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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12407559 No.12407559 [Reply] [Original]

Post food, discuss and talk shit.

I tried making Cajun chicken étouffée, and although I fucked up a bunch of steps (didn't sear chicken, didn't bloom spices) it turned out pretty good in the end. That portion was more saucy than the rest before you say anything.

>> No.12407698

Thought it was mapo tofu from the thumbnail

>> No.12407707

That looks pretty good.
I'm going to a ramen shop once I get past my laziness and put some pants on

>> No.12409040

>page 10
proof that nobody cooks on /ck/

>> No.12410582
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Made a super simple dinner. Ground beef burritos and fideo pasta.

>> No.12410614
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I made an aesthetically pleasing sandwich. I sent a pic to my mother and she had the fucking gall to criticize me. “Why didn’t you cut it in half, that way it’ll show off the ingredients” I disowned that bitch
Great sandwich tho

>> No.12410622
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Made a tasty salsa roja to go with it but it didnt come out very hot. Other than that the meal was pretty good.

>> No.12410647

Hey man there’s a leaf on top of your sandwhich.

>> No.12410654

Your mom's right you know.

>> No.12410711

Did you use a specific recipe or wing it?

>> No.12410744

I did use a recipe. I'd highlight the nonstick skillet part because my cornstarch stuck to mine which wasn't nonstick. I did manage to save it all from burning to the bottom but it was a pain. I also used a mix of breasts and thighs since I had both.

(makes ~4 servings)
>1/4 teaspoon cayenne
>1 teaspoon smoked paprika
>1 teaspoon dried thyme
>1/2 teaspoon oregano
>1/2 teaspoon sage
>1/2 teaspoon coarse black pepper
>pinch of sea salt
>1 1/4 lb raw chicken breasts, chopped into 1-inch pieces
>2 tablespoons cornstarch
>pinch of pepper
>2 tablespoons olive oil
>3 cloves garlic, chopped
>1/2 cup onion, diced
>1/2 cup bell pepper, diced
>1/2 cup celery, diced
>3 tablespoons tomato paste
>2/3 cup chicken stock
>2 bay leaves
>green onion, sliced

Mix together spices for the seasoning.

Rub chicken in cornstarch and a pinch of pepper.

Set a nonstick skillet on medium-high heat. Once hot, spray it with olive oil then add the chicken breast pieces. Sear on the outside for about 3 minutes, or until you get a light sear on the chicken. Remove the chicken from the skillet (doesn't have to be cooked through).

Reduce the heat to medium, then add olive oil, garlic, onion, bell pepper and celery. Cook for 3 minutes, until onions begin to turn translucent. Add the cajun seasoning and bloom the spices with oil and onion mix. Then add chicken stock, tomato paste and chicken breasts. Stir everything together and bring to a light simmer. Add in the bay leaves, then cover and cook on low heat for 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove the skillet from the heat, stir and season to taste with sea salt & pepper. Top with green onion and serve.

>> No.12410756

Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind

>> No.12410844

Thanks for the recipe OP, think i’m gonna try it.

>> No.12412327

Bumping and you can't stop me

>> No.12413317

They're all in the real cooking thread, getting dickered with kitters :^)

>> No.12413396
File: 534 KB, 640x360, Cheese, Ast'n Cake, Cake with Egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Protein powders -based cakes, cheeses, and sometimes white sauce.

>Top left is homemade cheese.
>Top right is an astaxanthin, no-eggs cake. Has some flavors similar to chocolate – slight "berry", "only hints".
>Bottom has an egg.

The cheese had a red pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, stevia, and cream -water basing, from beverage. … Lots of sodium citrate, and a little potassium.

The ast'n had heavy creamer and sodium bicarbonate – also seasoned.

The other " ".


Other ingredient options are
>nutmeg (oil)
>peppermint (oil)
>clove (oil)
>frankincense (oil)


Also of interest is getting beyond dairy (specifically creamer, which is going in the 1-2gal. / day of heated water, and the recipes; and store-bought cheese, most recently Provolone, but White American is way better, still the best, even on Cheddar, because of sweetened dishes, more neutral overall flavors, way more creaminess and even natural sweetness – homemade is still possible, especially with a similar-fat-content oil) for a little while. (Estrogen.)

>> No.12413553


>> No.12413596

The sodium citrate and potassium were mixed in after it was a liquid refreshment.

>> No.12413606

No cross section, no aesthetic

also the pepperoncini toothpicked to it looks dumb

>> No.12413611

I'm not gunna say that taco looks sad, but I'm not gunna say it doesn't look sad either

>> No.12415615

I mean the whole post is what-worthy. Is English not your main language?

>Top right is an astaxanthin, no-eggs cake. Has some flavors similar to chocolate – slight "berry", "only hints".
What is astaxanthin even, that's not how – is used, and why are quotes around "only hints". It makes sense for berry since it's not quite berry at least.

>Bottom has an egg
Ok what is it even? A cake with one egg? Why does that matter?

>The cheese had a red pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, stevia, and cream -water basing, from beverage.
cream-water basing? What does that even mean? And then you add "from beverage"? What's that supposed to mean?? Who cares if it has sodium citrate or potassium??

>also seasoned
Also?? Compared to what? What do you mean seasoned, surely not salt & pepper??

>The other " "
Your other cake's ingredients are literally quotes??? Air???

Then there's the use of – again. Dashes are used to denote ranges of values, relationships, adjective compounds, and parenthetic sentences in full sentences, that's none of what you're doing.

And then ingredient options. For what? Why do you specify (oil) on each of them? Why add an ellipsis like that implies anything??

That last sentence is just a clusterfuck. The whole of it a parenthesis, that's fucking stupid. And then ends with "(estrogen)". What the fuck does that have to do with anything? And what does that stupid run-on parenthesis mean? "Beyond dairy"? What is that? You say it's of interest but don't say anything about it. You're trying to not eat dairy or make your own? You're putting creamer in hot water every day?? Why??

Go learn English dude. And you don't need a trip, especially not a secure one at that. You're just using it to identify yourself among threads which is the exact opposite of the idea of the website. The only reason for trips is when you want to ensure people know you're you in a particular thread revolving on you, or if you're having impersonation problems.

>> No.12416192
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I foolishly cracked the eggs directly into the sauce and one of them was off, for the first time in like three years.
I think I scooped out all the badness, though. I'll know tomorrow.

>> No.12416534

Nice and comfy. You mean to say the egg was rotten? Never had that happen. Do you buy your eggs from a farmer?

>> No.12416545

That isn't a pepperoni anon

>> No.12416547
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Sometimes I do, but these were just eggs from the store. I guess there's always a tiny risk that some bad air got into it or the hen was sick or whatever but it's incredibly rare for an egg to be rotten here, which is why I didn't crack them into a cup before adding them as you're "supposed to."
Two hours on and not yet dying of some manner of horrible infection, though. Maybe I did manage to remove it all.

>> No.12416580

When I use a roux it never thickens properly. Is cornstarch the answer?

>> No.12416916

>1 Tbs butter + 2 Tbs flour will thicken 1 cup of liquid,
you may not be adding enough roux, if I ever end up with runny stuff I add a cornstarch slurry instead of making more roux

>> No.12417249

Alright thanks

>> No.12417478
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Dinner post. Top sirloin with asparagus and a baguette I made into ghetto garlic bread.

>> No.12417908

i love boiling my steak

>> No.12418042

I've never tried boiling, how's that work?

>> No.12418072
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Rate my din din

>> No.12418107

Looks like insect infested feces. Why are you like this?

>> No.12418643

Have "only hints" sex
Eggs on the bottom

>> No.12419435

That baguette looks dope. I hope that meat wasn't grey throughout.

Shitty pic but probably alright.

>> No.12421063


>> No.12421433

>I hope that meat wasn't grey throughout.
It was actually red. I do the best I can do with my meager kitchen equipment, which in this case was a 45 second a side sear and then 6 minutes in the oven.

>> No.12422947

i am making fried chicken

i have the chicken submerged, marinating in some buttermilk + spices

problem is the chicken was basically half frozen and then i put it in the fridge in the container with buttermilk and now it got more frozen. so i took it out. is it an OK idea to leave it out in the open so it thaws? it won't get nasty or anything? because i feel like if it freezes that is not good for the marinating

>> No.12423199

I always leave my chicken out from the freezer at room temp on the table until it thaws out. As long as you use it when it's cold or put it back in the fridge.

>> No.12423244

Is her pussy good at least?

>> No.12423289
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Imagine the Berserk panel where casca tells guts to not watch, but instead of casca, guts and griffith, it is Goulash, Hungary and Corn+Cheddar.

>> No.12423343

how unfrozen does it have to be to start cooking?

i took it out of the fridge and it's still submurged in the buttermilk ... which is very cold because it was in the fridge. actually the chicken froze a little bit more while it was in the fridge, submurged in buttermilk. so it' just in a container outside

i wonder how long i have to wait to start breading and cooking it

what do you think of the idea of taking out the chicken, microwaving for like 30 seconds to warm it up, and then put it back to marinade?

>> No.12423362

Microwaving isn't a good idea. I usually wait until I can't feel any frozen bits when touching it. If you want to speed it up you could run cold water over it (with the chicken in a sealed plastic bag).

>> No.12423381

i actually opened it and broke the chicken apart kind of with my hands, and then just put it back in. i think it's thawing it out, just very slowly

>> No.12423880
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x1500, MVIMG_20190602_192339_resize_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making ratatouille, going into the oven now. Don't know what this recipe was thinking with its veggie portions for a 12 inch pan. Now I have a ton of sliced veggies left over.

>> No.12424473
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>> No.12424497

Looks like fucking garbage.

>> No.12424565



>> No.12425400

Looks nice, but is ratatouille worth it? I always thought it was a lot of work for basically mixed vegetables.

>> No.12425435

Confit byaldi style is a lot of arrangement work (and a lot of fine slicing if you don't have a mandolin) but typical ratatouille is basically a bunch of chopped veg in a pot. Not as impressive, but it also has a hearty charm to it.

>> No.12425519


20 minutes of prep and then all oven time. I specifically wanted a prep heavy dish since I just got the CCK cleaver and wanted to put it through its paces. If you have a mandolin slicer you can do it with maybe 5 minutes of actual work.

>> No.12425993


Fuck yeah shakshuka.

>> No.12427235
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Can you explain how you cooked it op? Looks good, and I'd like to try it

>> No.12427251

Disregard this op, didn't notice your recipe

>> No.12427369
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x1840, applepork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I survived with no ill effects.

Today; just some leftover porkbits that I braised with sliced granny smith apple and had with rice.
Seasoned with loads of fresh thyme, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, and more salt than I would have expected.

>> No.12428133

She's right you know

>> No.12428155

Lazy, tired, and want to be drunk again already.
So I'm making Mac and Cheese with a pound of hamburger mixed in, not sure what else to do to improve it, maybe crumble some crackers and a sprinkling of cheese over the top, I dunno. Thoughts, other than kys? Ahead of you on that one anons.

>> No.12428158

Looks really good

>> No.12428400

Bumping a quality thread

>> No.12428423

Glad we're not losing you. Pork with apple slices? How's that? And damn that's a lot of thyme.

Diced tomato or pepper maybe? Sounds like hamburger helper.

>> No.12428437

Peppers would be pretty nice to add, don't think I have any but worth a look. Might try to brown the ground beef up with some garlic or something just to give it a flavor other than "hamburger helper for even poorer fags". Thanks for the recommendation in any case anon.

>> No.12428638

Made poor man's noodles all last week and until payday
>Angel hair
>Garlic powder
>Salt and pepper
>Assloads of parmesian cheese
Stuff myself smoke a cigarette and pass out

>> No.12428933

Update, was pretty good, used lawry's and garlic with a little onion flake for the ground beef, spread some mild cheddar over the entire mixture with some crushed saltines and gave it a short bake to get it all melted.

>> No.12430411

Night bump

>> No.12430561
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that looks delicious nice dark colour
i hope you made your own stock

what an incredibly strange and unbalanced meal, a wrap and pasta? why?
you should have replaced the pasta with vegetables probably put them in the wrap or just made some kind of pasta dish with mince like bolognase

mom was right anon

looks nice that yolk colour though do you not buy free range eggs anon
also no bread to dip ?

awful colour on the meat
add butter to the pan after you sear and drop the temp for both, cook it on the sides too, and baste it. If you don't actually have good colour, keeping cooking it in the pan to get it, don't move it to the oven.
rest looks ok
although iunno why you didn't cook the asparagus in your steak pan after with a little garlic wine and butter or something. Saves you cleaning the pan too and the fond makes the veges taste good.

good on you for browning them well but these have not braised for nearly long enough and you should eat 1-2 of them with some veges and a carb and make more juice. it's kinda like you put in most of the effort and money to make something good and then just didn't. Put a can of crushed tomatos and some stock or wine or beer and some veges in there. It's not hard.

that looks amazing, maybe you could have gotten more browning, but amazing
toss those leftover veges with salt in a collander, let them sit 30 mins, dry with paper towels, toss with oil in a bowl and grill them

looks a little dry love the generous fresh herbs

my dins last night
teriyaki pork with ginger chilli cabbage

>> No.12431910

I would make my own stock but I don't use it often enough nor do I have the freezer space to keep it long-term, it'd be a waste of time and space.

Looks good but gotta work on that pres. The sesame seeds are somehow all on two pieces, the cabbage looks like leftover lettuce, rice has already soaked up too much sauce (and while it tastes good I think it takes away at the look of it).

>> No.12432331

you can use stock for so many things
homemade stuff and not wierd salty store stuff is so versatile

do you buy whole chickens? just save the carcass and bones from a couple and some vege scraps and make it occasionally

it only takes like 2 hours too. Even 1 hour simmer is worthwhile.

>> No.12432349

like say if you bought a whole chicken for your ettouffe, the bones and carcass and wing tips browned then simmered with some onions and vege scraps would probably make enough stock for the dish and it would be way better

do you normally just throw that stuff out?
or buy butchered pieces?

>> No.12432363


>> No.12432414
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This was my first attempt at a French styled omelette. Not really sure how it was supposed to taste since I haven't ate one before. Didn't have white pepper and I forgot to butter the omelette when rolling it out of the pan. But I liked it, would try it again.

>> No.12432466

I don't usually buy whole chickens. That was made with frozen pieces I had left over. I guess the main reason is when you live by yourself it's much more convenient to have some bouillon cubes to make as much as needed rather than having to buy whole chicken, vegetables, making stock and then finding uses for all that. I used maybe 2 cups there and that was for 6 portions. I don't necessarily need stock all the time so if I did make some myself it'd take me ages to use it up. Plus the stuff I use is good enough. It's like making pasta; it's nice to experience making once but there's just so much work I'm willing to do to get a small increase in final quality when I can just buy a much more convenient option.

>> No.12432487

I guess for me i never have to buy ingredients for it
I always have carrots and onions because they keep well
always have a few brocolli stalks and other vege scraps

whole chickens are cheaper than pieces

and having too much stock is just not a real problem, every time you deglaze a pan, or saute some veges, braise anything, make any sauce, a curry, it's useful.
homemade is really not comparable to bought stuff either. Especially for something like Ettouffe

basically step it up anon and get in the stock game. it's not like making pasta.

>> No.12432492

sorry for lecturing you about stock lol iunno why im doing this but also get good

>> No.12434080


>> No.12434097
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Some of this morning's sourdoughs.

>> No.12434127


Thanks for the kind words. My girlfriend is about to cook up the rest tonight in the traditional stovetop dutch oven style, so then we'll just have a big old bowl of it for the rest of the week

>> No.12434136
File: 279 KB, 1380x1380, 61942813_2176962762389583_6666253778464800768_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made beef and broccoli stir fry. It was the first time. Didn't have sesame seeds so I just omitted them, but still really good.

>> No.12434304


Looks good, and it looks like you got the sauce the right consistency which is the hardest/most important part, imo.

>> No.12435406

looks good but personally i think you can get tenderer meat if you cook the meat whole without slicing, remove it, cook the rest of the dish, slice it, and add it right at the end

Otherwise on a home stovetop you probably overcook the meat and don't really get any browning or that smoky flavour wok hei which is worth it. I'm just not really into well done pieces of lean beef

Try it that way one day and compare.

>> No.12436436

thanks lad sounds tops, will give this a try

>> No.12437221
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What exactly is the layer of beige/brown scum that forms on top of boiling brown rice? Apparently there's nothing bad about it but everyone says to skim it. My question is, does it contain any nutrients that are worth mixing back in?