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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 231 KB, 1007x1237, 02163993-06D8-4116-B69D-1577DFEE90CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12484270 No.12484270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ ever go to their local bakery?

>> No.12484289

Pretty good story in context from what I recall. School tries to weaponize the kids to trash a bakery and members of the school take part in the protests and destruction, lead it on. Even some leaks about them saying they want to mobilize the kids to go after the bakery but they can't anymore since its starting to get backlash. Act incredibly snobby when they're on the witness stand.

End up losing big time.

Although yes I have started going to a local bakery recently. I'd go more often but its a few miles away.

>> No.12484299


>> No.12484309

nah, i prefer to make my own baked goods

>> No.12484322

I'm not doing research for your gay thread. Maybe explain what happened or post a link you fucking idiot

>> No.12484347
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1560267402815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local college made to pay $44 million for libel after spending over a year protesting and slandering a bakery despite bakers being vindicated halfway through the protests

Personally i like to bake my own stuff but thats because the only two bakeries within 20 minutes of me suck ass.

>> No.12484351


Here's a video that explains everything slowly

>> No.12484354

Bakery owner stopped a black kid from shoplifting, college kids said it was racist, college staff agreed with them and basically spread libel about the business

>> No.12484356

>hurr durr spoonfeed my information you retards

Stick to your Cuckflix, moron.

>> No.12484359

>3 hours
You're a funny guy, aren't you?

>> No.12484366


>> No.12484378

Fuck Oberlin college fucking commies and faggot lovers

>> No.12484389


This court case is a good precedent that "Oh yeah, we're a public institute. We shouldn't act as a hit mob and incite riots and attacks using the students. Turns out we can get sued for that"

>> No.12484392

What does that even mean? You post a vague image and don't explain shit. I'm just trying to help you learn how to properly create a thread you teenage djpshit.

>> No.12484401

It’s not my fault you’re ignorant of current events, retard. Go post on Instagram or something lmao

>> No.12484404

He cant because hes trying to be subtle. The OP has to post the link after someone asks or someone else does it. This is all to evade a ban when all you need to do is change your ip and delete your cookies.

Next time dont write faggy shit like "hur hur ever been to a bakery? Hur"
Just write what you wanna write.
"Fuck liberals."

>> No.12484412

What an accurate deconstruction of the mind of a faggot OP

>> No.12484416

>t. asshurt Oberlinfag

>> No.12484419

Up your post quality

>> No.12484421

If you want people to particpate in your political thread, you should add context to your image. Not everyone spends all day on /pol/ and is up to date on the latest racial bullshit story.

>> No.12484423

I can’t, I’m phoneposting from work

>> No.12484428

This story is being covered by every major publication across the country, moron. Have you considered getting your news outside of social media? Don’t ever reply to my posts again.

>> No.12484433

The real question is why some college scandal is current events for the cooking board

Dumb kid

>> No.12484438

Because it’s about a bakery, where they bake food and other treats, dumbass.

>> No.12484440

Right so is the bread involved in the scandal?

>> No.12484446

No, wine is, though. So the many alcoholics on this godforsaken board should be able to relate.

>> No.12484449

I hadn't heard of this shit either.

>> No.12484451

Hmm. Nah. I'm gonna ban you.

>> No.12484454

>implying I won’t just circumvent the ban

I’m phoneposting, faggot.

>> No.12484456

Yes, that's what the college did.

>> No.12484457

why would a college attack a bakery

>> No.12484459

Anon is trapped in the closet

>> No.12484465
File: 993 KB, 1159x1621, Screenshot_20190612-191545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're admitting you're shitting up the board.

Nice nice... Get a life buddy.

>> No.12484472
File: 618 KB, 1080x1080, white-chocolate-buttercream-RECIPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every birthday cake of my childhood was from a local Italian bakery, and I worked in a local bakery as an adult. Made a shitload of buttercream icing.

>> No.12484552

Only on the holidays.

I'm too cheap and lazy most of the time.

>> No.12484564

The most fucked up part about the story is that the college's entire defense in court wasn't so much, "Oh, we didn't lie about them", but rather, "oh, this 150 year old bakery is only worth $30k".

>> No.12484568

Not even OP, but you're flagging some butthurt anon.

>> No.12484573

Yes, the bakery about a block from my house was mexican, but they sold it about 3 years ago and it's now a french bakery that does fantastic bread.

>> No.12484577

Have you been to a college lately? I just got out of one last year. They're fueled by trying to gen up publicity for the next political target. If you can potentially call someone racist or have a racist action on your hands then you have a potential national headline on your hands that can be used to get a lot of press. Showing your students mobilize against the "oppressor" and destroy them is good for bussiness. Seriously though even when I mostly kept to art or science classes they kept trying to teach me about Marxism and get me to be a marxist, and there was always some form of protest. College culture at the moment is founded on outrage, and who the next target is, even if its built on a lie.

>> No.12484591

at my college i tried to say 2+ 2 = 4 but then this tranny professor said I was being racist and forcing my mathematical axioms on the class and I was arrested for mass rape and then the shipped me off to mop up jizz at the interracial breeding grounds

>> No.12484593

Why indeed. But they did.

>> No.12484599

oberlin is a private school

>> No.12484603

>Showing your students mobilize against the "oppressor" and destroy them is good for bussiness.
I can't imagine how.

I mean, people are adults by the time they go to college, and would theoretically be making their own choices, but realistically, parents have a lot of influence, and a "protest college" is about as unappealing as a "party college".

>> No.12484607

yeah I just graduated from a two year program from a good college that doesn't get thrills from attacking businesses or people

>> No.12484612

It doesn't. Unveristy of Missouri enrollment is still dropping after their football niggers protested with the faculty backing them.

>> No.12484616

Alternative theory:

Academia is the philosophical core of all these woke political movements.
They invented, for example, the idea that "racism is power + privilege" which is a notion specifically designed to justify why "only white people can be racist".

Unlike the grifters and frauds among the politicians and NGOs, the academics are the true believers.

Also, I'm gonna make some roasted mixed nuts tomorrow with peanuts, pecans, and some leftover pine nuts, because I'm on-topic.

>> No.12484629

>over a year protesting and slandering a bakery despite bakers being vindicated halfway through the protests

At what point in time was it pointed out to the College that their actions were based upon racial hatred of white people?

>> No.12484637

I still don't think "hatred of white people" is a concept that officially exists in US law.

That's why this was libel rather than some kind of hate crime.

>> No.12484640

you can literally just google oberlin and get the scoop from conservative media, who are having a field day btw

>> No.12484642

they got a good music school anon, don't hate

>> No.12484647

It worked for the gays, right? Bakery bashing used to be good business.

>> No.12484654

There aren't any good bakeries near me. Theres a pretty nice pie shop but it's hard to justify the sugar hit to my diet, unfortunately.

>> No.12484656

I realize that man, but I was trying to teach OP how to create a thread without being a chickenshit about it.

>> No.12484666

>make blatantly political thread on cooking board
>threads gets immediately deleted

>> No.12484668

That's awesome. I hope they go under like evergreen

>> No.12484671

jesus you're dumb. is it your first week here?

>> No.12484678
File: 223 KB, 512x345, 1552309175274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12484685
File: 66 KB, 1024x719, 1559735593191m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what point in time was it pointed out to the College that their actions were based upon racial hatred of white people?
When it was revealed with hard evidence that the upstanding melinated gentlemen who were accused of stealing had actually been stealing.

>tfw year old pecans tasted spectacular on my king cake
>tfw the picture is 6 MB so I cant show it to everyone

>> No.12484690

I've been on this board when a picture of some faggots asshole was on the front page for like 6 hours. This is a blantantly political thread that's been up for almost 2. Your point is invalid.

>> No.12484695

Just shrink it down in MS Paint or something.

>> No.12484699

>I still don't think "hatred of white people" is a concept that officially exists in US law.

It's called 'Affirmative Action' i.e. racism.

>> No.12484700

That’s a fat ugly spinster if I ever saw one

>> No.12484713


>> No.12484716

That's my point.

If discrimination against whites was legally recognized, affirmative action would have already been struck down.