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12451765 No.12451765 [Reply] [Original]

Is cannibalism natural?

>> No.12451772

For virtually all species, yeah. What do you think fish eat?

>> No.12451773

They eat their own eggs, sometimes ones with fully developed fetus

>> No.12451774

There are lots of different types of fish. They eat all kinds of things. That was a bad first hand, anon. Real bad.

>> No.12451784

Asking if it's "natural" is a little bit too simplistic.
Cannibalism generally occurs when an organism needs to cull excess population in a region where there aren't very many naturally predators to allow the most amount of offspring to reach maturity. However, it can also be used to cut competing offspring out of the gene pool.
I wouldn't call it "Natural," just something that happens in Nature.

>> No.12451936

Cannabalism happens, but your GIF isn't a great example since McDonalds chicken nuggets undergo lots of processing and transformation to end up in a form that no longer much resembles a dead chicken. You could take human meat, put it through the process, box it in McDonald's branded cardboard, and probably get plenty of people to eat it without realizing what it is.

>> No.12451948

You need to define what you mean by "natural." If you were going by the assumed meaning of "occurring in nature" then yes it would be, but that wouldn't be saying much.

>> No.12451953

have sex

>> No.12451958

So eating people from other races is ethical?

>> No.12451983

Is that why my pet gerbil fluffy ate all her babies ;_;

>> No.12451986
File: 380 KB, 1440x1928, image_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 4 years old
>visit my prototypical German immigrant of a grandaunt for the day with Mom
>lunch time!
>grandaunt has chickens in the backyard
>there's a tree stump in the middle of the fenced area
>grandaunt grabs one nonchalantly and tells my mom "here, hold this against the stump"
>4 year old me has no clue what's going on
>grandaunt goes and gets a fucking machete from the shed
>mom starts freaking out, not because she's squeamish about killing a chicken, but because she's scared the old woman will miss and lop her hands off
>grandaunt basically tells mom to stop being a bitch
>does a few slow practice chops
>next one comes down hard and precisely where she intended
>three things I'll never forget from that day

>first, the head flying off and all the other chickens immediately crowding around it and picking the skull clean of meat
>second, the headless chicken running around squirting blood everywhere and grandaunt chuckling and trying to get me to laugh at it, which worked
>lastly, the alien abomination that was a chicken's ovaries, which is basically a huge sack of yolks, and how delicious it tasted

Chickens are pretty fucked, they'll eat their frens heads.

>> No.12452024

"fish" is not a species

>> No.12452027

i have 2 quaker parrots and they laid eggs, 2 birds came out, and they ate the 2 birds

>> No.12452033

Yeah, like I said, it happens. Just pointing out that McDonald's chicken nuggets hardly resemble a regular unprocessed dead chicken's body so it's not a great example to try to use.

>> No.12452041

only in the most extreme survival situations.

>> No.12452074

it's natural
so is prion disease

>> No.12452094

it's natural but everything is natural
beaver dams are natural, man made car engines are natural, homo anal sex is natural, birth defects are natural, it's a meaningless question

>> No.12452102

Based grandaunt, home-farm chickens are delicious and their egg yolks have a healthy yellow colour

>> No.12452254

There's no such thing as a "fish".
A salmon is more closely related to a human being than it is to a hagfish or eel or something. Taxonomically and biologically speaking, fish is a meaningless word.
It's just out general term for "shit that lives in water and have vaguely the same outline". Like bug.

>> No.12452392
File: 102 KB, 2048x1024, retart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no such thing as a "fish".

>> No.12452425

What even does this reply mean? I see it posted everywhere but I don't understand the reference.

>> No.12452431

My parrots eat chicken and beef so I guess is normal. Also eggs

>> No.12452935
File: 87 KB, 692x720, 30761739-origpic-8b27a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sex
>I don't understand the reference

>> No.12452942

I thought it started on /asp/

>> No.12452999

No, they're fish you retard. Marine mammals are in their own class for a reason.

>> No.12453012

Is this what European schools teach children?

>> No.12453028

Try reading a book sometime. This is just bait though.

>> No.12453046

You're right but the way you explain it is wrong.

>> No.12453071

that fish isn't a species? yes, dude is just shit at explaining
What do they teach the US kids?

>> No.12453079


if fish could scream the ocean would be loud.

>> No.12453094

>There's no such thing as a "fish".
I am quite sure you are the one who have been repeating this retarded concept, but in different categories.
Anyway, take your (You)s, retard.

>> No.12453125

>Is cannibalism natural?
Scientifically, it's probably not true for humans.

When they feed animal parts back to cattle and farm animals of the same species there are issues such as mad cow and other spongiform prion diseases, virii, aka TSEs, or scrapie. Feed bans in the US makes this a non-issue, but imported meat? Anything goes.

>> No.12453136

Define fish for me then, retards.

>> No.12453179

It's not a healthy diet for them. They might eat those things, but it's not what they're supposed to eat. Not natural, you could say. They can eat it because it's food, but they probably do not metabolize it efficiently. Parrots evolved to eat a very specific diet which does not usually involve cows, except in the sense of eating predigested seeds from cow turds, which I guess is the parrot equivalent of yogurt and would have similar enzymatic properties to kopi luwak.

>> No.12453240

No, you probably disturbed her too much or got your scent on them

>> No.12453254

It's like when you're playing cards and nobody has the card you ask for so you take a new card from the deck.

>> No.12453257

She knew what fate awaited her youngs after living with you and spared them the suffering probebly

>> No.12453292

nobody is arguing that fish is a species, eurotard

>> No.12453302

It means you should start having sex
Instead of making stupid posts like that

>> No.12453366

Then, whats your problem (except being fat)

>> No.12453371
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>> No.12453377

That is exactly what >>12451772 was saying. His post becomes a disjointed pair of unrelated sentences unless you read it that way.

>> No.12453379

>no u

>> No.12453426

>t. needlessly pedantic virgin

most aquatic creatures with fins, scales and gills are generally classified as fish, in a layman sense.

everyone knows the term is overly generalized and that modern taxonomy no longer uses the word, let me remind you that this is a cooking board on an anime site, take your faggotry to /sci/

>> No.12453441

>in a layman sense
thanks for confirming that you're a lay man
aka cuckold and most likely retarded

>> No.12453456

thanks for confirming you're autistic
do you sperg out when people talk about vegetables also?

>> No.12453458

noun: fish; plural noun: fish; plural noun: fishes

a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water.
"the sea is thick with fish"

>> No.12453462

Your mum called me a good lay, man.

>> No.12453483

>most aquatic creatures with fins, scales and gills are generally classified as fish, in a layman sense.
>everyone knows the term is overly generalized and that modern taxonomy no longer uses the word, let me remind you that this is a cooking board on an anime site, take your faggotry to /sci/

Thing is, this moron >>12451772 implies that cannibalism is normal because fish eat other fish.
Him saying it's normal isn't the problem, it's his stupidity in implying that if a shark eats a marlin then that's "cannibalism".
I know that language is hard for you guys, and you'd prefer the ambiguity of the post-modern world you were brought up in because it's easier on your brainlets but at least try to make an effort lmao

>> No.12453494
File: 74 KB, 410x411, georgia-giant-bobwhite-quail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quail will kill and eat weaker quail

>> No.12453513

I cut a fish open once and it's blood was pretty warm dunno might've been a hot day
> "the sea is thick with fish"
your anus is thick with my cock

>> No.12453549

Man made car engines are not natural. I don't think you know what the word "natural" means.

>> No.12453555

I didn't write the dictionary if you have a problem with the definition take it up with mr. webster

>> No.12453562

Sharks will cannibalize each other. So do squids, crabs, and even land based creatures like spiders and mammals like apes. Not that guy, but if this is supposed to be an argument against cannibalism in nature, then it's a very bad one. If not, then whatever.

>> No.12453563

>humie thinks it is above nature

>> No.12453565

To an alien you are the one who is an alien.

>> No.12453569

Doesn't make you any less gay

>> No.12453570

>animal makes thing
>suddenly is not natural because me am that animal kind too!

>> No.12453575

No, if it were "natural," then the thought of eating human would be appealing/appetizing. It however is not appealing because of biological reasons, just like how bark isn't appealing because of biological reasons (it does nothing for us nutritionally).

>> No.12453578

you would eat a baby in a week if you didn't have food

>> No.12453598

Cannibalism only really occurs in extreme situations (outside a few lel edgy XD reddit cultures). If it were natural, it would occur all the time under any circumstance.

>> No.12453653

The definition of natural is something that is normally found within nature and isn't man made, specifically. Human feces is natural, a jet engine is not. Why is this so hard to grasp? Go look up the definition of `natural` before making yourself look even dumber than you already have.

>> No.12453671

I went to have my turkeys slaughtered at a backyard butchers house, and the guy had a bunch of laying hens that were free to graze the entire property.
You know where they chose to hang out? Right underneath the butcher table picking at scraps of skin and giblets that fell to the ground from freshly killed birds.

>> No.12453689

so a dog feces is not natural because dogs are man made got ya

>> No.12453742

Bee hives are natural, jets are too, humans are just animal, if you think anything we made is complex is because you are an ant.

>> No.12454454

They really shouldn't be allowed to eat the brains because they might get a prion disease

>> No.12454460

That's how mad cow disease happened

>> No.12454468
File: 145 KB, 339x261, Ovary-labeled_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken's ovaries
Holy shit you weren't kidding.

>> No.12455077

Yes actully, dog shit is hardly biodegradeble and is counted as a pollutant

>> No.12455166

>They really shouldn't be allowed to eat the brains because they might get a prion disease
Prion diseases are either mostly or entirely a mammalian thing.

>> No.12455333

It's the new evolution insult of incel, permavirgin, wizard, neckbeard, basement dweller

>> No.12455367

egg yolk color doesn't really indicate health, just diet
feeding your chickens marigold petals makes it yellow
I believe chili peppers make it more orange

>> No.12456291

holy brainlet

>> No.12456585

Anything is ethical and everything is permissable given enough time die to the erosion of the moral fabric of civilization.
I wonder what a pajeet would taste like?
How best to go about this?
Would you get him to eat his typical cuisine if you literally wanted Indian take out?
What race would taste the best for a BBQ?
Maybe some subsaharan would be good because lean meat is good for the heart.
Everyone can agree that the NA variant of white meat is one to stay away from; too fatty and too many additives.