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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 480x325, BASED_NY_bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12380072 No.12380072 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the best bagels in New York, and the worst bagels in Montreal? Is there something in the water, like with pizza?

>> No.12380113

no, new yorkers are just better than everyone else at everything.

>> No.12380119

Honestly I wouldn't be too fussed who makes the best version of a shit tier food.

>> No.12380187

because you're used to eating styrofoam

>> No.12380195

Haha OMG, a New Yorker would totally say this.

>> No.12380200

You're talking shit. Montreal bagels are great. The only bagels that can go toe to toe with NYC.

t. Lived in both cities

>> No.12380249

there's this little secret ingredient called salt. You may have heard of it

The stupid "theres something in the water" routine is just a sales schtick

>> No.12380250

>shit tier food

>> No.12380312

Its a fucking loaf of bread with a hole in it.

>> No.12380318

You must be from Wyoming

>> No.12380373
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Both are good but I prefer Montréal's one.

>> No.12380704


>> No.12380709

More Jews in NYC. The bagel's power grows with each Jew in proximity.

>> No.12380717

It's probably the way they boil the bagels, but really it's not THAT much better than a bagel made the same way elsewhere.

>> No.12380749
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>boiling bagels
anon I...

>> No.12380786

>bedbug ridden sewage stinking concrete jungle full of garbage heaps
>better at anything than anyone
NYC is a sad excuse of a city full of retards that cope with paying exorbitant rent for shitty QoL by praising trivial shit and goying soyface.jpg at something like fucking bread rolls with a hole in the middle.

>> No.12380792

How do you think bagels are made?

>> No.12380814

people outside of nyc generally just don't understand how to make bagels, it's nothing secret. they literally just don't go through the process of boiling then baking the bagels so you just get some shitting round bread thing in the end without a good crust.

>> No.12380821

Are you joking?

>> No.12380837

Of course they're bagels. Do you really think Jews would keep an oven around?

>> No.12380844
File: 128 KB, 745x559, roasters_and_toasters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More Jews in NYC. The bagel's power grows with each Jew in proximity.
S. Florida bagels are excellent and as far as I know, far more per capita in the population than Montreal. But, freshness matters and wherever you live locally is probably going to be well, all you can do, when you want them fresh.

>> No.12380845


I wouldn't live there if you paid me. These fucking morons who haven't had a decent living environment can't seem to figure out that a few broadway shows and street food you can get anywhere else is worth the human suffering and cost.

>> No.12381710

Well they're pretty much nonexistent in Israel.

>> No.12381718

Please stay wherever the fuck you are and whatever you do don't come here.

t. New Yorker

>> No.12381952

Don‘t worry, bubbah, I won‘t. Though I would advise you to travel around the world and see what other actually good big cities are like. New Yorkers ironically have this extreme flyover quality of never leaving the tristate, yet ardently believing that their extremely generic and bland glorified shopping mall of a city is unique, special and great.

>> No.12382779

Why are you cunts so triggered about your food? Pizza, bagels, halal food carts, etc. Just accept that there might be better food elsewhere!

>> No.12383521

>I wouldn't live there if you paid me.
That's because you hate non flyover food

>> No.12383546

You're not allowed to ever come back to this board you absolute brainlet

>> No.12384524

>The stupid "theres something in the water" routine is just a sales schtick
If thats true why can't anyone outside of NYC cook pizza like NYC?

>> No.12384581


internal biases

>> No.12385026

>If thats true why can't anyone outside of NYC cook pizza like NYC?
There's nothing special about NYC pizza. It's all in your head.

>> No.12385032


Parisian bagels are the best fight me

>> No.12385047

They have good tap water though. When ever i wash my hair there it is the softest it had ever been

>> No.12385085

Here's something from someone who has lived in NYC for a very long time. The best ones are in the residential neighbourhoods, generally on the east side of Manhattan.
If you're some fucking tourist that expects excellent bagels in times square or on the west side then so be it, you'll get what you'll expect, tourist shit.

>> No.12385112

... also the fags on the west side of manhattan have no taste.
If you must go to the UWS in Manhattan then try out the American Museum of Natural History, the plantarium there is kind of nice.
Friends and I in HS would get wasted and trip out and check out the rock room and then the Hayden Planetarium.

>> No.12385141

hi angry phillip morris guy. east side hasn't been considered a cultural area for decades, the children of the old money families moved to the village or park slope because UES is completely unliveable. the mummies are all on life support waiting to die and what's moved in has been mostly 1st year wall street analyst bros in their early 20s who flee to a better area as soon as their income improves.

you obviously haven't been back since the '80s.

>> No.12385149

It's always a CBA, look that up.

>> No.12385153

Explain yourself, what does this have to do with Philip Morris? Are you mister creepy guy that gets things wrong all of the time?

>> No.12385169

Of all of the people on this page, you're te one tracking others and wrong. I do aerospace myself. I don't what's going on with what you say, and I'm not quite sure why you care, that makes you creepy.
Let's say I was that person, that makes you pretty fucking creepy, almost to that level of where I'd call the cops on you.

Explain yourself, why do you think I'm the PM guy, why are you jealous, and why do you suck ass?

>> No.12385173

Yep, it's you alright.

Tell the one about the gays of Christopher Street again.

>> No.12385181

Why does it matter to you?

>> No.12385188

The only reason that I can think of is that they turned you down for a job.

>> No.12385189

That's not doubleposting, it's you being a fucking creep.

>> No.12385202

Yikes, it's tripleposting now. Lasting brain damage from your short stint in Manhattan working at Phillip Morris inhaling all those toxins.

The other way we can tell it's you is because of your fixation on job security. H1-Bs got you down again? Must be because of Hillary Clinton and the carbon tax, right? Stand in line in the fashionable new Starbucks to be photographed by the paparazzi, and you'll feel important again.

I am probably forgetting a few elements of your routine but I'm sure you'll remind me.

>> No.12385212

Yup, you must be right.
Faggots such are you are the ones that make no sense and that need government help.

>> No.12385225

I'd rather stand in line for a starbucks, something I'd never do then to be faggot such as you.

>> No.12385355

I enjoy the desperation those who can't afford NYC have to put into painting a negative picture of it because their world view falls apart if it actually turns out to be a playground they don't have access to.

>> No.12385375

Like gun control.

>> No.12385434

The water thing is pure myth. There is no difference beyond some changes in acidity, a difference which vanishes after the dough ferments

The actual secrets:
>High Gluten Flower or Bread Flower with Vital Wheat Gluten added
>Limit water content, 50%
>cold ferment or use ice water
>stretch and twist the fucking dough to form gluten chains, do not punch


>> No.12385450

All Jewish food is shit.

>> No.12385471

*upstate new Yorkers
Downstate, the city and the island are just kikes and shitskins.

>> No.12385606

redpill me on bagels
are they just like raw hamburgers?

>> No.12385685

Keep thinking that and hitting your punch in card.

>> No.12385701
File: 98 KB, 618x412, odd_Danish_horsemeat_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like horse.
Blame the Brits and euros, you're all spot on yet blame us in the USA for all of your problems. The more thousands of year old nations blame the USA, a nation not even 250 years old for all of your problems the less credibility that you have anywhere.

>> No.12385999

>redpill me on bagels
They make the best sandwiches

>> No.12386016

Overrated, t.new Jerseyan, only go there if I'm drunk in advance

>> No.12386714

>t.new Jerseyan
Your opinion doesn't count here. NJ has literally the worst food in the entire country!

>> No.12387817

That is clearly debatable. Rye bread makes the best sandwiches.

>> No.12388353

depends on the innards

>> No.12388354

>new york
try again

>> No.12390024

Where would you say they are then?

>> No.12390031

Nice bait

>> No.12390171

Native New Yorker here. I quite enjoy Montreal bagels. I wouldnt compare them to New York bagels. Very different flavors and textures going on. NY bagels are best with lox and capers. Montreal bagels are best toasted with some butter.

>> No.12390446

>Montreal bagels are best toasted with some butter.
No they're best tossed in the trash. Even NYC rats refuse to eat a Montreal bagel.

>> No.12390454

Poland, probably. Or anywhere that isn't a rat-infested swamp with dirty tap water.

>> No.12390743

I like both. They're different but different doesn't mean bad.

>> No.12391233

The NY one tastes better though

>> No.12392655

Montreal bagels are overrated desu. Had a lot better ones in Ottawa. Also fuck frogs

>> No.12393516

>Montreal bagels are overrated desu.

>> No.12393563


>> No.12394922

but why?

>> No.12394935

>best bagels
Noah's Bagels you plebs

>> No.12394947

i don't live in NY but i've been there and many other places around the world, and new york is easily a top 5 city. anyone who thinks otherwise is flyover garbage

>> No.12394954

Keep deluding yourself, NYCel.

>> No.12394959

hope you grow up one day :)

>> No.12394995

Fukken gross

>> No.12395010

I have. Hence me not going soyface.jpg at Jew York like you.

>> No.12395015

good but nothing to write home about, IMO.
they are changing their business model, hopefully they don't fuck it up.

>> No.12395026

>good but nothing to write home about, IMO.
doesn't recognize bait

>> No.12395717

>grown up mature adult
>using Jew York unironically

>> No.12396812
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, pol_BTFO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also fuck frogs