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File: 35 KB, 350x323, venn-diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12365663 No.12365663 [Reply] [Original]

>Blue Zones are regions of the world where Dan Buettner claims people live much longer than average.
>The people inhabiting Blue Zones share common lifestyle characteristics that contribute to their longevity. The Venn diagram highlights the following six shared characteristics among the people of Okinawa, Sardinia, and Loma Linda Blue Zones.

Is your diet empowering for women? You DO want to live to 100, right?

>> No.12365697

One clear thing about bluezones, is that they are clearly, factually NOT VEGAN. Funny how your little chart seems to suggest the opposite is true. I wonder why (((they))) are lying about that??


>> No.12365698

The real question is how on earth women can be considered not empowered enough in California. In what ways are they more empowered in Japan or Italy than they are in CA?

>> No.12365838
File: 47 KB, 650x674, monk-meditate-meditation-buddhist-_vc33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't disagree with you, but it's been proven that people who eat less live longer because they put less strain on their digestive system. So centenarians usually end up looking like the people in your videos.

It's unfortunate, but if you REALLY want to push the limits of your lifespan you need to go skelly mode. (Dunno why you'd want to live as a raisin though.)

>> No.12365845

>empowered women
He's never been, what a retard.

>> No.12365851

Loma Linda is a community of Seventh Day Adventists

>> No.12365995

You don't know much about nip and gook women. They are literally the absolute monarch controlling all aspects of the family including monetary. The myth of the subservient nip and gook woman was only a public ritualistic display w/o any substance.

>> No.12366023
File: 324 KB, 1381x1381, Sardinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to study and inform yourself.

First of all inhabitants of Sardinia are a distinct ethnic group not related with italians culturally.

Second Italy is a western world country with gender parity and same rights between women and men.

Third Sardinia got a matriarchal society in the past and has a long history of famous women personalities, as the first woman who won the Nobel Prize in literature, the first italian female mayor, the first italian female doctor, the first italian woman graduated in a university and even queens who ruled Sardinia in the Middle Ages as Eleanor of Arborea, in Sardinia is normal to see women working as miners too.

Sardinia Autonomous Regional Parliament allowed also the Gender Quotas.

Muricans are a bunch of descendants of bigot and ignorant Puritans escaped from Europe, where there are even states that deny abortion, so what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12366041

Really jogs the noggin.

>> No.12366056
File: 216 KB, 1600x2160, 1549303324613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans keep at it
We will win!

>> No.12366062 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12366075
File: 42 KB, 667x335, Birth control pill consumption by region in Italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only retard you are, the matriarchy society in Sardinia is well known, and exist bibliography and it's also present in the current society.

For example Sardinian women are the first in Italy who use the birth control pill, in a percentage more than double than the italian average and the autonomous region political system impose the election of candidate at least 50% of women for its parliament.

>> No.12366083

>low stress
>no drugs or alcohol
>don't eat garbage
>live longer
what a surprise

>> No.12366096


Coglione, le prime donne laureate in medicina NON sono sarde e la prima sindaco donna è una tizia nata nelle marche. Ingoia meno soia.

>> No.12366160
File: 55 KB, 423x284, Sardinian doctor Adelasia Cocco (first female doctor in Italy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecco il solito continentale di sto cazzo con la sua gran mole di ignoranza.
Ninetta Bartoli di Borutta (Prov. Sassari) è stata la prima donna eletta sindaco in Italia, eletta nel 1946 lo stesso anno insieme ad Ada Natali, marchigiana.

La prima donna italiana a diventare medico condotto fu Adelasia Cocco sempre sarda.
Ma perché vi ostinate a dire boiate sulla Sardegna ogni santo giorno? Tacete ignoratoni, e parlate di casa vostra, ammesso che conosciate qualcosa delle vostre parti.



>> No.12366178


>> No.12366193
File: 389 KB, 1293x522, Consumption of Alchool between meals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No alchool? lol

>> No.12366215

Sardegnolo furentissimo: una prece.

>> No.12366238

Mi sembra che a scaldarsi sia stato tu dandomi del coglione. italiano che fotte e chiagne un classico.

>> No.12366254

Continua a bearti del tuo essere "diverso", patetico coglioncello furente perché "ah blo blo non riconoscono la presunta grandezza della mia isoletta". Il massimo che potete fare è sversare latte in strada, come i peggio terroni.

>> No.12366256

>Blue Zones
it all looks purple

>> No.12366263

>where there are even states that deny abortions
>implying abortions have anything to do with “women empowerment”
We have this thing called equality, right? So if a woman gets herself pregnant, she gets full choice on whether or not to keep this baby if abortion is legal, right?

This means that the man doesn’t get any choice in whether she gets an abortion, and it means that that the woman gets full choice in whether both parties are going to partake in accepting responsibility or deciding to take the easy way out from letting some dude blow his load inside of her.

Realistically, this is empowering of women in all the wrong ways.

>> No.12366312

Ma tornatene a pagare il pizzo vigliacco sottomesso alla mafia e torna a cuccia, vai ad ammaestrare qualcun altro, coglione.

>> No.12366318

Abortion is a woman right.

>> No.12366320

the man doesnt have to push something the size of a watermelon through something the size of a grape

>> No.12366338

Something the size of a grape, designed by evolution to stretch to the size of a watermelon

>> No.12366411

Quello più terrone dei due sei tu, mi spiace...
Almeno siete leggermente meno "scimmieschi" degli altri terroni, questo ve lo devo concedere. Vai a versare un po' di latte, dai: battiti il petto e piangi un poco, se ti fa stare meglio.
Povero sardegnolo sottomesso ai Savoia per secoli e ai Berlusca di turno (di destra e di sinistra) ai giorni nostri... Continua a restare furente, mi raccomando!

>> No.12367030

Its because ultimately it is the chick that has to grow the baby and pump it out. Having and carrying a baby puts a lot of stress on a chicks body. She had to eat different for starters, and there is the chance of health complications from carrying a baby and giving birth; not to mention emotional distress. Would you want to go through all that just cause a guy knocked you up?

>> No.12367038

You realize they often cut the chicks vagina to help the baby come out, so it doesn't tear instead. It heals easier if they cut it as well.

Only thing I want to add to this is all the medical bills associated with being prego.

>> No.12367098

What the fuck is up with loma linda? I live around the corner from it and the only thing of significance is their University and their hospital

>> No.12367692

>life longer by living less

whats the point?
why not just go to sleep now and die?

>> No.12367935

>would you want to go through that just because a guy knocked you up?
So it was entirely the guys fault she got knocked up, not her fault at all that she let some man deposit his semen into her body.

This is exactly why this whole abortion thing is garbage, at the end of the day it’s a way for women to remove all responsibility from herself and blame the man for every last step of the entire process.

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but you don’t have to have sex without a condom and allow them to cum inside you

>> No.12367945

Most people have insurance and if you don’t have insurance and got pregnant by being an irresponsible moron, then I think someone is making poor life decisions and needs to reevaluate how she’s spending her time.