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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12446410 No.12446410 [Reply] [Original]

Mom here
Is it ok to drink java when youre pregnant?

>> No.12446413

drink water its not hard retard

>> No.12446419

No. There's a very good chance you'll give birth to a retard. Only drinking mugwort tea twice a day will prevent you from producing a monstrosity.

>> No.12446433

Don't do it. Make a healthy smoothie or something.Also if your baby is a boy don't circumcise him. Don't donate your sons foreskin to molloch.

>> No.12446436

Post pregnancy tits or gtfo.

>> No.12446437

Obstetrician here. The answer is no. Not only is there an increased chance of fetal abnormalities, but also an increase in behavioural issues in later life. Restricted growth rate, low birth weight, and greatly increased fussiness/agitation as a newborn are the potential issues. Drink decaffeinated tea, if you are a tea drinker. Stay away from any caffeinated products. Though there is an advised daily limit, it is still best not to indulge in caffeine consumption. Try to keep this up until you have finished breastfeeding. I hope your baby is doing well and congratulations.

>> No.12446440

Est a full egg, shell and all.

>> No.12446458

We are against women here, retards. Try the redpill

>> No.12446459

If you're looking for advice on /ck/ the baby is bound to be retarded anyway

>> No.12446479

But what if she is pregnant with a man?

>> No.12446483

That is impossible. Women only ever give birth to babies. Yet another way they fail at everything.

>> No.12446489

Why does Europe let kids drink black tea and wine, but Africans trip out over coffee while giving their kids mountain dew?

>> No.12446496

I don't know. Why are Europeans a bunch of retards while Africans are aspirational?

>> No.12446497

European aren't very smart though.

>> No.12446498
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>> No.12446509

Forget about Java. Python is the future.

>> No.12446555

ok, I'm breaking my facade. I didn't get the responses I was expecting, and I'm getting worried. This was a troll. Absolutely do not do this if you are really pregnant.

>> No.12446560 [DELETED] 

Drink annis root instead.

>> No.12446596

Caffeine is a meme doc.

>> No.12446613

I am unsure what you are trying to say, but small quantities of caffeine and alcohol are quite alright for a developed child, whereas in utero exposure has teratogenic effects on the fetus.
Again, I am unsure what point you are making.

>> No.12446640

>Mom here


>> No.12446905

If you're caucasian, no. If you're African or Latino, yes. Non-whites have what's known as the 4-3-nucleoethylate allele, which makes their embryonic sacs more durable and less porous, so caffeine molecules won't be able to penetrate and reach the fetus. The same goes for alcohol and thc.

>> No.12446922

your body your choice

>> No.12446925

This makes 0 sense.
Food doesn't go through the sac, it goes through the embryonic cord.
I'm a theoretical doctor and I've never heard of any gene differing as far as mammalian utero development goes. That's some sci-fi shit.

>> No.12446960


>> No.12446965

4chan isn't /r9k/.

>> No.12446969

One regular sized cup a day is ok, but that's it. You really don't want that fetus soaking in caffeine.

>> No.12446971

GTFO, incel. We're not scared of women here.

>> No.12446976
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What happens to the baby when the mother consumes large amounts of hallucinogenic substances? Is it mindfucked for life?

>> No.12446982

BOO! I have a vagina.

>> No.12446997

Til the redpill means being gross and alone the rest of your life

>> No.12447005

>imagines the smell

>> No.12447019

>Mom here
>Is it ok to drink java when youre pregnant?
I am thinking venous malformation. Vascular constriction. Blood pressure changes. Stimulant on/stimulant off.
No, I wouldn't do caffeine while pregnant. I'm sure the half caff and then decaf would be okay to wean off for a couple of days and then end up with decaf.

>> No.12447273

be sure to throw yourself down the stairs daily for a healthy baby

>> No.12447278

>tumblr memes
please leave us, roastie

>> No.12447332
File: 524 KB, 2554x992, tumblr_o94lmwxAnu1rso6kco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is UHT milk less healthy than normal milk?

>> No.12447345
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>> No.12447352

If you have a tumblr, could we be tumblr buds F4F? I haven't used it in a long time and wish I could get back into the tumblr community but I don't have my old account anymore.

>> No.12447891

Actually dont do this, circumcise him so you don't risk him getting phimosis or paraphimosis to where you have to get him really mutilated when his penis is developed more and you might or might not have the money for surgery.
This board is full of vegan retards who suck their own dick because they have no teeth as a result of their starvation cult rituals and practices don't trust them.
Also, this is not a medboard either retard.
Oh and pics or it didn't happen faggot.

TL;DR: show tits.

>> No.12448760

Have sex, redpill merchant

>> No.12450435

Don't cut your baby's dick off. He should be able to choose for himself when he is old enough to appreciate having a proper dick and what that procedure will do to him.
>t.jews took more than just the tip

Also, there is nothing wrong with having a bit of coffee but tea might be better for you.

>> No.12450449

Stop pretending you’re not going to kill your child once the third trimester starts.

>> No.12450494

>we are against evolving as species
the absolute state of incels