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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, flhpuuwyeh7jxjvvp5us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12346461 No.12346461 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this bald mouse looking fraud. His recipes SUCKS! He sounds like he shoved all that cayene pepper up his ass.

Sam the cooking guy mogs this fat fuck

>> No.12346474

sam the cooking guy is a neurotic shithead who breaks into peoples houses.

chef john is /ourguy/ if you don't like it I don't need to tell you where you can go.

>> No.12346494

I agree, you can look at one his videos from 10 years ago and one from today and see absolutely no fucking difference down to the same music, introduction and his faggy inflection.

>> No.12346499
File: 101 KB, 600x697, admiral chef john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad

>> No.12346588

john will always be based, try harder

>> No.12346597

Stay gay.

>> No.12346599

zinncg mog uhh

>> No.12347637

Sounds like someone needs the oooooooold tap-a tap-a

>> No.12347673

you are the gay of 4channel /ck/

>> No.12347674

Where did Chef John touch you?

>> No.12347690

imagine being so retarded you cant cook the simple dishes he makes so you make a thread on 4chan about it

>> No.12347723

Show us one of your cooking recipes/videos if you know so much.

>> No.12347734

I've tried a few of his recipes and they're garbage. Also fuck cayenne.

>> No.12347745

Sam the cooking guy is based.

>> No.12347746

He doesn't really make anything that could be unlikeable. I think you must have some other personal problem with him.

>> No.12347784

I like food wishes and chef john has some good skills and recipes and you can actually learn about cooking from watching his videos. And I've made a few of his recipes.

I've never heard of Sam the cooking guy before, and I just went and checked out his channel, thinking maybe he'd be ok. But really, he just makes over the top american meme bullshit with too much of everything in it. Not the kind of food you'd actually make at home. Disappointing.