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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12456642 No.12456642 [Reply] [Original]

Lobsters are literally bugs. Do you eat bugs?

>> No.12456644

Yeah sure.

>> No.12456656
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Bugs and lobsters are completely different.

>> No.12456768

I've had lobster a lot in my life, hated it every time.
Crab's better.

>> No.12456771

Fresh lobster is tasty af. The frozen rubbery shit you joggers eat must suck.

>> No.12456846

I'd eat shit if it tasted good

>> No.12457327
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>> No.12457332

Why do lobsters just look like big hard shrimps with claws?

>> No.12457359

Lobster tail with melted butter is delicious

>> No.12457935


>> No.12457952

Bugs are cute :3

>> No.12457954

Only the big ones

>> No.12457967


>> No.12457968
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"Oh well you know anon, another highly valued meal is made from insects - Lobster ! Case in point, my new ANT-burger is literally fine dining for cheap !"

The Jews were right, the fuck is this shit, fucking sea food like Lobster, im not eating fucking insects, thats gross shit

>> No.12457991
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Imagine catching and cooking one of the old dinosaur-era dragonflies. Imagine cracking open the massive tail and seeing it full of juicy delicious white meat, a pound easily of meat that tastes as good as lobster and crab. God my mouth is watering at the thought of it.

>> No.12458001


Dude, China eats scorpions and they're considered a delicacy in India.

Bugs, I mean.

>> No.12458022


I like those spicy crickets you sometimes get as a snack with a margarita, so yeah. I guess I eat bugs.

>> No.12458070

Bugs don't have meat, that's the difference.
I've dissected bugs as big as giant spiders and roaches, you cut open their ass with a razor blade....know what you find? Not fucking meat, it's pus, or rather their liquid insides that resemble a bursting ingrown hair postule that's been infected

They don't have meat, lobster crustaceans have meat, that's the difference.

>> No.12459175

it's actually a crustacean

>> No.12459185


>> No.12459229

Lobster is ok but definitely overrated. You are right about crabs (specifically crab legs) being better

>> No.12459237

Scorpions are delectable, philistine. Praise street shitters and praise chinks.

>> No.12459239

Now I'm interested.

>> No.12459242

If they taste like lobster I do

>> No.12459247

Both have their skeleton on the outside, what makes one have muscles and the other don't? Also what do insects use as muscles?

>> No.12459252

>Mmm crabs legs so good
>(drench in garlic butter)
>Let's have some escargot
>(drench in garlic butter)

Everything is good when you drench it in garlic butter

>> No.12459332

They're crustacaens

>> No.12459338

You're only revealing that everybody you know is a classless pig.

>> No.12459348

>drench in garlic butter
From what shithole country are you?

>> No.12459363

>garlic butter is an indicator of living in a shithole
kys yuropoor

>> No.12459372

He's right though, lardy. If your seafood is of such poor quality you have to drown the flavor, you live in a septic tank.

>> No.12459500

If they're as succulent and delicious as lobster, fuck yes I do.

>> No.12459519

Grubs are pretty good, crickets and mealworms too.

>> No.12459554

Lobsters may be bugs but they aren't insects

learn to arthropod

>> No.12459570

Only a soyboy wouod be afraid of a lobster.

>> No.12461098

I do not know why, but bugs have mostly liquid insides. I think they have some "meat" in certain portions as I've seen zoomed in bugs getting eaten by others, but it's so small it would do us no good, the largest part, the ass, is full of goop liquid organs, meanwhile a lobster has meat

>> No.12461109

I eat crawdads and shrimp out of the river

>> No.12461131

This. If there were giant spiders with legs you could get chops from I'd probably eat them but fuck eating crunchy possibly spiky or hairy exoskeletons and gooey innards.

>> No.12461134
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>> No.12461136

The USA is so great that lobsters were poor fag food in the past

>> No.12461146

oh you are going to trigger new england with this comment.

>> No.12461709

Actually bugs are insects in the order Hemiptera, which eat plants mostly
lobsters are way more disgusting, they eat anything they get their claws on.

>> No.12461839

see chocolate covered ants

>> No.12461843

prisoners petitioned to be fed lobster only a certain number of times per week and succeeded bc it was considered cruel and unusual punishment

>> No.12461845

>anime poster complaining about jews because he's a picky eater
Get a life dude

>> No.12461920

>cruel and unusual punishment
Yeah, the way it was being cooked, it probably was.

>> No.12461952

dropping waterbugs in boiling water is no different than stirring puppies in a vat of hot oil alive. Well I might eat one, and would most likely murder you and your children for the other. tomato tomato.

>> No.12461961

The idea is that the lobster prisoners were being fed was not cooked the way anyone in the modern age eats lobster.....

>> No.12461980

"true bugs" is such a horrible taxon name. Whoever thought that up should have just translated the Latin version and called them half-winged bugs

>> No.12462130

It probably had the texture and flavor of the overcooked lobster you get at buffets so it was definitely cruel and a punishment to feed them that.

>> No.12462308
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Have some more crustaceans. How would you like them cooked?

>> No.12462353

>Literally (figurative)
No thanks.

>> No.12462754
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Careful, anon. Careful now.

>> No.12462810

So they're high in protein, don't have pathogens that can infect humans, and contain plenty of valuable micronutrients? Sure, why not.

>> No.12463465

Skewered and roasted with some hot sauce.

>> No.12463506

I eat lobster, so yes.

>> No.12463524

It's just be a huge pile of ichor. Eating insects is a meme.
Chocolate covered ants get a pass because of the formic acid.

>> No.12463525

Yeah why the fuck not. I ate lots of ants when i was a kid, just put my hand on a nest and when there was enough ants on it, i just picked them off and munched. Very sour and crunchy, i liked it.

>> No.12463665
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>formic acid
How does formic acid affect the chocolate taste?

>> No.12463696

It tastes like citrus, but not quite. Very bright and tangy. It pairs nicely with the chocolate, which also works well with the crunch, which isn't overwhelming with ants

>> No.12463702

They're shit eating water roaches who cannibalize each other in captivity.

MUH EXPENSIVE DELICACY is one of the most hilarious tricks the Jews ever pulled on you retards. Notice how they don't touch this shit by religious decree? But sure, go ahead and spend $50 a plate on a boiled literal bug with some butter to dip it in you goddamn mongoloids

>> No.12464458

>Also what do insects use as muscles?

>> No.12464464

Entomologists are a retarded bunch

>> No.12464466

>you cut open their ass with a razor blade....know what you find? Not fucking meat, it's pus, or rather their liquid insides that resemble a bursting ingrown hair postule that's been infected

You just described crawfish.

>> No.12464501

Why do I care what something is classified as? You find me a giant grasshopper that is a meaty and tasty as a lobster and ill eat that fucker too.

>> No.12464510

Waterbugs are scientifically confirmed to not feel pain.

>> No.12464523

Completely wrong. They have entirely different ways of perceiving and reacting to it.

>> No.12464846

>The Jews were right
I wonder who is behind this post...

>> No.12464937

I'll eat anything if it tastes good.

>> No.12466541

they said the same thing about dogs a few decades ago

>> No.12466545

Who cares if they taste good? Chickens, pigs, and cows probably feel pain too.

>> No.12466615

insects use hydraulic movement, not all, but majority of their body is fluids, give or take a few tendons and maybe a sack or so.

>> No.12466774

Can you read? He said the jews were right because crustaceans aren't kosher.

>> No.12468302

A fellow Shana fan here?

>> No.12468305

Eat the lobster schlomo

>> No.12468315

They’re confirmed to not feel pain the same way as we do
That does not mean they do not feel pain