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12444172 No.12444172 [Reply] [Original]

Shelfie edition
ITT: beers you're drinking, brewing, trading for, looking forward to, jealous of, etc

>> No.12444180

i just took a massive dump in my dipa and now it smells change it

>> No.12444240
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i love to sip a DIPA and reverse a steak in my 230

>> No.12444334
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Found a beer made just for you

>> No.12444352

All IPAs are shit

>> No.12444367
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Still good though.

>> No.12444672

Should i try st bernardus for the first time or get chimay blue again? I really enjoyed chimay so I'm tempted to get it again but bernardus is supposed to be fantastic. Also what are some good American made abbey beers?

>> No.12444737
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fucking cringe

>> No.12444759

try st. bernardus

>> No.12444766
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for me its coffee and weed instead

>> No.12444786
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i know a few but do not know if they're good or not. New Belgium has an Abbey ale and a Tripel and i think a Saison? Armadillo Ale Works is a new brewery from my hometown Denton, Texas and one of their current limited releases Town Squared is a belgian-style quadrupel. i was gonna buy it but didn't wanna spend $10 on a 4-pack of beer since i was already buying a separate 6-pack.

>> No.12444807
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Sorry, same shitty gif of beers past

I've got one of these left - a Belgian not-quite-quad. And one cherry stout that didn't cherry enough to matter. I just bottled up a really English take on a Baltic porter, with a pretty good test run.

And I just drank a plum Berliner weisse... not my favourite thing ever, but I'm glad I tried.

>> No.12444820

nothing seriously wrong with that... and if you overdo it, not much worse than overdoing anything else.

>> No.12444921

Great combo. Only time I'll smoke weed is if I'm home and can make some good coffee

>> No.12445192
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Hey anyone got a good beer recommendation for
for a barbecue? The party goers are cooks and other folk who drink craft beers. I was going to pick up some dogfish head or victory but that might get expensive.

Here's what I'm drinking right now.

>> No.12445212

craft lagers and kolsches... any IPA friends might scoff at first, but if it isn't seriously macro, there's no real reason for them to pull faces... you're in the direct sun, preparing to eat meat, you want to keep your palate reasonably clean.

>> No.12445217

I still believe DevilsBackbone is the king of Texas, it would be GoldenMonkey but the local gas station raised their prices and lost that status.

>> No.12445221

thanks fren, i'll keep that in mind.

>> No.12445225
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got this for 6$ at aldi. its actually pretty good im surprised

>> No.12445231


>> No.12445235

Id go for Yuengling or Coors Banquet or Hamm's, whichever you prefer

I miss Pizza Port so much. I'm currently in the east coast for grad school and I get cravings so bad

Haven been there in 3 years, they still make Pier Rat and bacon n eggs or whatever that boozy stout they had?

>> No.12445267

>Id go for Yuengling or Coors Banquet or Hamm's, whichever you prefer
please don't do this. Just buy one of your big local good brewer's flagships

>> No.12445391

Pizza Port are as big as ever. Bacon and Eggs was released again this year, yeah. Probably one of the best value stouts available in stores. When I am out somewhere that doesn't have especially deep craft beer selection, PP is always a solid fallback choice. Also really like to stop in for their pizza when in the area.

>> No.12446844


>> No.12447367

Any florida anons? I've been down here for a week and haven't enjoyed any florida craft beers other than Cigar City

>> No.12447386
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Big storm brewery
Hidden springs ale works
Red cypress brewery
First magnitude brewing company

>> No.12447441

>Any florida anons? I've been down here for a week and haven't enjoyed any florida craft beers other than Cigar City
It's a big state. Whereabouts are you visiting? there's a ton of breweries now. Anyway, just go to Publix and you'll see they stock absolutely anything worth having. At the end of the cold beer section, there is typically a build-a-6-pack area to get singles, and some of the imported and the craft beer segregated if it's more unusual or new on the market.
Total Wine & More stores (if you're near one) actually have a separated Florida beer section to get your orange blossom honey or grapefuit sour moods handled. I dont know their actual marketing stance, but they always seem pretty current on the latest trends and ratings and stock that (it seems).
420 sweetwater extra PA is in most restaurants on tap. The one you mentioned, Cigar City, does some good things with coffee and milk/lactose. Their cubano, espresso, and coffee stouts are extremely good and worth a try. They incorporate a lot of exotic citrus too, but if it's not fresh, in a bottle, or ice cold, it can get a little tinny tasting from the can.

>> No.12447499

Prima pils

>> No.12447619

>Total wine
This, they always have a good selection of local craft beers. I wouldn't waste your time looking at publix though. Luckys market would have a better local craft selection.

>> No.12447633
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american/canadian craft breweries need to get on top of smoked beer, I've only ever found one.

>> No.12447710

I find it too smokey, like it's almost sweet, it's overpowering, and I normally love smoked anything

>> No.12447772

Alaskan makes one every year

>> No.12447794
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I haven't been able to find this for over a year now. Is there a way I can mix some beer and tequila myself to get a similar taste?

>> No.12447797

I finally tried that a few months ago. Was very expensive, but different. I liked it.

>> No.12448276

Working from home, New Glarus in my hand. How's everyone's Friday?

>> No.12448278

I have a kegerator with blue moon in it. (Not my choice leftover from a party) not bad though

>> No.12448535

I'm staying in Orlando but also went to Key West. Not really hanging around a house where I can go to a store and make a mix 6, I'm mostly trying stuff thats on tap at restaurants and attractions.

>> No.12450265

What part? Orlando's kinda big.

>> No.12450301
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Drinking this. Pretty aight

>> No.12450575

The Marzen is ok, the urbock is undrinkable.

>> No.12450583

who here "miller lite" bros

>> No.12450595
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pls respon

>> No.12450824
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Just found out I might end up jobless if things go wrong in the next couple weeks. Here’s one last hurrah, lads. Thanks for drinking.

>> No.12450829

Make sure they go right

>> No.12450966
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Had this for the first time last week. Pretty solid stuff.

>> No.12450973
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Try this next. It's the next logical step and one of the best lagers produced in the country.

>> No.12450979

best of luck anon, hope it works out for you

>> No.12451007

Thanks I'll check it out.

>> No.12451011

This beer just reminds me of sceak

>> No.12451211

Oh god I woke up the beer shits

Gotta cool it for a few days

>> No.12452007


>> No.12452115

thinking of getting some beer

>> No.12452928

Why is Imperial stout the most overrated type of beer in all the untapped/ratebeer etc? It seems like being above 11% and aged in bourbon always ensure at least 4/5.

>> No.12453238

swamp head is the best in fl

>> No.12453591

instead of cooling it I'm daydrinking again

>> No.12453624

Big IPAs and barrel aged stouts have the most complexity to them, which is why they're still the most popular styles. Even the best 5% lager is still just going to be really good, but nothing mind blowing.

>> No.12453903
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The agave will refinement with any living yeast in your beer and create a poisonous wood alchohol blend that will make you go blind.

>> No.12453993

This, all the ones I have had, have been top notch. Then again they cost more than a basic lager will.

>> No.12454027
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This isnt remotely true but ok.

Most IPA's are either a hop bomb or the newer trend adjunct fest trying to taste like either an orange julius or maple bacon whatever the fuck decadent and omnipollo are making. (I like both of these brewers, but we will circle back)

Input stouts have the same shit going for it in that you can make a relatively mediocre beer drinkable with adjunct explosions and a UGE malt bill.

They get good ratings because your_local_brewer can make a highly alcoholic mess that is relatively drinkable and can control the cost by throwing a continental breakfast in garbage that a distillery in the US tends to have a lot of and charging a premium.

It's the same reason fruited kettle sours are everywhere. Everyone wants their local brewer to succeed and hiding faults under a bunch of shit that arguably doesnt belong in a beer is the straight forward way of doing that. Dont get me wrong, people can make non shit product using these methods, but garbage brewers rely heavily upon them.

Flavor depth != complexity or nuance.

>> No.12454060

Nobody was talking about adjuncts, dum dum. Hops aren't a fucking adjunct, btw. I know you didn't say that, but you're using the same argument people always use when they don't like IPAs saying that they use something to cover up the flavor of mediocre beer.

>> No.12454234
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I love ipas and drink them regularly. Very few ipas exhibit any kind of balance between the ingredients to develop the complexity you are talking about. The fact you want to be pedantic about a well recognized issue in the industry is on friendo.

>> No.12454246

>very few ipas exhibit any kind of balance between the ingredients to develop the complexity you are talking about
Again, it sounds like you're living in 2007 when the market was completely flooded with IPAs to the point that it felt like it was hard to find a good one sometimes. That's not the case anymore, and any decent IPA is going to be well balanced - especially a double or triple, which is what I was referring to when I said "big IPAs".

>> No.12454256

Reminder hops taste like shit

>> No.12454268

Fuck you anon that Shit is disgusting. I bought this exact Beer and it fucking sucks.

>> No.12454375
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The ad hominem attack is a great play my man. I'm simply stating that your insistence on calling 2 styles dominated currently by single hop juice cans and prarie dawgs pastry oil is not realy where one looks for fucking complexity and nuance. That coupled with your insistence that a lager or kolsch cant have complexity to it makes me think you dont actually know what the fucking word means and kind of makes you look like an idiot. Just because its subtle doesnt make it less complex and the huge flavors big ipas and most of the imperial stouts on the market dont equal complexity. (Be real mother fucker, what's the last expedition or Marshall zhukov anyone on here opened? It's all people exclaiming their neighborhood double twinkies whiskey rum and tequila aged double imperial stout sinking the ship at 17.5% is the best thing ever.)

Picture is to show I'm not attacking these out of a lack of love and respect, I'm just saying some of the beers in the picture are good because they have a deep balance and some are good because they taste amazingly like a fucking oreo cookie (because they are made with a fuck load of oreo cookies).

>> No.12454581
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PBR or die

>> No.12454612

A lad from Germany introduced this to me. He was seriously the coolest guy I ever met.

>> No.12454633


>> No.12455450

I finally got around to trying Abt 12 after seeing it for the first time at a store maybe 2 hrs away. Gotta say, as someone who hates all dark beers and isn't a fan of typical belgians (duvel, orval etc) it is actually very good. I would probably buy again.

>> No.12455478
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after having had shiner from a bottle, poured in a glass, on tap, and a can, i can safely say it only tastes decent from a can. why does texan beer suck so bad? makes me ashamed to be texan.

>> No.12456406

I never attacked you personally, just your opinion/regurgitated argument. But now that I see you're from flyover central I'd recommend travelling a bit. You people are so fucking insulated it's embarrassing. I hate the fucking soyboy meme but that's literally Chicago millennials (I don't care if you're not actually from Chicago - it's the pseudo-hipster hub of no-culture belt. I understand how you have such a warped opinion on the current beer scene when that's the kind of stuff that's getting the highest BA ratings in your vicinity (and lets be honest, you flyovers really don't travel). Oh shit, I guess That was ad hominem. Oh well, I've lived out there for a few years and there's some decent beer, but nothing compared to the West Coast and some stuff they have out East. It's honestly not just a beer thing; the same applies to food, because everyone out there grew up on a fucking farm and only had the internet before moving to a "city". I'll admit it's been a good 4 years since I've been out there, but those beers aren't really convincing me things have changed for the better.

>> No.12456428

This is a pretty good tripel - you could fuck up a lot worse on the beer front lad
gl with the job shit

>> No.12456436

:| :| :|

there are better, but it's one of the few you can find in a supermarket so go for it I guess

>> No.12456463

It's a combination of STRONG flavor, BIG ABV, and (this one is an assumption on my part) "I can TASTE the beer through my vape/smoke/weed/donkey-punch
Basically, they are fine beers but the difference from say - a good to world-class (fuck BA) in an imperial stout - vs. a good to world-class pilsner - isn't the same kind of jump. Most consumers aren't going to notice, let alone understand the difference in the beers if it doesn't hit them over the head with something.
(Fuck Southern Tier for destroying a lot of craft shit in my area)

>> No.12456503

Scans like you don't drink beers friendo
Fat Orange Cat beers haven't been that great - but goddamn do I still buy the cans due to that art

>> No.12456532

>like you don't drink beers
Not sure if esl/lack of reading comprehension or you're just so stuck in your bubble that you're actually just reaffirming my point. Assuming you're even American I'd wager that you've never been west of the Mississippi. Are you also going to say I've never been to Naples because I think pizza cut into squares is terrible? Because that's pretty much analogous to what you're saying.

>> No.12456947


I think I agree with your statement. The thing that bothers me the most is that all these beers are just here to throw as much flavours at you as they can, and they're able to do that because the alcohol is so high.

Every time I go out drinking with my friend that does not like beer, this is the type of beer I give him and he's happy with that

>> No.12457354


Beers like double ipas and imperial stouts get that recognition because they do smash through with full flavour and leave little room for subtlety.

If you want beers that are world class, I would look at Hill Farmstead and see what they do. They seem to be making the 'best' beers for almost any category.

>> No.12457377

No, your oppinion is shit because you still are trying to make the assertion huge, over the top products that dont actually taste like beer are the most complex pinnacle of beer making art. Falling into the California is better than everywhere meme just makes the rest of the country happy that fire season is fast approaching.

>> No.12457516

Carbonated barbecue sauce

>> No.12457551

People like y'all are what make the craft beer scene gay. Its either good or not.

>> No.12457595

>Fat Orange Cat beers haven't been that great
Not to sound like a dick but can you explain why? Everything I've had from them has been amazing and their NE IPAs are probably my favorite of the style.

>> No.12457693

For me, it's National Bohemian

>> No.12457753

Abide by this dude

>> No.12457763

What your going after?

>> No.12457799
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these have been pretty great

>> No.12457844

I havent had one that didnt knock my socks off in a while (except the bakers dozen. Was real excited for it and it was just kinda meh) but to each his own I guess. All cats are gray in the dark was the best meme-white stout I've had yet and the neipa's are stellar.

Cant agree more about the art though.

>> No.12458302

>over the top products that dont actually taste like beer
What the fuck are you even talking about? I was talking about IPAs and stouts. You were the one who started bringing up adjunct and meme flyover garbage.

>> No.12458317
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Old Deadhead at the register charged 5 bucks. Nice.

>> No.12458449

i was just spending alot of time wondering...this or Delirium. Chimay next time.

>> No.12458457

usually me too. but this sunday, i really wanted a beer with this joint.

>> No.12458463

this whole mason jar meme has got to pass. IT SHALL PASS

>> No.12458484

i for one would love to see this one Beer Twitter.

>> No.12458492

It's not a Mason jar, it's a lagunitas glass I got for free

>> No.12458580


These were great.
Did anyone tried the duvel barrel aged ? They have it at the store closeby but these things are way too expensive

>> No.12458594

It was mostly near Disney, I ended up being stuck with whatever that area had on tap.

Ended up enjoying Funky Buddha Hefeweizen quite a bit

>> No.12458631

depends on what batch, I work for Duvel batch 1 is great, 2 is bad and 3 is ok
all of them are too expensive but people pay for it anyway

>> No.12458634
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who here living the /jai-life/

>> No.12458840

literally the only IPA I will drink and enjoy big time. I went to college out in St. Pete and this is my shit. They do a really good job in not making it 9000level hops but present enough, crisp, citrus/bananer. the real.

>> No.12458846

Another beer.
you can have that super tangy, bitter ass all fuck, face shrinking, mega hop, flavor covering rhinoceros pizzle out of my sight.

>> No.12458897
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>funky buda
Their hefeweizen is one of their better offerings. If you get the chance, grab a bottle of their sweet potato beer. It actually is kinda good.

>> No.12459416
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An elaborate ddb add for sure.
>dumb fuck

>> No.12459600

kind of a stupid question I guess, but would it be possible to make a really small batch of beer using a sauce pan and a mason jar?
I'm a poor-ish college student and it's really all I have, but I want to try making my own beer

>> No.12459637

Question. I was being a weeb and had a choice between kirin ichiban and sapporo. Never had either. I went with the KI and it's alright. Did i fuck up?
I usually only drink hard liquor so I don't know anything about beer

>> No.12459651

Based, I grew up in harrisburg. I have to lol at their new branding tho

>> No.12459659

I think they're both fine and asahi is fine as well. not really exceptional in any way and I've never had any japanese beer that is, but it's not bad.

>> No.12459836

Is there any real difference between them? Just tastes like generic beer.
good step above pissbeer though. was $8 for a 6-pack of bottles, not sure if I got ripped off.

>> No.12459869

Devils Backbone is great

>> No.12459875

Stop implying that harder to make means better

>> No.12459934

I prefer sapporo, but the differences are fairly minimal. Asahi is alright too. All of them are fairly interchangeable, but sapporo tastes a little maltier to me

>> No.12459980
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lets gose blues

>> No.12460009

thAnks m8

>> No.12460037

How bout you stop being a dick weasel and show me where I made the assertion that any style was harder to make? I'm stating that much of the shit that is popular is poorly made, and covers that by appealing to the lowest common denominator and whitewashing the mistakes over with candy bars and bourbon barrels (or fruit juice and hops) and tons of booze. Those styles are hard to execute correctly, as shown by some of the tremendous failures that get packaged and sold. My argument is to the moron who is asserting that smaller styles cant have complexity to them and has never had a kolsch other than local brewers first fuck up and never had a lager other than a Pabst.

Now fuck off and learn to read.

>> No.12460063

>and covers that by appealing to the lowest common denominator
So tasting good is the lowest common denominator. If anyone could just make top tier NEIPA and BA Stout everyone would, its not that simple.

The fact is macro lagers are the most difficult to brew properly, but they are also not that good, you are just conflating two unrelated variables to try and make a weak point

>> No.12460129
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This beer has a review from Michael Jackson on the back wtf

Very fruity tasting for a dopple bock

>> No.12460150

Wrong Michael Jackson bro.


>> No.12460185

No where did I make the claim that harder is better, nor did I say that take issue with well made beers of any style. I take issue with shitty brewers making garbage and selling it en mass to fucking idiots like you and having you describe it as this wonderfully deep and complex beer. You are the one making the false statement that lots of flavor means something tastes good.

>> No.12460192

Whats the best brewery in the Knoxville and Asheville areas

>> No.12460208

>I take issue with shitty brewers making garbage and selling it en mass to fucking idiots
What specifically? Imperial stouts are inherently deep and complex, and adjuncts and barrel aging often increase that. Now that also does not inherently make them good but beer experts and drinkers alike really tend to like them

More flavor does not always mean better, but watering something down usually makes something less good

>> No.12460234

Where do you get the idea that any beers are produced by watering down a stronger beer? By your logic the very best of beers have to be +17% or better. Fuck, why are you even in a beer thread at all? Plenty of whiskey threads around, why dont you go shit those up? If you havent had an imperial stout that pours thin and tastes thin and strongly alcoholic (or any of the tons of off flavors that can easily be created by shitty breweries) then you have either led a charmed life or are taste blind. Keep digging your hole dipshit.

>> No.12460268

That was a funny interview. Never heard of this guy before.

>> No.12460273

>Where do you get the idea that any beers are produced by watering down a stronger beer?
Add the water before or after the fermentation, it is still more water in the finished product.

> By your logic the very best of beers have to be +17% or better
Thats a bit of a stretch, but all of the 17% ABV beers I have had have indeed been very good. Now the large, large majority of the best beers I have ever had have been at least 7% ABV (and most of the ones that are not are sours where we have various acids instead of the extra water content)

High water content is the number one marker of a not very interesting beer, because water doesn't taste like much, its the non-water chemicals in beer that give it the flavor and complexity people like, and adding extra water to a recipe just makes those flavors less intense and less noticeable
>If you havent had an imperial stout that pours thin and tastes thin and strongly alcoholic (or any of the tons of off flavors that can easily be created by shitty breweries) then you have either led a charmed life or are taste blind
What are some of the noteworthy offenders? I have had very little trouble with this. Maybe I am just better at buying beer than you but you probably just don't know what you are talking about or trying to prove a point with vague, unsourced complaints

>> No.12460298

>(or any of the tons of off flavors that can easily be created by shitty breweries)
Do you realize how competitive the beer market is now. You can't even get funding for a brewery if you are not an expert at this point. This may have been a problem back in the 90s but it isn't even a thing now, shitty breweries can't even start up anymore, and most of the ones that did exist failed or shaped up. Even my least favorite and most mediocre breweries around today would have been well above average only 10 years ago

>> No.12460418

Your failure to comprehend the written word makes more sense when paired with your 2nd grade understanding of chemistry. Flavors compounds tend to be measured in the parts per million. I'd also like to point out that a 10 bbl batch of imp stout starts out with exactly the same amount of water as your favorite stout.
Shitty breweries open and close every day and if you think a bank has a tasting board you have no idea how to open a buisness.

Dragons milk (any of the variants especially) and this years willitized stout from lagunitas are this years top disappointments to date.

>> No.12460440

He wrote the books on all of the things.

>> No.12460470

>willitized stout from lagunitas
This is a very good beer for the relatively low cost. Its not as good as many similar beers that cost twice as much, but it is really solid for the price

>> No.12460508

>when paired with your 2nd grade understanding of chemistry
I am literally a chemist by trade.
>Flavors compounds tend to be measured in the parts per million
Some of them yes, but that doesn't really change the point. When you have a base beer that ferments to 4% ABV vs one that ferments to 8% you are going to have roughly double all of the flavor compounds at the expensive of less water. Of course this costs more so legacy brewers are not going to want to do it but a flavor you are perceiving at 100ppm is going to taste roughly twice as intense at 200ppm
>I'd also like to point out that a 10 bbl batch of imp stout starts out with exactly the same amount of water as your favorite stout.
What are you referring to? A imperial stout vs the same base beer with adjuncts? Well kind of if that is the case especially if you are just talking about adding some sort of flavoring syrup,but remember that if we are talking pastry stouts we are probably adding a bunch of sugar too

>> No.12460510

It is watery shit that is a pale imitation of what they have traditionally made even as recently as last year. Muted flavors and tastes like stale, bitter coffee. The only positive is the bottle format changing from 750's.

Dont defend shit because you heard it was good.

>> No.12460544

To be fair I guess the last time I had it was March 18 so maybe I didn't have the last batch but it was good

>> No.12460654

You're the first person ive heard shit on it. I'm not a big barrel aged stout guy so idk. People creamed their pants over it last year

>> No.12460716

dude re-read your post and realize how embarrassing it is. First of all hops are an adjunct. Beer used to be made without them. Out of the Big 4 ingredients (Water, yeast, hops and malt) hops are the only one that can be removed entirely. Second you are really putting words in the other poster's mouth and fucking IMPLYING. Learn to read and not take criticism as a personal attack on your intellect.
>Have a warped opinion on the current beer scene
Dude who the fuck cares? If I can't find what I want to drink at the store I just brew it myself. It's ok to have a shit opinion, in fact all opinions are shit.

>> No.12460737

There's like a million. Why not try them all?
I'll cast my vote for Woodruff in Knoxville, the old standby.

>> No.12460767
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Vancouver fag here. It's not bad - grabbed it because I like most of the stuff that comes out of that brewery

>> No.12460791

Nah, it just cost more cuz it’s imported. Now if they have Singha where you got that one then it’s game over. Singha is the king of Asian beers. It’s thai. Tiger Beer out of Singapore, super strong 2nd.

>> No.12460833

You might want to look into making kvass instead. LoBorris has a tutorial.

>> No.12460838
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I'm glad to live near this brewery. These guys are the only craft brew around that I give a damn about.

>> No.12460843

Been thinking about trying more aldis beer. Had a maple stout from there that was decent.

>> No.12460859

shits nasty famalam

>> No.12460864
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>all nip beer is meh

>> No.12460893


Ok thanks, won't buy

>> No.12460936

Does anyone have any recommendations for a classic alcoholic root beer?

>> No.12460989

Beer sure does have a SHIT TON. Of snobbery. Holy shit aren’t you a pretentious bunch. It’s so annoying. Everybody’s a beard havin craft expert that always comes off as assholes when they talk about it.

>> No.12461119

Ain't that the truth

>> No.12461283
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I had to google "ddb" and the irony is palpable.

>> No.12461347

Anybody know what good breweries to head to/good beers to get in Hawaii? Oahu specifically.

>> No.12461489

Whatever they have at the airport. There's literally no other reason to be on Oahu.

>> No.12461641

I live here now surely there's something.

>> No.12461905

Inu Island Ales in Kanaohe