medium well, and only if they are in a group of white people. Black people believe that cooking something more is always better. They also demand more seasoning and will then drown it in Heinz 57 anyhow.

>> No.12486557

Personally I like it rare but as long as you don't like it well done I don't really care how you cook them.

>> No.12486612

What is the endgame of this thread even?

>> No.12486954

Tell them that the only seasoning you can taste in their food is salt

>> No.12486974

Nonehites tend to favor it more welldone because they like boomers believe that the juice is blood despite it looking nothing like blood. Also what’s wrong with eating blood? Can’t tell me they haven’t picked a scab given a little suck to clean off the blood before you slap a bandaid down

>> No.12487172
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>he thinks class = amount of money made

Class is about character

>> No.12487184


Class is about bloodline, pride, history. When you are raised being told that your family is powerful, you grow up different and a wall is erected between you and your fellow man.

>> No.12487186

Steak is such a meme meat Jesus fuck

Last time I ate it was in 2007 in 7th grade when my French class went to a French restaurant and i got "steak n frites"


>> No.12487229

>african american

>> No.12487310
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>Do black, african american,
>african american
Stupid sentence
>African American
Who's came up with this term white Americans or black Americans?
Do you have European American, Asian American, south American American?

>> No.12487341

>be with family full of old people
>order steak medium rare

>> No.12487374

They seldom do.

I'll go between rare and medium depending on the cut. More fat means I go higher. Tenderloins stay rare, most cuts at medium-rare, ribeyes go medium. With flank and the like I shoot for medium-rare but tend to accidentally hit medium because I'm not too familiar with them.

>> No.12487579

Thats some elitist bullshit my dude.
Sounds like the kind of shit trailer trash tell their kids so they can still feel superior to more successful black people.
for white people

>> No.12487681

Let's get real here. Blacks eat fried chicken and ribs. The only "steaks" they're interested in are those sold at McDonald's.

>> No.12487732

crack or meth?

>> No.12487740

>posting on 4chan
I admire your balls, if not your brains.

>> No.12487802

There's actually a lot of African Americans living in the UK right now.

>> No.12487979

>married to a man automatically makes you a faggot

Pop your lips off your dad's cock for more than 30 seconds and maybe you'd learn that there are actually two genders and sometimes they get married.

>> No.12487988

There are no girls on the internet. Welcome to 4chan, faggot.

>> No.12487994

Whatever you have to tell yourself to justify your loneliness.

>> No.12488003

You know, if you really want your female privilege back, there's a way you can get it. But you're a dude, so...

>> No.12488872

goddam, made me laugh

>> No.12489433

hahaha, did they know how to order? I went to a restaurant with my 6th grade class and I don't think any of them have ever went before. We were given a money limit so I ordered a hamburger

Was the first to order and all the other kids just copied my order because I assume they never went to a restaurant before.

>> No.12489438

medium well
t. man who eats sushi but is afraid of beef

>> No.12489475

I only eat fish and chicken but if i did eat i would want it well roasted,i dont understand people who can eat raw meat