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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 460 KB, 850x1100, bernadin-chefs-tasting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12424763 No.12424763 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about this menu?

>> No.12424771

In my limited experience with very high end fine dining, it's hard to guess what the food will really taste like just from looking at the description. It's chef repair though so it's going to be good

>> No.12424866

I'm allergic to shellfish.
Fuck this menu.

>> No.12424869
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 5256fb3f69bedde95c0b28b3-480-360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Le Bernardin in NYC. This is what the average serving looks like there

>> No.12424875

Did you post the wrong image? This is just someone's dirty dish

>> No.12424879

Gross and pretentious

>> No.12424884

>muh calories
Get a job, NEET

>> No.12424889


>> No.12424894

Lots of fish

>> No.12424896

I oppose sea trout being paired with a strong flavor like onion, and other such dumb shit

>> No.12424897

heh, seems pretty common to me.

>> No.12424902

jesus fuck, why do coasties spend so much money

>> No.12424904

Holy shit, what a joke wine is. $150 plus tip of wine is standard?

>> No.12424912

They are literally braindead from liberal policies

>> No.12424933

The place has three Michelin stars. If you can get a table and lay off the expensive (read: scam) wine the price doesn’t seem too exorbitant

>> No.12424934

no its not standard
it's conspicuous consumption for rich kids

>> No.12424953

For a place charging $225 a plate, you'd figure they could hire somebody that knows design better than the MS Word templates section.

>> No.12424960

You get a Pokemon card out the deal?

>> No.12424962

I'd try it, without the wine pairings because I'm sober these days.

>> No.12424978

>the price doesn’t seem too exorbitant
Its literally more than I have ever spent on a meal for 2 including drinks, and I spend more than most on food and drink

>> No.12425006

Does that price include a blowjob under the table from an underage supermodel while a Saudi prince licks my ass clean?

>> No.12425017


looks like some retarded foodie bullshit

>> No.12425020

The average poster here is a midwesterner who considers the mcchicken fine dining and has never cooked anything but ramen.

>> No.12425037

What I most hate about it is that they paired the sake with one of the only dishes that didn't have Asian influence.
Drinking sake next to a red wine and rosemary sauce sounds kind of terrible.

What I hate about it second most is that a tasting menu with fish in every single savory course just becomes tedious and monotonous. It doesn't even have to be meat - what about vegetable dishes?

>> No.12425098

Hipster meme food, aka literal garbage

>> No.12425115

Do you get all of these for $225? It says per table.

>> No.12425130

It's good and if we go we're going out for a steak sandwich for afters

>> No.12425136

Red onion can be quite mild and sweet

>> No.12425139

seems a bit dated in the fine dining scene, especially in nyc, unless they're leaving out details in the descriptions. I'd probably go for it though, especially since it's ripert and I've spent that much before in fucking orlando

>> No.12425148

I'm more upset that there's only one expensive wine on there and yet they're charging an extra 145 for it

>> No.12425150

yes, $225 per person but the entire table must order it as well

>> No.12425173
File: 40 KB, 640x480, E9229C1B-6E8C-4FDA-9635-2744D5F70D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get them all but this is what each portion looks like

>> No.12425174

>seems a bit dated in the fine dining scene
This. Feels like something that would have been an absolute hit 5-10 years ago. But now it just seems cliche. They probably cook half that shit in a sous vide bath too.

>> No.12425183

That's why it's a tasting menu.
>a type of meal offered in certain restaurants, consisting of sample portions of many different dishes served in several courses for a set price.
>sample portions

>> No.12425193

That’s all well and good but you still leave hungry

>> No.12425202

Then don't order the tasting menu, order a full menu item. You can't misunderstand what pictures are being posted and then say the definition of a word doesn't matter. I know you ate 6 mcchickens for dinner and you just wanted to bash fine dining to feel better about it. but nobody is actually being scammed.

>> No.12425205

There are restaurants that do pretty sizable portions for their tasting menus. You're right ins that Le Bernardin definitely does not have big portions, tasting menu or not.

>> No.12425216

>defending a $225 meal fit for a cat

>> No.12425225

>ordering a sample platter from a flyover restaurant and complaining it doesn't come with 20 of each item

>> No.12425230

>Being a braindead coastie at anytime
Enjoy your blue state and nigger infestation

>> No.12425232

I don’t give a shit where you are if you drop ~$300 a head (without drinks) on a meal you’d better not leave hungry

>> No.12425236

>living in a shithole that even niggers won't live in

>> No.12425238

>doesn't need more calories than neet


>> No.12425240

Sounds like Manhattan 2bh

>> No.12425242

Oh, that makes sense!

Also, /thread

>> No.12425247

>can't read
>doesn't understand restaurant terminology
>keeps doubling down on being wrong
>falls back to /pol/ arguments as if Alabama or Georgia aren't full of niggers
It's a fine dining restaurant. If that kind of thing is a concern to you spend that money on groceries rather than eating out. Go buy 30 gallons of slop from dennys to get your money's worth.

>> No.12425251

>living in a concrete hell with no way to own land and being surrounded by multiculturalism
You can say anything you want to me, but you will never not sound like a joke and a faggot

>> No.12425261

That was my first post in this thread, typical your braindead coastie faggot mind got confused.

>> No.12425267

So you didn't read the thread you just replied to one post? Your laziness is my fault?

>> No.12425271

Your faggotry is my fault? Keep serving your liberal masters, braindead coastie. Last (You) you'll get from me.

>> No.12425272

>caviar tartare
Since when is caviar ever cooked?

>> No.12425277

Sure it is. Just pretend to reply to this post as someone new.

>> No.12425302

It's a Hamachi and Osetra Caviar Tartare.
Hamachi is a type of amberjack fish. So it's a yellowtail tartare with caviar in it.
>poor people in charge of reading rich people words

>> No.12425666

>not even SSR
the fuck am I even paying for?

>> No.12427157

Come hungry, leave hungry

>> No.12427164

Sounds amazing.

>> No.12427172

Completely overpriced.

>> No.12427181

A seafood tasting menu from Le Bernardin? YES PLEASE.

>> No.12427198

$400 for wine seems extremely overpriced. At my local two star you can get a 7-course premium pairing full of millesime rarities for less than €200.
You don‘t. You‘re usually stuffed by the time cheese/desert arrives.

>> No.12427250

I wonder if there's ghost rare sea bass

>> No.12427299

in other words, you get 8 of those, so that's one hell of a meal.

>> No.12427309

yes, we know that, peasant. those of us not burdened by minimum wage plus a dollar occasionally spend money on luxuries beyond the platters at applebees

>> No.12427349

>370$ with wine pairing
I would rather just spend like $100 max at a grocery and fire up my barbecue than do something like this to myself

>> No.12427357

But then how will you show everyone how rich and frivolous you are?

>> No.12427377

that’s fine, this restaurant isn’t designed for you.

>> No.12427404

There's no way you'll leave hungry. The portions are small because there's so many courses. If you put it all on one plate, it'd be overflowing.
>mfw people don't understand tasting menus

>> No.12427412

>implying people in the city don't own land
I live in a metro area, and I also own over 730 acres of ranch land. Do you really think people in cities don't buy land? You're naive and sheltered.

>> No.12427424

> this is what california white liberal elites eat

And this is why we all hate you white people, 1% ers.

>> No.12427425

Most don't own any land. But cope harder, larper.

>> No.12427428

If you pretending I'm a larper helps you sleep at night, go right ahead. It doesn't change the truth, you stupid hick.

>> No.12427440

people who complain about the price of these things are retarded. it's for sure a lot of fish/shellfish but i'm sure it's prepared in a way that makes it varied enough to be interesting. is le bernardin only a seafood restaurant?
one of the best parts about these restaurants is the wine pairing. it's always so perfectly selected and really changes the experience of the food for the better

>> No.12427460

I don't get it, do you just swipe it with your fork and eat it?

>> No.12427465

Sounds like I hit a nerve, larper. But I needn't pretend.

>> No.12427488

But you are pretending. You can't accept that people who live in metropolitan areas can have exactly what you want, and more, because they can afford it due to better salaries and jobs. I get to have a professional career as an engineer, plus go out to the ranch evenings and weekends, and be out of the city with my goats and cattle, and make money from that as well. I also grow alfalfa hay and sell that. Sorry that you can't deal with it, but that's your problem. Sounds like you just don't want to work for anything.

>> No.12427498

I've had the tasting menu at Le Bernardin. It is legitimately fantastic.

>> No.12427502

How do you idiots shitpost on a cooking board all day and not understand how tasting menus work

Go back to Burger King you uneducated Oklahoma fucks

>> No.12427504
File: 75 KB, 768x1024, 39933D4F-401C-4FAC-B9C7-0F7C5E0A37CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427532
File: 647 KB, 1400x932, 73D97C1F-799A-42DB-B038-807FE5FDF919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you brought your appetite (and like $475 a head)!

>> No.12427559

>all that cope
Calm down, don't take it so hard. A hot meal from the soup kitchen will probably make you feel better.

>> No.12427579

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, Zippy. Go back in your trailer and try again later.

>> No.12427588

It gives me an impulse to use cheaper ingredients and make the same thing for 10-15% of the price.

>> No.12427598

>Go back to Burger King you uneducated Oklahoma fucks
Can all but guarantee that my educational background is far more impressive than yours but if calling other anons dumb hicks makes you feel better about yourself then more power to you

>> No.12427608

Too much seafood focus. I went to a three Michelin star Kaiseki restaurant in Japan and it was much more balanced than this, no meat but far more vegetarian dishes to balance things out.

>> No.12427610

Using cheaper ingredients won't make the same dishes. You'll just be making a facsimile of those dishes. Which is perfectly okay for yourself at home, but don't fool yourself into thinking you've beaten a world class restaurant at it's own game, because you will be eating something different than they make.

>> No.12427616

>posturing on a laotian underwater basketweaving forum

>> No.12427620

Project all you want, it doesn't make your fantasies real.

>> No.12427622

It's 370 WITH wine pairing, not for wine pairing. So it's only 145 for the wine pairings, which is pretty standard. And there are some decent offerings on the pairing list- Trimbach riesling, krug champagne, etc.

>> No.12427633

LOL, you're the one projecting, you little gaslighter, you. I've told nothing but the truth, and you can't handle it, so you're lashing out like a little bitch.

>> No.12427635

>yes, we know that, peasant. those of us not burdened by minimum wage plus a dollar occasionally spend money on luxuries beyond the platters at applebees
It takes a special brand of deluded human excrement to post something like this unironically

>> No.12427640

It depends on what you mean by "beating them at their game".

I avoided paying their exorbitant price, acquired food of comparable quality, and likely increased my own skill level in the process, at the cost of time spent on food research and prep, which I do anyway.

>> No.12427646

To be fair, if you're eating at Applebee's you're pretty much a wonderbread peasant.

>> No.12427652

>cheaper ingredients
>comparable quality
Pick one.

>> No.12427660
File: 93 KB, 768x768, 1528926820094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contain your asspain.

>> No.12427664
File: 942 KB, 1125x1111, 8E618CCC-7B40-4550-BF55-15CBA4C07162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr george we’ll grow alfalfa and i’ll get to stroke them rabbits george

>> No.12427669

>he fell for the "ultra-rare fish" meme

>> No.12427671

Thanks for making my point, dumbass.

Jelly as fuck, aren't you?

>> No.12427673

Either a plebeian restaurant or extraordinarily good value, that menu is very underpriced compared to what I would normally pay.

>> No.12427678

>To be fair, if you're eating at Applebee's you're pretty much a wonderbread peasant.
Applebee’s is probably the blackest sit down restaurant chain in the country. I’ve never seen anyone here claim that their food is good

>> No.12427681

Your point is that you are experiencing extreme rectal ravaging? At least you're being honest for once.

>> No.12427686

Oh I have. But, I've been here a very long time.

>> No.12427690

I can't be bothered to figure out who's talking when in your conversation, but this anon: >>12427488 is full of shit.

If you live in a city, and you can afford the excessive cost of living, plus saving responsibly, AND you can still afford to spend insane money at fancy restaurants, then you're part of an unbelievably tiny minority.

The fact that these kinds of city people believe that they're the majority is why San Francisco is covered in poop, and why LA is about to have a plague resurgence from the rats.

>> No.12427691

This post is no more ridiculous than the butthurt coasties ITT

>> No.12427703

No, the point is you're so full of jealousy and impotence, you can't even make a valid point, all you can do is pretend like I'm lying and insult me. You can't handle the reality. It's pretty funny, really. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such an idiot.

>> No.12427708

Seriously, get some preparation H or something.

>> No.12427714

It's called responsibility and money management. Learn it, and then you can have nice things too.

>> No.12427715
File: 118 KB, 366x525, FVTLeastT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enraged, and now I must kill.

>> No.12427716

Not as expensive as I'd think for a 3 star Michelin

>> No.12427722

>insane money at fancy restaurants
$200 isn‘t insane money

>> No.12427731
File: 82 KB, 600x600, zerofucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427734


>> No.12427737

>fucks accepted (butthole): incalculable

>> No.12427738

Finanical responsibility starts with not wasting money.
You sound like a child.

>Not having wine with dinner
Dumb with money, AND a pleb? Who would have thought.

>> No.12427739

You say that, yet you've been seething about being called out the entire thread.

>> No.12427746

Not to mention the facebook-grandma-tier memes.

>> No.12427750

It's not a waste if it's something you enjoy. And being able to do things you enjoy starts with being financially responsible. You're not very intelligent, are you?

>> No.12427753
File: 82 KB, 480x381, funni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12427759

No seething, stop projecting. Just speaking truth to dumbasses.

Boo hoo.

>> No.12427767

I wasn‘t talking about oppic, but fair enough. $370 isn‘t a fortune either.

>> No.12427768

>I need to be scammed out of money to enjoy myself
You have the financial staying power of a scummy gambling addict.

In fact, you're so retarded, I find it hard to think you aren't just a fat neckbeard playing pretend.

inb4 amplified butthurt from striking a nerve.

>> No.12427772
File: 440 KB, 1500x1124, ED8834BA-090D-473D-95F7-66E217CB7486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related - how do you feel about this menu /ck/, and how much do you reckon it cost?

>> No.12427774
File: 78 KB, 659x506, 1549238645597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still sperging out
What happened to no fucks given?

>> No.12427775

>amplified butthurt from striking a nerve
Well, that does seem to be happening to you.

>> No.12427777
File: 318 KB, 1500x1124, C07B9FE4-C73C-45EF-AB02-E791438365EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427785

LOL, wow, you're really riled up. I can just see you, fingers stomping your keyboard while gritting your teeth and drooling. Sorry you can't afford nice things, but life's not fair. Also, enjoyment varies from person to person. You can't tell other people what they can or can't enjoy, no matter how hard you stomp your keyboard.

>> No.12427787

There are no fucks given. I'm just killing time. I'm not a professional hobo like yourself.

>> No.12427795

inAfter amplified butthurt from striking a nerve.

>> No.12427798

>I'm just being a neet and raging at strangers on the internet
Glad you cleared that up for us.

>> No.12427799

You barely know who you're replying to, do you?

>> No.12427800

“Dinner” for two with wine pairings and you aren’t making it out the door for under $925 with tax and tip. That doesn’t include parking or any extras whatsoever. Might want to bring a couple of Snickers bars for afterwards too

>> No.12427804

>mechanical engineer
One of those things is not like the others, dear buttblasted anon. You're projecting again.

>> No.12427805

At least $250 per person.

>> No.12427823

Nobody's buying your larp, mate. You're only digging yourself deeper with the desperate attempts to be validated by 4chan. That's not successful people behavior.
I apologise, but this will be the last (you) from me. As much as I enjoy seeing a flaming wreck, eventually you have to stop rubbernecking and get on with your day.

>> No.12427826

I‘m not seeing your point, anon. This is NYC, so the salaries are equally high.

>> No.12427832

8 cat size portions + 8 glasses of wine is a fun dining experience imo

>> No.12427834
File: 1.20 MB, 2500x1875, 87084EDD-C666-48FC-834E-BDCA8ADFBD3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, 11,000 yen ($100) plus another 4,000 yen for several glasses of white wine and umeshu.

>> No.12427836

Better stick with McD, anon.

>> No.12427840

I don't need or want your validation, dummy. That's where you've gone wrong. No one comes here for validation. You just apparently can't handle things that challenge your set opinions. And you spent way too much time trying to make yourself feel better by insulting me. I'm glad you've decided to stop, because it's pretty fucking sad.

>> No.12427841

For someone bragging about how much he doesn't care, you sure expect other people to.

>> No.12427846

Im a billion dollar trust fund kid, with multiple IP's and business under my family's control.

McD is pretty based every now and again.

>> No.12427848

I didn't say you had to care, just that you're confused. And, apparently, you still are.

>> No.12427852

No french fries, 0/10

>> No.12427860

I apologize if I was speaking to the wrong person.
I simply took you at your word that you did care and posted accordingly as someone who also doesn't care.

You should perhaps focus on honesty and clarity in your communication in the future.

>> No.12427870

>No one comes here for validation.
Apparently you do. The anal apocalypse because no one believes your bullshit is glorious.

>> No.12427878

Why doesn’t everyone think spending $1000 for a babby-sized dinner for two is a good idea? I swear you poor uneducated hicks are such IDIOTS!

>> No.12427882

I've been nothing but honest, and have been as clear as possible. You're injecting your own thoughts into other's posts. Stop that.

Still at it, huh?
I don't care if you believe me. It is what it is, and you not believing me doesn't change my life in any way. So, why do you bother responding?

>> No.12427889

>he’s so poor he has to grow and sell alfalfa
>he’s so poor he has to keep goats and cattle

Wow the poverty coming from this post has given me cancer.

>> No.12427891

Those are babby wine pours too. Reminder $370 + tax + tip per person and you still leave hungry and sober

>> No.12427892
File: 66 KB, 600x623, 1544745590458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going
This is some grade A booty bothered.

>> No.12427903

Try harder. You have no idea what you're talking about, but thanks for showing us how ignorant you are.

And you're still going. You just can't help yourself.

>> No.12427907

The point is that the food does all of the talking. Look at Maison troisgros in France. One of the most expensive and prestigious restaurants but their daily menus are the same basic word document styling. It’s a French arrogance thing

>> No.12427911

Sure, except I'm not the one trying to feel important on 4chan. I just sit back, express doubt, and you go into a frothing rage. Then I point out your anger, and you rage even harder. One is not like the other.

>> No.12427912

Seafood is obviously the theme

>> No.12427913

Yes I do, I’m not so poor I have to do anything involving manual labour. Less than two hundred years ago only slaves would do what you do, AND you have to work a second job. Your life must suck.

>> No.12427917

Those are standard 0.1l pours. It‘s over a bottle per person.

>> No.12427919
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x2250, EC24C5F7-8DDE-4095-8B7B-EBD8D6C246FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Troisgros Tokyo, had a cheap lunch deal. Was bloody good.

>> No.12427921

No intermetzzo

>> No.12427931

damn, that's really cheap for 3 stars

>> No.12427939

Wow that looks lovely.
I love how neatly French cooking and Japanese cooking dovetail into each other.

>> No.12427945

LOL, no you don't have any idea what you're talking about. Look up the median salary for a mechanical engineer and then add more on top for my seniority. I was able to afford to buy 730 acres outright, no loans. And the goats and cattle are not only an investment, but also something I love. I don't HAVE to work a second job, I'm doing what I love to do, while keeping my matching 401k and matching stock plan. And then, when I retire, I'll still have income and financial security from the ranch. Manual labor is only bad if you have to do it for someone else. Doing it as part of something you own, for yourself, isn't a chore. Plus, it keeps you fit and healthy, (plus I'm raising my own meat). You don't have any idea, at all. You are completely clueless.

>> No.12427952
File: 1.10 MB, 2250x3000, 0F3FF625-A4D8-4495-B51D-9CF36A10ADBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was absolutely class, only 6000 yen for a five course lunch too which for 2 Michelin star is not to be sniffed at.

>> No.12427956

Guys stop you’re both insufferable faggots

>> No.12427958

Those are some fat asparagus

>> No.12427960

>tldr: I have sex with farm animals

>> No.12427962

Lunch at high end restaurants really is the best. If they offer it that is.

>> No.12427968

That looks incredible. Waygu with some sort of crust?

>> No.12427970

>I'm doing what I love to do, while keeping my matching 401k and matching stock plan
Spoken like a true faggot larper

>> No.12427972

This is clearly pork.

>> No.12427980
File: 828 KB, 320x240, crazynic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really the best you could do?

>> No.12427981

Saddle of lamb with a citrus crust.

>> No.12427983

See >>12427980
You people are fucking boring.

>> No.12427984

>If you put it all on one plate, it'd be overflowing.

I wish I could see a bunch of fancy restaurants that do prix fixe with all courses on 1 plate to see how much food it actually is.

Would be a cool photo series.

>> No.12427992

Not them, but for an engineer who works a second job you seem to have an awful lot of free time to shitpost on a neet board in the middle of a workday.

>> No.12427994 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, BC57EBA1-C1B0-4864-9976-05E2EA7F8C84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, for Michelin star places I only ever go on the lunch deal as the food is just as good and often a quarter of the price. The only time I have been for dinner at a Michelin star places was the three star Kaiseki place (Wa Yamamura) where you just pick a set price and the chef does an omakase.

>> No.12427995

It would! Someone needs to make it happen.

>> No.12427997

Just enough to lube you up for when the sub-Fancy Feast plates stop coming and they bring your monster check out

>> No.12428004
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x2250, 7C01013A-DBAA-4428-B993-6AC42423ECBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, for Michelin star places I only ever go on the lunch deal as the food is just as good and often a quarter of the price. The only time I have been for dinner at a Michelin star place recently was the three star Kaiseki place (Wa Yamamura) where you just pick a set price and the chef does an omakase. Amazing value for 11,000 yen.

>> No.12428005 [DELETED] 
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, adadw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12428006

What's the waiting list like? A year?

>> No.12428011

Yep, today is my flex day, so I spent the morning running errands, and now I'm waiting till it's time to go to the dentist in about another 40 minutes. We do flex workdays so people can take a day off during the week if they want to.

>> No.12428022
File: 79 KB, 460x486, 360BC6CB-7C1A-4FEE-9E3A-082F0E4B74E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monster check
I‘m sorry this is a lot of money for you. I hope your situation will improve soon.

>> No.12428025
File: 238 KB, 1600x1200, 87293456-B726-4781-BA42-E4D054D711F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see that. Joe Beef had a crazy composed toast like that in one of their cook books.

>> No.12428027

This is my first post ITT but you sound like a stupid kid who just landed his first office job 2bch

>> No.12428029

I think at this point you understand why your coolstory may seem doubtful.

>> No.12428031
File: 30 KB, 453x227, C27CFC26-D799-44D6-ACA5-EC936736305F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that’ll be $370 + tax + tip

>> No.12428032

Do you live in Japan?

>> No.12428033
File: 800 KB, 2000x1500, B677DF7C-0B57-464B-87CC-8B57FB16C9F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don’t take reservations more than two months in advance, I got one relatively easily two months in advance by (free) table reservation service gurunavi. There are a lot of rip off merchants on the internet who try to charge extortionate fees for getting a table at Michelin star places though.

Service was impeccable and friendly, the chef bows and thanks you at the end and his wife came out and had a chat with me whilst I had a smoke and waited for my taxi.

>> No.12428036

Like I said before, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Your approval or not has no bearing on reality. So who cares?

You sound jealous. Get out, get educated, get motivated, and nice things can happen for you too.

>> No.12428037

What is the yellow spiral?

>> No.12428040


>> No.12428043

>So who cares?
Well, you seem to, seeing as you keep diligently replying to each and every post about it.

>> No.12428046

>Like I said before, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Your approval or not has no bearing on reality. So who cares?
>types paragraphs of validation-seeking claims of wealth and success on 4chan
>doesn’t care tho!

>> No.12428049
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No, I was on holiday there for three weeks. I live in Scotland.

Yuzu peel I think.

>> No.12428051
File: 24 KB, 208x205, 81F36AD7-1A12-436C-A016-8D4DFB196D64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is your ticket out of poverty, anon. Time to open up shop and feed those yuppie scum some overpriced catfood.

>> No.12428061

Sounds really good. Slightly pretentious.

>$225 per person
>$370 w/ wine pairing per person
I understand making money back for the chef's time and the price for the ingredients but these prices suck.

>> No.12428064

Couple steps from being a master charcutier

>> No.12428102
File: 57 KB, 423x453, 3CAF42ED-21A8-4FC1-8620-3C3EF8EADE92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disagreeing that spending almost $1,000 for a pathetically tiny “dinner” for two is a good idea
>you must be p-poor!!

>> No.12428124

Now this I can get into

>> No.12428144
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Yeah, they were fucking delicious. I was a little hesitant eating them whole but plucked up the courage, the burnt tail in particular was really tasty. Meanwhile a girl next to me from Macau was trying to dissect the thing with chopsticks to get to the meat, can’t believe I was less fussy than an Asian.

Baby sardines with rice were excellent too.

>> No.12428154
File: 80 KB, 383x393, DA22688E-FD64-4AB2-8980-E45196EA65F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It‘s a perfectly ordinary sized dinner. It just comes in many small portions instead of one big one allowing you to sample many different dishes.

>> No.12428351

hey alfalfa boy are you still hear or are you fingering your goat and crying that nobody understands

>> No.12428566

I dont know what these words mean xD

>> No.12428571

YEAAAAAH, I'm back motherfuckers. With my pearly whites, freshly polished and professionally cleaned teeth. Man, I love getting my teeth cleaned.
And, you're still having a problem with me? Bah...Apparently you enjoy being butthurt. It really doesn't matter, you don't know my life, and I don't know yours. Actually, I'm the only one who's actually talked about my life, why don't you guys talk about yours? Or do you have any?
Anyway, I have about another 30 minutes before I have to leave again, but I doubt you'll have anything interesting to say.

>> No.12428598

You’re a narcissist and a bore.

>> No.12428618

You're a narcissist and not creative.

>> No.12428693

Whats the yellow shit in the dish? Also those are some FAT asparagus, bitches look meaty

>> No.12428696

No (you)’s for the attention whoring brain dead coastie faggot larper

>> No.12428699

Lmao I make 401k a year after taxes, larp away mouth breather, my lambo is waiting outside

>> No.12428703
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>> No.12428705
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2250, 1612805D-2B5E-4EB8-8FE2-AF2305382F7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, that was some top asparagus. That’s just butter for with the bread.

>> No.12428716
File: 590 KB, 1500x2000, 2368951F-AFF5-418D-91DD-2EFD3073A1D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12428722

First off, if what your typing is true, more power to you. Secondly, I'm no larper as I've already stated many times. Third, please tell me you're not driving your "lambo" in the city, that's not what they're made for.

>> No.12428726

>found the better red than dead

>> No.12428730

What are the white chips on top?

>> No.12428736

Thin bits of meringue to give a bit of crunch.

>> No.12428738

Nice. I love meringue.

>> No.12429274

That’s exactly what they’re made for. It’s so you can wave your big money dick around, not to actually take to the track.

>> No.12429899

Absolute state of alfalfa

>> No.12430544

>living near niggers