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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 615x409, Munchie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12450054 No.12450054 [Reply] [Original]

In Scotland, most minority-owned restaurants have a deal where you can get an assortment of cheap but filling fried foods and an Irn Bru for £20 or less. This deal is colloquially known as a Hot Carl and is a pretty big hit. What's some regional specialties from your area?

>> No.12450060
File: 526 KB, 1875x2500, MUNCHY_BOX_DREAM_V_REALITY_DN03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the UK has better italian food than italy does

>> No.12450075

I'm from France and we mainly live on refugee semen

>> No.12450098

20 pounds for a box of crap. Outfuckingstanding.

>> No.12450113
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>> No.12450115

If that's a joke I'm not laughing

>> No.12450124

>Hot Carl

>> No.12450127

thats what the box says

>> No.12450134


>> No.12450193

I've always wanted to try a munchie box but it looks like it'd give me a headache.

>> No.12450195

it literally says italian cant you read?

>> No.12450217

so OP was born because his mom shit on his dad face ??
for those anons that do not know what a hot carl is:

Hot Karl (also called Hot Sasser) is sexual slang referring to one of several purported acts involving feces. It variously means an act of defecating on one's sexual partner, defecating on someone who is asleep, or defecating on someone's face while covered in plastic wrap also formally known as a "dirty sanchez"
source : Wikipedia

>> No.12450239

I see where it says Italian, yes. I see no Italian food, though.

>> No.12450250

A Dirty Sanchez has always been smearing a streak of shit under someone's nose, like a mustache.

>> No.12450253

dumb pastanigger mad that the UK does his own food better lmao

>> No.12450264

I just posted the info , I didn't make it up

>> No.12450311

I'm no Italian, either by birth or heritage, I just don't see anything that looks like Italian food.
>onion rings
>arugula "salad"
>chicken strips?
Where's the I-tie?

>> No.12450317

look at al the green and red stuff stupid

>> No.12450321


>> No.12450647

Do euros really?

>> No.12450689


>> No.12450708

Im watching Brave right now

>> No.12450758
File: 179 KB, 680x626, 47e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian? Anywun who sez dis aint a proppa English munchie box is a rite wanka and a poof. My local kebab shop is run by Ahmed (a true geezer just as English as Ngubu and I) and he alway knocks 40p off me munchie box of a Friday nite. He supports ManU to so he's one of tha famly. We dint foight Jerry in two werld worz just so some nazi wanka can say that he cant live ere.

>> No.12450777


>> No.12450784

Someone tell bongs fries aren't eye-talian

>> No.12451734


>> No.12451747

>supports utd

>> No.12451977
File: 9 KB, 275x183, eierbal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eierbal. It's an egg with a curry ragout around it and a deep fried crispy coating. I get one every time I go out drinking

>> No.12452032
File: 56 KB, 732x549, HotChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nashville, Tennessee USA. Hot Chicken.

>> No.12452171

We also have the Hot Carl in the States. Typically though, you have to get a prostitute to do it to you, because I've not found a woman yet who's willing to poop on me, while I'm wrapped in cellophane.

>> No.12452172

Japs do this too. They're called curry donuts at the nip market, tensuke, in Columbus Ohio.

>> No.12452188

>No pizza
>No pasta
>No gelato

>> No.12452212
File: 160 KB, 400x449, 2192402A-300F-4C2F-AB63-C97E26B04EFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ‘Hot Carl’ is when you poop directly on someone.

Pooping on someone with plastic wrap is a ‘Warm Carl’

Pooping openly near someone so they can see, but no contact is involved, is called a ‘Cold Carl’ (pooping into a toilet doesn’t count).

>> No.12452217

In the Midlands we just love kebabs and cheesy chips with garlic mayo.
At 4am, after 12 hours of drinking.

>> No.12452243
File: 69 KB, 620x1250, nintchdbpict000393729666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

£15 for that and this is what it looked like when he got it

>> No.12452410

I love these. Your post quality is a step above the rest Anon.

>> No.12452420

snack pack or as it's become known in the last few years (to make fun of far-right retard politicians) halal snack pack.
fried hot chips + kebab meat + sauce in a box.
I prefer the chips + garlic sauce + chicken kebab meat although I don't mind beef.

>> No.12452645

Interesting, didn't know that

>> No.12452671

15 wanker coins for that box of shit?

>> No.12452725
File: 6 KB, 135x199, 1391036144891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking Christ I'm glad my grandparents got the fuck off your shitty little island. Say what you will about the states, but at least we know how to fucking cook for plebes.

Disgraceful. I expected better, Scotland.

>> No.12452744

i'd eat the shit out of that!!!!

>> No.12452745


its called a munchie box you bad fucking nonce

>> No.12454012

I'm from Auxerre and I'll fight you for that Muslim cum, my wife and I are starving, it's been 9 hours since our last shot.

>> No.12454037

In New England we take shelled clams, dredge them in flour and cornmeal and then deep fry them until golden brown. We call the dish chlamydia.

>> No.12454147
File: 39 KB, 640x395, IMG_20190606_222708_952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in florida all the fucking sand niggers have come down and opened gas stations that sell 284746462 different kinds of delicious fried shit out of school-esque lunch stands and boy oh boy

>> No.12454158

Is £20 about $2? Because I wouldn't pay more than $2 for that slop.

>> No.12454176

Do they remove the shell or what?

>> No.12454188

Tell us about german cuisine

>> No.12454195
File: 97 KB, 1017x665, thegurlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the once common, now lost art of pooping into a girl's vagina, space docking is enjoying a resurgence of popularity, particularly in the midwestern and northeastern United States (most notably Chicago and New York City) that reminds many art historians/scatologists of the beginning of the renaissance that began in Italy in the 15th Century.
>Sally didn't much appreciate Charlie's failure to disclose that he ate three bowls of chili before space docking with her last night.

Space docking sounds based.

>> No.12454464
File: 139 KB, 1000x750, mylocalpizzaplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western Connecticut
Buffalo chicken pizza

>> No.12454477

the fuck is an Irn Bru?

>> No.12454501

> beers ok
> calamari fritti ok
> rucola ok
da fuq are the others

>> No.12455404

I especially love it. Even though I used to be a man.

>> No.12455412

trash bird

>> No.12455484

does arab/black cum taste any different from white cum? asking for a friend

>> No.12456264

You've made that up. Move along

>> No.12456282

Fuck me, tell me you're not for real.

>> No.12456286

In Maryland, we got mumbo sauce, which is in the DMV area in your local Chinese restaurant, pit beef, and crab.

>> No.12456288

no one calls it a hot carl you twat. its a munchy box

>> No.12456301

You pay $25+ for random shit in a box. Imagine having your daughters raped in the name of diversity and having acid thrown in your face, but thats fine, because they pay too much for trash food in a box.

>> No.12456312
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In southwest/central louisiana we have boudin. It's a heavily spiced sausage made mostly out of pig meat, pig liver, and rice. Looks like a turd but it's damn delicious

>> No.12457099
File: 42 KB, 550x365, krispies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Battered chips are so based & orangey.

Why won't the non midlanders accept this?

>> No.12457159

>his deal is colloquially known as a Hot Carl and is a pretty big hit
I have lived in scotland my entire life and literally never heard of that.
Are you sure you don't mean munchie box?

>> No.12457330
File: 9 KB, 251x176, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12457334
File: 188 KB, 500x332, 2011_10_petiteauberge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
