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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12347609 No.12347609 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not very good when it comes to cooking. But basically what I’m looking for is a chicken breast recipe where I can meal prep for the week. Particularly a recipe where the chicken won’t be all dry after being refrigerated and microwaved days later

>> No.12347612


>> No.12347620

Yeah but I want to ask questions

>> No.12347628

apple cider vinegar, mustard, chives, lemon, ginger powder and minced garlic

>> No.12347640

>I can meal prep for the week
Don’t do this if you want to be happy, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for health I get that. What you want to do is brine your chicken breasts for a day before you cook them. Basically stick them in a large container and cover them with a mixture of salt, water, and a couple spices of your choice. A good place to start is 2 and 2/3s cups of water, 2 tablespoons salt, a teaspoon of whole peppercorns, and 2 tablespoons soy sauce. You want the meat completely covered so you might have to adjust that recipe. Let it soak in the fridge overnight and then take the breasts out and pat them dry with paper towels before you cook them. Season them however you want, just about any seasoning mix will do or you could get creative with individual spices. For doing large batches pf chicken breasts I would recommend broiling them in your oven. A glass dish will do but roasting or broiler pan will help develop that nice browning on the outside you want for max flavor. Brush them with butter or olive oil before putting them in the oven and a couple times throughout the process for max browning and to help keep them moist.

>> No.12347695

Brine the birds for 1-2 hours and then dry them off. After you cook them (anyway you please) they'll be tender tender.

>> No.12347697

No reason to prep chicken breast. It can be cooked with almost zero effort in 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 450.
Pat chicken breast dry with paper towel
Brush with butter
Sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika
Bake for 15 minutes

That should take you 2 minutes to prep which is the only actual work.

>> No.12347718

Ok that makes sense. I just need them to soak for a while.

>> No.12347730
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>> No.12347735
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>> No.12347736
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you nasty disgusting foul human
this is a cooking board, not a microwaved leftovers board.
microwaved leftovers??? same meal every day? same microwaved food every day?? god damn way to treat yourself like livestock.
in all seriousness, what do you hate more, yourself or food? i think you hate yourself more.

oven baked chicken, the culinary masterpiece of the proverbial tastelet

>> No.12347744

No one said it was culinary mastery. He wants chicken breast cooked in large batches. It doesn’t get easier than baking it in the oven. He can do one breast or a dozen this way in the same amount of time and get consistent results of moist chicken breast that won’t be overly dried out when he reheats them.

>> No.12347748

>He wants chicken breast cooked in large batches
cook it to fucking order then, you mean your so fucking busy with bullshit you cant throw a chicken breast in the oven when you want to eat it?
Youd rather make a shitload of them and freeze them and microwave them? wtf in all seriousness.
take the fucking freash breasts, marinate them, freeze them in the bag, put it in the fridge the night before so its defrosted how motherfucking hard is that?????? jesus you fucking kids are worthless. insufferable pussies, the whole lot of ya.

>> No.12347816
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go home grandpa

>> No.12347820

It' s past noon. Shouldn' t you be dilating?

>> No.12347914

I swear these seething posts are just one person.

>> No.12347997

is soaking chicken breast in milk overnight also a good option?

>> No.12348026

no, only for steak and don't forget to add the jelly beans.

>> No.12348098

yeah. these retards make me mad too. it makes no sense at all. just wasting money if you ask me. why would you want to eat a 1 week old piece of chicken. can these idiots not put a piece of chicken in the oven while they go take a shit? its the same with people who say they dont have time to exercise. what they really mean is they are lazy and would rather watch tv

>> No.12348250

>cooking board
Kek, nice one.

>> No.12348460


>> No.12348511

absolutely no milliard reaction at all. thats why youre supposed to sear then bake chicken you tards

>> No.12348536

Did you ever stop to think maybe I want to bring it to work for lunch?

>> No.12348548

Then make it the night before not 3 weeks in advance

>> No.12348566

You’re stupid

>> No.12348581

and yet the world keeps spinning and it tastes delicious.

>> No.12348583

Have fun eating rubbery tasteless chicken. Why even come on /ck/ if you arent going to bother to learn to cook the correct way?

>> No.12348590

based unpretentious anon

>> No.12348594

meant for >>12348581

>> No.12348597
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>the person making freshly cooked food to eat every day is stupid
the sheer idiocy of this statement alone should be enough to have you executed. you should not be allowed the opportunity to spread your dna any further, in fact your parents and any living relatives should be disposed of as well as punishment for creating someone so utterly unintelligent that it insults me personally that you even exist on this planet.
you single-handedly bring down the IQ of the entire planet earth just by living. kys immediately.

>> No.12348625

That looks bland and your fork gouged the chicken

>> No.12348640


Buy a jar of el paso salsa, make rice, fry your chicken breasts in a pan with olive oil salt and pepper, when the breast turns golden smother it in the salsa turn it down to medium low heat and cook the breast to an internal temperature of 165F and add the rice at the end. Mix it all up. Then cut the chicken breasts up into bite sizes. That's a good salsa chicken.

>> No.12348687

he's kinda right, tho

>> No.12348700

Imagine being this asshurt over someone with foresight.

>> No.12348708

Buttermilk is actually used fairly frequently in fried chicken marinades/brines. Add a little salt too.

>> No.12348722

Go get some stouffers meals you cuck

>> No.12348757

Cook a soup?

>> No.12348775

Buy thighs then. Breasts are the worst part. Then either make them with a spicy teriyaki sauce or a curry rub but give time to brine either way and then grill them over lump charcoal.

Lemon chicken recipes belong in the trash.

>> No.12348785

Salt + vinegar + water

Or soy sauce + vinegar + water

Or just dry brine with a rub but allowing time for the moisture to pull out.

>> No.12348790

>Lemon chicken recipes belong in the trash.

Lemon, orange any citrus chicken recipes should go to hell. Press the raw chicken breast up your ass to massage your prostate before you use it in a recipe with citrus.

>> No.12348791
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Buttermilk + hard liqour + egg whites not yolks is my go to wet in fried chicken. The alcohol makes it come out crunchy as fuck.

>> No.12348800
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>baked chicken

Buy a fucking grill my dude

>> No.12348809


If you see brown, that's malliard, dumbass. How the fuck don't you know that?

>> No.12348858

Top kek

>> No.12348860

There is no fucking brown on that chicken. are you blind? the only color it has is because of the fucking paprika.

>> No.12348868


That's white meat chicken with probably a dangerously browned(dried) breast. It's not fucking 'paprika' idiot.

>> No.12348874


Why do you need to be a cunt when you're proven wrong?

>> No.12348899
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>> No.12348908

You guys are 50iq morons. The guy fucking said he put paprika on the chicken then posted a pic of it. If you wanna congratulate people for bad food then go to fucking reddit and get your upvotes there.

>> No.12348909


I know you're a young moron, but at least learn what the browning(malliard process) requires. It's heat. When you reach the smoke point of the oil you're in, you're cooking your meat. Not steaming, not boiling, not poaching.

>> No.12348918


Paprika is a powder, you fucking moron, that skin is baked brown and has nothing to do with your cunting paprika. How can you even.. oh nevermind this is a troll board.. continue fuck up..

>> No.12348919

Thats a skinless chicken breast. You all are fucking trolling now

>> No.12348923


I shaved my pubes with a DE razor yesterday, can I post pics?

>> No.12348927

Im sure you did a better job at that than these retards do cooking chicken

>> No.12348929


The flesh then asshole. Not skin, flesh burns like skin. Grow up. Also I hope mom sees my penis! That's how you're acting.

>> No.12348931


I love watching you monkeys rattle your cages. ook ook.

>> No.12348932

How do you defrost them? I run them under cold water in the sink all afternoon.

>> No.12348933

Look at this fucking picture you idiot. You can even see where the top of the chicken is snow white because he smudged the paprika off.

>> No.12348935
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I clicked on this thread just to read this

>> No.12348936

also stopped brining, yolo

>> No.12348938


It's probably not even chicken, I think it's emu. And I bet you have significant balls.

>> No.12348951

it's clearly a skin on chicken breast

>> No.12348955


Where'd you go, testiclops?

>> No.12348961


No, it's skinless boneless, but that still has a golden brown cook. Don't talk to these idiots, they're kids.

>> No.12348968

marinate in italian dressing or oil based dressing of choice. mark, then steam

>> No.12348974

This is fucking bleak mate

>> No.12348978


God, I used to do that about 10 years ago, then throw it on the grill. Delicious. Shitty kraft italian worked like a charm. Then some ass Diana sauce to make flame.

>> No.12348979

t. fat fug

>> No.12348984


The ONLY thing you need to do with white meat is hit 165F. After that you can season it like you want. Get a fucking digital thermometer so you stop ruining meat.

>> No.12349053


my chicken breasts are showing way below minimum temperature and yet the thermometer is fine - 100 for boiling water. the breasts are done at 400F for 25 minutes, taste great, yet the thermometer is showing really below safe temperature

>> No.12349060
File: 20 KB, 520x373, kitchen-craft-meat-thermometer-3000420-0-1276445497000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thermometer
it shows the boiling water correct, but my chicken breasts are supposedly always waay under the temperature... yet they taste just fine after 25 minutes at 400F

>> No.12349077

that's a shit thermometer.
also you're supposed to calibrate with ice water

>> No.12349095


You people could fuck up walking to the store.

>> No.12349482

nta but week old chicken doesn't sound appetizing

>> No.12349492

I always let my chicken soak in marinade and sear it on a cast iron before putting it in the oven and it always stays super juicy but I've never been sure what makes it stay that way. Does the marinade keep it juicy or does the seared outside keep the juices in?

>> No.12349522
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>season after cooking
>buying breasts over thighs in the first place
>baking chicken in the oven

>> No.12349594

The salt in the marinade, as in brine, as well as the vinegar breaks down the muscle fibers

>> No.12350629


Don't ask the dumbest person in the room about anything.

>> No.12351572

it even says so in the file, this is a MEAT thermometer anon, the scale doesnt even reach boiling temperatures

>> No.12351596

You group of assholes need to be stopped. Heat a pan with an oil in it, olive oil is fine, or butter if you want to dance. Salt and pepper your breasts and fry them until golden brown on each side. After that low on the stove and figure out what the fuck you want to do with your cunting meat.


>> No.12351599

Sorry, you just look like a bunch of toddlers trying to fall down a flight of stairs.

>> No.12351971

Anybody a fan of apricot chicken with some mashed potato and some peas on the side?(thighs are allowed)

>> No.12351981
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I cover my filleted chicken breast with a mixture of spices, flour and parmesan. then I bake it. It comes out decently crunchy and tasty. Not too caloric too

>> No.12351985
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Here it is how does it look raw

>> No.12351990

like a flounder with cancer.

>> No.12352045

Where do you buy these stainless steel/aluminium baking sheets and racks? I'm trying to get some here in germany and it seems nearly impossible to not get conned into buying some from Amazon which would probably cost something like five bucks in the US but here they're 20-30 europesos. Is this site any good?

>> No.12352067

I saw some at Ikea germany for a tenner

>> No.12352086
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>> No.12352966

Why is buttermilk used anyway?

what do the eggs accomplish? and why just the whites?

>> No.12353062

So is there any sure method for keeping my chicken nice and moist through cooking? Every time I make chicken breast it comes out dry.

>> No.12353158
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The one I'm doing tonight is a grilled chicken breast marinated with olive oil, onion powder, garlic powder, dried oregano, a large pinch of salt, fresh cracked pepper, and paprika till the color of marinade is a rust color like pic related
Optional for a summer flavor add lemon juice and zest

>> No.12353167

Nigga shut up that terrible meme died in like 2 weeks

>> No.12353184

Egg whites act as a bonding agent. They hold the other ingredients together. The yolk of an egg adds mositure and rich flavor but doesn’t bind like the egg whites.

It’s really simple. Stop over cooking your chicken. Whether you’re cooking chicken on a grill, stove or oven if it’s coming out dry you cooked it too long. When I pan fry normal size chicken breast I do five minutes on one side and six minutes on the other over medium heat. In the oven at 450 I cook them for 15 minutes. Remember that all meat will continue cooking once you remove it from the heat so you need to take it out just before it reaches the proper temp and let it finish cooking as it rests and redistributes the juices. Look at this post >>12347735 see how moist that chicken is?

>> No.12353196

Isn’t the yolk where the binding agents are? The yolk contains lecithin, which is an emulsifier. stuff like mayonnaise would not be possible without the yolks

>> No.12353207

There’s a difference between something that binds and something that emulsifies.

>> No.12353481


Find a restaurant supply store. Always cheaper, always better.

>> No.12353673

What spices do you use anon?

>> No.12353782

Not him but I see red paper flake I can also he is shit at breading chicken. Why is it so wet? Breading is simple. Dry the chicken, coat it in flour, dunk it in egg and then coat it in your breadcrumb/spice mix.

>> No.12353819

Buttermilk is slightly acidic, so it acts as a tenderizer for the meat.

>> No.12353852

How do I catch the chicken?

They are fast

>> No.12353865

Throwing axe

>> No.12353899

>It's probably not even chicken, I think it's emu
emu looks nothing like chicken, it more closely resembles beef, the utter ignorance of people on this board I swear to christ
you kids need to fuck off and stay in your fast food threads

>> No.12354741


it tastes good