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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12432577 No.12432577 [Reply] [Original]

What is your "can eat endless amounts of" food of choice?
For me, it's chicken/turney liver pate

>> No.12432581

peanut butter

>> No.12432636

chili, i always put to much in my bowl...then go back for seconds... then when i finsh that i wind up standing at the stove and eating it right out of the pot as i lie to my self saying just one more taste before i put it away. i also do the same thing with cheese nachos and always feel like shit afterwards

>> No.12432656

Whyd you remind me, now I gotta go buy some

>> No.12432671
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reverse seared steaks

>> No.12432680 [DELETED] 
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take a wild guess

>> No.12432686

Baby carrots
They're not even tasty to me but it feels like I can eat them for eternity and not get full

>> No.12432711

pop corn
and of course >>12432671 because it's so fucking delicious

>> No.12432719

Crab legs

>> No.12432776

Hawaiian pizza.

>> No.12432835
File: 141 KB, 1000x750, Orecchiette con le braciole - F. Pugliese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretentious as fuck.


For me, it's pasta and tomato sauce. I could kill myself if I had unlimited access and wasn't conscious enough to stop eating.

>> No.12432880

Honestly so far this thread has hit all of some of my most favorite gorge worthy foods.

>> No.12432886

Damn nigger I love chili too

>> No.12432900

Chicken wings.

>> No.12432910

pasta bakes like ziti and lasagna, and also stroganoff

>> No.12432937

Cheesecake or anything with melted cheese

>> No.12432989

My go-to quick to make snack, been eating this shit for decades
>sauce: grated hard cheese (usually gouda), ground/shredded garlic, black pepper, mayo
>wrap it up in beaten slices of chinese cabbage leaves, let it cool to get drier (leaves produce a ton of water)

>> No.12433024

White chocolate macadamia cookies
pb&j sammies
cheez doodles

>> No.12433176
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Planning on wiping out a tub of this after a race later in the summer

>> No.12433184


>> No.12433207


>> No.12433286

packs of red & white fake fish meat

>> No.12433365

biscuits and sausage vravy

>> No.12433458

Bought some , was >>12432577

>> No.12433754

The tuna pasta thing my mum makes often.
I can eat mountains of the stuff, it's so nice.

>> No.12434053 [DELETED] 


>> No.12434534

>wrap it up in beaten slices of chinese cabbage leaves
What manner of autism is this

>> No.12434556

Ice cream. I ate 3/4 of a half gallon container in one sitting. It was the fattest thing I've ever done.

>> No.12434560
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I literally have to set a limit for myself and put the box away or I'll eat the whole thing desu

>> No.12434561

my moms meatloaf i miss u mom pls come home

>> No.12434575


>> No.12434582


>> No.12434589

Fucking comedy

>> No.12435956

Chili, dirty rice, kare raisu chicken tikka masala, butter chicken, chicken tacos, pulled pork, bacon weaves.

>> No.12435976

Spaghettios with meatballs

>> No.12436002
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>> No.12436117

are you the same guy who said in a different thread that you ate 2 gallons of chili in a single day?

>> No.12436154

thinly sliced turkey on a kings hawaiian bun with honey mustard.

>> No.12436410

slow cooked brisket
roast duck
roast onion
chinese broccoli

>> No.12436556

no but i have gotten mighty close to that number, not in one sitting but throughout the day. im not even a fatty, i climbed ladders for a living while carrying heavy shit and could eat unlimited cal and still lost weight. started a 180lbs looked normal...6 months in i weighed 160lbs looked cut...1 year in i was down to 140 lbs coworkers thought i was on meth... eventually got down to 130 and random strangers started buying me food

>> No.12436562
File: 407 KB, 974x791, Spaghetti_alla_Carbonara_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbonara, I guess. Or aglio e olio.

>> No.12436569
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>> No.12436588

garlic sauce if I have something to eat it. it's really bad since it's like 99% oil as well.

>> No.12436617

Sour cream and onion chips

>> No.12436907


>> No.12437165

Fuuuuck....Large curd cottage cheese. I can inhale a fucking tub of that in less than a day. I stopped buying it because I'd eat the whole fucking thing right away. I just have zero control around the stuff.

>> No.12437201

Gumbo. I get constipated from the roux / rice and I regret it every time, but I'll eat at least 4 bowls in a row.

>> No.12437216
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twizzlers pull and peel, had to stop buying them because i had more self control regulating a heroin addiction then i did with these dangerous little bastards

>> No.12437310

Thats not really a sin because its low calorie and kinda healthy.
Its the really shitty food that results in serious harm, your addiction is only going to give you a weird looking shit.

>> No.12437470

Depends on my mood. Can eat too-sweet "chinese food" more or less indefinitely, assuming I don't care about packing on the pounds. My buddy and I used to get cut-off every week at this all you can eat wing place. Chicken, peas, mashed and gravy is another one -- I can eat that forever. That same buddy and I got cut off at AYCE sushi once or twice, too. Good times.

>> No.12437636

I can eat lightly rinsed raw clams until I fucking puke. Could probably do the same with lobster. I don't think it's possible for me to stop eating lobster given the opportunity. I think it would take at least 8 lobsters

>> No.12437842
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I could probably eat the whole thing in one sitting

>> No.12437862

any food because im a fat piece of shit

>> No.12437912
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Beaf Jurkie

>> No.12438577

Get the fuck out richfag

>> No.12438591
File: 90 KB, 1000x775, Oysters_Plate_042018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw oysters. I can suck down 30 of them if you'd let me. Wings are a close second, and I would reach a similar number.

>> No.12438592
File: 1.26 MB, 684x1104, OT_Jerky_10oz_Hot_Front_New_2048x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, desu. I could eat tons upon tons of it. It's so FUCKING expensive though, ugh.

Pic related is one of my faves, super tasty.

>> No.12438594

Peanut butter, I get bad allergies though but I'd die happy eating it. Aged cheeses and curated meats And coffee, drink loads of espresso during the day

>> No.12438602

buy a round roast and make your own.

>> No.12438607

Hmm, is it easy? I might go for it. Little scared I might fuck it up and it wouldn't be safe.

>> No.12438638

Did I say that wrong or something (I'm ESL)? I meant hammering the leaves to make the wrapping process easier.

>> No.12438666

Any seafood, particularly raw oysters, Dungeness crab, lobster, and clams. I can put away raw oysters for hours.

>> No.12438677
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Pecans. Also flaming hot cheetos. And pic related

>> No.12438689


>> No.12438693
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>> No.12438713
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Not sure my body could handle 'endless amounts of', but I love mindlessly munching on these

>> No.12438738

Beef liver

>> No.12438745


>> No.12438750

does this kill the crab?

>> No.12438752

The only thing that stops me is jaw fatigue

>> No.12438755
File: 355 KB, 600x600, Oysters_rockefeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick

>> No.12438761

fairly I think the hardest part is cutting it thin enough. Watch the Good Eats version

>> No.12438779

the hell is that?

>> No.12438792

Russian dildo.

>> No.12438884


these and watermelon and white cheddar popcorn.

>> No.12438896

korean bbq

>> No.12439742

its very easy, just get a top round and trim all the fat off then slice it into thin strips against the grain for more tender pieces then stick it in some soy sauce, toss a few of desired spices in and let it soak over night, dry it off. set it in the oven at 170f for 2-3 hours and done. you don't even need to put it in to the oven but i like to be sure im killing any bacteria, you can just leave it out on the counter with a fan blowing on it for a week

>> No.12439761

I have never eaten enough pasta. Ever.

>> No.12439806

Chicken fajhitas.

>> No.12440412

For me, it's Trader Joe's balsamic grilled chicken

>> No.12440470
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Crawfish boil and beer.

>> No.12440487

fuck dude it's literally becoming a problem for me nowadays

>> No.12441039

I always have a bunch of peeled bananas in the freezer and use them with milk for smoothies (or ice cream, I guess, I like to keep the consistency somewhat solid)

>> No.12441054

Pizza. I have problems with pizza. Came from being poor and only getting it on my birthday, so there's a dumb emotional aspect to it but I can inhale it like fucking nothing else.

>> No.12442430


>> No.12442459

>pay for all you can eat
>"Sir, you've eaten too much, you have to leave."
I can't even eat much in a sitting myself but the thought of this is making my blood boil.

>> No.12442482

the hardest part is making a marinade that you like and not fucking it up. It took me awhile through trial and error to make one that I really liked, and I still want to experiment.