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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12364028 No.12364028 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a white dude dating a Filipina girl and her mom cooks me the fish heads. It's fucking fish, and tastes good, why don't people eat heads?

>> No.12364041

btw I used a fork to pick off the rest of the flesh, I hate wasting food

>> No.12364047
File: 35 KB, 500x284, fl*overs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all most dangerous violent fly*vers don't eat fish at all. It's YUCKEEE SHITSKIN (((DIVERSITY))) food, fish is literally white genocide.

Second, those who do are usually eating canned, or breaded. The kinds of breaded "reconstituted fish product" may well contain heads, as well as bones, skin, and all the other EWWW YUCKEEEE parts that animals shoudln't have because "meat comes from the store". But since it's all ground up and extruded into the shape of a cartoon fish, they woudln't know the difference between fillet of dover sole and ground up tilapia scraps.

So, in fact many people do eat heads and are simply unaware. Others who fancy themselves seafood lovers may not, but they are mostly just eating supermarket maki with dyed mystery fish that supposedly is bluefin tuna.

>> No.12364050
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>> No.12364064
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>> No.12364080

People do eat the heads, you JUST said that your gf and her mom eat the heads
you're the only one in this situation who didn't eat the heads before that moment

ask yourself why you didn't eat the head before now

>> No.12364095

When wh*te people say "people" they mean "wh*te people".

It's like "why do people not go to this extremely popular restaurant that has been in that neighborhood for 15 years".

The people who actually made it famous aren't human. They are (pick one):

>drug dealers with calves the size of canteloupes
>taking our jobs
>driving up the cost of real estate
>cheating on tests
>spreading disease
>responsible for all the crime the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about
>stealing our intellectual property
>"sketchy" (this is the preferred PC term by racists who don't want to seem racist)
>"not very clean" (see above)

>> No.12364128

I have two cousins that had babies with Asians and they are disgusting looking mongrels. I secretly hate them for ruining our family’s bloodline.

>> No.12364495
File: 999 KB, 320x240, anigif_enhanced-14009-1404140272-14[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish heads
fish heads
roly poly fish heads
fish heads
fish heads
eat them up

>> No.12364516

Post you cute brown Filipina pussygirl

>> No.12364537

Given that you were spawned, it was already ruined.

>> No.12364542

You killing yourself would be an enormous favor to your family and everyone else. Please, please kill yourself so someone else doesn’t have to do it for you.

>> No.12364586
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>> No.12364595 [DELETED] 

Seething shitskin

Two reasons:

1. most American grocery stores don't sell whole fish. They sell fillets.

2. Generationally speaking people's parents didn't cook it. This could be because Mom was squicky about cooking heads the fish they were eating wasn't large enough to have a nontrivial amount of meat on it (like how nobody cooks chicken feet unless it's for making stock because they're a lot of work for very little payoff) or for reasons that loop back to the previous reason.

>> No.12364631

Same. GF is filipina. Whole fish is great. To be honest the head is kind of more of a hassle than it's worth but I wouldn't turn it down.

Dunno how deep down the hole you are, but get her to make lechon kawali and arroz caldo for you, they're top tier.

>> No.12365181

Test her on the flip egg rolls, lumpia. If they can't cook those then they're full of shit and just want to drop anchor babies.

>> No.12365417

from scratch?

>> No.12365589

I don't like fish in the first place, why would I eat the heads? Shellfish is fine though.

>> No.12365600

My negro

>> No.12365716

Could be worse, they could be multiple other worse hybrids. Imagine havjng an abbo cousin or a drunken native american one.

>> No.12365732

Unironically this

>> No.12365737

I work with a flip grill and have such a fucking crush on her, but I think she realized it and brought her bf in one time and made a point to introduce us. I didn't even realize she was flip at first because she's actually cute.

>> No.12365759

post titties or it didn't happen

>> No.12365768

Heck, I dunno I'm not a flip but had some friends in grade school that are flips, their mom's could do those.

>> No.12365899

I've had them, but they're always premade, they just fry them in a pan at home. I feel like they'd be a lot of work to make from scratch, but I'm sure they're good since even the premade ones are good. Much better than egg rolls.

>> No.12365914
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>eating jungle food
Fish heads belong in the compost or in my cat's tummy. Also don't breed with your gf, you will regret it.

>> No.12365955

stfu I'll eat your faggot cat too

>> No.12366068

Fucking rancid.

>> No.12366087

Have sex incel freak

>> No.12366218

Fuck gooks and gook lovers.