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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 309 KB, 1080x1478, Screenshot_20190611-222029__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12471116 No.12471116 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get kids to eat healthy?

>> No.12471122
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>it's real

>> No.12471125

The parents behind these child entrepreneurs are always such creepy fucking douchebags

>> No.12471136

Nice Jewish psyop

>> No.12471143
File: 60 KB, 720x540, 1282894025418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
>salad frosting
>mfw humanity has done fucked up

>> No.12471145

Do you mean "healthily"? Your question doesn't make much sense as it is.

>> No.12471150
File: 46 KB, 550x415, Kingsizehomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not about rebranding and relabelling things, I think that kids would naturally enjoy plenty of healthy food, part of the challenge is being informed and having access to healthy food, and the challenge is finding a combination of preferences in taste which suits the individual

>> No.12471151

Pretty sure mixing frosty and vegetables is disgusting and no kid is gonna eat it. Absolute waste of time and money.

>> No.12471154

>2 : beneficial to one's physical, mental, or emotional state : conducive to or associated with good health or reduced risk of disease
>healthy foods
>a healthy lifestyle
>… walk three miles every day … a beastly bore, but healthy.

>> No.12471156

Its not frosting guys, prob some kind of dressing.

>> No.12471159

One serving is 20 grams of sugar.

>> No.12471160

Am I really going to have to sit you down and give you a full grammar lesson? Just accept you have made a mistake and move on.

>> No.12471162

You shove a tube down their throat and pump Obama's policies down it.

>> No.12471168

Unleash the 'tisms, please.

>> No.12471202

>people who understand child psychology are usually attracted to children and empathize with them
In other news, water is wet.

>> No.12471216
File: 285 KB, 1080x1511, eathealthily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471243

So you sugar coat the salad so that the kid will eat more healthy? Brilliant!

>> No.12471270

It might be clever if it becomes the treat, and the kid doesn't get to eat candy, but in all likelihood it'll be a meal preceeded by surgery cereal, fake fruit juice, and followed by fake fruit snacks and cookies.

>> No.12471290

Society is well and truly fucked. Where do I check out?

>> No.12471293

Is it actually frosting or is it dressing labelled a frosting as a trick?

Surely they're not actually frosting salads thats fuckerd

>> No.12471299

Jesus christ. Just fuckin teach your kids about healthy eating and portion control.

>> No.12471302

its blatantly obvious camouflage, just like Chicago dog sauce.

>> No.12471328

Offer them one minute of oral sex for every day they don't complain about eating their vegetables, free to be cashed in whenever. Literally everybody wins.

>> No.12471334

Just give kids normal food and don't try to understand them so hard, you fucking pedo.

>> No.12471341

>don't try to understand them
When you understand them, you don't need to try. I know it's hard for you to think of them as people, rather than faceless, mindless avatars of innocence, but give it a shot sometime.

>> No.12471380

You want to fuck children. Got it.

>> No.12471403

Yep. You're a bright one. Maybe even bright enough to figure out the real difference between sex and rape. I have faith in you.

>> No.12471503

with a belt

>> No.12471584

Make them eat fruits and vegetables from an early age. Don't feed them processed shit, and remember: everything that isn't organic/non-GMO is poison.

>> No.12471610

I didn't have that one. Thank you for contributing to my suicide folder

>> No.12471614
File: 98 KB, 689x668, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the other anon but it's still not technically correct just because some other websites also use it
it's simply being butchered in the interest of the masses and making it easier for brainlets to speak

>> No.12471617

there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedosexual

>> No.12471627

You still use literal shit as fertilizer. Enjoy your E. coli.

>> No.12471632

Literally how the fuck do parents fuck up with giving their kids vegetables? I thought this shit was just a meme from shitty TV shows.

>> No.12471637

it's normal in america, that's why you saw it on tv

>> No.12471653

I fucking doubt that, even people from Canada which is just America 0.5 don't have problems getting their kids to eat vegetables.

>> No.12471657

>M-muh GMO
Fuck you hippi

>> No.12471660

Your own image says otherwise.

>> No.12471662

I think you fail to glean the significance of the term "technically correct."

>> No.12471665

huh, almost as if language evolves

>> No.12471674
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oh dear god, to see how far we've fallen

>> No.12471677
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America stop. Just fuckin stop.

>> No.12471682

It isn't significant at all given the context, hence the common usage. It is only significant to you, and few traditional grammarians. It is now common in spoken word, publications and even government guidelines and recommendations. It'll be in the dictionary sooner than later, much to your dismay.

>> No.12471694
File: 87 KB, 325x300, 1559591890655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on the same level as "can I go to the bathroom?" vs "may I go to the bathroom?". I dont think anyone gives a hoot besides autists. Besides I can start playing your game. There is no way to eat healthily, for to eat is to simply put things in your mouth and chew then swallow.
The reason people use "eating healthy" is because you (unless you're a pedantic little nigger) assume one means to eat food.

>> No.12471704

>How do you get kids to eat healthy?

Make tasty food that is healthy. Don't feed them processed sugar from an early age so they get addicted to it. And don't force them to eat shit they don't like.

>> No.12471709

I don't know. Can you? AHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Gets 'em every time, hooboy.

>> No.12471711

What? It is absolutely significant to the meaning of what is written in the post in that it makes what is written there 100% in line with what is in the image.

>> No.12471722

No, it isn't significant at all to this discussion. In fact, it has been completely detrimental and off topic. It is merely defence of an unwarranted attack based on pedantic semantics. The meaning of OP's question is 100% understandable, and to suggest otherwise is autism. "Eat healthy" is common usage in the English language and the meaning is easily understood.

>> No.12471751

I never understood kids who hate veggies...like broccoli and spinach...they were my favorite as a kid...broccoli with cheese on fish is perfect , and spinach with eggs is delish af

>> No.12471764

Even as a kid I liked peas, corn, all beans, broccoli, spinach, green beans, well cooked carrots. Not sure my parents really gave me any other veggies besides potatoes. Raw veggies grossed me out, especially tomato (technically a fruit). My younger brother was super picky, always just wanted rice and soy sauce or ramen.

>> No.12471766

They probably have a mom who overcooks them to shit and doesn't even try to season them.
Ask me how I know

>> No.12471772

Oh , that makes much more sense , guess i was lucky that my grandma was cooking for me

>> No.12471779

Were your boiled eggs grey? Ask me how I know.

>> No.12471873

We don't have to. Outside of Kinder eggs and Yoga nectars, there's not really much of anything that's considered "children's food" in Italy. Kids just eat what the adults eat and since most of that is considered "healthy," Italian kids "eat healthy" by default.

>> No.12471876

*eat healthily

>> No.12471893

>But it’s only a matter of time, in our opinion, before “healthy” is recognized as an adverb. That’s because the word is already widely used this way in common practice.
>The phrase “eat healthy” gets more than twice as many Google hits (2.4 million) as “eat healthily” (1 million). As we’ve said many times, popular usage eventually wins out.
>So go ahead and “eat healthy.” Our guess is that “eat healthily” will begin to sound stuffy before long, if it doesn’t already.
Or be the resentful, ((amongst)) the autistic minority hiding behind the curve seeking to "correct" common language.

>> No.12471902

If they don't eat the healthy meal you make they don't eat period. When they get hungry enough they'll eventually eat it.

>> No.12471907

You're an idiot. You need to defend >>12471660 specifically for this line of discussion to make sense, but you're failing to do so because you can't follow multiple strains of argument at once.

>> No.12471909

Embrace those Ebonics, Jamal.

>> No.12471910

The problem is marketing bullshit nonfoods to children in order to get them addicted. Kids pallets are really easily manipulated and the second you start dumping sugar into your little monster, the second they're going to think you're dumb for trying to feed them veggies that obviously aren't as good.

Feed them veggie purees as a child, give them sweet potatoes, beats, and other naturally sweet veg, but most importantly, don't be a fucking moron who let's your child watch YouTube unattended. They're going to have a hard enough time in school when their "coolest" peers are fucking advertising zombies due to poor parenting, all you can do is plant the seeds, force them to make good choices while you can, and hope they figure it out for themselves at some point.

>t. Anon who didn't eat veggies until I was 21, and now eats healthy well balanced meals because I want to.

>> No.12471911

learn how to cook. i thought i hated vegetables because my parents would just steam them and serve them unseasoned, so they just tasted like a bitter mess

>> No.12471914
File: 7 KB, 132x118, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh*te ''''''''people'''''''' were a mistake

>> No.12471916

Then you better stop using the internet and computers , all inventions of dem evil whitey

back to your mud huts baboon

>> No.12471917

>defending the spread of Ebonics
day of the rope when?

>> No.12471920

cringe and redpilled

>> No.12471923
File: 94 KB, 885x469, fat-kid-cargo-shorts-final3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't invent any of that tubby. Your main life accomplishment is filling a bunch of dirty socks with fermented cum.

>> No.12471928

Not an argument

get off the internet hypocrite.

>> No.12471939

Associate them with their favourite TV characters

>Trump Rods
>Groot Leaves
Brussels Sprouts
>Ant Man Cabbage

>> No.12471941

Preach. I'm so tired of these guys who say kids "can't consent" when kids are so smart if you just listen to them. It's not rape

>> No.12471949

>posted by my entirely made in Asia iToy

>> No.12471960

Well we basically eat very healthy (not in a granola meme way) but more like non processed food, cooking from scratch. A lot of vetables, lean meat and some carbs. Also very diverse. I think it's because of that my kid likes everything (for example olives, tomatoes, brussel sprouts etc).

>> No.12471966

based daddyposter

>> No.12471982
File: 1.92 MB, 400x224, 1559930013450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're suggesting blacks are creating language for publications and government recommendations then perhaps you should channel your autism towards an equally productive cause. Until then, try to keep up.

>> No.12471993

Kids actually tend to like vegetables, it's usually harder to get them to eat fish or chicken because of the bones and skin. Other than that its all about the parent
If a cartoon does that retarded shit where a character finds some veggie disgusting don't let them watch it. Or tv in general.
Pay attention to what they don't like, kids are more sensitive to some flavours and it may indeed be that your kid finds broccoli unbearably bitter, you might want to try something else
Cook PROPERLY, FUCK, make food tasty and appealing in terms of texture and look
Feed your kid a variety of foods from an early age

>> No.12472005

when i was a kid it was "this is dinner, eat it or go to bed hungry." i either ate it or went to bed hungry. most kids are fat now, they could use to skip a few meals.

it would also have helped if my shitbag parents could cook. i thought meat was disgusting for years because they cooked it into extra-well leather. they boiled veg to mush and used canned veg. but either way, it's the fault of the parents being incompetent.

>> No.12472006

By being a good example.

>> No.12472022
File: 32 KB, 600x325, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choo choo here comes the veggie express!

>> No.12472030

>How do you get kids to eat healthy?
I’m a former welfare kid to a mom who spent all of her money on twinkies and cigarettes. You know how you don’t make fat sugar-obsessed kids? Don’t buy them fucking twinkies to compensate for your lack of parenting.

>> No.12472082

Maybe stop acting like vegetables are a nasty thing you gotta trick your kids into eating so they'll stop thinking they're nasty?

>> No.12472137

Meats a treat

>> No.12472143

you mean dressing?

>> No.12472212

only ever buy decent products, cook decent meals, never introduce them to processed sugars or junk food. Not as a reward, not anything. Their treat can be organic vanilla yogurt with a light drizzle of maple syrup, sat in the freezer for 20 minutes. It's delicious, decent for you, they're crazy about it for desert if they haven't already been chowing down on captain crunchberries for breakfast and carvel icecream cake every night.
When it comes time for elementary school birthdays and parties, simply tell the chaperones, listen, my kid doesn't eat processed sugars at home. Don't go crazy on them or exclude them, but please try to limit their consumption to a reasonable level. Or be a decent person and don't serve that shit in your school.
I make awesome marinara sauce, chicken cutlets, grilled chicken salad with sweet corn and vinagrette, all kinds of good food that's easy and healthy. My children won't struggle to eat well and it won't be a chore. I refuse to fuck up that badly.

>> No.12472232

If they get hungry enough they’ll eat their veggies. That’s what my parents did, if I didn’t eat my vegetables they would save them for my breakfast

>> No.12472251
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>doesn't know the difference between the uses for an adjective and an adverb

>> No.12472252

Stay those nooses for a bit, we got no idea if this is going to be a thing or not
Corps fuck up with their product ideas quite often.

>> No.12472634
File: 314 KB, 711x664, 1493988551726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never introduce them to processed sugars or junk food
>Their treat can be organic vanilla yogurt

>> No.12473465 [DELETED] 

See >>12471614

>> No.12473475

I think we passed the point of no return a long time ago.

>> No.12473488

>trick your kids into eating vegetables
Here's a trick. Eat it or don't fucking eat and go to bed right now. This is the dinner table not the playground and not wall street I'm not playing games or negotiating with you.

Jesus Christ are millenials really this soft of parents? My boomer parents would have whipped my ass for throwing a fit at the table.

>> No.12473521

Didn't work for my brother. He just didn't eat and ended up being stunted. Or they end up with an eating disorder because they don't learn when to say no to food. If you want your child to grow to be their best you need to use some finesse. Beating your kids for not eating your shitty canned peas will just make them hate peas for life.

>> No.12473534

Healthy food can taste good. I ate a lot of vegetables and salads even as a kid.

It'd probably help if parents limited the amount of sugar and junk food kids could have so their tastebuds don't get fucked up. When you see a kid constantly chugging soda and eating candy, of course they aren't going to want to eat a vegetable. The amount of soda and sweets I could have as a kid was limited which probably helped me eat more vegetables.

>> No.12473556

Nah. I was a picky eater and I grew out of it. People need to stop blaming their disorders on their parents actions, blame them for your genes sure lol but mental disorders are a nature not a nurture issue.

>> No.12473634

Sounds like your dad beat you until you were an asshole, too. Funny how that works.

>> No.12473668
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By making it tasty.

I don't know if tomato bisque is healthy, but I like it.

>> No.12473714

found the libertarian

>> No.12473730

In my experience kids will like or at least eat most food if you don't put up with their shit. The problem is that requires actual discipline and effort.
There's no problem with disliking a particular food though, especially if they're being mature about it. My little cousin would eat anything but puke almost instantly at asparagus. 10 years later I tried to sneak him some in a stuffed pepper and he just went to vomit in the toilet after 2 bites. He doesn't have any allergies or health issues AFAIK.

>> No.12473809

I can't fathom how people can say this like it's a bad thing. I guess the whiteys are right, and some people really are just more inclined to be enslaved.

>> No.12473824

>implying its ok to let your kids walk all over you
Enjoy having a slut for a daughter and a NEET for a son then I guess. Or is it Jamal who won't let you touch your wife's kids?

>> No.12473864

Did I hit a sore spot? Still tender from your last beating?

>> No.12473959

Yes I am so sore from the last time I received corporal punishment from my father almost 20 years ago, how did you know?

>> No.12473965

Because the emotional scars are obvious to everybody around you.

>> No.12473984

Silly jews needing tricks and lies to nourish their kin.

>> No.12473997

frozen yogurt is good you obeast

>> No.12474027

>disciplining children makes you an emotionally scarred asshole
I don't even have a cringe image sufficient. At least I knew my dad, its quite apparent your's left quite early on.

>> No.12474037

Asparagus is an acquired taste and for developing taste buds i dont blame the lil slugger. Good on you for recognising the difference between a cunty eater and genuine disgust

>> No.12474156

Healthy is an adjective. Healthily is an adverb. It's like the difference between good and well.

>> No.12474178

>I don't get why this ideology is bad. Must be the damn white people!!

Honestly, can you fucking not? This literally had nothing to do with race and never would have until you decided to bring in "hurr white people bad :("

>> No.12474339 [DELETED] 

Bisques are very creamy, so very calorie heavy. I don't think there is anything about it that's bad for you as long as you consume a portion size that makes sense with the rest of your meal and TDEE.

>> No.12474384

Kids are always going to be picky there's nothing you can do. However, at the age of 18, everyone who is of normal health should be forced to fast for 7 days. There would be no adult picky eaters and food allergies would miraculously reach single digits.>>12471116

>> No.12474429

>There would be no adult picky eaters
I've fasted for 15 days before and I will never in my life eat spinach.
Fuck you.

>> No.12474431

But kids dont want to eat normal food and parents no longer have the force of will to force them to eat normal food. Thus we use trickery and deceit to sneak the normal food in. Thats the whole point of the OP.

Also Laura B circa 2007 is the moat beautiful angel that has ever lived or ever will live. Also she turns 18 tomorrow!!!

>> No.12474437

But spinach literally is not even bad. Its just like every other fucking leafy green vegetable. If you can eat lettuce you can eat spinach.

>> No.12474546

Spinach is the best leafy green.

>> No.12474553
File: 8 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've found a picture of you in real life. Go back to getting assraped in prison, Nick Bates you piece of shit.

>> No.12474567

Why do fascists think calling someone ugly is an argument?

>> No.12474593

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12474624

Same way my parents got me to: Put healthy shit on the plate and apply the "you ain't getting shit until you eat this" rule.

>> No.12474628
File: 49 KB, 600x450, Nose-supplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun googly eyes
Duck tape

>> No.12474645

In sweden, most school kitchens do this stupid thing where they just mix all the vegetables, you can have a lettuce with pineapple and fucking onions.
Just separate that shit and all kids, even the ones that are picky will find something.
Its not just this, but its a great fucking start.

>> No.12474666

My nephew is almost 1 year old and that guy eats just about anything. The parents give him a little bit of everything to try and he just eats.
I think introducing the food early is important, instead of making them eat just what you make and want to eat, limiting their acceptance of new things.
Most people i know that are picky eaters was the ones that didnt diversify much at home and just at the same shit week in and week out.

>> No.12474687

cringe reply

>> No.12474731

This is why I always eat the veggies first and save the main dish for last.

>> No.12474745

It was a pro strategy. I used to have me a good chuckle at family gatherings as a kid seeing my cousins tear through the main dish and slowly pick through the vegetables. It was arguably more satisfying than the meals themselves.

>> No.12474821
File: 1.48 MB, 1638x1440, kcsecs88v0m11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just add some dried cranberries or other fruit to the salad, or use a sweet Vinaigrette dressing. No need to dump fucking frosting on it.

>> No.12474895

How is this hard? Make food that isn't shit and have the kids eat it. If they're picky fuckers, clearly I'm doing something wrong in raising them.

>> No.12474918

enjoy prison

>> No.12475007

>kids wouldn’t eat veg
>stopped serving them anything but green beans or broccoli, nice side of room temp water
>first few days they didn’t eat anything, but after about day 5 they cleaned their plates without question

>> No.12475418

Buy kid cuisine. Literally all my family eats and we are pretty healthy.

>> No.12475570

Even as adults?
>room temp water

>> No.12475591

It kinda does. Some White supremacists or race realists hold the position that some races are just more likely than others to desire the security of chains as opposed to the danger or liberty. Seeing which kinds of people overwhelmingly seem to vote for more authoritarian government, I'm inclined to consider the position, even though I am not a white supremacist myself.

Enjoy autistic children. Those ovaries are on a time limit, you know.

>> No.12475597

*danger of

>> No.12475604
File: 481 KB, 1900x1440, anti-male shaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably why

>> No.12475609

>kid accidentally drops fork during dinner
>punishment is no food for a week
>fork never drops again
i should write a parenting book

>> No.12475620


>> No.12475623

Helps with digestion.

>> No.12475631

>ad hominem
Remember when anonymity meant that it didn't matter who said something, so long as what they were saying was fundamentally true? I 'member

>> No.12475642

Yeah, it'll be full of edgy things that never happened.

>> No.12475667

lol @ ur life (lmao 2)

>> No.12475677
File: 46 KB, 625x626, 1375675795882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretending to be retarded is still retarded.

>> No.12476071

It took you 9 hours of baiting to get one (you)?

>> No.12476078

11 hours for two

>> No.12476096

As he said, salad dressing.

>> No.12476117
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>> No.12476176

Beating children is not the same as disciplining them. Not in the slightest.

>> No.12476466

Reminder that pizza is considered a vegetable in America.

>> No.12476476

so are french fries and ketchup

>> No.12476509

It's not impossible. Aboriginals are considered flora in Australia.

>> No.12476693

Spanking is not "beating" and is generally what people are talking about when they say their dad "whipped their ass".

>> No.12476709

There is no credible study which supports the idea that spanking a child does not fuck them up mentally. Not a single one.

>> No.12476713

Stop giving them a choice. They are children, you functionally own them.

>> No.12476731

There's no credible study that supports the idea that it does. Since the burden of evidence lies with the one making a positive claim...

>> No.12476858

This is untrue, there is current research suggesting spanking can lead to reductions in grey matter in adulthood, lower IQ, increased aggression and later defiance. It is the easy way out at the expense of the child's well being.

>> No.12476870

Kids become picky eaters because they're fed "kid meals" all the time, which are bland and inoffensive by design. If you want your kid to appreciate vegetables, give them food off your plate.

>> No.12476889

Horseshit. "Current research suggesting", my ass. I'll never trust the APA after learning about how they folded to Federal pressure on the Rind study. They say what they are told to say, and what they are told to say just so happens to support the leftist cause of the week nine times out of ten.

>> No.12477176

pizza is fruit retard

>> No.12477281

Fix then healthy food for diner. If they do nt want it tell them they can eat it or do without. If they throw a fit whip their ass. I dont uderstand why people are afraid to disipline their kids these days.

>> No.12477292

Okay, keep moving those goalposts.

>> No.12477302

There's nothing to move. You made an unsupported statement. Stop using terms you don't understand.

>> No.12477308

Is your country seriously so blacked you can’t help but use Ebonics?

>> No.12477311

By making them and not letting them grow up to be picky little faggots who hate everything that isn't chicken nuggets or macaroni.

>> No.12477328

Okay, boss. Good thing you don't have any kids to hurt.

>> No.12477334

Mine will end up smarter than you did. Blame your parents.

>> No.12477347

I got smacked with a belt. You seem like the kinda guy who circumcises his son because it worked out fine for you.

>> No.12477408

I wasn't jewed, and I'll never have my kids jewed. Your parents obviously should have either A: hit you more or 2: sat you down after inflicting pain and made sure you understood the necessity of the punishment.

Pain retains, but shit parents don't understand the necessity of a follow-up. THAT is where your "trauma" comes from, not the pain itself.

>> No.12477433

I can remember when i worked at a childcare facility, when often had "Shrek mash". Kids loved it. I don't think it would have been as easy with "Mashed Broccoli".

>> No.12477457

>Vegetable are healthy.

Force-feeding kids things they hate is child abuse, and it's making them sick not healthy.


>> No.12477458

there is already a native nigger language news publication


>> No.12477469

>Kids actually tend to like vegetables,
>Never mind the tears,
>And the begging and the pleading


>> No.12477626

I agree but anyone can cherry pick videos. Still, a vegan diet is completely unreasonable for infants, breast milk isn't vegan.

>> No.12477643

I'll feed my kids a pure carnivore diet.

>> No.12477669

it is the god damn TV commercials they pepper the shows kids like to watch, fucking sugary cereal, and various other sweet stuff they want to keep kids on, it gives them a burst of energy but has no nutritional value, its basically empty calories that makes them all fat lazy slobs,

the best thing you can do is move out of the city and leave your television behind, get some chickens and feed your kids bacon and eggs for breakfast, and dont buy any sugar and definitely not anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup which is worse for your health than sugar

>> No.12477679

How is that a bad thing in your eyes?
If your child absolutely won't eat their veggies, if you can have such solution at hand at no cost of the child's health, how is such an item bad?
Now, the problems start if the "frosting" is anything but healthy for the child, positives outweighing the negatives doesn't matter because there shouldn't be negative to begin with

If the frosting is healthy and has 100% chance to get kids eat their veggies, I see it as a technlogical advancement in gastronomy

>> No.12477690

>breast milk isn't vegan
Yes it is.

>> No.12477702

By telling them they'll get ill from malnutrition if they don't eat properly, and that their parents will have to cart them off to the hospital, wasting lots of money.

>> No.12477818

show him pictures of sickly people, ugly people and fat people and tell him that he's gonna look like that when he grows up if he doesn't eat properly

>> No.12477877

Because children should be eating vegetables and not frosting. If you want to frost some cupcakes with veggie frosting then fine, but the idea that you feed your kids frosting in order to trick them into consuming vegetables is ludicrous.

>> No.12477881
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I drink milk too. I think I'm vegan.
Feeding kids vegetables is malnutrition.

Why do you think they scream and sob while the parents are shoving that crap down their throats?


>> No.12477891

Introduce children to a diverse variety of food from the jump and the situation solves itself.

This is a problem with parents who eat fast food, pizza, and frozen food nearly exclusively. Grow up being around fresh fruit, veggies, salad, or fresh food of any variety less than ten times a year? Grow up never seeing your parents eat that stuff?

That will not result in a person who likes ants on a log, or whatever.

Doesn't help that kids are driven to eat junk by an endless avalanche of marketing that's targeted directly at them.

>> No.12478126

Ranch dressing?

>> No.12478232

i hated spinach for its texture but then when i tried it, it wasn't as bad. it's 100% mindset

>> No.12478235

Only let them hang out with kids that eat healthy and don't let them watch anything with advertisements on TV. Kids are extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely succeptable to "doing what Little Johnny does" and what is popular/trendy. If they are allowed to think for themselves with minimal pressure from the outside, you'd be surprised at the results. Also, they will be more prone to learn how to cook.

I got a anti-social kid that doesn't watch any TV that makes ham/egg/cheese muffins for everyone every morning just because he makes them for himself. Never touched cereal or pop tarts. He'll eat a bowl of corn for lunch for a retard. Only eats wheat breads because they have more flavor. Only drinks water and tea though that might just be a southern thing. Etc. inb4 autism.

Just my personal experience.

>> No.12478440

By never introducing them to fast food in the first place.

>> No.12478658

It's real easy.
Hell, my mom wasn't the perfect parent, but she got that part right.

>expell baby out of womb
>breastfeed it
>give baby mashed up carrots, applesauce, tomato wedges, soft veggies and fruits etc
>start cutting up fruits and vegetables as snacks for them
>just don't have that much candy, soda or junk food in the house
>make junk food, candy, soda unavailable to them until they are 6 at the earliest
>only let them have it once a week AT THE VERY MOST
>treat fruits and vegetables as fun snacks, and eat a lot of them yourself, and never, ever act like they are "healthy" or "good for you", kids don't give a shit

I have very fond memories of coming home from hard days at school, and my mom having a plate of fresh celery, carrots, and peanut butter for dunking ready for me.
I love you mom, thanks for making sure that I'm not a lardo.

>> No.12478663

Yes kids need also meat, why did you quote me you dumb fuck

>> No.12478671

Stop being a shitty cook and your kids will actually want to eat the food you make

>> No.12478673


>> No.12478802

Lol what kind of mental gymnastics is this? I guess eating the placenta is also vegan? Cooking with period blood?

>> No.12478846

I agree with this 100%. CPS however would take your kids away for it.

Media marketing is undoubtedly is a major problem.

I would prefer my daughter not eat Trump rod actually. Someone tell me again how we ended up with a reality TV show host and slum lord as President?

>never introduce them to processed sugars or junk food. Not as a reward, not anything
This may actually be the key. Telling them "This is dinner you HAVE TO eat it" and later "This is a treat you GET TO eat it" really may play into the psychology of preference.

>> No.12478866

(a) if it's real frosting, then it's automatically bad because all that sugar in the frosting, even a minor amount of it, negates the vegetables.
(b) if it's not real frosting and something dumb like salad dressing, then it's just a pile of oil and fat that is just as unhealthy
(c) if it's aspartame and shit instead of sugar, you are training the kids to never like vegetables, just sweet things and frosting

This thing is just a shitty product made for shitty parents who don't want to learn to make their kids do basic things like eat vegetables.

>> No.12478914

The alternative was a murderer.

>> No.12479299
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Made with Kraft Ranch dressing.
Kids eat healthy by being given well tasting nutritious food instead of the privatized Food Agency’s salt/sugar/fat garbage that the US school system uses.

>> No.12479372

Those weren't the only two options though. We could have pulled a random homeless person off the street and done better. At least then, it would have likely been someone with experience serving their country.

>> No.12479513

I just tell my kids to eat the food because they're not getting anything else.

>> No.12479521

which do you think OP meant?
>How do you get kids to eat healthy food?
>How do you get kids to eat food in a healthy manner?
because your suggestion would equal the second question.

>> No.12479527
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>> No.12479707
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>natures potato, the Potato

>> No.12479730

>xanthan gum
>10 g of saturated fat and 300 mg salt per one squirt


>> No.12479751

True. That's why I'm writing in Vermin Supreme from now on. He's a tyrant I can trust.

>> No.12479765

Turning clear and specific parts of speech into homophonic pidgin is devolution.

>> No.12479768

It's getting better from what I've seen.

>> No.12479916

The moronic thing about this thought process is that it's based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how language works. If you actually did any criticcal thinking, you'd realize that a very large amount of the language we use every day would be considered incorrect if you went far enough back in time. This is one of the most autistic hills to die on but be "that guy" if you want, my G.

>> No.12480011

Fake News

>> No.12480028
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>> No.12480035

yah, nah just send em to bed hungry if they refuse to eat what ya serve. they'll eventually eat....or not.

>> No.12480046
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My mother used to cook vegetables by boiling them until they turned a pale putrid green and then mixed in a bit of butter with no seasoning. She still does this and to her there's no other way of cooking them. I would obviously gag eating this dirty shite and she would have the gall to call me a picky eater my whole life.

Then I started cooking myself and doing stir-frys or roasting veggies and never overcooking anything and a whole new world opened up for me.

I suspect a lot of parents are like this.

>> No.12480451
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Technically wheat is a vegetable therefore flour is a vegetable thus making a frosted cake a frosted salad.

>> No.12480474

Actually it is a fruit.

>> No.12480495

Is that where the term "wheat berry" comes from?

>> No.12480500

Actually fruits are vegetables.

>> No.12480519
File: 45 KB, 468x351, picky-eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to bed hungry if I didn't eat what I was given. I'd cry and bitch and threaten to call the cops and say she was starving me, to which my mom would kek and wave goodnight at me as she shut my bedroom door. I'm glad she was like that though. I'm glad I didn't grow up to be one of those people who's parents never forced them to take risks and try foods other than chicken tenders and fries. I"m disgusted by picky eaters today. Either eat what you got or starve.

>> No.12480619

>hills to die on
Nice hanging preposition, retard.

>> No.12480675

Stop letting them watch brainwashing cartoons & media where veggies are vilified (big thing in the 80s where food corps paid the networks to do that). Start being a parent.

>> No.12481123

>Kid calls CPS on you and they tell them you're starving them

>> No.12481314

>Social worker doesn't believe him because he's a fat little porker

>> No.12481324

Learn how to fucking cook, for one

I thought I hated broccoli as a kid because my boomer mother would steam it and add a teeny tiny bit of salt and MAYBE pepper. When I was in high school I roasted some broccoli and garlic in the oven on a whim and it was delicious

>> No.12481336

>ESL pedants
It’s idiomatic my Swedish friend

>> No.12481344

>run-on sentence
Try again

>> No.12481426


>> No.12481513

Two courses
Greens first then meat.
You get your meat after you eat your veg.
A kid only has to eat something about 30-40 times before they like it (barring genetic wierdness like broccoli and coriander).
You stop them eating too much sugar by teaching them what diabetes is and gesturing toward your nearest American.
If you haven't raised a spoiled retard they get it.

It's fucking easy.

>> No.12481533

Write better jokes. I’ll start: your employment status.

>> No.12481557

>I know nothing about kids

>> No.12481610

What's so hard about sautee'ing veggies with olive oil and salt?

>> No.12481643

White moms REEEEE because "fat is bad." They don't have the concept of weighing pros and cons and determining what is more important in terms of getting kids' diet. If you can get your kids to eat vegetables by sauteing them in butter and start them off to a lifetime of balanced diet rich in varied vegetables, the extra calories from butter is well spent from the daily calorie budget. Children can have over-reactive palate, and they will come around to other preparations of vegetables that may have sharper taste later. It's important to get vegetables in their mouth so that they're used to the idea of eating veggies even if you have to load it on butter or even a bit of sugar.

>> No.12482466

>I'm a terrible parent with no backbone

>> No.12482468

also fat isn't even bad. good post tho

>> No.12482699

>roasting broccoli in the oven
gotta try that

>> No.12482711

Kids instinctively choose meats over vegetables because they are growing and need nutrition that vegetables dont adequately provide

>> No.12483707
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Yet another case of 2d>3d
Lolis love being fed

>> No.12483715

>yours baby is gonna be retarded if you dont fuck RIGHT NOW!
The actual rate for a child to be retarded goes up by very little past 30 you fucking pedophile. factors from what the mother does while pregnant affect it more. You are also really out here saying that you are inclined to believe something from people who are almost domestic terrorist tier,are you fucking ok?

>> No.12483723

Its simple
Dont have any kids
This world has enough human cattle as it is

>> No.12483732

The only reason you consider what the child has to say as "consent" is because you fail to understand that they do not realize what is happening or the actual ramifications that having sex has on the mentality of the child. You are just using the "THEY WANT IT THO" argument as a way to cover up that. Kids dont know what the fuck they want and just think what you are doing is something good because you are telling them it is you sick fuck.

>> No.12483748

It's the same reason why insects have different diets when they're a larva than when they're an adult.
It's also why you should stop eating meat when you're an adult.

>> No.12483782

>retards ITT think repackaged ranch dressing is literally frosting

>> No.12484051

give it them as a baby so its not a shock?

>> No.12484717


Take your shit back to /pol/ you faggots!
Goddamn i cant go fucking anywhere on here without you left/right niggers arguing

>> No.12484733
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>> No.12484743
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Based tough love mom

Kids are ducks don't let their opinions of you get to you.

>> No.12484749


>> No.12484753

I know, right? It's 2019, how can somebody believe some hting that a DOMESTIC TERRORIST would think? I'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.12484831

Yeah, adults are grown and mostly sedentary, so turn to vegetables just to feel satiated. Especially since organ meats have fallen out of fashion, and most people suffer deficiencies. But they're delusional if they think infants can be vegan. Maybe one day with a buttload of science to really match the nutritional profile, availability and density of meats, but avocado toast and fruit slices won't cut it.

>> No.12484932
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>> No.12485086

I have a couple of younger siblings that are all around 10 years old. They all love broccoli. America is just shit.

>> No.12485159


>> No.12485163

I turn fruits into vegetables

>> No.12485184

Show them that veggis are tasty. My 3 and 4 year olds always ask for beans or okra or something for supper.

>> No.12486257

Worked for my kids.
Maybe you just raised spoiled fuckwits.

>> No.12486269
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I grate veggies into sauces so they can't pick them out. Introducing them to your kids is the most important part, don't stop trying to have them taste it. Most kids will want to eat whatever their parents have so change your diet if you didn't have a good one and they will follow suit. Notice what they like instead of forcing them into liking what you do though.

>> No.12486676

Stop being all faggy and calling it healthy for one.

>> No.12486687
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The problem isn't kids. It's cheaper, faster, and easier to go to McD's than buying veg at the market and cooking them at home. Fast food and junk food are scientifically, psychologically designed to get you addicted, desire other foods less, fill you up temporarily, and make you crave more later. Parents instill the habit of eating fast food at a young age, so by the time they are old enough to eat on their own they don't know better and will continue eating garbage. Not to mention the fact there are "urban deserts" where you can't get produce at an affordable price, or even at all. We are creating drug-addicts to caffeine, sugar, HFCS, MSG, etc.
Have you seen how young children act with YouTube? And no I don't mean "those dang kids and their smartphones and cartoons are rotting their brains!" These kids sit in front of a smartphone, staring at the screen, watching these fucked up cartoons and videos of adults playing with candy and toys and all this other literal trash. If you take the phone away, the kids start screaming like you are driving a knife into them. It doesn't matter how long you take the phone away - an hour, a day, a week - they will STILL want the phone to see these addictive videos.
My sister and her son are devastating. They live in the inner city and whenever I go to her house the pantry is full of gushers, sugary cereal, ramen noodles, pop tarts, chips, etc. Just snack foods and candy, no "real food." Her fridge is just a cheese and milk cooler, I've never seen any meat or veg in there. And her son is an obese mess like her. I will come to visit my nephew and he won't acknowledge me, or his mom. He will stare at his phone and won't say a word. Even when it's "lunch" (PB&J sandwich with gushers and pop) he won't say a word. He'll prop his phone up on the table while he eats. He doesn't talk to anyone unless they take away his phone, and he starts bawling like a banshee.
Future kids are going to be guinea pigs and wage-slaves for corporations.

>> No.12486710

I wasn't allowed to go to bed until I'd eaten what I was given. After a bit, my parents would set an eggtimer in front of me and if I wasn't done eating by the time it rang I would get a beating, and then they'd set the timer again.
Moving out and being able to make my own meals really opened my eyes to a lot of stuff, like certain food allergies and the fact that my mom wasn't a good cook.

>> No.12488271

but pesticides have essential nutrients

>> No.12488387


>> No.12488417 [DELETED] 
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Incredibly based

>> No.12488448

It's 'healthy'. The sentence is still malformed by leaving out words, but 'healthily' would not make sense.

Eating healthy means eating healthy food.

Eating healthily is eating small portions, thoroughly chewing them, while eating unhealthily would be to chug down food while smoking a fat cigar and washing your hands in gasoline to take off the engine grease from your hands.

>> No.12488458

>pic in OP
It's just another big business trying to start a fad, and the media is in on it.

>Hey parents, are you tired of trying to convince your kids to eat veggies because they eat so much crap and sugar all day long that for them, a salad is bland and unappetizing and fucks up their elevated blood sugar levels? Why not pour a ridiculous amount of sugar on salad?

This kind of shit should be illegal, it's marketing unhealthy food directly at children.

>> No.12488473

I want to guess that you were raised in a loving, calm and tender family.

Kids have a natural aversion to some 'acquired taste' foods like broccoli, spinach, Brussel sprouts, bitter things like coffee and many more. To get them over this natural aversion, they need to trust their relatives (parents and older siblings who eat the stuff).

Spoiled brats throw a tantrum when they see those, and parents of spoiled brats tend not to argue for a long time (or actually, argue for way too long) thus eroding any trust or respect that the child had for their authority.

I wasn't a troublesome kid either and I loved to eat all sorts of 'grown-up' foods when growing up. If anything, it made me yearn for acceptance from my older peers by showing them I could also eat that.

>> No.12488571

So I looked it up, it's just ranch dressing. The gimmick is they put it into a birthday cake colored packaging and put the word "frosting" on it.

>> No.12488581

Wheat isn't a vegetable. It's a grain.

>> No.12490161

objectively false

>> No.12490165

physical abuse

>> No.12490587

Who even let you in here?

>> No.12490691

>Make them eat healthy and take away their videogames if they don't.
>Point at fatties in scooters and tell them they'll end up like that
>Lead by example
It's literally that simple. It's not rocket science.

>> No.12490744

you have control of their diet just cook them meals

>> No.12490753

Right? People who say it's too hard to eat healthy are just fatties too addicted to their oreos and fast food.

>> No.12491020

By not perpetuating the meme of kids hating vegetables. It's just something put on TV shows to generate a conflict and score cheap ratings that went too far and infected reality.

>> No.12491059

Two things got me to eat my veggies as a kid

1. Keep trying different things. After a lot of experimenting I ended up liking Avocado, Peas, Spinach, and Kale.

2. For more scary vegetables: Fucking drown it in butter. Obliterate it. Make it wish it butter was never invented. Ranch dressing in moderation is a good alternative.

>> No.12491531

>don't feed my children useless sugar+fiber+water sludge (a.k.a vegetables) because I'm not a boomer retard stuck in the 80s
>feed them proper grass fed beef and good meats in general
>children grow strong and healthy

Well, that wasn't really hard was it?

>> No.12491561

Vegetables have nutrients that you cannot get from meat.

>> No.12491577
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Such as.

>> No.12491613

the best take, here's your you

>> No.12491647

Vitamin C.

Have fun eating raw chicken liver.

>> No.12491662

>That will not result in a person who likes ants on a log, or whatever.

On the contrary, they will absolutely *love* eating ants if it's marketed in a totally sick way and get a few symbols to eat it too.

Basically, children will eat whatever their role models do. If they won't eat vegetables when you tell them to, they just don't look to you as a role model.

>> No.12491676

The color is off-putting, but the taste is still "slight hint of veggies in water". You take it like a champ and you mash it with your fork, mixing it with black pepper and ketchup if it's reaaaally bad.

You're a picky eater. It's far from tasty and I would be ashamed to serve severely overcooked steamed vegetables, but to gag on that is just plain, retarded brat behavior. You deserved to get spanked.

>> No.12491680

>blah blah botany meets cooking

>> No.12491683


>> No.12491715

What he says is nice and interesting, but I have yet to trust some random Swedish hiker/vlogger on nutrition without additional sources.

>> No.12491740

I trust myself, and I don't have any health problem whatsoever eating a carnist diet.

>> No.12491767

That's cool anon.

>> No.12492231

what kid doesn't like broccoli, peas, and carrots? I understand they might not like bitter greens yet but there are plenty of child-friendly options.

>> No.12492507 [DELETED] 

What About Bob taught me that if you pretend not to have something then you don't actually have it

>> No.12492515

all you gotta do is pour some olive oil in a baggie, smash a garlic clove and toss it in there (dont even have to bother mincing it), salt and pepper and your florets, shake to coat, onto a baking tray it goes, into the oven at 450 for like 5-8 minutes


>> No.12492518

What About Bob taught me that if you pretend to have something then you don't actually have it.

>> No.12492530

you probably think pizza gate is a joke.

>> No.12492539

yeah the weird green stuff in the teeth gives me creepy vibes

>> No.12492541

Kids cannot commit to a relationship you nig nogs, we evolved as a species with precocious daughters and the overbearing father who will protec and beat the ass of pedos. it will no more disappear than niggers becoming equal to whites

>> No.12492542

aka like a pedo designed it

>> No.12492548

When I was a kid, I wanted to fuck Uma Thurman. I'm pretty sure they can rationalize their own sexuality.

>> No.12492559

>made in America.
>jews get rich off of our sweat
>goy always want more wages and better standards
>oy vey, muh shekles
>moves everything to china
>"you goy cant make anything, you're all useless unlike smart chinese persons"

>> No.12492579

>Some White supremacists or race realists hold the position that some races are just more likely than others to desire the security of chains as opposed to the danger or liberty.

>Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
>Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L
jews are not white you nigger

>> No.12492612

do you think that if all the jews in the world died of a matzo ball overdose and white people stepped in to fill the power gap your life would improve?

>> No.12492618

Definitely not.
Both whites and jews need to be eradicated before life can be good again on this wonderful planet earth.

>> No.12492697

No, in fact my life would be immeasurably worse, probably as much as everyone I cared about's life improving. The world would be far from fixed though. Jews are only "the juice" because their autistic breeding habbits localized their schizophrenic and maladjusted behavior. It's a funny world we live in where the most libel to be divorced from reality run around calling everyone else schizos on a Mongolian box folding forum. We would drown in charge, but the jews see a drowning man and decide you know what he could really use? 100 niggers to shive him and rape his daughters.

>> No.12492713

powerful schizo post anon, outstanding performance.

>> No.12492720

I'd rather just eat the potato

>> No.12492743

Neither are you.

>> No.12492752

This entire thing you think is "human nature" is an entirely-artificial phenomenon promoted by feminists and literal whores past their expiration date.

Girls want older men. Men want younger girls. THAT is human nature.

>> No.12493004

>listening to the government

>> No.12493034

Broccoli and cheese was the first dish that weened me into tolerating vegetables as a preteen.

>> No.12493048


>> No.12493065

how do you had 20 grams of sugar in a mix of vinegar and oil?

>> No.12493071

when science fails to agree with you, you can always count on papa corpo rewriting programs after all.

>> No.12494761


Feed them healthy food. Teach them by doing.

>> No.12495038

It's honestly not cheaper. It is way faster though.