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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 190 KB, 1000x1500, mealprep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12397741 No.12397741 [Reply] [Original]

Meal prep is objectively the best form of cooking. It's cheap, efficient and fun.

>> No.12397752

>Dried tomatoes with stems
Do people actually just eat tomatoes by themselves?

>> No.12397900

I think stir fry cooking is better.

>pick a protein (beef, chicken, shrimp, tofu, etc.)
>2-3 (or more or less) vegetables or mushrooms
>aromatics (garlic, green onion, ginger, etc.)
>soy sauce, black vinegar, white pepper, red chili flakes, sesame oil, corn starch, chicken broth, fish sauce, etc.
>hundreds of variations from these simple ingredients
>fresh meal everyday instead of stale leftovers
>can be prepped and cooked in less than ten minutes
>place rice into a rice cooker before leaving for work
>set timer and come home to the aroma of freshly-cooked rice
>serve stir fry with rice
>make pork dumplings and egg rolls in advance
>pop into freezer
>steam and fry those up as-needed and desired

Meal preps are for brainlets.

>> No.12397903


>> No.12397941

Enjoy the tyramine and hypertensive crisis.

>> No.12397982

Sauteed, you uncultured fuck.

>> No.12398050

Slow cooking masterrace here.

Weeks protein takes 10 minutes prep and 7 hour cook time. This week I am eating slow cooked pork shoulder. Super tender, really delicious. Served with brown rice. Avocado helps you get your daily fiber.

>> No.12398103

>make pork dumplings and egg rolls in advance
>Meal preps are for brainlets

>> No.12398146

you've gotta be some kind of super-tasting freak if shit stir-fried in soy sauce tastes different after a few days

>> No.12398315

how is normal cooking not at least cheap and fun? it's probably better because you can have whatever the fuck you want at lunch instead of shit that has to last in the fridge for days.

>> No.12398344

it's soul-less and reddit.

>> No.12398351

>>12397982 fag

>> No.12398448

different ratios make different flavors

>> No.12398493

where I work we dont have breaks so bringing your lunch is the only option

>> No.12398534
File: 37 KB, 470x356, 1543974842516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meal prep is ok for trips and lunches. Otherwise >>12398344

>> No.12398554

Meal prep is robotic and weird unless it's something you make to take to work. I don't get it.

>> No.12398569

you can cook before or after work for the next day. do you think I meant going home for lunch, cooking, and eating even for people with like a 30 min lunch break?
>inb4 but cooking for the next day IS meal prep!!
I assume were talking about people who cook and store shit for 4+ days.

>> No.12398577

>not fasting and eating a fresh hot meal at home
git gud, fatty

>> No.12400003

>hurr its le reddit

waht is this meme?

>> No.12400007


peak reddit

>> No.12400008

If you meal prep past 2 days worth of meals, assuming you don't freeze it and nuke it, then you're eating some pretty stale-ass food. It's one thing to mass grill some chicken breasts, but things like rice and grilled veggies are gonna suck after 48 hours in the fridge.

>> No.12400009


>> No.12400294

i hate wymynz

>> No.12401606


>> No.12401636

Meal prep is for big gay nigger faggots lmao fucking pleb bitch fag nigger kek

>> No.12401710 [DELETED] 

Cheap disgusting reheated microwave garbage leftovers

>> No.12402249

/ck/ calls this reddit
/pol/ and /k/ call this survivalism

>> No.12402255

a faget

>> No.12402407

none of those are full meals

>> No.12402821

/ck/ was the best board all along

>> No.12402827

Absolutely not.

>> No.12402861

All of that pufa

>> No.12402947

what bugs me about this is that they're always super simple meals that would take you 30 minutes max to make every night. Also, they're clearly microwaving those meals when the time comes. Doesn't mean that the idea itself is stupid. You can:
>assemble mini eggplant lasagna or meat pies. Cook them in the oven when needed
>freeze single portions of bolognese and thaw them as you cook some pasta
>freeze single portions of meatball stew and thaw them as you boil a potato
>soup freezes well and thaws easily
>anything braised reheats very well in the oven

It's all meal prep, but it's not microwaved green beans and dry chicken

>> No.12402993

There's nothing wrong with microwaving. It's just heat. It's not going to give you cancer and it won't ruin the quality of the food unless you're letting your two year old child work the settings.

>> No.12403030
File: 191 KB, 471x500, 1386724403965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do knife cuts for vegetables, put em in quart containers and in the fridge for the week. Just like any restaurant would do, that way you can get fresh food but get ahead on the prep for daily cooking. I might make one big thing and eat it and portion it so it can be eaten throughout the week, sure. People have been doing this since the fucking dawn of food preservation though. This whole 'food prep' thing is such a fucking meme.

>> No.12403047
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, tears of soy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12403085

That's true for a lot of things. I didn't imply that microwaving was bad for your health or anything like that. However, some ingredients do suffer from microwaving and are best when cooked "to order". Microwaving a lasagna is worse than freezing it raw and cooking it in the oven when you want it. Same for steamed green vegetables. Pan fried chicken breast is better than pan fried chicken breast reheated in the microwave. But for things like soup and chili and whatnot, you're definitely right.

>> No.12403096

Friendly reminder that the vast majority of anti-meal prep threads are started by a single soyjak spamming autist from the retarded end of the scale who uses meal prep as the thin end of the wedge with which to normalise his autistic hatred of all leftovers.

>> No.12403097

>there's nothing wrong with microwaving food in plastic containers

>> No.12403106

lol, what the fuck? Is this your first time even thinking about the concept of microwaves?

>> No.12403113

>they all have at least plastic caps
Enjoy your xenoestrogen.

>> No.12403121

There isn't just one kind of plastic you retard. There exist microwave safe plastic containers. There's a symbol on them just so that retards like you can tell the difference.

>> No.12403145

>Plastic #5 - Polypropylene (PP)
>NOTE: microwavable/dishwasher safe only means that the plastic will not warp when heated. It does not imply that it is a healthy practice.
Literally first result off google.

>> No.12403159

even if you get one without a microwave safe lid you realize you could just take it off right

>> No.12403177

Looks like you're reading some shit called "baby green thumb" at this link:
Which isn't the first search return I get for 'microwave safe containers' without quotes in Google, but OK.
The idea anon is that you consider sources when you read. Here's a slightly more reputable source for you:
>The FDA long ago recognized the potential for small amounts of plasticizers to migrate into food. So it closely regulates plastic containers and materials that come into contact with food. The FDA requires manufacturers to test these containers using tests that meet FDA standards and specifications. It then reviews test data before approving a container for microwave use.
>Some of these tests measure the migration of chemicals at temperatures that the container or wrap is likely to encounter during ordinary use. For microwave approval, the agency estimates the ratio of plastic surface area to food, how long the container is likely to be in the microwave, how often a person is likely to eat from the container, and how hot the food can be expected to get during microwaving. The scientists also measure the chemicals that leach into food and the extent to which they migrate in different kinds of foods. The maximum allowable amount is 100–1,000 times less per pound of body weight than the amount shown to harm laboratory animals over a lifetime of use. Only containers that pass this test can display a microwave-safe icon, the words "microwave safe," or words to the effect that they're approved for use in microwave ovens.

>> No.12403231

First result for microwave safe plastics. Google even pops the warning I just greentexted in a little box.

That's a shitty journalistic article. Here's an actual scientific source:
>The results from this project indicate that most of these plastic containers do leach estrogenic compounds that can be detected in the ER-CALUX, even the ones made for microwave usage. Fortunately, compared to other toxicological studies, the Bio-EEQ levels in these food samples cooked in plastic containers are low. However the potential adverse effects in prenatally exposed children cannot be ignored as other studies have shown that very low levels of xenoestrogens are enough to potentially cause a disturbance in the reproductive development and fertility.

>> No.12403261

>the Bio-EEQ levels in these food samples cooked in plastic containers are low.
Yeah, that was already covered here:
>The scientists also measure the chemicals that leach into food and the extent to which they migrate in different kinds of foods. The maximum allowable amount is 100–1,000 times less per pound of body weight than the amount shown to harm laboratory animals over a lifetime of use.
These regulations are never set to literal 0. You take the findings for how much causes harm, generalize it to a body weight specific amount, and then set the legally permissible tolerance at some much smaller fraction of that amount.

>> No.12403311

>However the potential adverse effects in prenatally exposed children
The controversial claim that xenoestrogens in microwave safe plastics could cause harm at even the extremely low levels they're limited to by the FDA is in reference to pregnant women and infants. That's why most of the BPA-free marketed plastic products are things like pacifiers or sippy cups.
Incidentally you could get a BPA-free microwave safe plastic container if you wanted.

>> No.12405021

what is this

>> No.12405797
File: 6 KB, 249x202, 1529341344582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a reaction video to the star wars trailer