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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12437622 No.12437622 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12437645


>> No.12437649

I fucking love this guy so much, based nutmegfag

>> No.12437656


>> No.12437697

Townsend is based. Who gives a fuck about his politics?

>> No.12437699

Liberals should apologize for politicizing this poor man’s LARPing videos.

>> No.12437708

i like the multi tri-pour technology of his hat. 3 separate spouts to pour instead of just 1.

>> No.12437722

He's frustrated, clearly denoted by the big white letters next to his face.

>> No.12437737

Im frustrated.

>> No.12437744
File: 383 KB, 983x1062, IMG_20170926_105810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a video obviously targeting a highly political figure
>get called out for it
he's pathetic, and his videos are boring

>> No.12437759
File: 32 KB, 480x475, trump wall II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12437767

literally who

>> No.12437769

I watched the first 30s of his vid on salttack I think and his delivery was all fucked up and he was stumbling over his words so I haven't clicked on him since

>> No.12437778


>> No.12437794

He hasnt recovered after the orange fool incident.

>> No.12437850

There was nothing to recover from.

>> No.12437872

On next weeks episode, he is going to show us his world famous "boiled potato" recipe.

This cumstain is a fucking parasite, get a damn job and quit polluting the Internet with these "recipes"

>> No.12437895

His "unpeeled onions in oven" recipe changed my cooking habits greatly. It gave the realization how easily you can make both healthy and delicious food with minimal preparation/effort.

>> No.12437903

Yes there was. The magatards who threw a bitch fit at a perceived slight to their exalted Emperor Bone Spur.

>> No.12437905

False flag set up by liberals.

>> No.12437929

t. magatard

>> No.12437937

Maximum cope

>> No.12437967

Why are you bring up a year old video?

>> No.12438077

Pretty much. Never attribute to stupidity what can be equally attributed to malice.It was no accident and I don't respect anyone who things being YET ANOTHER bleating voice saying "fuck drumpf" in so many words is an accomplishment or statement.

It'd be nice to get away from that from time-to-time :)

>> No.12438084

Probably because Youtube's algorithm has been passing it around lately. Anytime you see stuff like this crop up, assume that's the case.

>> No.12438927

Yeah, why the fuck do you keep posting this?

>> No.12440039

That's interesting. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.12440049

At least he didn't claim to support Hillary, just that he thinks Trump is somewhat of a buffoon.

>> No.12440051

You're kidding right

>> No.12440053

Trump beat her 2.5 years ago but you're still obsessed with her. Rent free.

>> No.12440058

Here's your +1 interaction.

>> No.12440062

trump curse strikes again, I'm glad /ck/ quickly turned on this larping wife's son fag after this

this is what happens when you go after the god emperor

>> No.12440067

What a classic N/pol/C response.

>> No.12440069

I like bickering....

>> No.12440070

This only triggers MAGAfags who are anus-angered whenever someone tells the truth about Trump. Personally I think they’re also jealous of Townsend because he makes a living doing what he loves, making food and doing /comfy/ historical re-enactment stuff.

>> No.12440168

I'm more worried that you guys are still making threads about this approximately a year later.

>> No.12440200

it's re-enacting an important moment in cuck history

>> No.12440230

there was nothing political about the video dumbfucks like you think everything is a coded message about politics. he made a video about a dessert george washington used to eat that happened to have a name that triggered an npc response in you mongoloids.

i don't even like trump but goddamn liberals like you are the dumbest fucking people on the planet. politics is fucking gay and if your political opinions are anything but "kill everyone in politics" at this point you're too stupid for your own good. i hope communism wins and you spend the rest of your life counting trees in a gulag you literal fucking npc

>> No.12440233

>didnt serve
>don't even respect servicemembers
>call service members welfare queens
>think quadruple amputees deserved it because Michael Moore said they're invaders


>> No.12440267

>the (((truth)))
and what would that be :^)

>> No.12440368
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I don't have to read this thread to know it's terrible
Stop posting it

>> No.12440975

He’s a liar and a traitor who asked Russia to rig the election for him so he can push his racist authoritarian agenda through with executive power, steadily pushing America towards the dictatorship he wants it to be.

>> No.12440985

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12441038

You make him sound much smarter and more competent than he actually is.

>> No.12441041

>Never attribute to stupidity what can be equally attributed to malice
You said that backwards.

>> No.12441318

>suck off every service member at the local glory hole
>send soldiers off to die so Israel will put in a good word for you when end days come
>anyone who isn't a white soldier isn't a real soldier
>constantly elect ineffectual rich faggots who got out of serving because of their daddy's money and never did a day of real work in their lives while telling everyone who disagrees with you to be more patriotic and to get a job
It's okay, when Trump slips up and calls America a shithole you'll be wondering why all those darn libtards love a shithole so much.

>> No.12441455

>who gives a fuck about his politics?

>> No.12441510

That shit was that bitches thing he was oblivious

>> No.12441603

I don't follow

>> No.12441608

just another poltard who thinks based is a ideological term

>> No.12441612

He thinks everyone who disagrees with him are part of a hivemind and is pointing out the hypocrisies he spots.

>> No.12441632

Literally SEETHING

>> No.12441647

based and redpilled.

>> No.12441800

the left cant meme

>> No.12442114
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>> No.12442127

He needs some lasagna-scented tissues.

>> No.12442145

Me? I'm going down to the house of sausage, I've got my barbecue shoes on

>> No.12442204

god you fags are insufferable

>> No.12442207

I think you're assuming a lot about that poster anon

>> No.12442229
