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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12370571 No.12370571 [Reply] [Original]

>beans (literally poisonous if you dont boil them)

>thousands of years of evolution to deter us from eating them
>we do it anyways

what did >we mean by this

>> No.12370581

If you portion it correctly, beans and onions arent a problem. The problem is idiots using too many beans/onions.

>> No.12370587

portions don't matter, if you take a bite out of an onion it will burn your shit up

>toxins specifically desgined to make our eyes teary and burn

>> No.12370597

>Gets burned from fucking onions
Do white people really do this?

>> No.12370618


>> No.12370790

I know, why can't they make a gmo onion with no flavor for us whitefolk? Maybe a pepper milder than bell peppers (far too spicy) while they're at it.

>> No.12370802

>Eating onions
Do darkies really do this?

>> No.12370929

We're humans, we don't let some faggot nature tell us what to do.

>> No.12372118

You should read up on fermented shark

>> No.12372158
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>> No.12372169

You can't make chili without onions and beans.

>> No.12372190

Food was very scarce for a long time, and still is in much of the world. Humans found all sorts of ways to make things edible rather than starve. Animals have millions of years of evolution to deter things from eating them but it still happens. Hell, staple foods like bread are ground up seeds that are essentially inedible on its own and combined with microscopic organisms in order to make something that will fill your belly.

>> No.12372592

Humans actually somewhat adapted to eat onions and such, they are really poisonous for many other mammals

>> No.12372619

it was all so we could eventually create the manna from heaven known as butter chicken pizza

>> No.12372629

>thousands of years of evolution to deter us from eating them
Mankind never achieved anything by doing what nature wanted.

>> No.12372637

wait until you read about ethyl alcohol

>> No.12372641

Alligators have plenty of way to deter us from being near them but that doesn't stop drunk flordians from fighting them into submission.

>> No.12372662

alright Reddit, this isn't true at all

>> No.12372826

Yeah but I'm sure you much ratter have s o y instead.

>> No.12372830

>he doesn't like onions
>he doesn't like chilis
>he doesn't like negro beans

>> No.12372931
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>eating both

>> No.12372997


Until you eat a toxic mushroom and your liver shuts down

>> No.12373009

>peppers have a chemical that causes a burning sensation
>it's used in weapons
>people happy apply them to their foods

>> No.12373064

Show me where the onions touched you, anon.

>> No.12373225

White fingers typed this

>> No.12373247
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I always get a massive boner after eating raw onions.

>> No.12373525

>gmo onion with no flavor for us whitefolk
They do - it's called the Vidalia onion.

>> No.12373721

that's where they let Greenland shark meat dry in the cool arctic air for months, no?

>> No.12374054

>thousands of years of evolution to deter us from eating them
Not us. Pests or other animals that would completely destroy them without propagation.

>> No.12374067

We found out how to make them edible. What's the issue? Figuring out that meat is more digestible after heat is a big reason for our huge brains

>> No.12374101

>>beans (literally poisonous if you dont boil them)
>chicken (literally poisonous if you dont boil them)

>> No.12374104

>water (literally poisonous if you dont boil them)

>> No.12374114

The vast majority of human evolution has been the spurning of the natural order, even to the extent of eating things that try to hurt us specifically because they do. There's no good answer why, just that it is so.

>> No.12374118

>jews (literally poisonous if you dont gas them)

>> No.12374120

>onions used in cooking throughout europe
nigga what are you doing

>> No.12374127

Did you know naked mole rats are less sensitive to pain because they live in low-oxygenated tunnels and the buildup of CO2 causes an acid buildup within them which would otherwise cause them constant, burning pain?

>> No.12374130


>> No.12374131

I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me either. It's like how I just rolled over and ripped this monster fart due to the shifting in the contents of my digestive organs. If it were anyone else, the fart would be burning their nose hairs to the quick but because it was mine, the pervasive cloud is just making me laugh because farts are funny.

>> No.12374250

We figured out a way around toxic substances in food, and how to unlock nutrients that aren't available w/o cooking.
Raw red meat is nutritious alone, more so cooked.
Raw beans will make you puke and shit more than you can gain, but cooking makes them edible at all.
Any raw pepper, tomato, or potato is toxic, cooking makes them tolerable. They're all related to beladonna and all of them have toxic chemicals in them.

>> No.12374255

>There's no good answer why,
The answer is some starving skeleton said fuck it I'm cooking the Bad Juju flower even though it killed Grug, and after enough tries they figured out how to make it work, because eating your children is a drag.

>> No.12374259

That's a stupid reply, asking "why do" isn't the same as "why did." I don't believe for a minute that you misunderstood that.

>> No.12374265

Philosophy is stupid and you were going there, and I reeled you back in.

>> No.12374270

Come back in the morning, you'll be less drunk and therefore more able to contribute.

>> No.12374373

I don't drink I'm in recovery, sounds like you could use some.

>> No.12374380

Yeah, I'd need to kill a lot of brain cells to talk on your level.

>> No.12374389

And then having sex with them.

>> No.12374414
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>> No.12374465

>raw meat is more nutricious cooked
It actually isnt but cooking it breaks it down for us to absorb its nutrients efficiently and without spending that much energy on digestion alone
>raw tomato, peppers and potatoes are poisonous raw
What? The everything but the fruit itself (or root in the case of a potato) is poisonous

Just being petty desu

>> No.12374469

Because something something antimicrobials.

>> No.12374626

tbqfah it's pretty based to sexually dominate something that tried to kill you

>> No.12375495
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gator rape is pretty common in Florida

>> No.12375507
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