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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 489 KB, 3024x4032, 6nro2fhtkpc21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12438301 No.12438301 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know a good recipe website that is not 10 paragraphs of descriptions of how their life with their grandma was and the Greek root of every ingredient name?
I want something that's pretty straight forward with no bullshit and padding. Seems the author or the cook is paid by the word lately

>> No.12438311
File: 63 KB, 1292x969, soycof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to the library and get some cookbooks then.
i guess if youre so fuckin lazy you cant scroll to the bottom then you probably wont go to the library so fuck you then

>> No.12438323


>> No.12438341

Is not laziness, I just don't give a fuck about the author feelings and thoughts on a dessert I just want to see the recipe and that's it

>> No.12438470


>> No.12438483
File: 5 KB, 307x127, this is life now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe when you're a housewife living in flyover land you'll understand OP. Think about how fucking meaningless and dull their lives must be

>4:55 AM: Wake up, Make sure to get out of bed quietly so husband doesn't wake up
>5 AM: Start making lunch to go for 3 kids, and husband (We'll call him Tom)
>5:15: Start laundry
>5:25: Finish lunch prep and start picking up the kid's mess in the living room from last night
>5:30: Go to wake up Tom, making sure to stop the alarm clock before it goes off because it makes him irritable and you know what happened last time
>5:35: Make breakfast for Tom, 2 fried eggs, 4 strips of bacon, 2 jimmy dean sausages and some frozen hash browns. Same as every day.
>5:45: See Tom out the door for work, can finally let that horrible fake smile drop. Massage the tired muscles in your face as you walk to transfer the laundry to the dryer
>5:50: Bring the laundry into the living room, finishing up with the kid's mess before you start on the clothes. You turn the TV on and switch it to "The Drs." You hate the show but at least the blonde guy doesn't look at you with the contempt Tom does.
>6:20: Finish doing the laundry, take yours and Tom's to his room, He makes you keep your things in the bottom drawers. Your back strains as you deposit the linens, years of this have taken it's toll.
>6:30: Start breakfast for the one of the kids. He's extremely picky and only eats chicken nuggets and canned corn for every meal, you're pretty sure he's autistic but you don't dare mention it to Tom.
>6:40: Pancakes and Bacon for the other two, you try to have some sense of originality with it and decorate it with whipped cream, fruit and powdered sugar. Nobody will say anything but you don't care. You got to have "fun"
>6:45: Wake up the kids and get them all herded into the kitchen for breakfast
>6:45: Breakfast for the kids, you enjoy a slice of plain toast. Butter would be fattening.
>7:00: Get the kids out the door and on the bus, finally a moment alone

>> No.12438493

Longer page = more adsense

>> No.12438495

Am actually a housewife in a third world shithole and my husband works from home so we rarely go out, still no excuse to clickbait people into reading about your life when all I want is a black forest cake recipe

>> No.12438502
File: 39 KB, 468x676, 1559592176863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your 3rd world shithole

>> No.12438516

The fact that so many still have no understanding of SEO is great for my job security.

>> No.12438523

That's not implied in this thread

>> No.12438580

>Seems the author or the cook is paid by the word lately
>I just don't give a fuck about the author feelings and thoughts on a dessert
>a housewife living in flyover land
>Longer page = more adsense

none of these are actual reasons for long-winded recipe posts

>> No.12438650
File: 86 KB, 887x793, 815CC7C5FD6D44FBB992139DFADDD09E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother typing more, your fantasy is self-destructive melodramatic period shit. Oh the oppression of being a housewife!

>> No.12438685

Being a housewife is fucking great, is not like I have to wake up at 3am to churn butter and doing the chores is quite easy and fun. But (((they))) love fearmongering about the horrors of the oppressive lifestyle and paint it as if it were being a slave picking cotton.

>> No.12440400

It's still not implied that people don't know why it happens

>> No.12440413

If you're being forced into the lifestyle it is basically slavery
reminder that child marriage is still legal in most parts of the US

If you like being a housewife, that's fine, but don't bitch and moan that people don't like the same things you do
This is 4chan, not tumblr

>> No.12440508
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, 1453989411484.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define forced
Back in the day people had to spend more time churning butter and washing clothes and sewing clothes etc. As technology improved people were able to take more jobs outside the home. But before then they weren't forced as much by force as by economic necessity

>> No.12440514


>> No.12440520

I don't want to be a housewife. You're just lazy.
Only lazy people get married.

>> No.12440535

>reminder that child marriage is still legal in most parts of the US
And the problem is that it's disappearing, under the guise of "protecting children", and people like you support this because you buy into the horror stories of statistically-insignificant forced marriages to stereotypically-abusive religious traditionalists just as badly as gun grabbers buy into the "muh mass shootings" narrative. Savin' da chilluns has never has been the end goal.


Learn, motherfucker. Learn before they make it illegal for you to learn.

>> No.12441036

Webm source?

>> No.12441073


Use the Chrome extension called Recipe Filter - it takes out all the blog shit and just leaves the recipe... mostly works

>> No.12441127


>> No.12441205

I wish this were me except I'm also a huge fag and replace the annoying kids with a chad cat.