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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12463417 No.12463417 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's mackerel

>> No.12463418


>> No.12463430

for me its cod

>> No.12463449

my favourite fish is the only one that has to a good chance to be at a game that has a little more money game has been done now I can’t get the past to be a better option to be a good game to play with friends but it’s a decent thing and I can’t believe it has been consistently the last

>> No.12463501


>> No.12463513

You should see a doctor.

>> No.12463527
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Red Grrrrrowper.
Goddamn this is a tasty fucking fish.

>> No.12463552

Alaskan Salmon

>> No.12463574
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As long as it's fresh I like them all.
Hard to beat a nice brill or turbot on the grill Summer, though. (didn't have any grilling pics, sorry)

>> No.12463636
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When served thusly

>> No.12463683

haven't tried/10

>> No.12463698


>> No.12463704
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rainbow trout

>> No.12463717


>> No.12463722
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I like fish with that distinct salmon trout taste. I also really like carp but I'm Asian and ate it growing up so I get that most people probably don't like the taste if they're not used to it.

Sweet and sour carp is with lots of pine nuts is the best food ever.


>> No.12463749
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For me, it's square sponge

>> No.12463763


>> No.12463781
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Keelboat special from Cock of the Walk.

>> No.12463783

What would you guys say is the most low price, yet nutritious fish?

>> No.12463788


>> No.12463807

Depends on where you live, man.
It's herring for me.

>> No.12463830
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I want to know if I'm autistically alone in this:
Does anyone else get mad when they encounter bones in a nice juicy fish?
It ruins the whole eating experience.
I have to slow everything down to a snail's pace, remove all the fishflesh off the bone, take the bone out of my mouth and put it to the side.
Repeat however many damn times as there are bones in a fish that shouldn't have any fucking bones left.
God it makes me so mad; it's as disappointing as discovering bits of eggshell in your scrambled eggs.

Imma go jack off, might make me feel better about this whole fish/bone catastrophe.

>> No.12463860

Yeah, that sucks.

I find a bone in a fish filet, and then I look at the fish like, "I trusted you".

>> No.12463873

>It ruins the whole eating experience.
>I have to slow everything down to a snail's pace
How do you even have an experience if you're just mouthbreathing your food in at supersonic speeds?

>> No.12463874

I see a post like this and then look at the poster like "you should return to reddit"

>> No.12463888

Eating fish at a "I have to check for bones" pace is obviously much much slower than anything that could be considered "normal".

What an utterly retarded assumption on your part.

And then me, having been on this site for over a decade and never having posted on reddit, see your post and think, "Y'know, if you're gonna come from Reddit, whatever, but don't bring your retardedness with you".

>> No.12463946

lmao 30yo boomer fatty deriving a sense of authority from having spent over a decade in this shithole

>> No.12464035

Yeah, the only thing worse would be if you were a faggot redditor who pretends to be all those things (because obviously they're an improvement over your real self).

Have cope, get sex, hit the seething, ect.

>> No.12464047

Mahi mahi

>> No.12464065
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Perch pan-fried. Salmon as gravlax.

>> No.12464080


>> No.12464083

hamachi so far

>> No.12464091

Fuck forgot about this one. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.12464124
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>> No.12464140

Only fish I can get is catfish, cod, salmon, and tilapia. Salmon is my favorite of those. Fuck the Midwest

>> No.12464144

eel, salmon, neuvie herring*, herring

*it's Dutch stuff, basically very young herring served with diced onion, rly tasty stuff (sticks out of their 2bh pretty shitty cousine)

>> No.12464179

One of those is godtier, rest three are garbage best served for your pets.

>> No.12464680

Cod. Preferably fried in a beer batter.

>> No.12464685

Doesn't herring have a really strong fishy taste? Most oily fishes do.

>> No.12464728

they look cute

>> No.12464756

I find most fish extremely bland. Salmon is one of the few I really enjoy. without excessive seasoning.

>> No.12464771
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I guess it's more fishy then some other fishes, but it's not exactly overwhelming.
Herring is nice for salting or pickling or for tossing in flour and frying.

>> No.12464781

Hailbut, lingcod, albacore in that order

>> No.12464811

based deenz poster

>> No.12464827

fucking love herring and deenz

hell, if it came out of a can i'm happy. something about canned meat is just so goddamn good.

>> No.12465446

Blue fish, cooked by my mom in a curry

>> No.12465479

I too love a big juicy mackerel. I like to grill or broil them so that the top of the filet gets crispy and has that nice buttery oil flavor. Yum yum!

>> No.12465482
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My favorite fish recipe is salmon with pesto crust.

But on its own (with salt pepper, lemon etc) is mackeral, bass, cod, swordfish, tuna and trout

>> No.12465485


>> No.12465492

wtf did i just read

>> No.12465494
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It's always those canned sardine with the tomato sauce in it, they taste delicious.

>> No.12465499


>> No.12465500

>giving a (you) to a baiting summerfag

>> No.12465503


I prefer canned mackarel fillets in olive oil to deens

>> No.12465513

Pickled herring is god-tier snax, I would eat it everyday if it wasn't so expensive.

>> No.12465521
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>absolutely slav

>> No.12465524
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Post your favorite canned seafood lads.

>> No.12465533

Sprats in oil with a nice piece of bread are top-tier.

>> No.12465618

This, especially cheeks.

>> No.12465991
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Monkfish, I feel bad for anyone who hasn't had it

>> No.12466011

Mackerel is the only time I've ever had sushi that wasn't good.

>> No.12466846
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Blue whiting. In Spain it's mostly served fried in olive oil, it doesn¡t need anything more. Just flour, oil and salt.

>> No.12466868

well said

>> No.12466877
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I love several kinds of local fish but I don't know what they're called in English. Pic related is a fish called Chanad. Usually, cut in horizontal fillets and with the exception of its spine it's boneless.

>> No.12466893
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the other one I like is a fish called Hamoor. It's similar to Chanad in being relatively boneless but it's fatty compared to Chanad. it's cut into horizontal fillets just like Chanad.

>> No.12466908
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another one I like is called Safi "literally clear fish" It's a small fish (1 to 1.5 the size of a man's hand) since this fish is a herbivore it could only be caught using a cage like trap which is laid down at the bottom of the sea at nighttime. I love all three equally but I eat less of the first 2 because they're expensive

>> No.12466925

Raw tuna > raw salmon > cooked cod > smoked salmon

I'd never touch cooked tuna or salmon ever though, I think they are disgusting.

>> No.12467059

eel or turbot

>> No.12467196

I use those mackerel fillets as bait to catch fish i like more such as snapper.

>> No.12467204

enjoy your tapeworm faglord

>> No.12467267

Monkfish is pretty great

>> No.12467298

Finland or sweden?

>> No.12468391


>> No.12468418
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>For me, it's mackerel,
& for me it's Merkerel

>> No.12468438

would still fug

>> No.12468486

My favorite is herring.
Today the Hollandse Nieuwe season has opened, though I've already had a preview last saturday as some fishmongers get a batch in advance to help everyone figure out what brine is required etc, and my favorite fishmonger on our market was one of those. He wasn't allowed to sell it as a Nieuwe yet, but he cut it fresh and sold it as such for 2 euros apiece.
They're good this year, I'm hyped.

>> No.12468505

They're delicious, but apparently we cannot digest them properly.

>> No.12468516
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All fish can get it.. we dont discriminate.
this is a fresh rockfish fillet.

>> No.12468573

By far the best

>> No.12468912


>> No.12469096

I like all fish, I can't pick a favorite. Lived on the coast my whole life, parents were born and raised on the water.

Recently I've been eating tilapia because it's cheap and I'm poor as hell but it tastes fine to me. Also been reading that it's some of the 'dirtiest' fish but I don't care and don't even know what that means.

Sometimes I go to piers and docks and pull crabs out of the water with chicken necks on a string with my sister. I don't really have access to proper fishing gear right now...

sigh i miss being younger when all these things were taken care of and i had good food all the time

>> No.12469555

for me it's between pompano and deenz

>> No.12469581


Red Snapper.

Preferably with a caramel/garlic sauce.

>> No.12469607


>> No.12470013

same even though I know tuna is fancier

>> No.12470020

I catch thousands of these a summer and use them for bait. It’s has never even crossed my mind to eat one.

>> No.12470053
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I eat fish 4-5 meals a week from May to November, and it’s all fish I catch. The menu, In order of frequency that I catch them:
>striped bass (pic related)
>black sea bass
>Atlantic Bonito
>bluefin/yellowfin tuna
(Oddly enough, it’s relatively easy to find giant bluefin here. 10 minute boat ride. But I don’t have the gear to catch the giants, or a license to sell them. What the fuck am I gonna do with a 900 lb bluefin anyway?)
They’re all good in their own way. I can’t say I have a favorite.

>> No.12471102
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Lesser amberjack
Scorpion fish plus Weaver fish soup
The humble trout
Pic related 17 kilos beauty I caught some months ago

>> No.12471120
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Also forgot the jack mackerel also super tasty and the fight using the meme super light Japanese way(lrf) to fish it is super fun

>> No.12471157

Salmon or Tuna

>> No.12471161


>> No.12471169

Absolutely practitioner taste

>> No.12471219
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>> No.12471308

You shouldn't be eating large, carnivorous fishes higher up in food chain like tuna, swordfish, bluefish, halibut, or Spanish mackerel as they accumulate mercury.

>> No.12471344
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