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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12484895 No.12484895 [Reply] [Original]

Could you shoot a horse straight in the face, if you were starving?
Bonus info: horsemeat is actually ok.

>> No.12484919

I'd do it even if I wasn't starving

>> No.12484940

Yup. I'd do it in front of his miniature Napoleon Complex coke-addled jockey right before the Kentucky Derby too.

>> No.12484941

I'd shoot you in the face after a fucking buffet.

>> No.12484964

I'd mozambique that bitch right away. With a t zone that huge, I can't miss

>> No.12484992

No I would shoot it in the side of the head to preserve the hide

>> No.12485024

If I were starving, and there were other animals and plant life around, I'd avoid shooting the horse, because it's also work animal. That's just common sense. I'd shoot squirrels and rabbits and forage for plants and roots before I'd shoot a horse that I could use for travel and pack carrying.
That said, if there was fucking nothing but barren land, no animals, and a horse, yeah, I'd shoot the horse.
I've never shot a horse before, but I've been with other members of my family who had to shoot horses when they lamed themselves out on the ranch. It's not pleasant, but it's necessary, horses who are badly lamed are absolutely one of the saddest sights ever.

>> No.12485042

Im the OP and I acknowledge this post.

>> No.12485071

My gullet is fucking stuffed and I'm hard itching to brainsnuff an equine bitch raw.

>> No.12485204

Don't underestimate the power of hunger.

>> No.12485260

If I was hungry enough I'd bang a horse

>> No.12485497

There was a big scandal in the UK a few years back about meat which was sold as beef in ready meals actually being horse.
All the shops near me immediately started selling them off for 20p each, and I stocked up loads of the fuckers. Man, that horse doesn't taste bad at all.

>> No.12485584

If by 'shoot in the face' you mean 'bolt gun to the brain,' sure, why not.
I like horse. Haven't had it since moving to a different country, though. It's not available here.

>> No.12485634

>Could you shoot a horse straight in the face, if you were starving?
Probably not the best kill shot. But yes. Broken down other animals, pretty sure horse wouldn't be too bad. If the animal didn't have any use to be surviving I'd kill it.

>> No.12485637

horses are dumb as shit. i'd feel worse shooting a cow in the face than a horse.

>> No.12485647

Use use are you, virgin 4channel poster?

>> No.12485681

>Use use are you
ESL are you, /int/ visitor?

>> No.12485957
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I could, but I'd rather ride the horse into a town where I could get some real food.

>> No.12486717

>death from starvation takes a while
>i am pretty fat so it would take longer
>horses have retard thick skulls and need high firepower to kill them cleanly without him tanking the shot and running away
>i can ride the horse to a nearby town
>i can ride the horse to conserve energy while i harvest and forage shit to eat or hunt small game
lets say i was on my last legs, i will die if i dont get food in the next 3 days, my body is about to shutdown, and i have a horse and a high powered rifle along with a cooking kit, then yes, i will shoot the horse so i can survive

>> No.12486783

Based drill anon

>> No.12486788

Have fun starving. Delicious though it may be, rabbit does fuckall in the long term to stave off starvation

>> No.12486790

Just fuck it to death

>> No.12486824

99.9% of ppl on /ck/ have never spent time around a horse IRL. All answers are invalid

>> No.12486834

First I’d ask the horse “why the long face?”

>> No.12486836

Finally someone says it.

>> No.12486837

So what? I've been around cats and I would say yes if I was offered to try some.

Do you not flip off people who cut you off because you are somehow attached to other people? Tell a hobo to go away because he is pestering you?

>> No.12486838

Given the state of the derby they were probably going to shoot it after the race anyways

>> No.12486977

Yeah no problem, horses scare me a little and I don’t like them very much.

>> No.12486994

What the fuck are you talking about? Owning cats and road rage? Youve "been around cats"? Have I ever flipped someone off in traffic? Christ...this board has more schizos than /x/

>> No.12486996

Hey man, most people don't understand rabbit starvation, you gotta be careful. Last time I bought one at the supermarket I lost 14 pounds.