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12347649 No.12347649 [Reply] [Original]

Jiro is a cunt and I'll eat my fish on rice how I damn well please.

>> No.12347654

Why the fuck would they care?

>> No.12347801

You think I care what the gookroaches in the kitchen think?

>> No.12347813

Imagine getting to a steakhouse and trying to shred and mince the meat by hand.
Imagine getting roasted potatoes and mushing them with your fork. It is a dish that has an intended way to be eaten. Pulling off the fish is retarded. Just order nigiri

>> No.12347815

Jiro has yakuza ties so better watch out

>> No.12347824

Jiro would kick your ass and turn your pockets out until he found his $300.

>> No.12347844

This, becoming a sushi chef at his level takes years of training and practice to perfect the finesse and speed that is needed. Picking apart your food like a retarded kindergartener after this person has trained their whole life to perfect their craft should be considered the most retarded thing you could possibly do.

>> No.12348152

>..how I damn well please.
>me so manly

>> No.12348199

>Pulling off the fish is retarded. Just order nigiri
you mean sashimi
why would I order fish on rice if I just want the fish

>> No.12348231

Sushi truly is the biggest meme food of this generation, and perhaps ever.

>> No.12348383

>takes years of training and practice
>to place a slice of raw fish on boiled rice

Lol weebs are as baka gaijin as it gets

>> No.12348393

There is a lot more to it than just that, anon. Sushi chefs in many scenarios are in charge of procuring the meats, which means hunting down the absolute best quality fish at the markets. They have to butcher the fish and then select the prime parts for serving. There is a lot of work on the back in that the customer does not see. The training and practice is in the precision and speed with a knife, as well as being able to discern on the fly what is good enough to go in a customers mouth or not. It's a much more creative and inspired position than just putting fish on rice. If that was all there was to it, I'd frankly agree with you anon. you should do some reading, sushi is fascinating

>> No.12348394
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All that training and experience, replicated completely by a $20 “as seen on TV” device.

>> No.12348405

Hand selecting meat and ingredients is something all high level chefs do you noob

Why is it so special that he picks the fish?

>> No.12348962


the guy at the AYCE Chinese buffet isn't named Jiro. also he learned to make sushi on youtube and could give two fucks if you pull off the topping or drown that shit in a gallon of soy sauce before eating it

>> No.12348981
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>Imagine getting roasted potatoes and mushing them with your fork.
I do this

>> No.12348991

They went through a lot of effort to design each sushi roll as a full experience, a single bite with all elements in harmony. It would be like ordering a mushroom Swiss burger, then separating out each topping, eating them, then eating the patty by itself, and then eating the bun by itself.