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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12367575 No.12367575 [Reply] [Original]

It's not too late /ck/. You don't have to die.

>> No.12367593

"Mom disappointed her son is fucking retarded" should be the headline. How hard is it to just not drink that much e drink? Jesus christ; people are such addicts it's ridiculous. Just don't. It's that easy. Don't.

>> No.12367596

>4 energy drinks per day
WHOA get a load of mr rockefeller over here

>> No.12367607

just take a t break lmao

>> No.12367620

How'd his heart look after?

>> No.12367640

probably like a regular human heart idk

>> No.12367649

Kek, if she thinks she's heartbroken she should check out her son's heart

>> No.12367666

wtf? how is the son heartbroken if he is dead? he cant even have emotions when he is dead

everytime i come on 4chan i feel like i am getting stupider from posts like this

>> No.12367680

4 energy drinks is nothing. That's like 400mg of caffeine in divided doses.
Want to know what killed him?
Monster logo is Hebrew for 666. It cursed him and drove him to his death.

>> No.12367682

oh shit the (day x) "vegan" poster died!??

>> No.12367685

refined, subtle bait

>> No.12367689

I drink the 300mg ones and have two a day if I'm working a twelve
which is three days a week

>> No.12367696

If his mom thinks she's heartbroken now, wait until she sees his browsing history


>> No.12367742
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>Monster logo is Hebrew for 666. It cursed him and drove him to his death.
holy shit I forgot about this. The funniest part is her big finish, she looks so proud of herself

>> No.12367746

If he’s drinking 4 of these per day he’s honestly saving her the grief that is perpetual disappointment later on

>> No.12367755

>You don't have to die.
But I want to die.

>> No.12367769

this but unironically everyone does have to die

>> No.12367778

Look at this dumb go-woman hehe. I mean HAHAHA Hebrew 666 by a good and honest bevvvrage company? Crazy. Laugh and move along. Nothin to see here! Signed your fends, at the daily mail.

>> No.12367786

this is the best conspiracy theory in a long time

>> No.12367809

hmmm that actually makes a lot of sense
but uh
im a satanist
so monster can have all my money

>> No.12367815

We need to expel all the hebrews

>> No.12367817

I laughed very obnoxiously at this

>> No.12367829



>> No.12367833

REALLY makes you think


Research the important people and it will all make sense...

>> No.12367848

so it's owned by 2 south african jewish guys

>> No.12368082

>implying 666 means anything in real life
Even if the can was making references to satan or the devil or lucifer or the linguine beast or whatever the fuck you retards are afraid of, it wouldn't matter.

>> No.12368176


He also drank about five or six cups of coffee a day on top of that, according to the article.

>> No.12368214

>4 energy drinks is nothing. That's like 400mg of caffeine in divided doses.

those large energy drinks contain 300mg caffeine

stuff like bang contains 300mg

monster just launched reign which contains 300mg

>> No.12368220

it literally means caeser neronus

jews literally thought nero was the devil. it's hilarious how something so close minded and indicative of ancient thought has carried forth as this powerful symbol

>> No.12368222

rockstar also has a 300mg variant, when bang first came out was .357grams, like the caliber. shit just keeps getting stronger

>> No.12368234

yeah if people think this stuff isnt dangerous theyre insane. i drank a bang the other day and felt like i was dying

there are many confirmed cases of people taking high amounts of caffeine for "pre workout" and dying in the middle of their workout. young men.

>> No.12368257

a friend in HS had a heart attack while playing basketball, drank 3 monsters a day, two before playing, he survived but he was very fit otherwise

>> No.12368364
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this son was one of those fags who posted about dark souls constantly wasnt he?

>> No.12368392

Guy probably didn't have a heart anymore.

>> No.12368419
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How do you even do this? Why the fuck would you do this? Wouldn't the rest of the hair be such shit quality it would break at some length? The fuck? Someone perform some dark ceremony to summon Cutman from Megaman for his nerd ass? I hurt.

>> No.12368571

>Shitty parent blames energy drinks rather than herself
I swear we have this headline every morning.

>> No.12368581

looks like a full grown man, there's a point where you can't hold parent's accountable for a man's bad choices

>> No.12368703


>> No.12368888

But it's the energy drinks fault.

>> No.12368924

The dangerous effects of caffeine were the original motivation behind food labels in the USA

>> No.12368943

dude was 35 and I'm about the same age
when I was in high school in the mid-00's kids were pounding Red Bulls, then they were drinking Rockstar in college, and now they're drinking Monster or Bang
I fucking guarantee you he's had this habit for at LEAST a decade, if not more

>> No.12368951

it was actually mislabeled and fraudulent products being sold in the early 1900's, but ok champ, whatever you say

>> No.12368991

I had periods of time when I would drink more than four cups of coffee per day. There was also this energy drink that came in 2 litre bottles with the same caffeine concentration as a can of monster and I would down it doing an allnighter. I don't even know why I did this since caffeine seems to have a very minimal effect on me. It does not wake me up and I can also immediately go to sleep after drinking two redbulls on a relatively normal sleep schedule. I've stopped drinking coffee completely for a week now and honestly don't feel any different except random invasive thoughts of wanting to drink coffee/energy drinks. I even visually imagine myself going to the store, buying some and drinking it every now and then. It's fucking weird. I suspect it will go away soon enough

>> No.12369004

what even are in energy drinks
just caffeine?
is that what's causing all these heart attacks?

>> No.12369219

well yeah, that's what you get for guzzling them. they're called Sips for a reason

>> No.12369283
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He was just weak. I've downed half a bottle of vodka and had over 700mg of caffeine within an hour and I was fine.

>> No.12369292

Hair on men past a few inches long is rife with bacteria.

>> No.12369293

does alcohol lower heart rate and blood pressure? maybe the depressant properties actually helped

>> No.12369299

This is the shit that happens when you make the very worst stimulant also the only legal one. Tolerance to caffeine builds after a single dose, and it's lethal at high enough doses. You tell me why they keep putting more and more in these drinks in a desperate attempt to keep people feeling the buzz when their tolerance is ridiculously high.

>> No.12369301

Do it everyday for 6 months you fucking casual

>> No.12369317

>also the only legal one
Well there are some other legal stimulants available OTC, nicotine comes to mind. But caffeine is definitely the most readily available.

>> No.12369325

Yeah well I mean, it's not practical for drinks though. Half-life too short. Apart from that, I can't think of any others in wide use at all.

MEANWHILE you can take amphetamine salts nearly every day and they'll keep working just as well at the same low dose. And you don't even die!

>> No.12369333

I drink at least 5 of the big versions or nos and monster a day and feel completely fine
Shit I just finished one now and am about to go to sleep

>> No.12369338

keked and checked, I had a friend who said the same shit and when he fell to sleep 5 hours later had the worst sleep apnea I've ever heard

>> No.12369356

>What she didn’t realize, though, was that he had been consuming as many as four cans of Mother each day. The popular energy drink in Australia and New Zealand contains 160 mg of caffeine per can; that’s over two-thirds more caffeine than 1 normal cup of coffee.

>In australia, energy drinks are actually called mother

>> No.12369359

r/woosh my friend
also nice satanic trips

>> No.12369554

How long did he have to do it before it killed him? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12369567 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12369687

>lethal at high enough doses
No shit sherlock, water is lethal in high enough doses.

>> No.12369778

so is oxygen lol but much easier to overdose on caffeine than oxygen or water

>> No.12369787

Go back.

>> No.12369807

I think an average Monster is 160mg of caffeine. I dunno if 640mg of caffeine every day would kill you if you don't have some already present heart condition, considering 400mg is supposed to be the safe limit, although I still think that's pretty high considering you don't need much to get effects from it. But I've even been seeing commercials for coffee drinks that have over 200mg of caffeine now, when 50-100mg is enough. People need to realize such high doses are probably having the opposite effect and making them tired without constant doses and that's not good either.

>> No.12369824

>people eat more then 3000 cals a day
>*orders a mc chicken, large fries, and chicken nuggets*

>> No.12369834

how do you miss the point this hard? it's the caffeine that's the issue.

>> No.12369839

It's obviously not the calories that did it.
That being said I doubt it's only the fault of energy drinks and coffee. You have to imagine what the rest of someone's life looks like if they are chugging liters of caffeinated drinks on a daily basis. Sleep deprivation, nothing but junk food, sedentary lifestyle, potentially other drugs, etc.

>> No.12370027

It's called HAVING A FUCKING JOB. Try it sometime neet and realize working 20 hour shifts is a pain in the ass without at least six Monsters to get you through the day. Fucking leech.

>> No.12370044

>tfw 3 5-hour energies a day finally start to hurt your heart

All that vitamin B12 breaks me out like a muhfucka too. But they feel so good.

>> No.12370046

hehe based

>> No.12370049

like this:

>> No.12370051


>> No.12370055

imagine fearing Satan more than God and thinking you're a Christian

>> No.12370066
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>86mg caffeine a serving
>four monsters is 344mg caffeine
>slightly more than four cups of coffee
If anything, it was the sugar/artificial sweeteners in those abominations that killed him.

>> No.12370067

no you retards the ld50 of caffeine is 10+ fucking grams
you just gst really nauseous if you have a few grams
these people dying have multiple other health problems that get exacerbated by caffeine, caffeine alone won't kill you, you'd have to eat fucking bricks of it

>> No.12370076

Lmao I'm laffin so hard

>> No.12370131
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humans got along fine without energy drinks for thousands of years, why do we need them now?

>> No.12370174

Uhm no we didn't. Thousands of years ago we were cavemen having to deal with dinosaurs if you think that's fine you're fucking delusional.

>> No.12370188
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The absolute state of education.

>> No.12370196

>humans got along fine
and now they can get along even better

>> No.12370199

what’s dangerous about artificial sweeteners?
don’t link the study that claims eating 2x your body weight in aspartame causes cancer

>> No.12370213

>humans and dinosaurs coexisted
They probably teach this In some southern American states.

>> No.12370227
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were you there?

>> No.12370228
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I r8 your b8, 2/10 mildly believable

>> No.12370236
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This can't be real

>> No.12370241

The ancient aztecs ate coffee

>> No.12370244


>EWWWWWW Smarties?!?!? Why do people give out this trash candy for Halloween it taste horrible! It literally taste like pure sugar with artificial flavoring.
>Why yes, I love Monster energy drink, its patrician tier delicious.

99% of people who drink monster are this stupid.

>> No.12370423
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>One day, he guzzled four cans of Mother (sic) along with what coroners believed was around four or five cups of coffee, and went into cardiac arrest while driving in January of 2014.
Oh so he also drank 5 cups of coffee along with the energy drink.


>> No.12370454
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>tfw drinking 240 mg caffeine sugar free rockstar right now
>tfw going to drink a 300 mg caffeine sugar free rockstart in a few hours

>> No.12370459

He didn't have one.

>> No.12370502

>that last /sip/ of your life

>> No.12370504

Is taking a 100mg caffeine pill better than drinking an equivalent amount of caffeine in an energy drink or coffee? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12370529

>God is real

>> No.12370536

you wont die unless you chug four tall boy sips like that faggot

>> No.12370668

It's not "dangerous" but it still triggers an insulin reaction that makes you crave fatty, sugary foods and/or more of the same drink.

>> No.12370685

>live without sips
and for that reason, i'm out

>> No.12370696

Maybe if you didn't spend so much money on energy drinks you wouldn't need to work as much. Buy some caffeine pills.

>> No.12370771
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>He doesn't GUZZLE his drinks

>> No.12370782
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>> No.12370796

people have also been drinking tea for thousands of year for the stimulant properties. the issue now is how easily available large quantities are, but it's fine in moderation.

>> No.12370837

At least it isn't common core.

>> No.12371565


When keeping memes real goes bad.