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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12460146 No.12460146 [Reply] [Original]

Can you even cook? Answer honestly. 1-10

>> No.12460155

Im a 7 compared to most people but a 4 compared to decent cooks

>> No.12460161
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Been told I am a decent cook. Most people on this board are anime consuming degenerates who post hot sauce and for the most part, can't cook.

>> No.12460165

Solid 8

>> No.12460167


>> No.12460324

For home cook? I'd say 8 considering the quality of the foods, efficiency in money and material and variety, one area im lacking in is speed. Lunch rarely takes me less than an hour, it often takes 2 or more.
Professional cooking probably much know some theoretical things about the industry and some techniques but never actually worked at a restaurant

>> No.12460337

Not even joking I would be lucky to get a 2 or 3. I just come here because I like to eat a lot

>> No.12460746

Compared to what? I guess a 6 to 7 compared to a average people, a 9 for survival since I'll be happy with the stuff I can make but 3 to actual chiefs since I can't make certain foods (always burn fried chicken).

>> No.12460763

If I had a proper kitchen I am sure I could make any food dish.

>> No.12460785
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>> No.12460796

Cooking following recipes (restaurant worker) and creating your own are two very different things. Being able to follow those recipes to a T and busy them out in a high volume kitchen does indeed make you a great cook. However, making your own recipes and trying new techniques comes with risk. Even experienced and seasoned cooks/chefs run the risk when trying new recipes, getting out of their comfort zone, and being bold. I can tell you the risk/reward factor will make you seek more challenging recipes but don’t be afraid of failure, some recipes you will ace an others will burn down your kitchen kicking off the ansel syaytem.
I’d say I’m a modest 7/10
t. Professional chef

>> No.12460805

You sound like a guy who genuinely loves working in a kitchen.

>> No.12460957

Considering Morimoto and Batali as tens. I am 8 but have come close to the top on occasion.

>> No.12461365

5, basic shit like frying and boiling

>> No.12461391

I’d say like a 7. But I want to get better. Thinking about taking some more cooking classes or just practice some of the recipes my parents taught me.

>> No.12461416

Can make a few 8tier dishes otherwise I'm probably a 5

>> No.12461425
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I cook dinner for my family, wife and 2 kids, they're not old enough to appreciate the work I put into cooking but I dont really put enough into it to be appreciated. That being said I know how to perform basic cooking techniques and have a large backlog of things that I can prepare well. It comes with the territory I suppose. My mother was a culinary instructor at a community college and I watched her quite a lot growing up. So I'd say, yes and give myself a 5/10.

>> No.12461463

Probably this. The things I'm good at making are pretty damn good but I'm not good at improvising.

>> No.12461467

im like the opposite, i cant be bothered to read a recipe but i'll take variants of one and make my own concoctions frequently

>> No.12461471


>> No.12461485

I can cook just fine. I'd say average when cooking for myself, but I'll go hard when cooking for others. Only thing is I don't cook often for others, and I'm generally too lazy to cook for myself; so while I CAN cook, I just don't.

>> No.12461657

5/10. Can fry meat and steam veg. Mash potato and scrambled eggs are pretty good too. Rarely do Tom Kha Talay or lambs fry in gravy mostly because I'm a lazy shit.

>> No.12461666

I don't know. Good, bad, whatever. I just eat it.

>> No.12461771
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On average a solid 5/10 but if I improvise and it goes well 7/10, problem with my improvisation is that my thought process is"yeah that should be fine " which makes it really easy to fuck up. I eyeballed too much soy sauce once and it turned out like hot garbage

>> No.12461780

8/10 im paid 30k a year to cook so i cant be too terrible

>> No.12461823

I see myself missing basics rather than lack of improvisation
but I think I also "improvise" too much with the same spices so most things kinda end up the same with a small variance

>> No.12461826
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7 compared to the people around me, but like 5 from what I see on the internet.
I go on youtube and shit and im pretty fuckin floored by what people can make on there. But friends and family will like, microwave frozen veges, boil brocoli and bake chicken breasts with some salt at most. So i dont feel so bad.

>> No.12461860

I'd say I'm a 5 honestly. Pre packaged food is piss easy, and I can cook some basic food items like eggs and meat in a skillet. Plus I can get a little creative with my cooking, to mixed results.

>> No.12461875

7/10, I mean compared to everyone. But that's only if I gave a fuck and I really don't anymore. Now that I'm isolated from any actual ingredients and stuck with people that boil chicken, I just don't give a fuck. I haven't cared for a few years. When the only form of fine restaurant anywhere near you is 1970's style banquet menu chicken and steak, with the benefit of tea sandwiches, you know you're in hell.

>> No.12461954

Better than normalfags, I'd say a solid 2

>> No.12461972

Compared to most of the stuff that is posted on /ck/ I'd be a 9/10.

>> No.12463105

probably a 6 in context to my circumstances - people like my cooking but it's nothing special - I'm a uni student so the fact that i enjoy cooking and baking my own stuff is impressive compared to most of my peers

>> No.12463117

A solid 3, I can follow a recipe

>> No.12463743
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Honestly, I'd say 10; but I usually tell people 9.7 to appear modest. Some people say I was reincarnated from Marie-Antoine Carême, but I don't like to brag. The quality of ingredients is very important. I like to catch all my ingredients by hand, just to make sure that they're fresh. When I envision my next masterpiece the combinations flow through my mind like equations solving themselves and produce angelic harmonies. Don't forget that presentation is important, too. One time I had slaves carry the food in on their backs. The diners were astonished, especially when I came out and started whipping them. Gordon Ramsay once asked my advice on a banquet he was preparing. I told him to just be himself (he still owes me protection money by the way). Kings and world leaders have acknowledged my genius. The pope once threw himself before me and started kissing my feet. I was told this was quite normal for him, but he did say I was chosen by heaven. Some nights I like to look out on the horizon and wonder if I'll ever find a true rival, someone who can defeat me in the kitchen. Maybe then my soul can attain peace and transcend to the afterlife.

>> No.12463854

Whats a 1 or a 10 here? In my head Im around a 6 but I need to know what metrics are being measured against for 1-10

>> No.12463859


>> No.12463864


>> No.12464227

Yes. I'm a very good cook. Sometimes when I watch people eat my food I see them go dead silent after the first couple bites and sort of blank out like they're having a religious experience while they're eating. I love seeing that. Makes me really happy. A few times people have told me my food was the best meal they've ever eaten. I don't think I can objectively rate myself on a scale of 1-10.

>> No.12464239

As a home cook, I'm 10/10.
As a professional cook, I'm a solid 8.
But, I trained as an apprentice to a chef when I was younger, and my mom was a professional chef who taught at a culinary school and taught me to cook from the time I was big enough to hold cooking utensils. So, I had a leg up on it.

>> No.12464260

Jack is a 1. Gordon Ramsay is a 5. McChicken is a 10.