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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12379741 No.12379741 [Reply] [Original]

>your place of origin
>what is your top 3 most stereotypical or unique dishes
Galicia, Spain
-Galician style octopus (pic related)
-Padrón pepper (small green fried peppers)
-Chestnuts (specially in magosto)

>> No.12379768

Mexican food looks so gross, wtf?

>> No.12379778
File: 951 KB, 1024x469, spanish_recipes_1-1024x469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mexicans barely share any food culture with spain, i cant think of a single dish that we have in common

>> No.12379780

trolled with zero effort

>> No.12379782

is there cheese on it?

>> No.12379784


Spain are just wannabe italians. Spanish cuisine worst in Europe! ALBANIA is godtier cuisine.

>> No.12379790

in the octopus?
no, its just boiled octopus with a little red pepper and olive oil on top

>> No.12379848

>Eastern Finland
<Karelian stew
<Karelian pasties
<kukko (various stuff baked in a rye bread, usually fish with pork belly)

>> No.12379853

That octopus looks delicious

>> No.12379858
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I'm about to make you sad
>Pennsylvania (USA)
-Whoopie Pies
-Bott Boi
- And, very weirdly, Red Beet Eggs.

>> No.12379868

That's the best octopus I ever had in my life. No caldo Gallegos on the list OP?

>> No.12379892

>no caldo gallego
>no empanada

>> No.12379909

>tfw trying to talk to people about empanadas
>tfw they think I'm talking about these disgusting greasy oversized raviolis they eat in the rest of Spain

>> No.12379911

pastelillos are pretty good (puerto rican) :(((

>> No.12379921
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Tampa Bay, Florida

Grouper sandwich
Cuban sandwich
Key lime pie

>> No.12379925

Try baking a big fucking Galician empanada with pork shoulder meat mixed with paprika, garlic and just a tiny bit of chorizo, and your life will never be the same.

>> No.12379929

caldo gallego is poorfag cuisine
i like both types of empanadas desu
>tfw tried grelos empanada the other day
absolutely disgusting, idk what i expected

>> No.12379949

man, you're making my mouth water. really want some of this

>> No.12379951
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i have no idea what any of those things mean, but the pic makes me wonder what that tastes like
>beer battered
what does that mean
>no mämmi

>> No.12379955

Tendras que volver, Paco

>> No.12379965

they're sweet and pickled. i'm not really a fan of them, but a LOT of people here like them for some reason :?

>> No.12379969

>sweet and pickled
Is it common to add sweet flavors to meat in USA? i bought some jerky a few months ago and was wierded out by the overly sweet taste, couldnt even finish it

>> No.12379972

yes, it's very common! i'm surprised it's not more common in other places?

>> No.12379980

Western North Carolina
>pulled pork barbecue sandwiches (pic related)
>fries green tomatoes
>shrimp and grits

>> No.12379985

interesting, argentinians also say that spaniards cant stomach sweet things and that we like salty food more, while they can eat lots of Dulce de Leche without flinching
maybe its a new worlder thing, more tolerance to sugar or something

>> No.12379984
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I have forgotten the picture.

>> No.12379987

Beer battered is just a way to fry fish. Usually a cup of flour seasoned with salt and pepper and a can of cheap beer. The carbonation is what makes it so light and flaky.

>> No.12379988

You're probably onto something, with Caribbean and what not.

>> No.12379991

I guess Basque people are different because they eat a cup of liquid chocolate for breakfast lmao.

>> No.12380010

>German Democratic Republic
-Soljanka, a soup inspired by the slavshit original but in this case more often a means of using up leftover cold cuts and assorted other meat
-Fried Jagdwurst slices, usually battered
-Tote Oma, some fried shit based on blood sausage

>> No.12380018

i can't understand why people would expect grelos empanada to taste good.... ffs it has grelos in it, if you don't like grelos you won't like it XD

>> No.12380022

>tote oma
Dead grandma?

>> No.12380027


>> No.12380029

>that spaniards cant stomach sweet things and that we like salty food more
interdasting¸ I have Spanish genes (but no exposure to Spanish culture) and I also am that way

>> No.12380050
File: 293 KB, 2807x2417, Ossobuco-con-risotto-alla-milanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milan, lombardy
-ossobuco con risotto alla milanese (pic related
-panettone (christmass pastry
-cotoletta alla milanese ( basically a veal's schnitzel fried in butter and with grana padano in the breading)

>> No.12380057

nanaimo bars

>> No.12380059

Why do Italians have such faggy pretentious names for food? Speak English, this is America. If you don’t like it GTFO

>> No.12380062

have sex

>> No.12380071

we got burgers and a lot of things that most of the world wouldnt call food

>> No.12380096
File: 3.69 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20171031_200934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>northern California (not the bay)
>tri-tip w/spicy beans and linguica

>> No.12380107

Corinth Mississippi
Corn Bread and collard greens.
Sausage grits
Boiled peanuts.

>> No.12380124
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Western Norway
>boiled cod with boiled potatoes, boiled carrots and melted butter.
>Pinnekjott (stick meat), cured and dried lamb ribs served with boiled potatoes and swede purée

>> No.12380135
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Northern sicily
>Focaccia messinese, Pic related. A tall pizza with anchovies, tuma cheese, tomatoes and scarola
>Involtini messinesi , thin meat stripes rolled up with cheese on the inside. Usually beef , but also pork and chicken
>Pignolata Di messina, a dessert glazed with lemon and chocolate

>> No.12380155
File: 92 KB, 800x623, hohlioi-boubouristoi-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North-central Crete

Snails either fried with rosemary or boiled with fremented milk-wheat and tomato
Ntakos;barley rusk toped with chopped tomato, onions, feta cheese,parsley, oregano and drenched in olive oil
Kolokithanthoi; courgette flowers stuffed with rice, dill and prasley ofc drizzled with olive oil

>> No.12380156

My place of origin: the Texas Hill Country
>chicken fried steak
>wursts of various types

Place I currently live: the Bay Area, California
>crab or shrimp Louis
>chili crab with garlic noodles
>garlic roasted crab
>more garlic noodles
>clam chowder

>> No.12380171
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Michigan USA.
Here in flyover we have tater tot casseroles and fried chicken. Let me try and be serious.
-Burgers from local cattle, not bad
-This time of year, Wild Mushrooms soups
-Venison jerky

This is difficult because America has some pretty shit food IMO. Most of the great stuff around where I live is all seasonal, and the recipes are all sort of whatever I can get or work with. In the fall salmon are in season, some of the best meat you could ever hope for, so that gets used. Hunting season is just venison falling into your hands because everyone hunts. Smelt are a regional fish that are available sometimes. There is a massive cherry festival in my state too and Michigan has cherry flavored alcohols and coffees which I realized a few years ago are not common anywhere else.

Spanish uses lots of seafood and I like it.

Very sad anon... Reminded me of -
-Blue moon ice cream

>> No.12380184

Finger Lakes of New York. Its not a party if theres no
>Salt potatos
>Mac salad
>Firehouse bbq chicken

>> No.12380185
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*Cincinnati Chili (this tastes like shit and nobody outside of Cincinnati likes it)
*Buckeyes (Peanut butter coated in chocolate)
*Johnny Marzetti (Pasta bake)

We also have polish boys (polish sausage on a hotdog bun, with coleslaw, hotsauce, and fries on it) but that's niche

>> No.12380242
File: 261 KB, 1596x860, Screen-Shot-2018-10-06-at-14.51.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that every country from the former roman empire is that way, because romans used salt to preserve fish and meat
they also had a sauce made with fish guts that was salty too (garum)

>> No.12380300

What is the texture and taste of the snails?
There's a fuckload of them in Galicia and always tough of trying them.

>> No.12380309

the entire north african cuisine use a shitload of sugar and also sicilian pastries tend to be ubersweet

>> No.12380328

I'm going to be in Cleveland in a few months, what should I eat while I'm there?

>> No.12380332

The relationship between the catholics and the muslims in spain wasnt the best.
Probably why sugar was at a premium.

>> No.12380352


>> No.12380382

German food, Polish food, Slyman's Deli if you want some great sandwiches, also stop by the West Side market, they got all sorts of great merchants with either hot dishes or local ingredients if you feel like cooking

>> No.12380411

hmm well i dont know, i bet some food historian could explain that
maybe its because of how they could trade with the far east while most christians couldnt?

>> No.12380430

Thanks, I'll check it out. I'm there to see Norm, but staying for the whole weekend, because why not?

>> No.12380517

texture is; fried slightly elastic chicken, boiled highly elastic chicken, taste is fucking delicious especialy fried with rosemary it infuses with the meat.
Wait for rain, as soon as it stops go to the woods and pick those buggers up, place them in a net and you can cook them usualy 2-3 days later (check for if they have stoped shiting soil).When its time put them in a pan filled with water to clean their shells and most importantly pick those still alive that come out of their shells. For those that dont poke them with a tooth pick if they dont repsond they are ded (dont eat them). In a shalow pan boil some water with a little bit of salt(enough to cover the snails). When it starts to boil take of the heat and put the snails in and await for them to start secreting their saliva. Next clean them in a coriander and maybe use a knife if there is still dirt on the shell. To cook them just spread a thin layer of sea salt on a frying pan, put the snails with the shell hole looking down as soon as you hear cracling sounds pour olive oil and let it fry them, after 5 mins put in the rosemary and steer them a couple of times so that the shell is also infused by the rosmary oil. Extinguish with a bit of red wine vinegar like a spoup spoon (carefull cause boiling oil plus vinegar causes a small thermal explosion). Care not to overfry them, the whole thing should be ready in less than 10-12 mins. To eat them, pick up the shell and hit the top of it a little bit with your fork. Insert one of your fork prongs as deep as posible into its flesh, pull out with a twisting motion. dont eat the last part that is shaped like the top of the shell (aka helical) as it is the but of the snail and its bitter and its well its butt.
Here is a vid cause my english suck.

>> No.12380652
File: 160 KB, 640x459, brunswick stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern North Carolina fren here.
this, plus Brunswick Stew (pic related)
BBQ, slaw, and hush puppies
pimento cheese everywhere

>> No.12380740

Thanks for the info.

>> No.12381047

New England
Clam Chowder
Lobster rolls
Clam bakes

>> No.12381086

>>beer battered
>what does that mean
The...batter...has...beer........in it................maybe?

>> No.12381102

Houston, TX
>bar b q

>> No.12381203
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- Longeole (sausage with fennel, very greasy) with cardons épineux
It's from Geneva. At a larger scale, it's less original :
- Fondue
- Raclette

>> No.12381508
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Naples, Italy
>fried mixed seafood (pic related)
>mashed potato casserole w/cheese and cold cuts
>brioche-dough croissants stuffed with custard

>> No.12381526

-Fry breakfast (sausage, rasher, black and white pudding, hash browns, tomatoes, mushroom)
-Beef stew (Beef, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, stock)
-Potatoes any way you can think of

Our food is shit tier/ nothing to write home about but you can’t beat a stew on a cold day

>> No.12381539

What would people from LA say is typical food? I feel like the only thing I can think of is like in n out and avocado, otherwise there's a lot of shit out there with little consistency

>> No.12381541

ossobucco literally means "bone hole." panettone literally means "big bready thing.' cotolette alla milanese literally means "milan-style cutlet." none of that seems particularly pretentious, IMO.
the french call frog legs "thighs of the nymphs of dawn" or something ridiculous like that. /that/ is fucking pretentious

>> No.12381567

Batter looks really tempuraish, desu.

>> No.12381578

That's gotta be the worst looking pulled pork sandwich I've ever seen. Looks like they steamed the pork, vomited on it, then slapped it on a bun.

>> No.12381580

>Davenport, Iowa
QC Style pizza
Breaded Pork Tenderloin
Corn on the Cob

>> No.12381610
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-stargazy pie
-toast sandwich
-spotted dick

>> No.12381662

Probably because of our shared history with Portugal before, during and after the First Coalition as we were under the Bourbon crown which itself was part of the Bourban-Braganza superfamily of Portuguese royals.
Portugal brought their battering techniques to Japan (where they call it tempura), India (where they call it pakora) and likely to us, too.
I could be wrong here, but considering how important Portugal is to world cuisine, I'd say this is really rather likely.

>> No.12381790

Interesting analysis and once again reminds us of how underrated Portuguese food is. Spanish too for that matter.

>> No.12381813
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Portugal is actually the most underrated country/culture in everything.

>> No.12381827

Southern California, USA
-Fish tacos
-spicy avocado, cheese, bean, rice burritos
-probably some sort of vegan kale shake

>> No.12381861

Based. My parents got a house in Portugal, a country far superior to Spain

>> No.12382123

British Columbia.
California rolls
Nanaimo bars
Dry ribs

>> No.12382155

>New york
-Ny or strip steak
-haddock/fish n chips
I'm fairly okay with this. I should grab a fishfry tonight.

>> No.12382341
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valencia, spain
all i pebre

>> No.12382409

Not a lot going on with food in Colorado except getting both Midwest and Southwest stuff

>> No.12382504

Rocky mountain oysters?

>> No.12383995
File: 312 KB, 861x915, castellANO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just a hotter version of galicia

>> No.12384337

>fried chicken
Zehnders fried chicken is the shit.
Don't forget:
>Greektown gyros
>Coney dogs
>Mackinac Island fudge
>Buscemi Pizza

>> No.12384612

Spaniard white chads have better genes and testosterone, so they only eat man food.
Weak short spics enjoy their desserts like the low test beta males they are.

>> No.12384695

argentina is white

>> No.12384744


Lollie cake
Roast lamb

>> No.12384758

Rhode Island
RI Clam Chowder (you need to make this yourself, most restaurant versions suck)

Wash it down with a Dells or coffee milk

>> No.12384791



>> No.12384795

What do chestnuts taste like?can't find a tree anywhere.

>> No.12384803
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i have no idea how to describe their flavor
its not a strong flavor, chestnuts just kinda feel like eating boiled potatoes but harder, and with a more "woody" taste