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12470685 No.12470685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is it difference from goyim salt?

>> No.12470695


>> No.12470700

kosher salt has bigger crystals, regular salt is finer

>> No.12470704

Kosher salt granules are larger than regular table salt and fine sea salt. It's good on steaks and other meat and fish. Table salt dissolves the fastest, so it's used in baking more. Sea salt can have subtle flavor profiles that make dishes interesting.

>> No.12470720

but why did the buzzfeed nigger said use kosher shit in my cookies are they lying to me

>> No.12470734

They would probably come out just fine. Professionals who need to put out a consistent product might not want to use coarser salt in baking.

>> No.12470741

Kosher just means it's got nothing added to it so practicing Jews can consume without breaking their faith. Most table salt these days has iodine added, I've even seen some iodized sea salts around.

>> No.12470758

Kosher salt is for faggots and kikes

>> No.12470763

You outed yourself as a kike on /pol/ ting ting ting
Remind me to shit on all your fucking threads

>> No.12470773

That's not even remotely true. "Kosher" in this case means it's used in the koshering process - dry brining meat. The larger flakes don't dissolve as quickly.

>> No.12470804

It’s also not usually iodized.

>> No.12470852

I've bought fine ground certified kosher Himalayan pink salt. Size has nothing to do with it.

>> No.12470871

Typically kosher salt is larger for the reasons that anon stated. I'm sure you can get other types of salt that are kosher.

>> No.12470874

I am pretty sure that kosher means a priest blessed it but I could be wrong?

>> No.12470886

I think, in most cases, it's the fact that you can pickle (ferment) with kosher salt. It's impossible to pickle with table (iodized) salt because the iodine will kill the bacteria needed for the process.

>> No.12470914

Yes but for salt it refers to the type of salt Jews used for brining. So it's both blessed and coarse unless otherwise stated.

>> No.12470920

Kosher salt is for "koshering" meat by drawing out blood and other bodily fluid, which are forbidden to be eaten by observant Jews

>> No.12470938

this. kosher salt is just for kashering - which is sitting raw, whole cuts of muscle into the salt to absorb and draw out blood. meat from a potentially sacrifical animal [birds, mammals, not fish] cannot be kosher unless it's meets biblical requirements, is slaughtered correctly (different branches of judaism have different definitions), and has been made free of blood by hang-draining, and repeated soaking and salting. kosher salt is just regular ultra-coarse salt. it could be sea salt, or rock salt. all minerals, and plants are automatically kosher.

>> No.12470959

depending on the denomination, normally a rabbi and trained slaughterer called a schelichah has to examine the knife, see the slaughter first hand, check the internal organs for flaws (no flawed animal may be a sacrifice in the bible), cut out all internal fat, remove a leg nerve, and do the shit here. >>12470938
it's a long, expensive process, and literally no jewish person other than the ultra orthodox cult members does this. it's cruel as fuck because the animal is not stunned before the neck is cut, and is often force tripped. don't look for the expose footage of kosher slaughter houses. shit's barbaric.

>> No.12470970

They call it orthodox, but it's really the least orthodox segment of the Jewish population. It's about time normal Jews weeded those shits out.

>> No.12470996

i'm pretty sure normal jews are ashamed of them, like the westbourogh baptists vs normal christians.

>> No.12470999
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>normal religious people

>> No.12471016

Kosher salt, like all Kosher food, means a rabbi said a Jewish incantation that blesses the food for Jews but also dooms any goyim who consume it. Use sparingly.

>> No.12471021
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>> No.12471023

most jews are secular. jewish identity is weird.

>> No.12471055
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kosher just means it conforms to jewish dietary halakah [religious laws]. And that are differnt version of kosher, with different criteria and even argicultural standards for passover foods, wine, matzah, meat, fish species, lab grown meat, sometimes raisins, and liquor.
for example - during passover, no one eats leavened bread. this was taken further, and expanded to no leaven grain - which included products made from leavened grain. so all whiskey, vodka, gin, and beer is out. thus, we have slivovitz, which is a plum brandy that is kosher for passover.

>> No.12471071

Is zyklon-b kosher?

>> No.12471078
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>Believing the 6 gorillion gas myths

>> No.12471087

I certainly wish they were real

>> No.12471100

>like the westbourogh baptists vs normal christians
I'm not sure that's a fair comparison as my understanding is that the westboro baptist "church" are just a few families, many who are lawyers, who engage in suspiciously kiked behavior. They go out of their way to do the most despicable protests their sick minds can come up with then sue the fuck out of all entities they can screw over after someone loses it and sucker punches on of their "church" members for spitting on their deceased combat veteran son's grave.

>> No.12471108
File: 620 KB, 1192x2120, Murry Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only we could swap the real people now for the fake people then.

>> No.12471139

Pretty much any type of salt you buy is going to have the certified kosher insignia marked on the label somewhere. So when a recipe calls for kosher salt, that recipe is referring to the larger and coarser type of salt that is typical for koshering/dry brining meat. Go check your iodized table salt and sea salt. I guarantee you that you will find the U inside a circle somewhere on the label of those salts. You may find other variants of the certified kosher symbol if not the U. And you may very well find some small hebrew writing that denotes it as pareve as well.

>> No.12471158
File: 581 KB, 622x1004, Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 10.57.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice the circled U. This salt qualifies as kosher but is not koshering salt.

>> No.12471173
File: 501 KB, 408x1124, Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 10.58.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've bought fine ground certified kosher Himalayan pink salt. Size has nothing to do with it.
This pink himalayan salt is certified kosher as denoted by the circled U. The coarse salt inside the grinder could be good for koshering/dry brining. Once you grind it into fine flakes of sea salt, it's no longer the size Jews use for koshering meat despite the fact that both the coarse and fine flakes are certified kosher.

>> No.12471177

Lol you mean microplastik flavours??

>> No.12471197

>microplastik flavours
In reference to what?