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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12460847 No.12460847 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12460959

I’d love to kick a cat

>> No.12460994

Are you black or reddit?

>> No.12461009

I was just thinking about cats. I don't particularly like them, and they are annoying, but I don't shoo them off my property because they really do handle snakes and rodents pretty well.

>> No.12461021

>likes cats
>calls others “Reddit”
Are you that dickered faggot?

>> No.12461039
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Nah I'm just thinking the Egyptians had cats right, they know how to handle rats and spooks. Go back to whatever hell you came from.

>> No.12461053
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/ck/ is a cat board as far as I'm aware

>> No.12461079

>/ck/- Cats and Kooks

>> No.12461107
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>> No.12461126

My cat is old. It spends hours meowing at nothing. I assume it has alzheimers, which is, apparently, common for house cats. There is hair everywhere, and the litter box is disgusting. Pets are a mistake.

Fuck ramen too.

>> No.12461176

Don't need to watch it, American instant ramen is the same as Japanese ramen and in many cases literally just the international version of Japanese brands. Would Americans be shocked trying Japanese Kraft Mac and Cheese or Campbell's Soup?

>> No.12461199

Cats and niggers are both vermin. What’s your point?

>> No.12461204

>Pets are a mistake.
Fuck you for reminding me my dog is dead. And to a degree they feel like a mistake, because they have that cliched sort of movie feeling where you will almost always outlive them and feel horrible when they die.

At least my dog took care of me when I was sick though. Literally.

>> No.12461206

Wasn't aware we had curry, miso, and shoyu instant ramen here in your average grocery store

>> No.12461213

Another ramen thread, awesome

>> No.12461224

Do Japanese people know that everyone else in the world finds the sound of slurping noodles disgusting?

>> No.12461232

Maybe not at a bodega in Compton but yes most markets have Japanese curry, maybe miso soup, and shoyu instant ramen

>> No.12461236

>dog took care of me
Fuck, now I miss my cat; not dead just not with me. Always knew when I was upset and would take care of me by not leaving my side and snuggling extra.

>> No.12461267

You're telling me that if you walk into a Walmart in somewhere like Wyoming, you'll be able to find imported Japanese instant ramen? Because they sure as hell don't make those flavors in the US branch of Nissin

>> No.12461349

Are these two guys gay?

>> No.12461368

Walmart? Probably not. Maybe it's not as widespread but it's not a complete rarity either. Go to an Asian market or an actual market (i.e. not Walmart) in non-flyover land

>> No.12461435

>everyone else in the world finds the sound of slurping noodles disgusting?
Well, China's standing with them on that, so that's a seventh of the global population that doesn't find slurping noodles disgusting. Korean and Vietnamese etiquette allows slurping noodles as well, so that's another couple hundred million people. Thailand...does not condone noodle slurping, that surprised me. But Laos, Cambodia, East and West Myanmar, they all seem to be on board. So that's like, maybe a fifth, or quarter to a third of the living human population that gives no fucks about slurping noodles.

That's a pretty strong consensus.

>> No.12461448

My dog is also dead. Poor old guy, he made it to 16 before he got so feeble we had to put him down. He was a good dog; half German Shepherd, and half Chow. He wanted to hunt down Jews so we could throw them into the woks. He was based.

>> No.12461504

>Wasn't aware we had curry, miso, and shoyu instant ramen here in your average grocery store
Maybe if you stepped foot in the multitudes of average Asian grocery stores in America you'd find it.

>> No.12461509

Plus the people outside Asia that agree you shouldn't give a damn. I mean, overall, that's probably most of the noodle-eating world. I mean hell, Italy only has twice the population of Malaysia, they're vastly outnumbered.

>> No.12461521

I'm not opening the video, but based on the image nobody in America eats any of those except maybe the Shin cup noodles or that hot and spicy shit because it's big and always on sale. Literally every grocery store has a shitty pre-made food aisle and an "Asian" aisle where they sell basic, but far better shit.

>> No.12461542

based racist insect

>> No.12461617

>based racist insect
Motherfucker, I ain't no gook. I'm half Irish and half German, I start bar fights and end them by deploying mustard gas. I'm just saying, when you crunch the numbers, the global consensus might shift towards "slurping noodles=okay". That's an objective analysis. Provisional on the assumption that the yellow Orientals are 'people', an idea I'm indulging for purpose of conversation.

Racist, certainly, based, possibly, insect, no.

>> No.12461626

Don't slurp your noodles, you disgusting pig. I'm going to punch somebody in the face over this one day. I don't plan to do it, but it's so fucking aggravating that I'm certain I'll snap one day.

>> No.12461701

>That's an objective analysis
>using numbers to justify something that is bad manner
>implying every noodle-eater in Asia would agree and disgustingly slurp their noodles

INSECT. You are an I-N-S-E-C-T.

>> No.12461748

Hello, right now we saw a raccoon eating our cat’s food, she is alive, still, but she keeps getting scared. We keep her outside though. The cat or the raccoon aren’t coming back in a very long time, we are waiting for the cat but she isn’t coming. We want the RACCOON to come back. In that case, we refilled the cat food. I know it isn’t good to do that but if the raccoon comes back we can either scare it away so it won’t kill our loving cat. Right now, we are sparing time while telling you about this just for some help because i loved how you gave some good info about this, but in this case it isn’t accurate for us. I really hope you can find a way to help us. If so, please either email me from my gmail. Thank you!

>> No.12461756


>> No.12461852

Taking in air with food allows you to taste it better. This is why in private, chefs will literally slurp small samples of new products like olive oil, or even just bites of imported fruit. Gasping in air while eating makes them seem like a pretentious twat but it actually serves a purpose.

>> No.12461856
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