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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 600x400, beefstew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12430335 No.12430335 [Reply] [Original]

What's your least favorite food?

For me, it's beef stew. I don't like any soups or stews except clam chowder, just not appetizing to me.

Hard mode: nothing actually disgusting or repulsive.

>> No.12430475

Anything with kidney or liver

>> No.12430490

There is nothing that is accepted as edible and commonly available food in western culture that I do not like, except for vanilla yogurt. vanilla ice cream is fine, vanilla cookies, anything else, but vanilla yogurt in particular has this tangy sourness to it that disgusted me since i was a kid.

>> No.12430514

i dont really like organ meats

>> No.12430535

Your ancestors would have drowned to for convenience

>> No.12430639

Sweet potatoes. I don't know why but I can't stomach them regardless of the preperation.

Also eggs. Can't eat a fried or hard boiled egg. Scrambled maybe a couple times a year.

When I'm out at a diner for breakfast and see an older person dunk their toast in the egg yolk I dry heave.

>> No.12430652


>> No.12431206

Br*ssels spr*uts

>> No.12431293

Egg mayo sandwiches. I remember school trips as a kid with these horrors wrapped in cellophane and kept unrefrigerated in the warm luggage compartment of the coach for about 4-5 hours before they were brought out at lunchtime. The memory of the smell still makes me gag and I can't detach the memory from what might be a different adult experience.

>> No.12431296

Ditto. I find I spend more time trying to chew it than actually enjoying it.

>> No.12431307

Cabbage and coleslaw, both disgusting.

>> No.12431498

Tuna sandwiches with way too much mayo. Everyone I know in my town likes to put fucking spoonfuls of the stuff.

>> No.12432159

Bunch of faggots up in here.

>> No.12432164

Have you tried cooking it before eating?

>> No.12432222

Anything with a heavy dose of sour cream

>> No.12432282

Checked, but you're a fag anyway

>> No.12432336

Anything that combines sweet and savory, e.g. Boston baked beans, sweet and sour pork, blueberry sausage, chicken and waffles.

It might simply be cultural programming which creates this sweet/savory distinction, but I'm fully programmed I guess. Can't deal with the two things together.

>> No.12432454

my mom has this. and i'm the opposite, i fucking love sweet and savoury/spicy combos. whenever i cook she looks in horror as i dump my sweet condiment of the day into something she otherwise considers perfect.

>> No.12432474

You're the type of person who drizzles maple syrup on their sausage and bacon. Fucking animal.

>> No.12432482

My guess is that you've never had a good beef stew. When it's done properly it's amazing.

>> No.12432513

I’m the same way as op, I haven’t had amazing beef stew in forever so I never have the taste for it. mediocre beef stew sucks

>> No.12432529

>cooking your food
scooby dooby doo

>> No.12432536

Potatoes. I don't like them prepared anyway other than fries or chips. And if the fries are too thick I can't eat them.

>> No.12432550

im usually like this with the sole exception of chicken and waffles. fucking amazing mate

>> No.12432576
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, 5AACDA91-3A88-4ED9-91D4-A50842939F38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Türlü, maybe my mom never made it right but I really dislike it

>> No.12432610

crab, crayfish, any food that requires fiddling effort to get food out of. not worth the effort. gay people seem to think it's fun.

>> No.12432746

spicy mustard bengali crab curry hnng

>> No.12432752

i hate potatoes in general, including fries and chips. i don't know the mouthfeel is just so vague and bland.

>> No.12432759
File: 141 KB, 600x900, layered dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Layered dip
I eat all the things in most layered dips but something about it triggers my autism.

>> No.12432771

McDonald's, Chipotle, and BK

>> No.12432787

Beans in dip blows ass

>> No.12432788

anything with strong flavors or smells of mayo/mustard/vinegar in it
I can eat all sorts of other stuff but I just hate the smell so much

>> No.12432790


>> No.12432810

Anything with gristle or excess fat hunks. I don't mind rendered fat but a mouth full of fat from a steak makes me dry heave and I have to swallow it like a pill to get it down.

>> No.12432820

Olives. There's just something about them that I can't stomach. I can do olive tapenade in moderation but whole olives just taste disgusting to me.

>> No.12432843
File: 247 KB, 500x500, img_3983_6853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti with meat sauce is so boring
I wont make it myself but i will eat it if someone makes it

>> No.12432848

excessive use of vegetables. I don't mind the flavor, and actually like a lot of them, but my back teeth don't touch so a lot of stuff is difficult for me to chew

>> No.12432853
File: 54 KB, 152x219, youbestbejokingnigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I'm out at a diner for breakfast and see an older person dunk their toast in the egg yolk I dry heave.
imagine being this much of a bitch

>> No.12433115

bannana peppers on pizza

most pre made "cookies" that come in sleeves besides oreos and pepperidge farm stuff. chips-a-hoy taste like dirt.

>> No.12433128

that looks like peak mediterranean food, i could feel at home eating that
>least favorite
anything involving pineapple or apples. caviar tastes like shit too, and im not too fond of fish

>> No.12433136

What the fuck is with all the fucking faggots in this thread?!? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.12433155

Thank God I’m not alone in this, I have always hated Chips Ahoy. They just don’t taste cookie-like at all. And that’s a shame because some of their flavors sound great on paper.

>> No.12433381

Did you know that its actually evolution that makes kids dislike green-colored foods? They dont hate vegetables for other reasons, they are just programmed to not eat green stuff. When they grow older they should get rid of that type of feeling tho.

>> No.12433428

I can't stand most things that come from the boomer mother generation. Most casseroles, mostly anything from a microwave, t.v. dinners, slow cooker dinners, and the like. I feel like I was robbed of a proper culinary childhood by the "kitchen laziest" generation.

>> No.12433495

Chitlins. I have no idea how blacks can eat this shit I wouldn't even feed my dog.

>> No.12433530

>solid piss in the same tier as liver

>> No.12433540

You seem like the kind of person I would want to fight, if I were a fighter, that is, and not a lover of beef stew.

>> No.12433547

Green peas are truly terrible and make every dish worse

>> No.12433732

i usually go for complete cookies instead. or just buy refrigerated dough. subway or mcdonalds cookies aren't bad in a pinch.

>> No.12433766

If I order a salad and there's celery in it I'll eat it because I hate leaving food on the plate but I fucking hate the stuff.
It's like drinking cheap gin straight.

>> No.12433773

This, I also can't stand meatballs.

>> No.12433885

shrimp is definitely up there for me. The only time I've ever enjoyed it is when my dad smoked some shrimp for a christmas eve appetizer so it no longer tasted like shrimp

>> No.12433914


>> No.12434108

celery with pb is god tier

>> No.12434123

Pizza. I feel gay eating it. Something about all that gooey cheese falling to strings off the side of my mouth like cum, that long phallic crust part you're left with that feels like you're eating a cock after you're done with the cheesy, cummy part, and the sausage, all that meat, it's like licking a penis.

>> No.12435062

nigga you gay for thinkin bout dicks all the time, god damn

>> No.12435088

I remember hating turkey burgers with a passion, but being older kinda curious how they hold up now

>> No.12435102

>everyone post a food you can’t stand
>redditors flood in telling people why their tastes are wrong instead of contributing

>> No.12435226

I gotta agree. I can barely do bacon/sausage and syrup when eating breakfast.

>> No.12435252

Soups in general have never really enticed me. I suppose its something about the liquid but I've never been able to narrow it down.

Not a huge fan of very sweet foods either, prefer salty, savory, or spicy foods.

>> No.12435377

I have a strong distaste for any kind "salad" dish that relies on taking some random shit and stirring chunks of it into mayo or Miracle Whip or whatever. Chicken salad, macaroni salad, tuna salad, potato salad, egg salad, crab salad, ham salad, whatever. That is just not my thing.

I can handle a bit of such dishes if I'm really hungry, and they've been prepared and spiced well. If it's an "eat this or deal with the dizziness from lack of food" scenario, I can force down maybe 2.5 ounces of chicken, egg, or potato salad, and maybe 5 ounces of tuna salad. But it's a struggle. That preparation method really does not suit my tastes.

>> No.12435380

Done poorly it can be extremely watery and bland for sure. But yeah, when it’s done right it can be heavenly, especially with some crusty buttered bread.

It’s extremely easy to make as well, so it’s surprisingly that so many mess it up.