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12397939 No.12397939 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody tried mixing monster zero ultra with alcohol? I want to try it but don’t know what would be good to mix with it

>> No.12397949

Probably vodka

>> No.12397967

Ethanol reacts with zero calorie sugars in your liver and generates toxic byproducts.
You're abusing your liver. Calories don't matter at that point. Just use the sugar version or better yet, don't mix it in the first place.

>> No.12397976

>zero calorie sugars
zero calorie sweeteners*

>> No.12398611

malibu is pretty dope with it.

>> No.12398632

Yeah its lit do it
What the fuck is this post

>> No.12400313


>> No.12400315
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>> No.12400508

I have never heard this before. Coming from an anon on /ck/ I'll have to assume it's subtle shitposting.

>> No.12400577

source on this

>> No.12400618

google'd it and it looks like he's right, energy drinks and alcohol is a horrible combination

>> No.12400634

the only thing i've seen is that replacing real sugar in an alcoholic drink with artificial sugar makes you absorb the alcohol faster, but only because real sugar slows down the absorption. nothing about it being more toxic.

>> No.12400647

Fruit flavored liquor, like seagrams melon twisted gin or new amsterdam redberry vodka.

>> No.12400703

Effect of an Aspartame-Ethanol Mixture on Daphnia magna Cardiac Activity
Stephanie Schleidt1
, Danielle Indelicato2
, Ashley Feigenbutz1
, Cierra Lewis1
, and Rebecca
Neuroscience Department, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, 19426, 2
Biology Department, Ursinus
College, Collegeville, PA, 19426
Aspartame in conjunction with alcohol has been shown to increase the blood alcohol level in
humans faster than alcohol and sucrose (Wu et al., 2006). To determine the potential effects of
various mixtures of ethanol and aspartame on the nervous system, the heart rate of Daphnia
magna (D.magna, water flea) was measured in deionized water (control), ethanol, aspartame,
and five different mixtures of ethanol and aspartame. The heart rate was chosen as a
representative measure since it is controlled by the nervous system and the heart rate of D.
magna can easily be measured. The results were statistically evaluated by student’s t-test. A
significant increase in heart rate was observed for all mixed assays compared to both control and
ethanol, but not to aspartame. The data suggests that the aspartame and alcohol mixture have a
greater effect on D. magna heart rate than water or ethanol, but not aspartame alone. We propose
that alcohol in combination with aspartame has potentially detrimental consequences for the
nervous system

>> No.12400714

Artificial sweeteners with alcohol will reckt your gut bacteria more than antibiotics even.

>> No.12400763

Monster Zero Ultra uses ace K and sucralose, not aspartame

>> No.12400795

Still will fuck your gut up.

>> No.12401140

post source

>> No.12401909
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>Artificial sweeteners with alcohol will reckt your gut bacteria more than antibiotics even.
Can I substitute antibiotics with this combo then?

>> No.12401913

I've mixed it with vodka but wasn't a fan. I prefer to drink vodka straight.

>> No.12401922

That's my man. Only pussies drink vodka mixed with shit
t. Eastern Eurofag

>> No.12401932
File: 43 KB, 326x326, Is+the+30yearold+boomer+meme+supposed+to+offend+actually+30yearold+_a05abcdf062eb817d35556e2eff18ec4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* yep, quake was a good game

>> No.12401934

What if i chase my Vodka with Beer?
Cause i like to drink both.
I'll drink bourbon straight i just can't handle straight vodka.

>> No.12401950
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I appreciate that, greetings from the NL
Strange I find bourbon a bit harder to swallow than vodka

>> No.12401956

Mix it with jaeger

>> No.12402002
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Vodka tastes like straight ethanol to me, where as a good bourbon has like a caramel oak taste to drown out that pure alcohol taste. Bourbon to me has a nice burn. Vodka, gin, brandy make me gag taking it straight.

>> No.12402010

They're quickly metabolized and effects are limited to GI track. Brainlets try to use stevia as an antibiotic.

>> No.12402022

Although I do like brandy I kind of dislike gin as well. How do you feel about rum?

>> No.12402024

If vodka is straight ethanol for you, you have never tried spirytus

>> No.12402049

This. It's fine with 2 shots of vodka.

>> No.12402053
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Too sweet. Also maybe 14 years ago i was crashing the night at my exes and Elder Scrolls Oblivion came out. I bought a 1.75 of ron diaz and drank god damn near 1.25 of it while gaming before passing out.
I just associate Rum with my worst hangover ever so take my criticism with a grain of salt.
Young, dumb, and naive
Either way, too sweet for me.
Yup...never heard of it, probably wouldn't like it.

>> No.12402094

Tt is not a sin to chase vodka with a fluid (I like to do it with beer too) but I prefer to chase with zakąski. I have no Idea how to translate it since appetizers feel way too different to me.

>> No.12402117

I understand that, I've had one of my worst hangovers from a liter of old captain when I was 17. Oblivion came out 14 years ago? Holy shit it doesn't feel that old.
I googled it, tapas might be a good name for it. Vodka and fatty fish works well too in my opinion.

>> No.12402152
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100% right. Fat fish is as awesome as pork belly, maybe even better. Herring is my favourite.
I'd never thought to translate it as tapas, since it is a spanish word