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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12468796 No.12468796 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT foods that are okay to buy pre-cooked or pre-made.

My vote is tamales.

Bought some in CostCo. Loved them. Googled a recipe. Nope.

>> No.12468811

That is a cute turtle

>> No.12468814

Turtle? That's a fucking lobster idiot. Is this bait?

>> No.12468819

Dumpling/won ton/spring roll wraps
Whenever I try to make these homemade it comes out too doughy and not ideal, still takes good just not the real deal.

>> No.12468832

It's obviously a fucking turtle you blind dipshit

>> No.12468835

I'd say that carries over to raviolis. Pretty much anything with a shell that you can steam is okay to buy pre-made.

>> No.12468851

Haha. Fuck you. I see what this is.

>> No.12468862

No its a cute dog

>> No.12468863

most breads
sometimes soup stocks

Also, I think something is wrong with your crab.

>> No.12468867

I like making homemade fettucini desu but yeah any other pasta i'll buy premade soley for convenience. Although I do eventually want to try my hand at homemade gnocchi.

>> No.12468873

I hope you steamed them. Also you can get more for cheaper from craigslist mexicans. Although making tamales is easy.

>> No.12468891

>Is this bait?
What would you catch with a turtle/lobster bait?

>> No.12468907

It’s worth it to bake your own sandwich bread. $1.50 for shitty grocery store white bread or $1.50 in ingredients and half an hour of your time for nice homemade white bread.

>> No.12468922
File: 15 KB, 300x250, yYj47b2Bq1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you even see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

>> No.12468940

I make $45 an hour, anon. Half an hour of my time is $22.50.

That's not worth it for a marginal difference in bread.

>> No.12468964

Then don't leave work half an hour early to bake.
Your personal time has no real value.

>> No.12468965

Apparently you’re also a faggot.
Good, homemade bread is absolutely worth the effort, especially since most of the time making it is freed up while the dough rises twice and sits in the oven.

>> No.12469180

Your cat has severe autism, is it Finnish?

>> No.12469194

Tamales are definitely one of the foods it's okay to buy pre-made. I've made tamales from scratch before, and you need people to help like an assembly line. It's a lot of work. So, I get my tamales from a tamale shop by my local flea market. That little old lady and her family make baller tamales.

>> No.12469201

To me, gnocchi is less of a pain to make than pasta. I make it pretty often, but I only make pastas very occasionally.

>> No.12469444

this moron thinks it’s a lobster, clearly skipped amphibian day in Chemistry class

>> No.12469628

I'd call ICE on them just for shits and giggles lol

>> No.12469816

Yea, that's why I said most
If you have the time, basic experience/skill, or right equipment, you can produce some of the basic breads at a good price.

>> No.12469828

Baking is pointless and you're both faggots. Maybe every once in a while, go for it, but this "hurr durr you need to spend all of your time doing shit homemade" needs to die.

>> No.12469831

What happens when I do this?

>> No.12470089
File: 517 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20190607_160550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power boi coming in

>> No.12470187

He cute!

>> No.12470200


>> No.12470206




>> No.12470744

Eat shit and die faggot
Full of shit

>> No.12470837

They look similar but lobsters are orange that's definitely a turtle

>> No.12470847


Mmmmmm tasty frog legs

>> No.12471015

>he's never seen what happens when you put a turtle in the snow
it's cold anon cut him some slack

>> No.12471059
File: 102 KB, 500x500, southern-fried-popcorn-chicken-27689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this "hurr durr you need to spend all of your time doing shit homemade" needs to die.
Why don't boomers just fuck off and die already? Here brobro I got exactly what you want, you can have it every night and wash it down with a white monster no effort or time required, bon appetit nigger.

>> No.12471095

Puff pastry