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File: 860 KB, 2560x1920, 0525191336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12381681 No.12381681 [Reply] [Original]

Beer u brewed
Here's my brown ale. Check out the head retention on this sum bitch.

>> No.12381684


>> No.12381708


>> No.12381711

Looks good, I love a good brown ale. Is it English? American? I think Janet's Brown Ale is the best.

>> No.12381720
File: 616 KB, 1196x1800, homebrew_saison_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't brewed in quite a while, but I can post some pics from beers I brewed.

This is a saison I brewed. This particular batch turned out incredible. Super orangey. Better than any saison I ever had.

>> No.12381726
File: 739 KB, 1196x1800, homebrew_pliny_the_elder_clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a clone of Pliny the Elder. Turned out okay, though a lot less hoppy than the original. The main problem probably was that I was only able to do partial extract at that point.

>> No.12381732

American. English grain bill but 2 oz of roughly 70% potency columbia if I remember correctly. I aged it about 2 months at 50°f

>> No.12381742

Both look really nice. I've never made saison before seems like a fun summer experiment what recipe did you use?

>> No.12381743
File: 736 KB, 1196x1800, homebrew_steam_beer_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California Common/steam beer. That one turned out very well. I think I even compared it with a bottle of Anchor Steam and preferred mine, although that might also have been because the bottle was imported and probably a bit old.

>> No.12381761

This is the recipe I used: https://pastebin.com/gmW8XNsg

It's essentially the Saison Buffoon recipe from the book Radical Brewing which I adapted for partial extract brewing.

Happily I still have the recipe on that one. All of my later recipes were lost when my BrewTarget database file got corrupted.

>> No.12381765

How'd you ferment that and which yeast did you use?

>> No.12381796

Thanks bro. What's your current brew set up like? I've got a kettle and burner and a big Rubbermaid mash tun with steel spicket and for aging I have a 50°f room and a 42° commercial refrigerator that fits several 5 gallon kegs. I do lagers the most and I'm looking at trying a pilsen style decoction staged boil for a more complete extraction this summer. Just read a good article on it.

>> No.12381814

I used WLP810 on that batch, but later I just used regular dry lager yeast.

Used regular Speidel carboy for the fermentation. I had access to a cool basement that had a pretty constant 13-14C during that time of year, so that worked out pretty well for a California Common. I know Anchor also does a lager fermentation later-on, but I skipped that for lack of means to do it.

Well, like I said I haven't brewed in a while. One reason is because I moved and I haven't figured out the logistics of brewing here. Also the supply store in town I was using to get all my ingredients closed, so I'd have to order all my stuff online now.

At the end I got a 30L brewing machine and did ~25L all-grain batches. Was super economical, but the amount of alcohol I made and drank sorta got out of hand.

>> No.12381900

You mum knows all about "head retention".

>> No.12381928
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, 20190515_180949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a bock that turned out nice. Very strong. Just bottled a cream ale. Flavor was spot on, just waiting for it to carb. Got 5 gallons of cider that I'm going to dry hop. Also I got about 20 gallons of wine in bulk (merlot and a cheap white) as well as dozens of fruit wines.

>> No.12382116

Nice bro. I do dry Spanish style cider too. Did a wild ferment this year and it turned out real nice.

>> No.12382138
File: 177 KB, 500x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made pic related before I ded

>> No.12382334

Poor hank

>> No.12383064

What makes it Spanish style? I usually will age my ciders 1-2 months until super dry, then hop and bottle. I dont like sweet ciders.