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12355286 No.12355286 [Reply] [Original]

>waitress at the Chinese restaurant starts remembering you, asking why you came in later than usual, notices you like spicy stuff, comments how she likes what you ordered

>> No.12355296

she want da benis

>> No.12355344

>female wants money and attention
give them neither

>> No.12355353

no chinese restaurant waitress has ever taken an interest in any of this, or even noticed anything about any of their customers, ever.

>> No.12355358

But she does, and it makes me want to stop going. God damn she was happy when I ordered the tom yum. (they have thai and japanese too)

>> No.12355364

Maybe there are more things in the world than you've allowed yourself to know.

>> No.12355578

Is she cute?

>> No.12355588

pretty milfy, i'm guessing mid 30s

>> No.12355677


>> No.12355708

All the Waitresses at my local Chinese restaurant all just talk about the customers behind their backs in Korean.

>> No.12355751 [DELETED] 

you need to be put to death..

>> No.12355770

your need for attention is ridiculous.
the fact you have to lie on an anonymous board to get it , makes you a parasite
you need to be put to death .

>> No.12355852

I wish I was lying

>> No.12355861

Damn my man harsh but fair

>> No.12355877

People are so fucking annoying.
>"Weren't you just here earlier today?"
So the FUCK WHAT bitch? Shut the fuck up and make my sandwich.

>> No.12355890

Checked, and are you gay man? Shes obviously flirting. Are you just upset about the lack of feminine benis?

>> No.12355904

>be tall guy
>look white but not white
>go to korean restaurant
>order in korean
>waitress treats me like shit
FOB Koreans really hate halfies. : (
My dad says it's because Koreans are taught in school that all other races are bad. He never bought into it, though.

>> No.12355918

Its normal for restaurant owners to remember a return guest and get excited when they come in. Especially if you're not in the city. I love when you call in your order and they just recognize your voice, already knowing what you're going to order "You want the usual anon?".

>> No.12355922


Asians are super racist to everyone. ESPECIALLY to other asians.

>> No.12355933

너는그냥 못생겼나바


>> No.12355936

what's your native language faggot

>> No.12355950

I would prefer the feminine benis, of course. Idk maybe I should just accept the milf puss

>> No.12355952

>fat school girl at taco bell says she likes my shirt

>> No.12355965


>> No.12356280

Try and snap a pic and send it. Maybe she's in to you.

>> No.12356344

>qt and nice black girl manager at jimmy johns always yells "NINE!" and giggles when i walk in the door since thats what i always get

i kinda wanna ask her out

>> No.12356353

i worked at a chink restaurant for 7 years and both of the owners loved me

>> No.12357093


>> No.12357109

you must be thinking of Applebee's. The Chinese restaurant is the one where their son works the cash register after school and spits in your food while giving you attitude just for coming in the door.

>> No.12357191

why do redditors love repeating this?

>> No.12357200

It's true. And Caucasians might be the least racist people in the world. I mean, everybody's racist, but nobody in the world is struggling culturally with their own racism like Caucasians are.

>> No.12357255

because it's true you stupid bitch

>> No.12357307

>waitress at the Chinese restaurant starts remembering you

Try finding somewhere more authentic. ESL servers never ever make any kind of small talk with you if you're white.


Because it's true. Racism doesn't manifest in the exact same way as it does in the West, but if you think that Asia isn't gripped by ethnonationalism and xenophobia you're delusional.

>> No.12357316

They do this. They want your shekels

>> No.12357402

>anon makes a friend
>is annoyed
>everyone else wants tits

>> No.12357420

>live in Hong Kong
>closest cha chaan teng has a good deal on the fish curry, 49 with a free drink (add 3 for iced)
>order it all the time whenever I can't be bothered to cook
>people there recognize me and immediately ask if that's what I'm there for which I invariably am
>one day the restaurant is closed randomly
>stays closed for a month
>opens up again with new name, menu, staff
>order the fish curry
>new staff has to look for it in the menu to find out how to key it into the POS
>it costs 60 now, no drink, way smaller portion
>tastes different

why live?

>> No.12357426

I taught in a school in Asia and the students would call any black people in any media "Obama". That was their barometer for black person.

>> No.12357900

Post weight and height

>> No.12357917



>> No.12357919

Indonesians and Filipinos seem particularly unracist to me. Especially as compared to the extreme racism of the Koreans and Japanese.

>> No.12358289

Can;t argue with that

>> No.12358296


>be me last week
>go to the local chinese restaurant with a few of my friends
>get my usual server
>qt 3.14 chinese girl
>probably forced by her parents to work there but idc
>do a bit smalltalk and order our stuff
>she comes back with the food
>suddenly starts flirting with one of my friends
>actually get mad at my friend for flirting with her

>> No.12358342

>at the local chinese restaurant
>cute tiny asian gurl
>i pay for my food and touch her hands
>her hands are hard like the hands of a working man
>cannot tell if underage or just tiny
>i have not go there in a few months
>one time i went she raughs at my order because they have it this time but other times they don't have it
>last time she called me my love before taking my leave
>dont pay too much attention to it because even tho is not a common thing to say it is sometimes used as cordiality

>> No.12358401


>> No.12358405

I know that feeling.
I think.

>> No.12358417

>this post
>these dubs

>> No.12358437

I mean I know it's Americanized, I've been to nearby Philly and NYC Chinatowns. It's still tasty as hell, though.

160 pounds, 5'10

>> No.12358439
File: 1.78 MB, 368x290, 1506195254952-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweetheart old chinese lady you always order from tries to get you to marry her adorable daughter who also works the counter sometimes