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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 550x413, frankie-benny-s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12462702 No.12462702 [Reply] [Original]

How do react when ANOTHER itallian/american style restaurant opens in your british city, despite there already being 14 and your city's population is only 45,000

>> No.12462712


what the fuck are all those polls for around the restaurant? How am I supposed to fit my scooter through that?

>> No.12462717

My city is french with a ton of italian restaurants though.

>> No.12462721

>your british city
If I could relate I'd probably kill myself.

>> No.12462843

>what the fuck are all those polls for around the restaurant?
stopping trucks of peace.

>> No.12462847

>barricades erected around restaurants now

The current state of Bongistan.

>> No.12462851

Be grateful there are options to eat actual food instead of your disgusting British cuisine

>> No.12462860

I bet you'd be celebrating diversity if it were another kebab or poo restaurant. You filthy bong

>> No.12462862

"Oh boy! Diversity!"

>> No.12462869

>he’d rather import more grooming Pakistanis than hardworking Italians

Nice country you’ve got there, Muhammad.

>> No.12462877

If it's what the market wants, that's what you're gonna get.

>> No.12462880

>hardworking Italians
that's not a thing.

>> No.12462925

a nice curry house wouldn't go amiss

>> No.12463614 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 916x874, uk_life_is_sharia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12464824


>Italian/American good

How many of these places did Gordon tried and failed to unfuck? Cant wait to try their world famous wings with tomato pasta and grated cheese or their steak fries while having lager pints watching football.

You get the picture. As a burger and brew there is an oversaturation that is better reserved for a pub.

>> No.12466413

They installed enormous ones up and down the entire Vegas strip after a stupid nigger plowed down like 40 Canadians in one fell swoop right outside Paris/Planet Hollywood.

>> No.12466418

You're a stone throw away from mainland Europe. Why are you fuckers eating our bastardized version when Italy is so close by?

>> No.12466422

>Fankie and Benny
Based lbgtq restaurant

>> No.12466425

American cultural hegemony

>> No.12466433

That's still not really an excuse. Just because American culture is predominant doesn't mean that I'm not going to eat at the Korean/Japanese/etc restaurant a few blocks over. Italy is as close to you as our mainland states are to me. Do Bongs not enjoy actual Italian food?

>> No.12466439

Real italian food is simplified to the point of farce.

>> No.12466455
File: 135 KB, 634x847, 2AD4D5BB00000578-3174291-image-a-40_1437830051193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Its late afternoon and I'm getting a bit peckish. I'd love a pizza but can't be bothered cooking it myself. I know what to do! I'll travel hundreds of miles over land and sea TO FUCKING ITALY"

>> No.12466524

If there was an actual demand for real Italian food in the UK, Italians would be opening up restaurants there. You're retarded and gay.

>> No.12466529

its gods will. life is good.

>> No.12466533

Why do Swedes always have a faux-American accent despite the UK being much closer

>> No.12466546

Because they watch American television. What does that have to do with food, smoothbrain? Good food transcends cultural hegemony. That's why we have so many successful Korean, Japanese, Mexican, etc restaurants here in the USA and why kebabs are so popular in Europe. Good food sells itself and I can only conclude that Italian food must not be that good if Europeans would rather eat American versions of it.

>> No.12467078

Like I react to anything else that happens in Britain, by applying for the appropriate loicense and obeying shariah law.