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12443030 No.12443030 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many hipster coffee bean brands? I keep getting ads for shit like this. Is it super easy/cheap to get your logo plastered onto a bag of beans or something?

>> No.12443057


>> No.12443095

That's the best you could come up with...?

>> No.12443147
File: 41 KB, 324x419, SOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maple bacon coffee

>> No.12443206
File: 432 KB, 809x1183, Screenshot_20190606-160438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer conservative, blue collar, anti communist coffee.

>> No.12443213


>> No.12443319

>Why have an energy drinkn that gives you wings when you've got coffee?
Have fun shitting your tin soldier pants in combat.

>> No.12443323

Probably because It's easy as shit to buy beans from a whole-seller, especially for start ups. Imagine you're some asshole wearing skinny jeans drinking coffee in 2012, What industry do you think could market more towards the 20-something crowd or towards the crowd of people with penises so teeny tiny that everything they ingest has to have the word 'Rifle' or 'Gun' in it or liberals win, or some shit. It's a stupid easy startup business idea.

>> No.12443334
File: 79 KB, 640x427, coffee egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statist bootlicker coffee more like.
Good goy.

>> No.12443335

Ignoring everything else, that's a pretty terrible line. What does coffee have to offer over wings? At least say why you should choose coffee.

>> No.12443338

It's not even marketed towards the military. They use soldier/marine imagery but the people who buy are those far right "let's trigger the libs" crowds.

>> No.12443345
File: 28 KB, 420x339, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freedom roast

>> No.12443347

That's another example. Is there a distributor who just puts your logo on a bag?

>> No.12443354

>"let's trigger the libs"
Apparently that works pretty well if the one image is enough to derail the whole thread.

>> No.12443368

It's the same idea behind hyper directly marketed hipster coffee. Same idea, different audience. Don't assume everyone is just butthurt when an idea is so absurd that everyone hooks onto it.

>> No.12443377
File: 36 KB, 442x589, liberal_tears_coffee_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now I feel bad for buying this shit....

>> No.12443379

You could buy beans at costco package them in paper bags and sell them for 3x profit

>> No.12443380

>derail the whole thread.
You thought this thread was about coffee?

>> No.12443384

You could probably find it way cheaper in bulk somewhere else

>> No.12443386
File: 162 KB, 500x464, at-t-8-51-pm-a-pepe-eye-roll-warosu-org-618-x-36192302~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12443393

Here’s why:

Despite the retarded link title, it’s actually all about how coffee prices have crashed to a 10-year low thanks to bumper crops in Brazil.

This makes it super cheap to buy a supply, roast your own beans and pretend to be a coffee guru all while building a clientele before the price normalizes in a year or so. Most of them hope that by that time, they’ll be successful enough to weather the shitstorm caused by rising prices and tightening supplies. But most won't, and they’ll go under.
So enjoy it while it lasts, because in two years most of these faggots will be broke yet again and chasing yet another food fad.

>> No.12443394

Uh, what? Perhaps you should see a doctor over your constitution. Shitting yourself from coffee isn't a thing.

>> No.12443396


My point exactly. I bet my left nut both Maple Bacon coffees taste EXACTLY the same.

About hipstery/directly marketed brands of coffee, yes.

>> No.12443405

>using anything other than Folgers in an automatic drip coffee maker
I'm triggered as fuck what a waste

>> No.12443411

Thank you for giving me the genuine answer to my question.