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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12358978 No.12358978 [Reply] [Original]

Which one are you

>> No.12358985

I thought everyone did the knot

>> No.12358988
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True neutral and chaotic neutral are the only correct answers.

>> No.12358993

alignment sucks; I don't use it in my bread eating games.

>> No.12358994

I fucking hate the knot

>> No.12358999

chaotic neutral/ neutral evil

>> No.12359006


>> No.12359018

how is reusing the bag clip not true neutral.
>squeeze air out
>use clip

>> No.12359030

Depending on if i've lost the tie or not i'm either lawful neutral or chaotic neutral

>> No.12359035

twist and tuck master race

>> No.12359045

HAHAHA none of these are correct you faggots don't even know the most ingenious method: ill give you a hint:
>doesn't require a clip or separate piece
>isn't a tuck or a knot
>only requires the bag

>> No.12359047

That sounds like a lot of work

>> No.12359072

That's easy, your turn the bag into a 4 dimensional surface so it can be made into a klein bottle

>> No.12359081


>> No.12359094

>not losing the bag clip immediately

>> No.12359129

I'm a twist & tuck

>> No.12359138

>not putting the bag clip on the end of your finger and flicking it at someone

>> No.12359144

Redpill me on bread boxes. Doesn’t that make bread go stale faster?

>> No.12359160
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>> No.12359176

chaotic neutral.

>> No.12359205

>bag clip
It's a twist tie though.

>> No.12359215

It’s just a suggestion, your sandwich doesn’t need the bread to come out of a breadbox to not fall.

>> No.12359219

Twist and tuck

>> No.12359230

if its 4 am and im wasted its chaotic neutral

>> No.12359233

This needs a chip bag version.

>> No.12359248

based Twin Peaks poster

>> No.12359252

Some kind of clever way of closing the bag using only itself, like that thing you can do with a potato chip bag if you fold it the right way

>> No.12359259

true neutral and chaotic good are just weird.

>> No.12359266
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you've got me curious, but something tells me the answer is going to be disappointing.

>> No.12359272

Chaotic and lawful.

>> No.12359294

Lawful evil usually.

>> No.12359299
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lawful evil.png

>> No.12359340
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>> No.12359388

That's a bit gay, innit?

>> No.12359489

Turning a bag into an anus? nah.

>> No.12359510

Lawful neutral or chaotic neutral, depending on if I lose the clip. I’ve never had a bread box, but if I did I would use it.

>> No.12359526

Anyone who uses a knot is a retard
>crumple some of the bread at the front of the bag
>make it too tight and it takes 2 minutes to untie it
>make it too lose and it comes undone
>taking the time to knot a bag when there’s a ton of other options

It’s like you’re just trying to be as obtuse and asinine as possible

>> No.12359548

Lawful Neutral. Chaotic Neutral if the clip gets lost.

>> No.12359553

ding ding ding

we have a winner lads

>> No.12359854

Just take it UωU

>> No.12359863

I twist the bag, secure it with a twist-tie, then tuck that under itself. Anyone else or just me that goes to such an extreme?

>> No.12359869

Keep an extra bag and put bread in one bag then bag with bread in the other bag going in the different direction

>> No.12359876

Neutral good boy

>> No.12359880

this is just a worse twist and tuck

>> No.12360298

Lawful neutral AND chaotic neutral is the correct answer for me. Do you know how much work goes into making a loaf of bread?! Fresh bread deserves respect.

I don’t know if anyone else got the beastiality reference but here’s your (You)

>> No.12360322
File: 99 KB, 858x622, IMG_4005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I twist that shit, use the bag clip, knot it, and tuck. My bread is always fresh as fuuuck.

>> No.12360399

How does this not include putting the heel back in the bag?

>> No.12360405

I always reuse the clip, I was under the impression that that is what that was there for.

>> No.12360408

What's with the deaf tranny at the end

>> No.12360413

Lawful and chaotic neutral at the same damn time
Ain't no air gettin in that bitch

>> No.12360421

Also lawful good too
My breads are a fortress

>> No.12360425
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>twist and tuck

>> No.12360430


>> No.12360431


>> No.12360511
File: 72 KB, 1292x790, 1515762844344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do lawful evil and my roommates get mad at me for making the knot too tight.
am i, daresay, DEVILISH?

>> No.12360554

What if I freeze my bread?

>> No.12361418
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Or just take the entire loaf out and eat it one sitting?

>> No.12361446

I do all of the neutrals.

>> No.12361487

Neutral evil > lawful evil> chaotic neutral > lawful neutral.

In that order.

>> No.12361493

these are so arbitrary. nobody uses a breadbox in 2019. i've never seen a rubberband or a fucking bottlecap on bread.
It should be A. not cunt = use the bread clip, be careful not to lose or break the bread clip and B. cunt = anything else.

>> No.12361504

Chaotic neutral

>> No.12361506

I don't know the name of the knot but basically you fold it back over itself and then around like a normal knot, it lets you untie the knot just by pulling down on the end since it was looped back. I use it for any food bag that's going to be opened and closed repeatedly

>> No.12361528

For me, it’s the twist and tuck.

>> No.12361535

well actually that's a bad description, make the loop first then pull the end through the loop and tighten it to where part of the end is sticking out the top of the knot but the true end is tied off outside, then when you pull it unties, fuck it's hard to explain

>> No.12361740

my mum scolds me if I don't use the bag clip..

>> No.12362161

that requires the bag to be like half empty

>> No.12362232

no it doesn't but it gets harder to tie with less bag, just takes practice

>> No.12362247

I tie an overhand slipknot

>> No.12362257

neutral evil, chaotic neutral at best


>> No.12362337
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twist and tuck

>> No.12362354
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Knot bros reporting in.
>Mfw I purposefully started tying the knot when I lived with my ex and our relationship was deteriorating because it pissed her off

>> No.12362695

I like a quick fuck

>> No.12363135


>> No.12363215

What alignment is keeping the bread in the fridge? I have to do that in the summer so it doesn't go moldy before I finish it

>> No.12363495

I reuse the bag clip, tie a knot and later twist and tuck as the bread starts to run out.

>> No.12363510

Lawful Good Breadadin

>> No.12363606

Chaotic Evil reporting in.
Keep the bread in the freezer anyway so it matters jack shit.

>> No.12363826

this is a worse twist + tuck

>> No.12364852

>Eating this sugar bread at all

>> No.12364862

Just tucking is enough. Except if your a discord tranny

>> No.12364872
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neutral evil

>> No.12364874

I can confidently say that, bread aside, tucking is enough.

>> No.12364899

This is the way granny showed me.

>> No.12364918
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>> No.12365512

The amount of people here justifying not using the clip/tie that comes with the bread is upsetting. You lazy cunts are the worst

>> No.12365537

>Buying pre sliced industrial bread wrapped in plastic.
It's a yikes from me.

>> No.12365577

Who says? I buy from my local Boudin.
That’s why I twist, clip, & tuck.

>> No.12365583

I don't buy bread sliced and wrapped in plastic.

>> No.12365587

I'm not one to buy a lot of unitaskers but a handful of those will really improve your kitchen.

>> No.12365654

I don't see a clothespin option.