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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12428534 No.12428534 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you shitstains actually drink this abhorrent punishment of God to mankind?

>> No.12428547

I haven't drunken any yet. I"ve been meaning to dry it. is it anything like Steel Reserve's "Spiked Punch" series? i don't like alcoholic things saturated in sugar. it does not mix well at all.

>> No.12428579

had a few. guaranteed headache 30 minuted later. whats even worse is Earthquake. same stuff without flavoring. its the nastiest malt liquor imaginable. almost impossible to force down a whole can, even among seasoned alcoholics.

>> No.12428585

its similar yes. but 4loko is 12-14% abv. i think steele reserve is 8% 4loko even tastes worse.
if you can believe it.

>> No.12428592
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Me. And there's not a goddamn thing you or your false god can do about it you commie fag junkie

>> No.12428604

They're absolutely vile, and I drink Steel Reserve and McCormick on a regular basis.
Sickly sweet, vaguely fruity, and brutal malt liquor taste that makes standard hobo beer seem smooth and refreshing.
In most areas they're 14%abv too, so you WILL taste the alcohol with every sip.
Mix a Natty Ice tallboy, some Koolaid mix, a good spray of tropical air freshener, and a few shots of nail polish remover if you want to approximate the taste.

>> No.12428607

It's a shame 4loko with caffeine has been lost to time, how else am I supposed to destroy my body?

>> No.12428611

when I was first becoming a drunk I drank those.
Now I can not drink ONE without getting sick immediately and without my stomach hurting like hell the next day, and I drink straight cheap vodka and gin by the pint just fine

>> No.12428619

What? Fuck you.

>> No.12428623

I drank 3 or 4 a day for probably 2 years and I'm drinking one right now. I think the gold can is the only one that doesn't taste like sour candy. There was a guy in an old al/ck/ thread that said he drank 6-8 every day and led a functional life. I'm calling belated bullshit on that. Six of them would knock you on your ass by 3pm. And yes, my teeth are fucked.

>> No.12428648

too much sugar. why not just drink bottom shelf vodka like mccormick or fleischmans

>> No.12428655
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I actually liked this even though it seemed universally reviled.

>> No.12428657

He's more of a man than you will ever be.

>> No.12428660

>stealing cans of the stuff to drink in the bathroom at work
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.12428663


>> No.12428665

no thank god. but i have iv'd opiates in the workplace shitter and flushed the syringes. cant imagine how they dont smell the alcohol on you

>> No.12428677

That's how I discovered 4Loko; Army had a special safety briefing about it. Naturally, we got tanked on it that Friday. Vile stuff, and chugging 4 of the old caffeinated ones made my heart confused and angry.

>> No.12428694

I was working at a convenience with a guy who'd go in the back to do lines of meth every few hours, convenience store so there was nobody to even give a shit.
I've got to cut the junk out though man. Probably the dumbest thing was taking a few hits of acid when I'd work the overnights, just pointless and a waste of time and acid. I only ever sniffed a little bit of h at work, but I could at least be properly fucked up and still do my job competently

>> No.12428713

drug use is no win situation over the long run, unfortunately. dont blame you guys though. convenience stores are shit

>> No.12428742

usually get the miller high life pounder

>> No.12428760

I drink almost an entire handle of Lady Bligh rum every day. Just didn't feel like driving too far today.

>> No.12428762

I'm already dilated.

>> No.12428766

yeah, it's gotta be a tale as old as time and I still fell for it. I didnt get in too deep but my bank and brain definitely got a toll taken on 'em. Cut the hard stuff out for now at least, and the relationships too so it really hasn't been too rough.
Now I just want to smoke weed. It just feels like a waste though, I must have fried my brain on stims a bit cause I could face 2 blunts after a month long break and not even get blazed

hope you were able to move on, man. that coworker was staying in a hotel with a dude addicted to banging coke, that shit looks brutal man.

>> No.12428767

im sure weve chatted in the old alck threads then, lol.

>> No.12428797

yep moved on. just drink now. not that alcohol is all fun and games of course. good you did the same

>> No.12428834

Add caffeine ?

>> No.12428862

A few times. Would not recommend

>> No.12428865
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a sidewalk slammer
>buy a 4loko gold and buy a 40 of busch light
>drink enough of the busch light so that you can pour the whole 4loko in

>> No.12428871

its party juice, dog

>> No.12428880

I used to drink them but they started to taste really shitty and I felt like a scene kid drinking it

>> No.12428905

Enjoy what? Your own misery?

>> No.12428914

>Enjoy what?
1000 calories of blackout juice

>> No.12428947

My buddy bought up pallets of these when he found out they were changing the formula. Saw him a few years ago, one of his lungs collapsed but he's doing good otherwise

>> No.12428964


>> No.12428993

no it's adam

>> No.12428996
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i prefer 4loko's blaze and black flavors. the 14% is exactly what i need to forget how shitty living in my parent's basement is. for a few blissful hours i can walk on sunshine and pretend i'm not the 2nd biggest failure in my family.

my cousin od'ed on fentanyl while pregnant a few years ago. if it weren't for her i'd be the worst.
thanks cuz.

>> No.12429004

you're unironically Sexy my man

>> No.12429006


>> No.12429029
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>> No.12429038

A friend and I each got one before they took all the stimulants out. I decided to be stupid and drink some jaegermeister as well. Apparently that combo turns me into a giddy, coke up pikey as seen in Snatch. Would not recommend.

>> No.12429042
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Tried a few sips of this one time, tasted fucking terrible, gave it to a friend instead

He drank all of it, then another 40 oz on top of that and then started speaking in an indian accent for about an hour until he passed out

>> No.12429043

Not sure why anyone would drink that foul brew now that it doesn't have caffeine.

>> No.12429051

Thanks dude I'll shout you out on the pod

>> No.12429057

Caffeine and that amount of alcohol was a dangerous combo back in high school. Sparks was a good way to kick off the evening though.

>> No.12429079

good way to drive around with a .27 bac and still think you were cool to drive tlwhile you pass out in a random park and have a cop give you a courtesy wake up knock on your door too, which is what happened the last time I drank sparks

>> No.12429143

>courtesy wake up knock
Being white sounds nice

>> No.12429161

Man of taste. I used to go through 2 golds every night. When I joined the navy my teeth were also fucked

>> No.12429252

The camo line is all shit. The only two that are quaffable are Blaze and Gold. Better than any of these are the Steel Reserves, fruit punch, pineapple and tropical are all decent.

>> No.12429273

i do and i like it, the sour apple and gold taste alright and are 14% alcohol for $3. i don't get hangovers from them like i do from steel reserve.

>> No.12429352

i remember chasing shots of 5 o'clock vodka with this garbage. worst fucking hangover ive ever had in my god damn life

i couldn't handle doing that shit anymore and im only 29

>> No.12429420

I would if they sold them here in England.
I've seen them in 1 shop once ever, and that was a single can on the shelf.

>> No.12429427

I've drank them before, not worth the price, I can get 3 steel reserve for the price of 2 of those roughly.

I'm really not picky at all when it comes to booze so price is a bigger deal breaker.

>> No.12429434
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>I drank 3 or 4 a day for probably 2 years

How the fuck are you still alive?

>> No.12429450

Why not just buy 2-3 40s? Or a fifth of cheap vodka?

>> No.12429534

>nd have a cop give you a courtesy wake up knock on your door too
You are so white.

>> No.12429779
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>3 at 8%
>2 at 14%
i hope you're serious

>> No.12429886

Not him but my local prices are 6 plus tax for 2 4loko versus 4 steel reserve for 6.66 plus tax. I get both depending on mood and availability, but my bread and butter is 10.99 handle of vodka with 12.50 for 5 twelve ounce redbulls at 1:1 ratio. Or Community mosaic ipa 8.4 abv for 8.49-11.49 a sixer. Or 18.99 for handle of benchmark plus coke backs. Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.12429919

I drink these motherfuckers just for the reaction. I make my 30-something friends drink them when we do something stupid on a vacation. Everyone hates me, but in that kind of "goddamnit, this is fun and we all look like assholes" kind of way.

I frequently gift people Four Loko variety baskets for housewarming parties or whatever. To clarify, I also am a VP of Marketing for a Fortune 500 company.

>> No.12429935

If you're really at a fortune 500 company you're one of many VPs of marketing. But well played anyways.

>> No.12429969

Oh yeah, there's plenty of us. But it's still fucking silly to crack a brown bagged Loke on a weekend in Nashville and hand someone my business card.

>> No.12429976

>these faggots aren't Diamond Members™

>> No.12429984
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another non-Diamond.

>> No.12430105

Baste and breadpilled.

>> No.12430130

The first time I saw that word was in Ring of Time and I used it for a solid two weeks straight. I must have been the most annoying 12 year old on the planet.

>> No.12430142

I feel like the company lies about the alcohol percentage because 4lokos don't feel like 12%, maybe its all the sugar, the gold ones that taste like redbull are weak and unsatisfying for some reason. I've tried the caffeinated ones and it's the same thing. I'd rather drink a bottle of cheap red wine for $2.50 w/tax to get a better buzz.

>> No.12430144

its literally alcohol for children, only teenagers drink this trash

>> No.12430260

>I make my 30-something friends drink

>Everyone hates me, but in that kind of "goddamnit, this is fun and we all look like assholes" kind of way.

so basically everyone hates you

>> No.12430273

It was a pretty awesome drink before white kids in college towns started drinking 4 and 5 of them in less than 30 minutes as a party trick and started dying. Now that all the fun juice is gone I'm surprised there is still a market for them after all this time.

>> No.12430390

i have a hydrometer and they are lying about the alcohol content.... my test show anywhere between 15% to 18% on the gold and sour apple

>> No.12430442

That's weird, i guess all the sugar makes it seem less, my brother left a few open cans of lemon 4loko in the freezer and we drank the clear alcohol that separated from the slushy frozen stuff and it hit us quick like grain alcohol.

>> No.12430459

Those sour grape ones caused me to destroy my kitchen one night after 3 of them. Pretty damn fun night, but horrible cleanup the next day.

>> No.12430833

B to the e was phenomenal

>> No.12431494
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>rips cabinet door off
> leaves block of cheese in the dishwasher
>smashes jar of banana peppers
>fall over multiple times
>mfw i wake up with bruises all over my body and don't remember any of it

>> No.12431516

Drink a monster at the same time

>> No.12431569

You sound like a tremendous faggot. Go gargle some cum instead of "Loke" next time, VP of Dick Sucking.

>> No.12431592

>t. fake tough guy bitch

>> No.12431630

I swear pre-ban 4loko had ephedrine in it or something. I can drink redbull and vodka's and know what im getting into, but the old formula 4lokos were like temporary psychosis in a can.

>> No.12431878

fucking government ruining good things as usual, i could drink a half handle a night of skol vodka and still be semi functional but pre-ban 4loko was like a cross between a mild shroom trip and Rohypnol while still being drunk AF. two or three and i was fucking gone

>> No.12433036

i had the original before they changed it, memes were true, super fucking dangerous.

>> No.12433050

God does not make punishments, only trials. Just because you cannot stand triumphant with his praises on your tongue doesnt make it a punishment.

>> No.12433070

>Just because you cannot stand triumphant with his praises on your tongue doesnt make it a punishment.
Takes a real pious fella to sing hymns after a few 4loko

>> No.12433083

>drying a liquid
So, are you a wet brain, or is this just your first time on booze?

>> No.12433093

Yup, made you hallucinate for hours on end. Several of my friends had strokes and heart attacks from it, but they just kept drinking because they were so wired. One night we got naked and mobbed a radio shack, didn't even bother to steal anything just played with the cars. We ended up fighting off an entire swat team and kicked their asses. Pretty sure we might have retard paralyzed or even killed a few of them. Pre ban loko was fucking nuts. Anyone that tries it now will never know how hardcore it was before.

>> No.12433127

This. I once ate a mans face and stole a police helicopter after three cans. Good times.

>> No.12433130

Whoa, dude. All I did was piss myself in my sleep when I tried it.

>> No.12433215

My main issue is all the flavors suck. Watermelon or peach flavored anything is gross, they need flavors that are harder to fuck up like orange. The blood orange Mike's stuff is pretty good.

>> No.12433235

I'd be willing to pay a few cents more for Steelie to avoid entering a diabetic coma from more than one 4Loko

>> No.12433273

Might cop one tonight, what do these Gold and Blaze flavors taste like?
I tried the "Frost" one a while back and it was sick.

>> No.12433285

Shut the fuck up you retarded posers. I always pop one or two caffeine pills while drinking and all it does is let you drink more for longer before passing out. The only reason it got banned was because rich people's kids got too drunk and fucked their shit up, and the parents wanted to blame the product rather than the drinking habits.

>> No.12433305

Gold is supposed to taste like Red Bull, albeit with that gross syrupy aftertaste all these things have

>> No.12433334

My gf and I drank some of the pre-b& version back in HS and she told me she wanted me to stick stuff in her butt.

I did.

It was rad.

>> No.12433341

t. zoomer too young to have had original recipe

>> No.12433536

I drink a few a week usually add 5hour energy shots into the can

>> No.12433544
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That's the point. It causes people to stay up and continue to get drunk when they would normally pass out.
Based and asspilled. Also pic related

>> No.12433571

>It was rad
Oh dear......

>> No.12433848
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Oh fuck, reminds me of these my sister got one time for some stupid party she threw. Fucking tasted like strawberry and asshole. Couldn't even finish one and just said fuck it and drank some tequila straight. Tasted much better than these fucking abominations.

>> No.12434032

>i had a half a can and i was fine
down two cans in one sitting and tell me its anything like a caffeine pill and vodka...its not, besides all the other energy drink ingredients aside from caffeine cheap alcohol is full of Fusel Alcohols and Acetaldehyde among poisons which can result in a much dirtier drunk then drinking even halfway decent liquor

>> No.12434381
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one of my friends, through high school all he would drink was strawberry fanta
now all he drinks is stawberitas

>> No.12434394

get better friends

>> No.12434436

I did for like 3 months in college when they had caffeine

>> No.12434851

>implying commies don't love these
My boys and I get fuckin blitzed on these all the time

>> No.12434856

used to drink the shit out of this with my uncle who eventually killed himself, presumably because the world was going to shit, which included getting rid of B to the e

>> No.12435148

>B to the e
what did anon mean by this?