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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12352571 No.12352571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where does your allegiance fall?

>> No.12352577

gay people have never done anything for me
chik fil a has provided me with delicious food
I think the choice here is obvious

>> No.12352579

>obnoxious, useless bug-chasers who despise the Constitution
>waffle fries
Decisions, decisions...

>> No.12352580
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>bruh chic fil a be so good

>> No.12352586

Even if you support the gay agenda, shouldn't you be going out of your way to give anti-gay companies your money? To prove to them that they can't stop you from enjoying their product?

If you think they hate you so much, why do they still serve you? Because they don't actually give a fuck. Even gay money is green.

>> No.12352594

>queers can't even make original memes

>> No.12352596

I don't get it
but I'm sticking with chickfila
their shit might be overpriced but I still like em

>> No.12352613

Unironic lefty here. I side with my stomach.

>> No.12352623

I'm gay irl and I eat at this place all the time. I hope they like taking my faggoty money while I continue being a faggot whether they like it or not.

>> No.12352626

>I’m gay irl

No one cares, you disgusting bug chaser.

>> No.12352635

>he thinks it's clever or funny to refer to all gays as bug chasers
no one cares, hillbilly

>> No.12352636

Delicious fag bashing chicken all day every day.

>> No.12352648

Me and my gf(bf) eat at Cjick-Fil-A all the fucking time. They've never given either of us shit, why should I care. HuffPo can go fuck itself.

>> No.12352657

I live in DC, you pozzed pedophile. I see the likes of you at every corner. Your kind fucking sickens me. You will pay for your heinous ways, either in this life or the next one.

>> No.12352779

Guys this is really weird

>> No.12352781
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haha what

you okay dude?

>> No.12352789

Hmm. Uppity homos or delicious chicken. Tough call, man.

>> No.12352800

>Chick Fil-E's has some nice frieds
>queers want to jail and murder me for misgendering them

Sorry there huff. I'm gonna have to follow my stomach on this one.

>> No.12352801

Don't ever compare me to the faggots ever again. It's insulting.

>> No.12352804

Why do you know so much about gay subcultures? You seem very familiar with their lingo lol

>> No.12352823
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>> No.12352828

>haha were totally not sexually depraved deviants haha whatever happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom haha now let us adopt your children haha were totally not pedophiles haha

>> No.12352831
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>> No.12352839
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>not realizing that their antics have turned otherwise apathetic people against them

>> No.12352843

hm, aids or delicious chic fila...
ill take the Lord's chicken over degenerate filth

>> No.12352852

i'm gay but i love chick fil a. i'd get it every week if i had the money to do so. i loved it even before their spicy chicken sandwich, it's where i'd ask to get food for my birthdays growing up, my mom worked there before I was born.
the only two complaints I have are
1) their lemonade is too sweet so I get water
2) i hate making them say "my pleasure" so I have to be careful not to say "thank you"

>> No.12352860

chik fil a plan and simple #1. (with some sauce)

>> No.12352865
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>> No.12352869

compared to other fast food yes..yes they are

>> No.12352871


>> No.12352878

>when my brother starts trying to say that chik-fil-a has donated to anti gay organizations
>thinking I give a fuck
I just want my food. I don't give a shit what happens to fags. They could be allowed to be married or one could become the president. It doesn't matter to me as long as I get my delicious chicken.

>> No.12352879

what if I hate chicken but also hate queers?

>> No.12352880

>oxygen wasting eyesores vs possibly the best chain restaurant on earth

>> No.12352887

depends on whether or not you like milkshakes

>> No.12352889

eat mor chiken

>> No.12352891

>i'm gay
you must hate going to chic fila to see all the beautiful young ladies there.
(youll never pass btw)

>> No.12352899

how can you "not pass as gay"?
i'm just regular gay, not trans
you've got your memes mixed up

>> No.12352903

Only a sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must

“Orders a 12 piece nugget meal with a sweet tea”

>> No.12352904
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>chick fil a!

>> No.12352908

I'm a fag who only likes femboys and traps. Chick-Fil-A is great, just wished they weren't closed on Sundays. Most of the times I've wanted to go happened to be then.

>> No.12352917

obviously based chik fil a for calling the fag mafia's bluff and getting away with it

>> No.12352919

Titus, get the cross....

>> No.12352925

That boy is really hot.

>> No.12352926

Thats probably your subconscious telling you that your life of hedonistic degeneracy is unfulfilling and you should change your ways and start going to church. It’s no coincidence that you crave chick fil a the most on Sundays, the day of the Lord.

>> No.12352935

way to humiliate your dad for life. you know he blames your mom for it. I'm sure he loves you but he only remembers the cute young child he had such hopes and dreams for and not the gaped-ass fronthole fucker you grew up to be.
i bet he wishes everyday he could do it all over again.

as for sundays, chic fila is so fucking based they are number 3 and only open 6 days a week. they stick to their principles and never cuck to social fuckery unlike the rest.

>> No.12352943


>> No.12352956

2020 is going to be glorious.

>> No.12352959

kek you're probably just some faggot from a DC suburb

>> No.12352963

i don't support faggotry at all, easy choice

>> No.12352970

>4chan is now a neopuritan christcuck sharia site
fuck the 2016 election

>> No.12352972
File: 25 KB, 464x380, E24E0F0B-A2EC-4DED-874C-73DE64AC2FE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in an area that’s a sea of brown people
>visit chick fil a
>it’s like an oasis of upper middle class whites and Asians

>> No.12352974


>> No.12352982

Serious question: what did cfa ever do that was against the BLT horde? Seems to me that the left is just up in arms about literally nothing, as usual.

>> No.12352983

>gaped-ass fronthole fucker
You don't know what a "fronthole" is, do you? Perhaps you should lay off picking up the buzzwords I feed 4chan until you are capable of comprehending what they mean.

>> No.12352990

>black lives tomatoes
what the fuck does that mean

>> No.12352995

i hate spiders so i must want to fuck one, right?
reddit is your home or hang out in your containment boards
also i have a feeling you wont like the 2020 election either faggot
nancyboi is triggered

on a topic-related note, the chic fila nuggets are a ripoff. mcnuggets >>>>>> chicfila nuggets

>> No.12352999

chicfila bothered to have their own opinions, in todays ultra-tolerant society, thats just not tolerated.

>> No.12353005

Joocy black Queens >> scrawny white thots

>> No.12353006

Okay, you dumb bastard; I'll break it down for you, so you have no excuse to misunderstand. A "fronthole" is a woman. A person with a "hole" in the "front". Generally useless other than providing said fronthole and the ability to bear children.

You're a fucking idiot. Lucky you picked a site where your idiocy is untraceable; it's just too bad that you will specifically decide not to learn.

>> No.12353008

I don't like Chick-fil-A much at all. But I still go there two or 3 times a week to support their business practices. Half the food ends up in the trash, but it's still worth it.

>> No.12353021

Mcnuggets are ass, along with anything that comes out of that nigger hive known as mcdonalds, gas yourself for your retarded opinion

>> No.12353026

youre just wrong

>> No.12353099

>I waste my money to own the libs


>> No.12353111

Imagine being this much of a pawn, holy shit

>> No.12353145

literal soyboys seething

>> No.12353157

>choose random gays over food
You’re brain dead

>> No.12353161

>im gay irl
Just wanted to let you know that online you are also really fucking gay

>> No.12353179
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Just because someone says "it's time to choose" does not mean I am required to do so.

Only I decide when it will be time to choose.

>> No.12353193

I'm not a personal fan of chick fil a besides the shakes, but theres still no reason to boycott or shut them down over a few fags.

Hell I'm pretty sure plenty of fags eat chick fil a and dont give a fuck.

>> No.12353200

Fuck off.

>> No.12353210
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Honestly fuck huff post and buzzfeed the only gay dude the fuck wads have met are the fucking annoying fem fag twinks I'm gay and I fucking love chick fill a I hate these fags who try to tell people what they can't like

>> No.12353212

I side with oppressed groups always. Fuck Chik fil a.

>> No.12353216

I'm a lesbian and have no issues eating Chick fil A. It's stupid to let politics decide where you can and can't eat.

>> No.12353220

>company promotes LGBT and women, gets attacked
>company promotes christianity, gets supported as a business simply voicing its opinion on a subject matter

>> No.12353221

>I side with privileged american gays always.

lol @ oppressed. This isn't pakistan or the congo where they literally murder the gays.

>> No.12353226
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gtfo double attn whore, no one cares

>> No.12353227

>oh no this company doesn't support us, boycott them!
>oh no, i don't support those people, time to support this company!
literal corporate sheep on both sides
this is why the "culture war" is so fucking cringe. it's a battle of who can out virtue signal each other.

>> No.12353234

>It's stupid to let politics decide where you can and can't eat.
This. Californians that get triggered by fast food restaurants are fucking mentally unstable ... that's why they're all perpetually triggered & suicidal over there.

>> No.12353238

you will never be a woman

>> No.12353241

>says lesbian
>you will never be a woman
What did he mean by this

>> No.12353247

To allow you to eat at the business you wish, I will recruit someone to take your place in the protest against Chic Fil A. We're all in this together.

>> No.12353255

>I'm a lesbian and have no issues eating Chick fil A
but straight people & liberals will try to label you a traitor! don't you know you people are not allowed to eat at chick fil a according to liberal edict?

>> No.12353263

>I'm a lesbian and have no issues eating Chick fil A. It's stupid to let politics decide where you can and can't eat.


you >>> back to /pol/

>> No.12353271

oh look it's this thread again. Can schizo poltards fuck off for 3 seconds? This shit is old news, really old

>> No.12353273

why do dykes hate men yet want women that look like men? really fries the old apples dont it?

>> No.12353278

>don't you know you people are not allowed to eat at chick fil a according to liberal edict?
No. I choose not to be oppressed by arbitrary "liberal edict". I am my own person and can make my own decisions.

>> No.12353288

You lesbians don't get to make up your own minds or decisions. Fall in line with what your LGBT masters tell you or else we'll brand you as a trump voter.

>> No.12353299

>I am my own person and can make my own decisions.

Good luck with that. Enjoy being excommunicated by the LGBT priesthood.

>> No.12353310

he means he's a guy taking hormones but is too scared to suck cock

>> No.12353312

>fried apples
based french poster

>> No.12353318

With the free market.

>> No.12353368

>french and based being used anywhere close to each other

>> No.12353398

I have no dog in that fight - I'm a straight guy who doesn't eat fast food. But I have a few gay friends and relatives, so if I had to pick I'd boycott Chick-Fil-A. But it wouldn't matter, because I don't eat fast food in the first place.

>> No.12353417

>pretty sure plenty of fags eat chick fil a
You're correct since most homophobes are closeted fags.

>> No.12353448

I'm gay, but the only real option is the food
I hate the LGBLT community

>> No.12353456

based retard

>> No.12353461

I don't think chick fil a is a good value. it's pricey for what it is and doesn't taste great.

supporting anti LGBTQ is shitty too. I'll continue to not go there

>> No.12353468

>not wearing your MAGA hat while eating Chic Fil A jut to dab on libtards epic style
You guys disappoint me
I miss 2016 4chan..

>> No.12353490

Why don’t you do something to fix it, then, you sod?

>> No.12353499

The only way I would care about their fat policy is if they started rounding them up and killing them for meat to cut their chicken with. I would have to stop eating there in fear of getting aids.

>> No.12353523

>not eating at chic fil a with a fresh load of hot sperm in your ass as you bite into a spicy deluxe without a care

>> No.12353538

chik fil a hates fatties too? based as fuck

>> No.12353543

I hate queers.
God I wish Trump getting elected was the doomsday those faggots were screaming was going to happen.

>> No.12353628

Stomach. People are overreacting to the CEO doing something in his private time with his private money, don't believe the leftists.

>> No.12353629

>God I wish Trump getting elected was the doomsday those faggots were screaming was going to happen.
Yeah, too bad he ended up worshiping Israel, huh?

>> No.12353650
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i actually pissed off a shit ton of trannys in one of my local furfag groups because even though i let guys stick their dick in me, i straight up told them that its their god given right for the owner to believe whatever the fuck bullshit he wants and if the chickens good ill fucking eat it.

their arguments was that they "fire" trannys niggers and woman for no reason. i told them that was bullshit and there would be lawsuits if thats true.

bitch left the chat after that HAD MIGHTY CHUCKLE DESU SENPAI

>> No.12353656

What do I do if I dislike both gays and chick fil a?

>> No.12353661
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I support Chik Fil A because I have a fetish for girls wearing fast food uniforms and Chik Fil A hires 14 year olds.

>> No.12353665

why do you talk like a retard

>> No.12353689

Why does it look like he’s going to take a bite out of the kid

>> No.12353692

Weird ass fetish

>> No.12353710

>emotionally damaged girls getting coerced into humiliating situations
pretty common desu

>> No.12353718

Ya know, incidents like yours pretty much sums up the whole nonsense back-and-forth, wherein folks aren't addressing each other, instead they're attacking bogeymen made of their own projections.

>> No.12353721

imagine being this mad about complete strangers fhcking

>> No.12353756


>> No.12353766

Chick-fil-a isn't that good. And it's expensive for the cheap quality. So , I'm going to side with the compromised population that actually needs support, instead of just another money-vacuuming corporation who also supports completely evil things like conversion therapy. I fight for the underdogs and real people, not corporations.

>> No.12353773

Corporations are people, moron. Go virtue signal on Reddit, where you can collect your imaginary internet points. Fag.

>> No.12353781

Fuck off, Choose Goose.

>> No.12353811

>its a violation of my rights because your religion says I can't get married
>*cries to the government*
>they won't let us get married!
>"Well you retarded faggots, "marriage" is a religious ceremony between a man and woman. If you want to "marry" another man, create a different religion, fag".

>> No.12353816

>not wanting to plow your high school workplace crush on the prep table after closing

>> No.12353944

Corporations are NOT people. And dumbasses like you pretending they are so you can support your masters like a little lap dog can fuck right off.

>> No.12353960

Religion has nothing to do with marriage, except for religion-sucking asses. Marriage was around before christianity, dumbass.

>> No.12354000

imagine caring this much about my opinion

>> No.12354034

Religion has everything to do with marriage you incredibly ignorant fuck
>Marriage was around before christianity, dumbass.
Nice, literal, projection of the fact you're a dipshit dumbass.
Who said anything about Christianity? LMFAO HAH. You're actually a triggered faggot, huh?
Marriage began as a religious ceremony. going back as far as Inanna/Ishtar, and even further.

Holy shit, imagine being so insecure about your belief in a God/Gods that you deny reality because you're such a little faggot. HAH.

Thanks for the laugh kiddo.

>> No.12354052

Chicken fillet should hand out free exit bags to butthurt trannies in the drive thru to apologise for triggering them with freedom of association.

>> No.12354057

xhe is 50% soy by volume, legally edible

>> No.12354066
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>crispy tender chicken
>trans kids
I'll take two Spicy Deluxe Sandwich Combos.