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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 800x800, BCB8EE0D-5F7A-440A-9E41-4C9328F85263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12361354 No.12361354 [Reply] [Original]

>this excites the bugman

>> No.12361361

Beyond meat sucks. Impossible is way better.

>> No.12361362

I thought a bugman was an Asian?

>> No.12361467

>for the faggot who doesn't want to eat blood, but loves to eat the TASTE of blood anyway

>> No.12361479

yeah well the jerk store called...they're running out of you!

>> No.12361480

>but loves to eat the TASTE of blood anyway
a lot of vegetarians/vegans are only doing it for moral reasons, not because they don't like the taste, so there's nothing hypocritical about this. you're a bit retarded if you can't understand that.

>> No.12361486

Can I eat these raw?

>> No.12361494

>morality in godless people
Always makes me laugh

>> No.12361510

>for the faggot that has a moral objection to eating meat, but loves the taste

>> No.12361516

>killing babies is ok because they're not human
>killing animals is bad because they have rights
Why don't they just eat the fucking babies then

>> No.12361525

>killing babies is ok

>> No.12361536

vegans are often pro life as well, and those who aren't are usually in favor of abortion as a way to limit the suffering of the unwanted child.
You'll one day realize that you're not smarter than most people, and that whatever argument you come up with is something they have already thought about.

>> No.12361537

It literally is, women eat their placentas all the time and the Chinese treat ground up human fetus as a wonder treatment

>> No.12361540

>people need a sky daddy to prevent them from being rapists
Makes me cringe. You’re a few million brain cells away from having no inhibitions apparently

>> No.12361545

they don't really taste like beef at all. If you're a tastelet surely you can tell the difference in the texture.
and it costs twice as much.

>> No.12361554

*this triggers the balding obese incel aka me

Im gay

>> No.12361558

Those who don't have the time or energy to introspect upon and improve upon their inner failings can trust the bible for moral guidance and trust the church for support in their time of need.

>> No.12361561

Woah, based gayposter tells it how it is. Put me in the screencap.

>> No.12361567

>sandnigger book, save me from being an unhinged rapist!!!

Oh thank God it saved him!! Lets call the altar boys and celebrate!!

>> No.12361569

You're thinking of insectoids, which are the Chinese.

>> No.12361570

>stop saying killing is immoral
>trust me i know more than you do
You know what smart people don't do?
Go around bragging about how smart they think they are in casual conversation.
Poor guy.

>> No.12361577

Like your boyfriend's asshole, you fucking pozzed faggot?

>> No.12361589

>sacred book, I'm gonna disregard your teachings and turn to nihilism!
>woah, my life is shit now and all that's left for me is sheer bloodlust
>guess I'll kill someone since I have no support network to ask for guidance in times of need and no one can guide me towards the mental help I need

>> No.12361629

A decade or more ago back when he was still remotely relevant people would be bitching here about Jack Thompson making the same bullshit non-argument about violent computer games.

>> No.12361672

that's a hilarious example considering how much religious bloodshed happens

>> No.12361692

>A decade or more ago back when he was still remotely relevant people would be bitching here about Jack Thompson making the same bullshit non-argument about violent computer games.
except that's not the point at all.
what is it about "beyond" and "impossible" that are different than the million other veggie burgers?
Well they're mixed in with plant-based heme molecules.
heme molecules contain iron, and they're the thing in blood that makes it taste "bloody" (slightly metallic)
So yes, the selling point for beyond burgers and impossible burgers really is that they taste like blood while their competitors do not

>> No.12361703

>except that's not the point at all.
Is it not? Jack Thompson gets upset when I shoot pixels that resemble a person.
You get upset when a vegetarian eats a plant burger that resembles meat.

>> No.12361737

>i can't disprove this guy so I'll just call him upset
keep digging that hole deeper

>> No.12361747

>I can't disprove this guy so I'll reply to a single word from his post taken out of context

>> No.12361770

I'd wager that a lot more non religious bloodshed happens.

>> No.12361863
File: 112 KB, 680x315, 1558372351872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme get my hot sauce collection and I'll go to town on these bad bois!

>> No.12361878
File: 41 KB, 326x192, Fuck you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG... is that... Are those... SRIRACHA IPAS?

>> No.12361888

>sacred book, im going to pretend to take your teachings seriously but get drunk with the altar boys while shitposting on 4chan for a living


I love L Ron Hubbard now!

>> No.12361900

I'll keep you in my prayers my friend.

>> No.12361911

I’ll keep you in my farts so you don’t become unhinged if you ever obtain functioning grey matter and go psychotic once you realize skyjew is a fraud.


>> No.12361922

NPCs don't know about the un banking class agenda to tax you on your "carbon footprint" and to change your diet to bugs and fake lab meat plus all the gmo plants you can eat while they live in their underground cities eating steaks

>> No.12361923


>> No.12361926

Most vegans I've met are leftists and pro abortion

>> No.12361936

Well? How do we stop em Anon?

>> No.12361980

>>12361922 (checked)
>eating steak
>implying they only eat animal meat and not goyim meat also

>> No.12362000

it's already too late , I would suggest hunting, permaculture, fishing learning your own area where you live, heirloom seeds , etc

>> No.12362813
File: 511 KB, 1000x950, wool kagerou turn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking hate meat
>lets make our best to get something edible which resembles meat as much as possible

>> No.12364033

Impossible is WAY WAY better.

>> No.12364420


If these were actually priced competitively vs meat, I'd buy them on a daily basis. They are pretty decent, but I honestly can't expect them to last much longer on the market. Three stores near me stopped carrying these and just sell frozen beef crumbles. Which they don't even stock much at all considering all the other alternative brands that are much cheaper and sell better.

>> No.12364561
File: 423 KB, 966x1142, __ayanami_and_shikinami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_wachi_hati1186__b3d4f36841da15e6c9829bfba7af06aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I just wanna try getting some plant protein in my diet because meat protein is expensive and I don't just buy bulk shit meat but actually good cuts from a local farmer?

I just can't believe how many insecure guys attach their manhood to their diets. Nothing could be less manly than whining about how other men are less manly because they don't obsess about their diets like you do.

>> No.12364765

These are disgusting. Taste, look, smell, and feel.nothing like real beef. Basically they're an affront to almost every sense, but I'm sure they don't even sound like beef when you're cooking them either.
I'd rather have literally any other vegetarian "burger".

>> No.12365526
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1548685504827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God it also kills them...

>> No.12365556

>fetuses are babies

the crux of the argument is that they are not babies according to pro-abortionists, so you waste your time trying to brute force the arguments when you screech BUT IT'S A BABY. you should at least argue it's a baby instead of implying that they intentionally wish to kill babies, faggot

>> No.12365720

No argument can win over satanic leftists. They will weep and sob while they pretend to care about literal chickens eggs, then one millisecond later they will smirk and gloat over killing their own human child. Nothing can move these Satanists.


>> No.12365755

Fruitarians wouldnt eat beyond burgers though

>> No.12365758

Oh boy my estrogen levels are through the roof! Im ready to dilate while eating a beyond meat burger

>> No.12365776

Can't be in the same room as meateaters, can't have a meat utensil touch idiot utensil etc.

>> No.12365777

They literally have no moral compass, so they turn the state into their skydaddy ans try to use that to push their immorality into everyone else.

>> No.12365795

A few years down the road all vegans come to realize they're just fucking demented. Why did I waste all this time and energy?

>> No.12366161

Veganism is a mental illness where people crave animal food but instead of eating animal foods they make pretend food that resemble said animal foods.

>> No.12366168

>vegans are often pro life as well
Good one

>> No.12366177

Bus burgers cost more than ground beeg.

>> No.12366185

>Veganism is a mental illness where people crave animal food but instead of eating animal foods they make pretend food that resemble said animal foods.

Veganism reminds me alot of how old school orthodox Catholics deny themselves sex, based on moral justifications, even though they lust after it constantly.

Just a bunch of orthodox prudes.

>> No.12366239

Catholics delight me.

>passage about a man marrying his deceased brother's wife and denying her children
>masturbation is evil
They're straight retarded in a way that almost rival Jews in terms of insane interpretation.

>> No.12366240

>According to Moms Across America,who had the product tested atHealth Research Institute Laboratories,the levels of glyphosate were 11x that of the Beyond Meat burger and the total result (glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA) came in at 11.3 parts per billion (ppb).

enjoy your cancer scrubs