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12484943 No.12484943 [Reply] [Original]

>drink soda daily through childhood and teen years
>always have shitty teeth but never once a cavity, ever
>be an adult
>lay off soda completely and most sugary foods aside from the occasional sweet, drink nothing but water and beer
>teeth are literally rotting one after the other, horrible cavities

I don't get it

>> No.12484958
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upkeep, asshole - what you do now, pays dividends years from now. or, what you didn’t do fucks you over years from now.

>> No.12484970

Perhaps you should have tried brushing the acidic plaque off of your teeth once in a while.
>water and beer
Go look up the sugar content.

>> No.12485199

Your teeth were probably peeled of enamel a long time ago

>> No.12485257

>>drink soda daily through childhood and teen years
If I could go back in time then this is the one thing I would change. God, if only I weren't such a fucking moron.

>> No.12485501

If im drinking my oral hygeine goes to shit. End up passing out without brushing.

Boozing is a fucking shit show

>> No.12485508

This is generally what happened to me. But rather id brush my teeth, keep on drinking and eat something else then pass out

>> No.12485611
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It's not really peeled. If you guys paid attention to the brochures in every dental office I've ever visited, enamel is a matrix.
OP had good, strong matrix by genetics. He abused the fuck out of it and weakened it over years.
Then, when the matrix reached the tipping point of not rejecting bacteria and acid, and being weak enough to fail, he quit drinking soda.
Now he has teeth that can be invaded by bacteria that can't be brushed away, and they are inside there releasing acids, causing further softening which he sees as cavities.
His only hope is crowns, or just endure the few years of getting all the vulnerable areas of his teeth filled with cavities and the rotten ones root-canalled or pulled and replaced with bridges or, if he's rich, implants.

Hahaha soda-fags BTFO. I always hated you fucks when I was a kid, so fragile, just HAVE to have your soda, oh gross you drink water, you drink milk?

Now I open my mouth wide and jeer at you.

>> No.12485661

Incel freak.

>> No.12486080

Are you subbed to that guy?

>> No.12486105

>>teeth are literally rotting one after the other, horrible cavities
your teeth enamel was dissolving the whole time.
Guys, never drink soda. Brush after eating. floss, use rubber fingertips. I use nitrile gloves too so the floss is easier to grip.

>> No.12486150


Ever use one of those plaque vibrators?

>> No.12487832

>plaque vibrators?
nope. I brush with Colgate total. Triclosan does a great job killing the bacteria.

>> No.12488204

it stopped having triclosan a few months ago. might still be good, idk. I looked it up because i coulnd't believe they were using hand sanitizer product in toothpaste

>> No.12488286

>tfw was neglected and had severe depression and a bad diet as a child/teen
>have a bridge, 2 crowns, and numerous fillings now
>all need to be routinely replaced
>fucking parents fucked me over
>remember one time i went into dentist and he said i had EIGHT cavities...parents never questioned it, just got me drilled
>probably didn't have shit
>told parents i didn't trust the dentist and he did bad work but they didn't give enough fucks to take me anywhere else
>now i have to pay the price for the rest of my life

honestly if i could remember who that dentist was i'd find them and put a bullet in their head. no damned justice in this world. i take care of my teeth and scrutinize dentists now but too little too late

>> No.12488644

you don't think it's slightly more likely that a depressed and neglected faggot with an admittedly bad diet would have multiple cavities than a doctor would claim you had 8 cavities so he could squeeze money out of your parents?

I know you were a child and gay but take some goddamn responsibility for your inaction

>> No.12488791

i think it was a little bit of both.

>> No.12489554

>never drink soda
>only drink water, tea, and coffee
>think i'm being healthy
>never realized coffee is acidic as fuck and my enamel is wasting away
>now have tons of cavities

>> No.12489597

I still have my wisdom teeth and my teeth are strong. Too bad I bite my cheek sometimes.

>> No.12489614

went to the dentist after 21 years of not going

they're all surprised that I had one small cavity, all my adult teeth, had a chip on the front tooth and a discoloration spot fixed

going to go have my 4 wisdom teeth removed after I switch insurance

never brush at night time because I drink heavy and pass out so never have a chance to brush before bed

>> No.12489991

Coffee is actually estimated to reduce the risk of cavities. The sugary stuff you add to coffee on the other hand...

>> No.12490201
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or just use floss picks

>> No.12490259

>would change drinking soda so much
Absolutely. Not the OP but this was pretty awful in hindsight. Mom and dad thought nothing of letting my bro and I have a bunch of these during the summer. Getting hooked on this in my teen/young adult years did a number on my weight and my teeth.
Go to the dentist, get them fixed, ask him/her about it. I had a load of cavities in college (like 10) and it sucked and it was pricey to fix but I got through it.
Probs should see a dentist again, it's been a while.
I remember I asked my dentist about it once and he said coffee wasn't really bad for your teeth.

>> No.12491732

>don't eat candy or soda
>got one cavity at 22 that almost made me lose the tooth
>25 now
>still go long periods without washing my teeth
>gums bleed profusely and everything gets red stained when I brush

Am I gonna get fucked over? Would there be any point to brushing regularly now or has the die been already cast?

>> No.12491755

there's still a point. you are at danger of gingivitis, get a water pik and use it. It's better than just brushing and will undo as much as possible of the damage

>> No.12491769

Yeah but what's the point if my teeth are gonna rot anyway?

>> No.12491773

>every dentist appt before I started smoking
>have cavity or hygenist criticizes my dental hygiene
>dentist appts after smoking regularly
>"wow anon your teeth look so good! have you been brushing more?"