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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12371895 No.12371895 [Reply] [Original]

Today I had a moment of clarity and realized that I need to spice up my boring wage slave life and get a hobby. I love cooking great food, do any of you see cooking as a hobby and or how do you approach cooking?

>> No.12371906

You had a moment of clarity looking at a thread about shitting at work?

>> No.12371910

Absolutely it's a hobby, especially if you have a certain type of cooking that you're exploring. For me rn that's fermenting but it can also be pickling or saucemaking or whatever the fuck. You can use cooking as a creative outlet or as a skill you want to refine

>> No.12371913

No. You'll get fat if you treat it as a hobby. Just treat it as a skill you need.

>> No.12372278

I find the quality of fast food has fallen so much. I rarely eat out now, so I'm forced to cook. Not a hobby, it's the only way to eat good food in current year.

>> No.12372366

For 4 years I had it as my hobby since my graduation is very close to cooking, it was natural to me.

It was very fun, very interesting and so nice since you can eat dishes from the past and improved versions of dishes you find everywhere. My focus was baking and fermentation, loved sweets and desserts too.

The first time you cooking something theres no problem to pig but after a few trials you start seeing how cooking is unsustainable hobby. You eat all the cakes you make since they are delicious so as long as you don't mind being fat no problem. In my case I prefer being not fat instead of cooking and today I found new hobbies that won't make me fat.

Anyway somedays I go back to cooking, make a lot of delicious food and eat until I'm almost puking.

>> No.12372540

Why don't you just make less, or save some for later, or share with others? Presenting being fat and cooking as mutually exclusive choices is a dishonest false dichotomy. Not everyone lacks self control or planning.

>> No.12372559

Cooking is a fine hobby, but it'll make you fat if you make too much good food. If you're okay with that, go for it. If not,
Take up drawing. I always recommend it to people looking for a new hobby.

>> No.12372591

IF you start cooking you will never be able to enjoy other peoples cooking because they suck at cooking

>> No.12372815

Yes, cooking is great!

I like doing advanced stuff to some extent, but what I enjoy the most are the little things that just makes food better. Like making mayo, tortillas, stuff like that

>> No.12372982

Yes. Food is something that everyone relates to and desires. Being a good cook gives you gives you internal and external benefit. Internal, you always eat good food. External, others have another reason to value you. If you like making others happy then you now have a way to make literally everyone happy

>> No.12373079

For me, cooking is a poor man's creative outlet. I can experiment with different foods and flavors. Its like painting, except I can eat it after.

>> No.12373106

>eating cake
how about you grow tf up and cook food instead of confectionaries, you literal manchild?

>> No.12373493
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fuck cooking as a hobby. having to go buy your own equipment, buy your own ingredients, clean your own kitchen. if you actually want to learn something meaningful just work at a restaurant. if you hate it you can quit, if you like it than congrats, you’ve found the best job around. I tried it out on a whim and 2.5 years later I’m still learning something new and having fun every day.

>> No.12373521

As a hobby? Yes. Especially if you learn the professional aspects despite keeping it a hobby. It will allow you to reduce food waste, improve the quality of your food, and shop better; saving you a ton of money and happiness. Even improving sanitation may help more than you think as even if you don't get noticeably sick you might feel more comfortable in a cleaner kitchen eater fresher food.

Don't turn it into an occupation.

>> No.12373538

>flips burgers at wendys

>> No.12373549

Why can't you do both? I'm a chef, I cook all the time because it's what I love and its fun. I can't keep up with my friends who have much more successful careers, but I can serve them food at dinner parties that blows their mind. How else can you flex on a fucking doctor, than with great food you made? I mean, end of the day, doctor friend is far more skilled than I am, and his skills are far more important to society but it still tickles my ego.
I also have almost no personality outside of cooking and smoking weed. Can't impress anyone with smoking weed, but you can impress a woman with a good dish, in an already more intimate setting than a restaurant.

>> No.12373578

this is terrible advice

>> No.12373593

>fuck cooking as a hobby. having to go buy your own equipment, buy your own ingredients, clean your own kitchen

This is a really weird way to view home cooking.

>> No.12373859

>do any of you see cooking as a hobby and or how do you approach cooking?
I do.

I specifically went out of my way to find a good, generic cookbook (BH&G, specifically) under the idea that, "I should learn to make the basic form of a dish before trying out any meme-y variants.

Then, as I work my way through different recipes, I try to see what I can learn beyond the recipe itself.

This could mean looking at youtube to learn a technique for prep, looking up the chemestry behind why a certain ingredient is used in a recipe, or, for more complex recipes, learning how to compartmentalize, prep, and time manage to make things easier. Although sometimes, the recipe is enough of a lesson (like how to cook and eat artichoke).

Then, once you start to accumulate basic knowledge, you can get away from recipes and do your own thing.

>> No.12374110

I just watched every A Taste of History episode on Amazon Prime. I wing shit and it almost always turns out good just by following the basics from that show.

Fat (schmaltz or from rendered bacon or real butter)
Fresh stock
Root vegetables (celery root)
Red wine
Brown sauce
Only fresh herbs and spices


>> No.12374121
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Cooking should not be considered a fucking hobby. Is sleeping a hobby? Is participating in intercourse with another human a fucking hobby? God damn, you faggots are pathetic!

>> No.12374177

Well, the other benefit of following a recipe at first is that if you get a reliable recipe and follow it exactly, you now know how a thing is SUPPOSED to taste.

Not to say that you fall into this category, but I come from a whole family of terrible cooks who all think they're hot shit because they make ever dish the way their mothers did. So I'd argue the virtues of an objective starting point.

This would make sense to say if we lived in a day and age where cooking for yourself was unavoidable.

>> No.12374284

>share with others
women don't like men that cook, every woman i've mentioned this hobby to has told me it was a turn off straight up
friends don't like the idea of eating someone else's cooking, they'd rather eat mcdonalds
my family hates cooking, even when other people cook, they hate eating anything except low quality stuff in fact, probably because we grew up poor and im the only one who decided to branch out when we did get more than the bare minimum of living income

>> No.12374327

Telling people you cook is like telling people you workout, or that you are sexually active. These things should be implied by your attitude and mannerisms. Cooking itself isn't the turn off dumbass, expecting people to be impressed by your ability to carry out basic adult responsibilities is. See >>12374121
In short don't tell people about your meager accomplishments, no matter how grand they may seem in the scope of your pathetic, mundane life. You shouldn't even mention it unless you are a professional chef at a high end restaurant, even then it should only be mentioned in passing.

>> No.12374537

This is such a bullshit comment, if a girl is somewhat interested in you she will be impressed. Key is to sell it as a hobby to her, as something you are passionate about.
Most of the girls I fucked I invited over for diner because they told me I absolutely have to cook for them one day.

>> No.12374548
File: 25 KB, 399x322, F415A0F8-C385-4A2E-9159-4E89B57A5E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women don't like men that cook
>friends don't like the idea of eating someone else's cooking
>my family hates cooking
Have you tried not being an autistic incel?

>> No.12374553

the food i make tastes and smells great
maybe you should have sex

>> No.12374559
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Funny you say that, fermenting is my next project after bread and then yogurt.
I'm getting a French cookbook after that, going to learn the 7 Mother Sauces.
Might as get real about this.
Fuck yeah it's a hobby see above.

>> No.12374584

>the food i make tastes and smells great
Evidently not, inceloid.

>> No.12374594
File: 79 KB, 460x486, 902213B9-97E7-4410-86EF-ABD824E57DCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In short don't tell people about your meager accomplishments, no matter how grand they may seem in the scope of your pathetic, mundane life. You shouldn't even mention it unless you are a professional chef at a high end restaurant
Or you could actually git gud and stop projecting your own insecurities into normative statements, you humongous fucking vagina.

>> No.12374598

if that were the reason they didn't want it then they would have actually tried it once, virgin wh*te""boy""

>> No.12374610

>he‘s a nigger
The mystery solved itself.

>> No.12374617

>Driving can't be a hobby
>Exercising can't be a hobby
>Home improvement can't be a hobby
You are a dark and sorry person
In all classes, women like men who cook as much as any other hobby.
>redneck women gather around the pig smoker
>professional women will eagerly join your dinner group
Women are humans, and as it turns out, humans like food.
>don't ever make small talk
You are an isolated, sad, lonely, miserable burnt onion of a human being. It's sad you haven't figured out how to have conversations with other people.

>> No.12376090

>cooking and eating well
>space and time management
These things are only considered hobbies by worthless NEETS who are the only ones capable of having pride in there own basic adult responsibilities. Well adjusted human beings already do all these things on top of their actual work and hobbies, it's just a part of life. Next your going to insist hanging out with your friends and consuming various forms of media should be fucking hobby. Cope harder you pathetic faggots.

>> No.12376098

cooking is just a means to an end

>> No.12376125

It's a hobby when you want it to be, otherwise it's a practical life skill. Being able to feed yourself (and others) delicious meals is a very useful skill - one that can have positive effects on both your health and your budget. It's also a pleasure.

>> No.12376690

I don't see cooking as a hobby, I just think you should try and enjoy anything you do.
if you ever have something you hate doing, it's a chore, if you don't dislike it, it's just something you do.

now, eating, eating is a fantastic hobby.

>> No.12376699

It's a survivalist thing for me. Cooking satisfies that prepper urge

>> No.12377320

I agreed with you until that last part. Get a clue fatass!

>> No.12377354

Cooking as a hobby is retarded and usually leads to being a pretentious prick.