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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12373638 No.12373638 [Reply] [Original]

I have never washed a single vegetable in my life

>> No.12373653

Is that why you are frog??

>> No.12373657
File: 539 KB, 498x498, SmugRainbowPepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay and Jewish and there is literally nothing wrong with being either of those.

Anyone who claims otherwise is a bigoted oppressor.

>> No.12373664

Are you African American

>> No.12373667

Well yeah that's what happens when you haven't eaten a single vegetable.

>> No.12373668

no.. you are a frog

>> No.12373675
File: 275 KB, 1582x1227, polycule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sadly, I missed out on the trinity. I find that Jussie guy's face hauntingly strange. So, at least, despite how messed my life is, I think I'm doing better than him.

Ribbbbbit yaaaaaaaassssss

>> No.12373702
File: 415 KB, 1274x830, plenty-of-tards-out-there-living-really-kick-ass-lives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12374019

Don't do it anon, you can get some crazy bad diseases from contamination and that's without considering the harmful effects of the chemicals they spray on them

>> No.12374219
File: 1.03 MB, 4961x4194, 1554685843614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you dirty jew. /ck/ is a /pol/ board

>> No.12374361

Fuck off, /pol/ poster

>> No.12375111

me either. dirt and bacteria is good for your gut microbiome.

>> No.12375139

How do you separate them from the married ones?

>> No.12375160


>> No.12376366

You won't for your whole life either because it won't last long.


>> No.12376442

I work in a kitchen. Seeing all the other cooks just grab tomatoes and cucumbers and etc... and cutting them up after peeling the sticker off, makes me cringe. And yeah, theres stickers there, so its not like they were pre-washed or anything.

>> No.12376463

Rinsing veggies under cold water doesn't do shit anyway. If you want your veggies "cleaned" then wash them with hot water and antibacterial soap, otherwise all you're doing is letting the germs go for a swim.

Is the reply box acting screwy for anyone else right now? It's sliding across the screen for me.

>> No.12376466

but have you put these unwashed vegetables on a butter chicken pizza?

>> No.12376472


Nah, /ck/ is lefty/pol/

>> No.12376494

no, it's a fucking food board. /pol/ can fuck off back there, and the left can fuck off too. if you can't talk about food without bringing your dogshit half baked political opinions into it, you are cancer and should be permabanned

>> No.12376548

because they know that nothing bad will happen and they don't bother wasting time

>> No.12376556

go back to facebook, nigger

>> No.12376649

>"based"ing your own post
Unprecedented power move. Based.

>> No.12376818

Actually neither do i. Never realised it until you said it

>> No.12376843

go back, retard

>> No.12376895

That's one of many reasons I don't eat at restaurants anymore. The few vegetables and fruits I don't grow organically myself, I peel and wash carefully. The amount of pesticides, herbicides and petroleum derived synthetic fertilizer residue is significant. Protip: If broad spectrum pesticides kill all insects, they will damage you as well. But by all means continue accepting the propaganda from Bayer, a major chemotherapy producer that bought one of the largest US agricultural chemical producers. Really makes the ol' whirligig start spinning!