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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12458910 No.12458910 [Reply] [Original]

>people who cover eggs and hashbrowns with ketchup
>well done ANYTHING
>ketchup on any meat thats not a burger
>people who need ranch to dip for everything
>not liking tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, or mushrooms
>any hot dog/burger bun that is not a potato bun
>thinking in'n'out is anything besides mediocre burger and fries (fries are actually terrible)
and of course
>being invited to watch a movie and being told there will be dinner show up and it is an extremely underwhelming/unpalatable dish

>invited to watch saving private ryan at GFs parents house on Dday anniversery and told there will be dinner (chili)
>anticipate a poorly made chili so eat at costco beforehand
>get there and its frozen french fries and SLOPPY JOES on great value buns
>dont eat
Is there a more unappetizing dish then ground beef and basically barbecue sauce on dollar store buns?

>> No.12458936
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hows your skillet workin for ya?

>> No.12458943
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>cast iron

>> No.12458964 [DELETED] 
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I put ketchup on my hashbrowns.
I don't mind well done steak. I want my burgers and other meats cooked thoroughly.
Ranch is my go-to dip for things.
I like tomato sauces but not chunks or slices. Onions and bell peppers are fine. Mushrooms are a no-go.
I don't really care what kind of bun it's on.
Never had In'n'Out.
I'm just glad they went out of their way to make food, even if their talent is lacking. Sometimes it's the thought that counts.
>You're a giant faggot.

>> No.12458981
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>your well done steak/meat comment
you are a laughing stock among all chefs and people who recognize how meats should be cooked for maximum taste

You should care about buns when someone had an option to spend a dollar or two more to get a vastly superior bun. dont ever get in n out.
Id rather be gay than willingly eat well done steak

>> No.12459055

>deep frying is the only way they know how to cook chicken
>"I don't eat/like veggies" but when they eat at a restaurant they gladly eat veggies as though the chef casted a magic spell on it to make it better
>anybody who thinks abstinence of eating meat makes them superior to those who eat meat
>Anybody who is on a very restrictive diet instead of eating balanced, portioned meals
>Picky eaters who only eat cardboard packaged processed ration food
>Shower orange meme
>People who loudly chomp or don't don't cover their mouths when talking+eating
>People who burp frequently
>People who order sides of rice at korean barbeques or japanese restaurants
>People who believe the diet soda meme