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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 1500x1125, 20140430-peeling-eggs-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12461538 No.12461538 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do you cook a hard boiled egg

>> No.12461546

to cook an egg on the side I don’t know how long to cook it but it’s still not going to happen again but in my life I have had to go back in the morning so I can get some food for the next couple of days

>> No.12461547
File: 25 KB, 720x540, D89648E1-2757-4F7B-8D63-FDC01FB04CF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don’t buy GMO shit and boil it with a timer to desired doneness. Impossible to fuck up just use a timer

>> No.12461548
File: 1.38 MB, 1764x1050, 1365649313662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put eggs in medium pot,fill with water and heat to boiling, turn down heat to simmer and simmer covered for 20 minutes. cool the eggs down and shuck them, they're done.

>> No.12461549

You don't. You cook a raw egg. 12 mins

>> No.12461552

You can't. It's already cooked.

>> No.12461596
File: 358 KB, 552x688, here_to_watch_the_chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to use hard water.

>> No.12461604

This picture is such bullshit. They just purposely overcooked the egg on the right and called it Ooga-booga-GMO.

>> No.12461615

1 : get a small pot
2: put egg(s) into pot
3: fill water until 3/4 of the eggs height is covered in water. do not cover the eggs
4:bring pot to a boil
5: cover pot and set the burner to the absolute lowest setting
6: wait 9 minutes , less if you want a less hard yolk
7: put eggs into a bowl of ice water ( optional step )

>> No.12461683

Boil water. Add whole egg in shell. Wait 10 minutes. Run faucet with cold water and rotate the egg in the cold water. Crack egg on flat surface. Remove the shell until the edible egg is exposed. Cut into whatever orientation and enjoy.

>> No.12461698

Why do you want to?
I will never understand hard boiling eggs. Worst egg prep ever.

>> No.12461704
File: 4 KB, 220x229, 1551415014643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave hard boiled eggs alone they are nutritious

>> No.12461713

Perfect cooking time is 6 min exactly.

>> No.12461754

Grab an egg steamer on Amazon for cheap with a lot good reviews. No microwave shit

There's no better feeling than waking up, putting the little shits to steam, showering, and coming out to a couple perfectly cooked eggs that peel like a charm under a faucet. It's one of the few times Alton Brown's anti-unitasker creed can eat shit if you eat eggs daily

>> No.12461755

Put eggs in a pot.
Fill with water until it's an inch over the eggs.
Add a dash of vinegar.
Bring to a boil.
Once boiling, let them cook for one minute.
Remove from heat, cover, and let them sit for 12 minutes.

I promise you you'll have silky, golden yolks.

>> No.12461818

This actually looks like an interesting method

>> No.12461850

15 minutes is more than enough for a hard-boiled egg. 20 minutes is what old women with no taste buds or teeth boil their eggs for.

>> No.12461890

>dash of vinegar

>> No.12461893

steam 12 minutes, put in ice water, done. perfect eggs every time.

>> No.12461895

It's standard. The vinegar is unnecessary, but stops too much white from escaping if a shell cracks.

>> No.12462027

Don't listen to any of these anons overcooking their eggs.

Place eggs in empty pot, fill with cold tap water until eggs are covered by about 1". Bring to a good rolling boil on the stove. Place lid on pot, remove from heat and let it sit for 10-13 minutes. 10 being sort of transparent in the middle of the yolk and 13 being solid/opaque all the way through. Immediately dunk eggs in ice bath and let them chill for a few minutes. The shells should peel right off in large pieces.

>> No.12462029

Microwave for 3 minutes at boost level

>> No.12462031

Realy, anon? You figured that out all by yourself? Well done! You saved me from falling for a meme image. How will I ever repay you?

>> No.12462040

to tell if they are cooked, lift them with a spoon if the water evaporates quickly they are ready.

>> No.12462041

cold water
boil 20 minutes uncovered
drain hot water
replace with cold water
sit 10 minutes

>> No.12462052

>GMO eggs

Fuck off leftie

>> No.12462055

I don't see how that can be true. Cooking is time and temperature, not temperature alone.

>> No.12462060

>How will I ever repay you?
You can ask your mother to wash her nigger-soaked snatch. That will be payment enough.

>> No.12462061

try it, other wise 7-8min

>> No.12462064

I will try it sometime this week, but even if it works I won't be comfortable with it unless someone can explain it.

>> No.12462066


Youre a jew right? Only a jew would shill eating genetically modified food, while pretending its a leftist ideology to want to eat healthy.

>> No.12462090


It's a fucking tap you American retards.
The rest of the world now has faucet couplings because the US plumbing fraternity want to be "A little bit different".
The sooner you arseholes go metric the better...

>> No.12462097


Plumbers are the retards of the construction world. Imagine spending your entire day working with shit. A typical day entails unclogging 4 toilets, then coming home to your wife who just had sex with Tyrone and wont fuck you because you have dried shit encrusted on your shirt.

For me, its HVAC, the big dicks of the construction world

>> No.12462101

>coming out to a couple perfectly cooked eggs

Why do Americans not know basic grammar?

This should read:
coming out to a couple OF perfectly cooked eggs
For fuck sakes, there is no hope for them.

>> No.12462107

This is like saying accountants only do tax returns. Plumbers weld, braze, design and install fresh water lines, and design and install gas lines. There are all kinds of plumbers. Sewage isn't all there is.

>> No.12462120

Lalalalala>i cant hear <lalalalala

>> No.12462124

>Not even a plumber
>Not even in the US
>Qualified Electrician in Aussie.

>> No.12462133

Wow, he's doing HVAC, he must be so awesome!!!111111
Seriously sweetheart, get on the level of an Electrician.

>> No.12462141


>tfw making $55 an hour as a project coordinator on large commercial HVAC jobs and spend a few hours of my day with 4chan in a small window on one of my 3 screens while shitposting for yous

>not having your entire project clashed out in BIM
>he doesnt even draw in 3d

>> No.12462181

>Only making $55 an hour

It must be rough being poor

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

>> No.12462195

The fact that you understood it well enough to know how to "correct" it proves that it wasn't necessary in the first place.

Also it's not "fuck sakes," it's "fuck's sake."

>> No.12462199

Go dial 8

>> No.12462200


>> No.12462212



I make close to $225,000 a year as a Wendys cook and in case you were wondering I also have a very large penis.

>> No.12462221

>He's never met an Aussie

OK wanker

>> No.12462223

I'm Australian and have never met anybody who says "fuck sakes." I think you've just been hearing things incorrectly.

>> No.12462225

>defending poor/wrong usage of the Englush language
Adds up.

>> No.12462229

How do you feel about roux and its capacity to stop a cheese sauce from breaking?

>> No.12462234

Boil water first, add in eggs, leave for 8 minutes, than take it out and remove shell. Easy for a dumfuck like yourself.

>> No.12462294

Why didn't your mother teach you this when you were like 10?

>> No.12462299


Because I was playing outside with my bros and riding my bike to 7-11 to steal candy. I know you were probably born that way, but not everyone is gay anon and wanting to spend time as a kid watching their mom to housework.

>> No.12462405
File: 796 KB, 1994x1142, AC_Repair_School_Room_Temperature_Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12462427

That picture literally comes from a page titled 'How to Make Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs'

>> No.12462450


Thanks for the detective work gumshoe, we'll get back to you when we need you to help us crack another case

>> No.12462583

>He's not a machinist
Imagine having to work outside

>> No.12462625

You already cooked it if it's hard boiled.

>> No.12462659

Is there a reason you felt compelled to reply to this post? Just curious. There are better things to do in life than to argue about cooking an egg for 5 minutes but your tone really struck me.

>> No.12462777

I'm a proud American.

>> No.12462780

That’s retarded. It only does that if it’s over cooked.

Also, eggs aren’t GMO

>> No.12462786
File: 19 KB, 425x425, 95CCBE52-50A8-4BBA-A54D-90C2CC13238F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy one of these and drop it in the pot with your eggs. It will tell you when it’s done

>> No.12463393

Nah, it's a faucet.

>> No.12463408
File: 135 KB, 867x1300, patriot titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked trips
Have some patriotic tits

>> No.12463536

Literal autism

>> No.12463546

That's too long senpai.

They're soft boiled in 6, medium boiled in less than 8, and hard boiled at 10. 12 minutes is nasty textured.

>> No.12463886

>in case you were wondering I also have a very large penis.

I was wondering that. Thank you for clearing that up, anon.

>> No.12463934

bring water to a boil, put egg in, bring water to simmer, cook for like 7 minutes.

>> No.12463940

softboiled is tastier