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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12466213 No.12466213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ tell me the story of last time you set off your fire alarm

>> No.12466217

>fire alarm

>> No.12466222

Accidentally. Taking out the batteries.

>> No.12466244
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I was with my two waifus and you could say....... things got a little heated.

>> No.12466453

baking potato wedges at 350 because it's a shitty detector for weak bitches

>> No.12466677

My cool Nigerian tenants like to bake nuts and stinky black people fish. They set off my fire alarm upstairs all the time. They're good people, but their food smells fucking bad, bros.

Unrelated: what do I use to block the smell of black people cuisine coming from a generic in-house doorway, besides just sealing it off.

>> No.12466682

literally just today. I was trying to pan fry some chicken breasts. usually I butterfly them out pound them flat but I was trying to cook them as is this time and ended up burning the outside trying to get the inside cooked. what are you even supposed to do? put them in the oven after you sear the outside like a steak?

>> No.12466683

Stop living around niggers

>> No.12466690

It went off for no good reason so I went to unplug the battery and the terminal broke. I thought about fixing it then decided I couldn't be bothered.

>> No.12466693

Damn Claire's looking good there, but when did Brad start wearing glasses? They make him look like a twat.

>> No.12466699

Burnt toast a month or two ago.

>> No.12466708

When I was a little boy I accidentally got some toys under the stove and it started a fire. Parents got it put out but the firemen still had to ventilate the damn smoke out.

>> No.12466723

Lower your goddamn heat.

>> No.12467235

are you implying sexual intercourse

>> No.12467271

>put them in the oven after you sear the outside like a steak?
I don't have one

>> No.12467342

can't remember the last time i was cooking in a kitchen that was anywhere near a working fire alarm
i'm not 100, and i can always open a window or door if it gets smokey. the fuck do i need a smoke detector for? to allow me to leave my food unattended on the heat like i'd forget about it?

no. last time i set off a fire alarm was in my dorm when i left the bathroom door cracked open and the steam set off our 3 year out of date alarm