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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12483368 No.12483368 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't check the bag for accuracy before driving off

>> No.12483370

I just go with the flow

>> No.12483377

If Im buying fast food my standard are already low enough that Im not going to care what I eat. All the food taste the same mystery meat flavor anyhow.

>> No.12483383

>bitch forgot my McChicken

>> No.12483401
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>drive of a couple of meters
>remove object of choice
>go back and complain that they forgot to add a certain item
>FREE food

>> No.12483411
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Try it bitch I know what I fucking put in your bag skank hoe

>> No.12483422

This only works in nice areas with not alot of
In them

>> No.12483432

In my experience there are places you can go to which never mess up your order and places you can go to which frequently mess up your order.
So I don't bother checking, I just make note of when an order's messed up and stop going to that place.

>> No.12483553


>> No.12483587

Tammy Im not holding up the line to make sure your spicy chicken sandwich without the spicyness has the bottom bun untoasted no tomato and lettuce under the chicken instead of over. Ill rearrange it at home you autistic fucking boomer stop trying to get free chicken from wendys

>> No.12483588

I always do this because whenever I don't I always regret it

>> No.12483596

Waffle house has a drive thru?

>> No.12483691

Only do it if I ask for more/less ingredients or in specific places. Once asked for a burger with extra whatever, no ketchup.
Receive bag.
Drive home, bite down.
It's just bread and meat. Literally just bread and meat.
Last 2 times i went to that very same drive-in I made it my business to have time to spare, company, a big "customized" order and I always, ALWAYS check the whole order twice. I think they hate me now but that's what you get when playing stupid games.

>> No.12484911


I know I don't have to because i'm nice to the staff and when I do get fast food it's one of about 3 places. No big chains. Even when i'm traveling I find if you can speak clearly and manage to work please and thank you into your order you're not gonna have a problem.

>> No.12484930

>go through fast food line with friend
>order a value meal with a Coke
>friend gives their order
>no onions no pickles no ketchup no cheese no tomato extra mayo add bacon
>know that niggers are gonna spit in both of our meals because they can't be an adult

>> No.12484945

Chick Fil A never messes up my order. They even know my name too. A+ service

>> No.12485318
File: 137 KB, 768x640, ManaFromTheHeavens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only eat fast food at Arby's, never messes up my order, food is good for fast food, makes me happy for a time.

Thanks Arby's.

>> No.12485588
File: 98 KB, 799x540, 1549723048262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do but only at the Wendy's in my town. McDonalds never fucks up, but the Wendys fucks up atleast 80% of the time, although recently they've improved.

>> No.12485621
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>When they forget to put sauce in the bag!

>> No.12485622

>Hey, it's three-for-free!

>> No.12485824

Depends where I am and the size of the order, kinda hard to verify 8 different burritos/tacos when ordering for the family. If they get it wrong, complain later and get free food.

>> No.12485832

>went to bk
>ordered one whopper one chicken sandwich
>said no pickles on both
>get bag
>get home
>got two whoppers both with pickles

>> No.12486688

"they" ruined my local BK.

The new manager seems to only hire a certain group and now their quality and service is complete shit. I one of their employees walked off and quit right before I was able to get my order in. Waited 15 minutes before the manager came and took my order, lots of fat women yelling. Just horrible.

>> No.12486740
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If you customize your order, say "no pickles and extra onion" or "no ketchup" or "add mayo" I'll do that. But if you're one of those fucking picky whiny bitches who thinks you're at a restaurant and rattles off this long list of demands of exact specifications for your food, I'm not doing any of that shit.

>> No.12486755

Imagine going to fast food places staffed by mostly blacks.

>> No.12486768

>2 for $3 McDoubles
>shredded lettuce
>mc sauce
I always do this and 1/5 times someone fucks it up(no mcsauce). It's only 5 things. Besides, please, feel free to not do it, I'll talk to the manager for the free food anyway.

>> No.12486770

fast food places ARE all mostly staffed by blacks, chinks, and mexicans. YOU tell me where it isn't. Subway doesn't count because it's shit

>> No.12486811

>extra mcsauce? *phtoo* here's your mcsauce

>> No.12486822

Why can't you be an adult? Is it because your parents babied you and allowed you to make your pussy food demands your whole life?
>but momma I don't want any crust on my bwead

>> No.12486829

I generally trust the workers to give me an accurate order. It helps to have select locations you know have good service.

>> No.12486830

I pull forward one spot and check it, then if my order is fucked decide if it's worth it to go in and complain

>> No.12486841

Usually this but one time I went there and the bitch at the drive though couldn't speak English. She was just mimicking sounds. That was the only time I got frustrated enough to talk to a manager.

>> No.12486845

I check that the weight is right.

As long as they don't give me drastically less food than what I ordered, I view their fuck-ups as a little RNG thrown into my day, and take the opportunity to try whatever random shit they handed me.

>> No.12486860

I don't see how using the options that the store offered me in the first place makes me a baby. What does make someone a baby is belittling the others the moment you have nothing to bring to the conversation.

>> No.12486868

>no u
Got me there, special order pussy

>> No.12486881

He's right tho, you're a fag.

You have every right to require a vendor to provide what you actually ordered.

>> No.12486923

Just letting you know that everybody hates eating with you when you order something off the menu and then ask for it be special made because you’re a little bitch

>> No.12486937

why deal with the bullshit at that point? just go somewhere else

>> No.12486939

I'm this guy: >>12486845

And I never special order at restaurants, because then I wouldn't be getting the food "the way its supposed to be served".

However, I'm also not some huge pussy who thinks, "Oh, some nigger fucked up my order, guess I just have to accept it".
Its entirely reasonable for that to be unacceptable.

>> No.12486948

Are you retarded? I’m making fun of the guy for wanting his shit special made, not them getting his order wrong. Don’t reply to me ever again you stupid motherfucker

>> No.12486961

Thank you for clarifying, anon, but I'm not speaking under a misunderstanding when I call you a faggot.

If a restaurant is not equipped to handle special orders, they should not accept special orders.
Its not hard.

See, the reason you're a faggot and I'm not is that I don't assume everyone has to do the same thing I do.

>> No.12486964

You used to not have to do this, but millennials are too lazy and retarded to do even the most menial of tasks. I eat out maybe once every 2-3 weeks and my order is only accurate about 60% of the time. It’s not even complex, usually a meal with an extra dollar menu item

>> No.12486978

There's a lot of fairly simple cognitive shit that my generation just doesn't seem to grasp, but there's a different common denominator when it comes to screwing up food orders.

I don't think I've ever had a white person screw an order up for me.

>> No.12487001

>millennials are too lazy and retarded to do even the most menial of tasks
Only inept high schoolers and braindead retards get hired for fast food because they're the only ones that will stay. Anyone better than that is turned away for fear they'll run as soon as something better opens up, and then that training time the company paid for goes out the window.
Managers also get bonuses based on numbers like employee turnover, so they'll retain problem employees until their hand is forced.
The ONLY way to get fired from most places is to steal, fight, or swear in front of a customer.

Source: Worked winters at Taco Bell for 4 years. My roommate was a manager at the same location. He actually got me the interview, and I only got the job because I swore to the store owner I would stay at least 4 months. I wouldn't have even gotten the interview otherwise; I worked a 20/hour job in the summer, he was afraid I'd run ASAP and told me as much. Being "overqualified" is NOT a myth. Fast food and retail want lifers, not temps.

>> No.12487015

I only worked Wendy’s like 7 years ago. It’s hard to find good workers in any field nowadays

>> No.12487025

I’m not saying the restaurant shouldn’t take special orders you waterheaded cunt, I’m saying he’s a faggot for wanting to special order shit. Reply to me again dude I swear to fucking god

>> No.12487046

Personally this wouldn’t bother me, but I know there is a huge disconnect between what you say and what pops up on the sandwich station screen. Like at my Wendy’s we didn’t have a root beer button, it was the HiC button. That’s not to say some people aren’t capable of a complex order like that, because I’ve seen them. Your best fast food restaurants are going to speakers in the grill and fryer area so people can make it correctly and quickly

>> No.12487066

I check the staff before ordering.
Wouldn't be buying anything from that one.

>> No.12487076

How do you do this in the drive through? Do you case the joint?

>> No.12487090

I was actually just being racist. I don't even have a car.
Almost all the McD staff are white where I live anyway. The brown people all work in their uncle's pizza place.

>> No.12487099

>wahhhh theyre doing what the restaurant allows them to do

Its literally like getting upset at someone for using a bathroom at a dentists office after the dentist said you could use it. The only reason you see it as bad is because you associate having a specific order with kids who scream when they dont get ketchup shaped in a smiley face on their plate. In other words youre retarded.

Kys. I dont care about whether he special orders or not, i just hate people who don't actually have an argument and just screech b-but muh social norms!!

>> No.12487106

Great analogy, fag. It’s just like using the bathroom at the dentist office. We’re done here.

>> No.12487114

>ywn have a skeevy family owned pizza place in your town

>> No.12487119

If you have no actual logical arguments and are just going to appeal to what you believe to be a social norm for adults, stop talking and commit sudoku.

Its funny how you talk about how someone should be an adult yet you can't even construct a decent argument. Absolute pottery.

>> No.12487126

I made my argument in my first post. The rest has just been you being a dense faggot who can’t comprehend the things he’s reading. Goodnight, stupid.

>> No.12487178

> commit sudoku
I genuinely chuckled

>> No.12487417
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>I only got the job because I swore to the store owner I would stay
based neofeudalism